Japan - 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami -Reactor Status, 2011 #6

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Well, there it is. Bless all those people who lived in the danger zones concealed by TEPCO and the Japanese government. :mad:
I wonder what made them finally 'own it', as the kiddies like to say.
Here we go: ever so slowly, the truth begins to emerge:


Meltdown may have occurred also at Nos. 2, 3 reactors

TOKYO, May 16, Kyodo

An adviser to Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Monday that the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant had failed to inject water into the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors for more than six hours after the March 11 massive earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

Goshi Hosono, tasked with handling the nuclear crisis, said at a press conference that Tokyo Electric Power Co. had not been able to cool down the reactors' cores due to loss of external power for a long time after the quake, acknowledging that fuel in the vessels might have largely melted ''in the worst-case scenario.'' But he added the utility, known as TEPCO, has been succeeding in preventing the reactor's fuel from overheating so far and reiterated the government will stick to the timetable set by the firm, which announced April 17 it aims to bring the crisis there under control in six to nine months.
I think the title is the right amount. Most people would chose to believe the content over the title if they are different. It's kind of like a half truth with them. I stopped reading here, but for a few weeks I was keeping up over at ATS (I've since stopped) but for a while there reactor 1 was at 6000 Siverts an hour.
Scientists Will Track Fukushima Radiation To Study Ocean Currents

Quote: Oceanographers know that the Kuroshio current sweeps west from Japan to the Central Pacific and then toward the U.S. West Coast, but they’re less certain how it behaves after it branches toward Alaska and California.

Radiation still leaking into the sea from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant will help them document the ocean’s circulatory system.


There's a prediction of significant dilution... hope so.
Fukushima worker’s told his internal radiation level is 30,000 cpm — “That’s never happened before”
May 19th, 2011 at 05:11 AM



"My measured value [of radioactive exposure] exceeded the standard value by a double-digit factor. That's never happened before," said a plant worker in his 20s, recalling the time he saw the results of a test he took outside Fukushima Prefecture in early May.

The man, an employee of a company that works with TEPCO, installed power cables near a reactor building at the plant for a month beginning at the end of March. The test is conducted by a device called a "whole-body counter.

"While a normal internal radiation level would range from several hundred cpm to 1,000 cpm, he was told his level was 30,000 cpm. High levels of radiation emitted by debris were measured in his work area. Although the masks worn by workers are supposed to be changed every three hours, he was told by a management company that he did not have to change his if there was no radioactive contamination. He therefore used a single mask for five to six hours. He ate in a building that houses an emergency headquarters and accommodates plant workers. At the end of April, he was notified that the building was also radiation-contaminated. "I've probably taken in radioactivity while eating," he said.
Tepco to announce record annual loss, pres to step down


May 20 (Reuters) - Tokyo Electric Power Co is likely to book about a 1 trillion yen ($12.3 billion) net loss for its fiscal year that ended in March due to losses from the accident at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Japanese media reported on Friday.

That would be highest ever annual loss reported by a Japanese company, excluding financial institutions, the Nikkei business daily said.

The utility's president, Masataka Shimizu, will step down to take responsibility for the handling of Japan's worst ever nuclear accident, the Yomiuri newspaper said. Senior executive Katsutoshi Chikudate will become the firm's new president.

The power company, also known as Tepco, is set to announce the restructuring moves at a briefing on its fiscal results later on Friday. ($1 = 81.610 Japanese Yen)
To me what we are seeing is the end of a big farce.

Most experts said that as soon as they began using seawater to cool down the rods, the plant could never be used again. But somehow, TEPCO and the Japanese government kept sending out information to the effect that they were getting things under control and that all would be well again. That was never going to happen. It was always just a matter of time.

To me, they just wanted to keep the economy of Japan going, as well as the fortunes of TEPCO. And that way at least they could keep paying all their workers. It was never about safety at the plant or even public safety beyond the plant, except what the government forced them to do.

All these workers were risking their lives going through the motions for a no-win situation. They were never going to stop the meltdown, and there is so much radiation that it will interfere with any equipment they throw in there to make it seem as if they are doing something.

There isn't anything human beings can do about a nuclear meltdown of this magnitude, with all those spent fuel rods thrown into the mix. The problem is that humans have spent the last decade laughing at Mr. Burns and his nuclear plant on the Simpsons, instead of coming up with some way to make these places safer.

