Japan - 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami -Reactor Status, 2011 #6

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I gave up posting about this, or even reading here quite a while back. I've just decided to sit back and soak up all the radiation floating around, breathe it in, drink it up, consume it in my food. It does no good to worry, either for myself, or my grandchildren.

Once in a while I glance at another site that keeps up with this ONGOING disaster, shake my head and move on. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing any of us can do except worry, and that might kill us faster than the contamination.

My opinion only
Fukushima protesters urge Japan to abandon nuclear power

Tens of thousands join Fukushima protest march in Tokyo amid continuing fears over radiation
Associated Press in Tokyo
guardian.co.uk, Monday 19 September 2011 08.48 EDT



Tens of thousands of people marched in central Tokyo on Monday chanting "Sayonara nuclear power" and waving banners to call on Japan's government to abandon nuclear energy in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster...

(article continues)


Sayonara nuclear power! :rocker:
SAN DIEGO -- An enormous mass of debris from the Japan tsunami will reach San Diego in three to four years, according to scientists.
UPDATED: 1:13 am PST November 8, 2011



...Researchers say the debris will slowly make its way toward San Diego over three to four years by way of Hawaii and the Pacific Northwest. The average drift rate is five to 10 miles per day...

...Last month, a Russian training ship found unmistakable tsunami debris 1,700 miles northwest of Hawaii.

The reported mass of junk was about 1,000 miles long and contained a boat marked "Fukashima, Japan" among the furniture and appliances...

(article continues; with video)

SAN DIEGO -- An enormous mass of debris from the Japan tsunami will reach San Diego in three to four years, according to scientists.
UPDATED: 1:13 am PST November 8, 2011



...Researchers say the debris will slowly make its way toward San Diego over three to four years by way of Hawaii and the Pacific Northwest. The average drift rate is five to 10 miles per day...

...Last month, a Russian training ship found unmistakable tsunami debris 1,700 miles northwest of Hawaii.

The reported mass of junk was about 1,000 miles long and contained a boat marked "Fukashima, Japan" among the furniture and appliances...

(article continues; with video)


Nice to know where the ocean currents are carrying all that radioactive waste water too. I guess I won't be eating the fish and seafood there either.
An up close look at the reactors (well as close as they can get anyway)


He said that temperatures at the three most damaged reactors (Nos. 1, 2 and 3) were below 100 degrees Celsius, or the boiling point, a critical measure. All elements of the nuclear cooling system were perched on grounds 30 meters above the reactors, well out of the reach of any future tsunami, according to Terasawa.
Fukushima Fuel Pool Worries Justified, Says U.S. Official Charles Casto

ATLANTA -- The top U.S. nuclear official in Japan said Thursday that his team warned higher-ups that a spent fuel pool at a malfunctioning nuclear plant could be at risk of running dry, an issue that created a political controversy between U.S. officials and their Japanese counterparts.


Casto said his team was operating in what he likened to the fog of war. They had the greatest concerns about the spent fuel pool on the Unit 4 reactor, which had the hottest fuel. Without reliable information from plant sensors, his team believed a combination of circumstantial evidence showed that Unit 4 pool could be empty.

A Big Ship Helps Children in Onagawa, Japan Know they are Not Alone (#opsafe and US Navy) http://bit.ly/rI99wM #DT @operationSAFE

Sweet!! :)
Quiche!! Thanks for ALL the updates!! :seeya:

I was wondering about the "debris" field that's coming to the West coast?? I heard it's about 1,000 miles long!!
Quiche!! Thanks for ALL the updates!! :seeya:

I was wondering about the "debris" field that's coming to the West coast?? I heard it's about 1,000 miles long!!
Hi Niner! Happy almost 2012!
I (am pretty sure I) heard a radio report last week that debris was already on the beaches in WA and also in northern CA, but I don't have a link. Sorry.

I did find this:
December 28, 2011 18:34 EST
U.S. Agencies Coordinate Efforts As Japan Tsunami Debris Scatters In The Pacific Ocean, Heads To Shore



SILVER SPRING, Marland -- Debris from the tsunami that devastated Japan in March could reach the United States as early as this winter, according to predictions by NOAA scientists. However, they warn there is still a large amount of uncertainty over exactly what is still floating, where it's located, where it will go, and when it will arrive. Responders now have a challenging, if not impossible situation on their hands: How do you deal with debris that could now impact U.S. shores, but is difficult to find?..

...NOAA researchers have been working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other partners to coordinate data collection activities...

"We're preparing for the best and worst case scenarios — and everything in between," says Nancy Wallace, director for NOAA's Marine Debris Program...

