Japan - 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami -Reactor Status, 2011 #6

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Anti-nuclear march
April 25, 2011


Thousands of people have marched in Tokyo to demand an end to nuclear power in Japan and a switch to alternative energy after the crisis at an atomic plant hit by the March 11 earthquake. Brandishing placards bearing the slogan: ''Bye Bye Genpatsu'' (Goodbye Nuclear Power), demonstrators walked along a route from Yoyogi Park in the centre of the capital. Organisers estimated 5000 took part on Sunday.
Agence France-Presse

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/antinuclear-march-20110424-1dsz9.html#ixzz1KS6lLSy5
Atmospheric radiation leak underestimated

Quote: Data released by the government indicates radioactive material was leaking into the atmosphere from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in early April in greater quantities than previously estimated.

Radioactive material was being released into the atmosphere from the plant at an estimated rate of 154 terabecquerels per day as of April 5, according to data released by the Cabinet Office's Nuclear Safety Commission on Saturday.

The NSC previously estimated radiation leakage on April 5 at "less than 1 terabecquerel per hour."


One terabecquerel equals 1 trillion becquerels

TEPCO to halve executive pay amid Fukushima nuclear reactor crisis

Quote: Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said it would halve the total compensation of its president, chairman and other top executives as it grapples with the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years at its Fukushima Daiichi plant.


TEPCO, which pays its executives an average of 37 million yen ($452,074), is seeking government help to foot a massive bill to compensate local citizens and businesses surrounding the plant, according to Reuters.

It would it would cut the annual salary of general staff by 20 percent.

Tokyo braces for hot sticky summer

If Shintaro Ishihara has his way, people in Tokyo will lose a convenient way to cool off in the sweltering heat this summer. The Japanese capital’s governor has suggested unplugging hundreds of thousands of drinks vending machines across the metropolis to conserve electricity amid power shortages following the devastating March tsunami.


...the government has dusted off electricity-rationing laws enacted after the 1973 oil shock. It has floated a plan under which large corporations would be forced to cut peak-hour usage by a quarter from June to August, and small businesses by 20 per cent. Narrower, voluntary restrictions would apply to households.


As for those vending machines – more than 1m of which are believed to dot the city’s streets and other public areas – companies such as Coca-Cola and Kirin, the Japanese beverage group, are resisting Mr Ishihara’s pressure to unplug them altogether. But they are keeping with the jishuku spirit by switching off their lights.


Sheesh, forgoing a cold vending machine drink is the least of the public's sacrifice, but noooooo, good old Coca Cola needs to profit without fail. They better fall into line, imo. :mad:

TOKYO, April 26, Kyodo

Most nuclear reactors in Japan would fail to achieve a stable condition in the event that all regular power sources are lost, even though plant operators have prepared new backup power sources as well as electric generators following the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Kyodo News found Monday.
Monitoring rising temperatures
Monday, April 25, 2011 12:04 +0900 (JST
The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is carefully monitoring the situation at the Number 4 spent fuel pool, where the water temperature is rising despite increased injections of cooling water.

Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, says it will inject 210 tons of water into the pool on Monday, after finding on Sunday evening that the temperature in the pool had risen to 81 degrees Celsius.
The Number 4 spent fuel pool stores 1,535 fuel rods, the most at the nuclear complex.
See full article at link for more stats and charts


Japan nuclear iodine radiation in San Francisco raw milk detected at 2600% EPA drinking water limits, and in store bought milk 1045% above EPA limits by the latest University of Berkeley radiation tests. The UCB also claimed that all radiation levels in the milk were starting to level off while the data shows a sharp increase in cesium radiation in their milk samples after their statement.

The latest UCB radiation test show two raw milk samples collected before pasteurization and homogenization contained 2.9 Bq/L and 1.49 Bq/L of radioactive iodine.
I'm wondering why this isn't making the news...

I mean, milk is something most of us have in our fridge. Water is something everyone has in their house...why are we not being informed about this?


Herding Cats
I'm wondering why this isn't making the news...

I mean, milk is something most of us have in our fridge. Water is something everyone has in their house...why are we not being informed about this?


Herding Cats

Could cause a panic. Or could impact the already fragile economy.
I "understand" that...but I don't like it, nor do I believe people would be panicked to such an extent that it would affect the economy - I mean, instead of milk or water, I can drink juice, right? More money towards juice, I suppose...

I just don't know anymore. I just don't know.