(And I'm as worried as anyone. We just had an F4 tornado here, and I live within 100 miles of two different Nuclear Plants here in Tennessee!)
Gymnastics worlds appear to be on track for Tokyo

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — The world gymnastics championships appear to be on track for Tokyo this fall.

The International Gymnastics Federation's Executive Committee decided Friday not to step in and move the worlds, the main qualifier for the 2012 Olympics in London. Instead, the final decision will come this weekend from the FIG Council, which originally awarded these world championships to Tokyo four years ago.

New storage sites needed at Fukushima No. 1
Facility for tainted water almost full

Quote: A nuclear waste disposal facility being filled with radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant will soon be full, Tokyo Electric Power Co. officials said Monday.


A temporary storage tank is being prepared, but will not be ready until around early July, according to the officials.

Meanwhile, the amount of contaminated water is expected to increase as the crippled reactors continue to leak and the rainy season sets in, possibly posing another challenge to stabilization work at the plant.


Look at the first chart on this page. 200 sieverts per hour at reactor 1, escalated on Saturday (what caused this?) and has remained at that level for 2 days. Remember:
Above 10 Sv (10000 mSv): Incapacitation and death.
So it's now 20 times the amount which causes death.

The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant says temporary containers holding radioactive water will be full by the end of the week. Tokyo Electric Power Company said Monday that it will take until mid-June to build a faciliy that can decontaminate the water and reuse it in the plant.

Rest of article can be read at link shown above (but it doesn't tell what they intend to do with the radioactive water after the temp containers are full, but before they finish the permanent facility).
Arnie Gundersen explains how containment vents were added to the GE Mark 1 BWR as a "band aid" 20 years after the plants built in order to prevent an explosion of the notoriously weak Mark 1 containment system. Obviously the containment vent band aid fix did not work since all three units have lost containment integrity and are leaking radioactivity. Gundersen also discusses seismic design flaws, inadequate evacuation planning, and the taxpayer supported nuclear industry liability fund.
"The NRC allowed this to happen!!":maddening:
Reactors 2&3 had meltdowns 2-3 days after quake (but they still say this does not compound or worsen the crisis??)


Japan nuclear plant confirms meltdown of two more reactors
Fukushima Daiichi operator accused of delaying announcement of meltdowns in reactors 2 and 3 as IAEA inspectors arrive

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant said fuel rods in two more reactors were likely to have suffered a meltdown soon after they were crippled by the 11 March earthquake and tsunami in north-east Japan.

Confirmation by Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) that fuel in the cores of reactors 2 and 3 had melted came days after new data confirmed a similar meltdown in reactor 1 about 16 hours after the disaster.

The utility, which last week suffered the biggest annual loss by any Japanese firm outside the financial sector, said most of the melted fuel in all three reactors was covered in water and did not threaten to compound the world's worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl.

The temperature of the fuel rods, which are believed to have melted and settled at the bottom of flooded reactor pressure vessels, remained well below dangerous levels, the company said.

"It is unlikely that the meltdowns will worsen the crisis because the melted fuel is covered in water," said a Tepco spokesman, Takeo Iwamoto.

It said the fuel rods in the reactors 2 and 3 had started melting two to three days after the earthquake and tsunami, which knocked out vital cooling systems.
daisyjane said:
Confirmation by Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) that fuel in the cores of reactors 2 and 3 had melted came days after new data confirmed a similar meltdown in reactor 1 about 16 hours after the disaster.

I, for one, am shocked. I cannot believe they actually fessed up too #3.

New Leak Suspected at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant

In what may be yet another setback, the operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant says radioactive water may now be leaking from a wastewater storage facility on site.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company, known as TEPCO, told reporters Thursday that nearly 60 tons of radioactive water may have spilled out, raising further concerns about the utility's ability to handle the worst nuclear crises since Chernobyl.

The latest leak was discovered amid efforts to transfer highly contaminated water from the number 2 and number 3 reactors to an improvised storage facility. TEPCO says the water level in the facility had dropped nearly two inches in just 20 hours, suggesting a leak.

The utility has been pumping massive amounts of water in an effort to cool three of Fukushima's reactors, a process TEPCO has said would be completed in three months. Large leaks have already been reported in reactors 1 and 2, and news of this latest leak is yet another setback in the effort to stabilize the reactors.

More than two months after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and massive tsunami killed about 240,000 people and crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi, TEPCO is struggling to bring the plant under control. Earlier this week, the company said all 3 reactors had gone into a state of "meltdown" within 3 days of the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and the tsunami that followed, confirming what nuclear experts have suspected.

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