Japan - Miyazawa family of 4 murdered, Setagaya, Tokyo, 30 Dec 2000 #3

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Small addendum to my piano theory: what if the killer was the piano instructor to Nina or Rei?
It wouldn't change much about the reconstruction I have imagined if not within the things he would say to Mikio "I'm sorry to barge here this late but I forgot something over the piano and I have urgent need of it. Since the New Year's Holidays are approaching I might not have another time to collect them." (Or, if like suggested in the past he really did left the country/planned to, and the Miyazawas knew, the more reason to have the need to ask to collect the things in such an usual moment).

(The front door is my theory, too.)

Niina studied both piano and ballet - hence two possibilities of a teacher. Could the perp be the son of the teacher?

Is it possible that he entered twice, once got up and picked up stuff but also, somehow disabled the front door so that it didn’t lock, and later, re-entered?

We truly don’t know who was the first victim.

If everyone thinks that he was a foreigner connected to the base, how could he be giving lessons to the kids and none the wiser?

However, I wanted to share a program model existing here, maybe they had something similar in Japan?

Kids with disabilities can be paired with high school students who have good grades and are on athletic track but lack social activities. All they have to do is spend 10 hours a month playing with the child, or taking places. The kid gets an adult friend and the youth, a big plus in “community services.” It has been around since 2002.

One wonders if a similar model could have existed in Japan of 2000? Googling showed many similar programs worldwide, but I don’t know what to look for in Japan.

What I mean, could he be kind of a “healthy mentor” to Rei?

Another feeling: if Niina was in the neighbor’s house, someone had to take her back, or did she come in herself? Could the person be waiting at the door and just push the women in and walk in himself?

On a totally different note: if the person is living in the US of today, his travels should be exceptionally limited. I started taking notice - more and more countries are taking fingerprints. He really has to invent reasons to not leave the country.
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To my mind, I think it's very telling that he's able to pivot. Either, demonstrating a clear head in the face of a sudden problem (injuring his hand quite badly). Or, demonstrating that he's in too deep now but, considering the sirens aren't approaching, he has no better options so he decides to stay put. Maybe, he's lost enough blood that he's not making good choices. We've had users here with apparent medical backgrounds who've seemingly cast doubt on that possibility. But then in my own experience, when I've lost a fair amount of blood, I was deeply delirious and absolutely not making good choices.
Thank you for the in-depth response! I really appreciate it.

About the above: you have previously mentioned being stabbed, an experience that I didn't have (and hopefully never will), so I of course tend to incline towards your theory.
Maybe, as I said, the wound did play a part in staying in the house, but he was not thinking clearly.

One question I would like to add about this: some sources online go out of their way to say that the killer took a nap on the sofa.
I've always found the fact this detail was reported to be odd: yes the police could theoretically find out that he had been on the sofa, but what evidence is there he even took a nap? Perhaps being delirious and in pain, he just sat there for 5, 10, what-have-you minutes.

When speaking with your sources at the police, did this detail ever come up?
Another option is that he simply had to kill time between Point A -- 11:15pm approx and Point B -- his safe haven. Let's assume that place has a curfew, such as a base or a dorm. Maybe he was unable to return there at 1:30am (the last confirmed time-stamp of the killer in the house is 1:18-1:23AM -- that is the ONLY certainty on time frame here). So, let's pretend that he lived a few blocks away and he left the house at 1:23 and was able to reach his home or safe haven within a few minutes. Why not simply do that. Even bleeding, you'd think that would be his impulse: to flee. My point being, if it was an option, it would be one he would take, almost certainly. But now let's say that safe haven is a 40-minute drive away and there is some kind of regulation or observation at the door. Well, now that delay in the house explains itself a little more.
Admittedly, this is very interesting and a possibility I did not take into account.

But ultimately I still stand by my theory that he stayed in the house because of the wounds (and/or being delirious as you mentioned): if we entertain the idea he came with a car or a bycicle, couldn't it be that he couldn't drive due to the injury and thought that by waiting some time it would have gotten better since he could have been delirious or young (or both?).
I'll go even further: what if he didn't want to leave traces of blood on his vehicle, whatever that was? Since he even changed his clothes, this could be taken into consideration.

Lastly, I find it absurd to believe he went back with the first train with that kind of injury. All the reports of a young man with a wounded hand notwithstanding.
The net was found outside on the floor, yes. The TMPD have never said he didn't climb up the wall. What they have said to me is that they have no proof he went into the house through the window. Also, bear in mind his shoes would've likely been muddy. Yet zero traces of that in the window-frame or bath which he would've basically been climbing into or at least brushing up against. As you say, I find the bathroom window unlikely.
I see, so this would logically mean that he did in fact climb the fence/wall outside, removed the net and considered climbing from there but then deemed it impossible?
To me, this entry point has the fewest numbers of problems and fits the evidence best. Certainly, I'm yet to hear a convincing point against. I also think it's telling that the TMPD have not discussed it openly. To your question, yes, the height between the car roof and the balcony was a very negotiable gap. We don't know if the killer left traces on the car, that's never been confirmed. But I would assume it's likely. Same goes for the lock. My guess would be that, given how frequently those doors would be opened and closed, they would be unlocked.
I'm torn about the fact the TMPD have not discussed it. We have seen this kind of pattern before (the all sand thing), and I'm not sure what it suggests.