...The Japanese government estimated that the tsunami generated 25 million tons of rubble, but there is no clear understanding of exactly how much debris was swept into the water nor what remained afloat...

Nine months later, debris fields are no longer visible. Winds and ocean currents scattered items in the massive North Pacific Ocean to the point where debris is no longer visible from satellite. Vessels regularly traveling the North Pacific have reported very few sightings. Only two pieces have been clearly linked to the tsunami...

...NOAA is coordinating new interagency reporting and monitoring efforts that will provide critical information on the location of the marine debris generated by the tsunami. Ships can now report significant at-sea debris sightings and individuals or groups can request shoreline monitoring guides at DisasterDebris@noaa.gov ...

...Debris will not go away completely, even in a best-case scenario. Marine debris is an ongoing problem for Hawaii and West Coast states, where garbage and other harmful items regularly wash up on beaches, reefs and other coastal areas...

(article continues)


Bold mine. Apologies for the hack job on the article. Couldn't help myself. I thought there was a lot of information in there, but really all it says is we can't find it. We have no idea where it is, where it will go, when it might arrive somewhere, or even if it will arrive anywhere at all. NOAA is "coordinating interagency reporting and and monitoring efforts that will provide critical information on the location of the marine debris generated by the tsunami." Computer models stretch from this winter through 2016 and across the wide blue Pacific ocean. We can't even guess the rest of the questions. Nobody knows what happens next.

But they will say this:"Debris will not go away completely, even in a best-case scenario."

Doh. I know it's late and I get huffy about everything to do with Fukushima, but didn't they just say in this article that nothing shows up on the satellite pictures?
And what about that radioactive waste?
POOF!? too?
I know. Coordinating the reporting.
Tepco Believes Mission Accomplished - Part 2 of 2 - YouTube

2011 Story of the Year - Fukushima - YouTube
The 9.0 earthquake triggered powerful Tsunami waves that reached heights of up to 40.5 metres (133 ft) in Miyako in T&#333;hoku's Iwate Prefecture and which, in the Sendai area, travelled up to 10 km (6 mi) inland.

Aftershocks - 1,235

The Energy Unleashed - 9,320 gigatons of TNT = 600 million times the energy of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb.

The worst is yet to come as the Nuclear Meltdown and explosions set off a nightmare that will last decades. Updates within this video bring us up to speed through November 23rd, 2011
Don't worry California, Washington, Canada and wherever else the debris hits. There was another story where oil not debris was heading towards and hit the coasts of Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, and after two years it's barley even mentioned.
Please take the time to read the words of a former school teacher in Japan who now runs a private school in the "hot zone" and blogs

A truly interesting and informative link that you won't see in MSM!!:twocents:
Looks like Fukushima is at another critical state. :cool:

Fukushima Nuclear Reactors In Nuclear Meltdown Once Again

Quote: Several Fukushima Nuclear reactors are overheating again as TEPCO says water is failing to cool them down and Boric acid is being injected – a tell tale sign of a nuclear meltdown

The Fukushima nuclear power plant is once again making international news headlines as the reactors being to over heat uncontrollably.

more at link

...and on the homefront: heads are buried deep in the sand as the first new nuclear plant in 35 years wins approval, WITH federal enthusiasm. :mad: (This is my biggest disappointment in Obama, his dealings with the nuke industry in the face of the ongoing disaster in Japan, reeks of... well, something like cronyism.)


First new U.S. nuclear reactors in decades approved
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approves construction and licensing of two new nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle in Georgia, the first such approval in the U.S. since 1978.


Now, where'd I put my picket sign stuff? :cool:
New Fukushima scare blamed on faulty thermometer
Reuters – 2 hrs 1 min ago (02/13/2012; 1:06 AM)



TOKYO (Reuters) - A scare over temperatures rising near danger level in a reactor at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, where workers are battling to prevent a resurgence of the radiation crisis, could be a false alarm, the plant operator said on Monday.

Instruments showed the temperature inside the plant's No.2 reactor topped 90 Celsius on Monday, double what it was a month ago and close to boiling point, in which water cooling nuclear fuel in the reactor could evaporate and start a new meltdown.

But a faulty thermometer was likely giving false readings, said Tokyo Electric Power Co...

...Tepco, said it was able to bring the temperature down at two other places in the reactor to about 33C from over 40C a week ago by pumping more water into it...

...Only three of Japan's 54 nuclear reactors are now operating...

...A visiting team of U.N. nuclear experts has backed stress tests aimed at showing Japan's nuclear plants can withstand the sort of disasters that devastated Fukushima Daiichi...


(article continues)


90 Celsius = 194 Fahrenheit
Boiling Point of Water = 100 Celsius = 212 F
Freezing Point of Water = 0 Celsius = 32 F


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