Herding Cats
I "understand" that...but I don't like it, nor do I believe people would be panicked to such an extent that it would affect the economy - I mean, instead of milk or water, I can drink juice, right? More money towards juice, I suppose...

I just don't know anymore. I just don't know.

Herding Cats

You or I could switch to other beverages, but babies and children really need milk. And such large levels of radiation, going into such small bodies, several glasses daily, that's likely to be highly concerning to parents.
Sooner or later, everything we consume may be effected-- drinking the juice of tainted fruit isn't going to help, kwim? Perhaps snatching up things that were canned/bottled last year, or before the disaster is a method.

It's always been a game of protecting the economy and business first. Dreadful, imo.

eta: If I had small children, I might purchase my formulas in the southern hemisphere and have it shipped.

Sooner or later, everything we consume may be effected-- drinking the juice of tainted fruit isn't going to help, kwim? Perhaps snatching up things that were canned/bottled last year, or before the disaster is a method.

It's always been a game of protecting the economy and business first. Dreadful, imo.

eta: If I had small children, I might purchase my formulas in the southern hemisphere and have it shipped.


Yes, if it's in the milk, it was in whatever the cows ate and drank, so it must be in our watertable by now. I'm beginning to wonder whether all this heavy rainfall is contaminated, and therefore speeding up the spread of radioactive particles.
I took my kids to the dentist today. They all got xrays, and all over the office are signs telling you how much radiation is in those xrays compared to normal everyday exposure. And I am in Colorado, above 6,000 ft, so we are higher anyway. This is our first visit to this office, so I asked about the signs. The receptionists told me MANY people have been concerned about Japan, and were refusing xrays, so they thought they would put out a chart just to inform people of the levels of various exposure. Now they are not saying what is in the air now, but just general everyday exposures, that we have all had for years. It made me feel less alone in my fears, to know that many residents were I live are watching and are concerned. However, it doesn't make any of this any better :( Still wondering if I can somehow test my own breastmilk when my baby is born, just to see how radioactive I am.... :(
I took my kids to the dentist today. They all got xrays, and all over the office are signs telling you how much radiation is in those xrays compared to normal everyday exposure. And I am in Colorado, above 6,000 ft, so we are higher anyway. This is our first visit to this office, so I asked about the signs. The receptionists told me MANY people have been concerned about Japan, and were refusing xrays, so they thought they would put out a chart just to inform people of the levels of various exposure. Now they are not saying what is in the air now, but just general everyday exposures, that we have all had for years. It made me feel less alone in my fears, to know that many residents were I live are watching and are concerned. However, it doesn't make any of this any better :( Still wondering if I can somehow test my own breastmilk when my baby is born, just to see how radioactive I am.... :(

Can you discuss this with your prenatal care provider?
“I don’t think the end of Fukushima accident is in sight”
Philip White, from the Citizen's Nuclear Information Center, says that the situation in Fukushima is worse than the plant's owners are willing to admit.
“It is some sheet material that they want to cover the plant with, to minimize releases of radioactive gasses into the outside. In fact I think they will find it very difficult to achieve that. I don’t think the end of the accident is in sight,” he said.
There is no talk of people returning to their homes within the exclusion zone any time soon, believes White, stressing that recently the Japanese government had placed a ban on returning to that area. What was a loose exclusion zone, where people were not allowed to stay but could travel in and out, has become a strict exclusion zone with fines being imposed for people returning there.
Asked if the Tokyo Electric Power Company was reliable, White replied, “I would not be surprised about anything with TEPCO. There are many people in government who are closely affiliated with TEPCO one way or another,” he stressed. “And the bureaucracy has never been strictly monitoring them. There are few areas that are still uncertain and we think they might be covering up some details, but I think all of this will come out as time goes by. At this stage it is more a matter of the analysis that they put on their data, they minimize the seriousness in their statements, they don’t fully wish to recognize just how serious [the situation] is.”
Arnie Gundersen calls for the NRC to stop licensing unsafe nuclear power plants.

FaireWinds Associates

TOKYO, April 26, Kyodo

The government's nuclear agency said Tuesday that water may be leaking from the No. 1 reactor container of the crisis-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and that remote-controlled robots are expected to check the situation inside the reactor building. The possible water leakage is likely to affect work to flood the reactor's primary container with water as part of efforts to stably cool the nuclear fuel placed inside the pressure vessel.

''We are currently examining data, but we think that there is water leakage to some extent,'' Hidehiko Nishiyama, spokesman for the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, told a press conference in the morning.

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