From your perspective, what does their silence mean on this particular subject? Did Tsuchida-san ever say anything about this?
The killer, who is also their piano teacher, arrives late one night, when Mikio's family are sleeping and asks to use the toilet in his home (when there is a public one mere metres away outside the house). Firstly, I am not convinced that anyone could solve that logic problem. If Mikio knows him well enough to grant him the trust to go into his home at night unsupervised, then he knows the killer. And if he knows the killer, the TMPD finds him. Of course, it's possible they simply missed the guy. But based on all the interviews I've conducted with them, comparing their efforts with police investigations I've seen up close in the UK, the USA, and Spain? I would be utterly astonished if Mikio knew him that well the TMPD simply overlooked him in plain sight. I don't say it's impossible. But I do say that I'm convinced that this guy isn't hiding in plain sight. Moreover, returning to your scenario, secondarily; if Mikio did let him go upstairs, the killer is wearing his shoes. The footprints in the blood start above going down. Which makes sense given where the stabbing begins. Did the killer, barefoot at this point if he leaves his shoes in the genkan, somehow float over Mikio's body to retrieve his footwear, then float back over him to the stairs to then walk in the blood pooling? Perhaps there is some scenario wherein this is possible that I haven't considered. But from what I've seen. No.
I have to say, you have convinced me that this reconstruction and general idea is possibly too far-fetched.

For two main reasons:
- The toilet right behind the house in the park.
- Not removing his shoes at the entrance (how could I not think about this????)

For now I disregard the front door theory. Too many ifs and buts and the window on Rei's balcony is an almost perfect fit.

However this brings even more questions.

Let's picture the situation:
The killer wants to kill this whole family and decides that on the night of December 30th he's gonna act out.
How did he even know that the windows would be open? Pure luck? He just went and attempted to climb the rear bathroom window in the hope it would be open and even go out of his way and remove the net and possibly not finding another entry point and having to forfeit the murders for the night?
If none of this would have happened, the next morning the Miyazawas would have noticed the net on the floor, if not even the fact that someone attempted an home invasion, alerting them and narrowing the chances for future attempts.

Perhaps I'm giving the killer too much credit? It is often reported that he could have been very young after all...

Also, he just tried his luck, climbed the car and check if Rei's window was open?
The only plausible theory is that he must have studied them for some time and somewhat knew their habits?

As I said in the previous post, the entry point bothers me so much is unreal.

Finally I'm not even going to comment on the whole "killing Rei because of his disability".
This goes into borderline conspirational unless there is evidence backing it up.
We simply don't know. If I were a betting man, I would assume the killer, if he was young particularly, probably assumed that strangling someone to death -- even a sleeping child -- would be easier than it is. From the image of his body, he's lying at a strange angle that locks unnatural for sleep suggesting, to me at least, that he moved around while the killer was strangling him. Or, let's turn this around, if the killer WAS able to strangle the child in total silence, then he has pretty bad luck seeing that Mikio comes up the stairs in that very moment. More likely there was some noise, shoes on the floorboards displacing weight, bed creaking possibly -- that led to Mikio checking.
Very true.
Like you, I don't discount its connection to the murders. But nobody here has proved or even good evidence for one. Clearly, the TMPD want to eliminate it from the case otherwise they wouldn't be asking about it. But if it were the killer leaving it behind, as you say, then not only is he taking another insane risk but it also requires that Jason Bourne sort of killer; able to live off the grid for years, walking amongst us etc. I can't disprove that, I can only say that there is nothing the killer does in the house that suggests he's that kind of man. Thus, far more likely in my view, he simply left the nation or he died. He will almost certainly be an unremarkable man when he is found. And I'm willing to bet his reasons, such as they were, for murdering this family, will be utter garbage. To finish on the statue, anyone saying they think it's the killer leaving it must then, not only embrace the idea of this Jason Bourne-type mastermind, but also give a credible reason why he would do this. I've seen users do this in the thread. In my estimation, nobody has achieved that.
Nothing to add on this. I agree 100%.
I'm not going to confirm on updates and so on.
As I said, I will not push the matter further.

Unrelated to all the above: I have found a petition online about an individual asking the TMPD to answer their emails about the case. There are a lot of very specific, random and out of nowhere (if not borderline imaginative) details in the text of the petition.
It is dated 27 July of this year if I'm not mistaken and I was wondering if anyone knows/has seen anything about it.
I'm not posting the link because I don't know if it's against the rules, but I can if prompted to.
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(The front door is my theory, too.)

Niina studied both piano and ballet - hence two possibilities of a teacher. Could the perp be the son of the teacher?

Is it possible that he entered twice, once got up and picked up stuff but also, somehow disabled the front door so that it didn’t lock, and later, re-entered?

We truly don’t know who was the first victim.

If everyone thinks that he was a foreigner connected to the base, how could he be giving lessons to the kids and none the wiser?

However, I wanted to share a program model existing here, maybe they had something similar in Japan?

Kids with disabilities can be paired with high school students who have good grades and are on athletic track but lack social activities. All they have to do is spend 10 hours a month playing with the child, or taking places. The kid gets an adult friend and the youth, a big plus in “community services.” It has been around since 2002.

One wonders if a similar model could have existed in Japan of 2000? Googling showed many similar programs worldwide, but I don’t know what to look for in Japan.

What I mean, could he be kind of a “healthy mentor” to Rei?

Another feeling: if Niina was in the neighbor’s house, someone had to take her back, or did she come in herself? Could the person be waiting at the door and just push the women in and walk in himself?

On a totally different note: if the person is living in the US of today, his travels should be exceptionally limited. I started taking notice - more and more countries are taking fingerprints. He really has to invent reasons to not leave the country.
Thank you for your insight, Charlot123.
That's really very plausible.
Note: the following is just making conversation, not an argument; I don’t have a strong opinion on the statue, but lean towards it not being related, directly at least.

That said, I recently read American Predator, about Israel Keyes. (It’s fine, not as bad as some TC books I’ve read, but ends rather abruptly with his suicide.). Anyway, my main takeaway, and the thing I think makes him so scary (among many scary things) is that he took just incredible risks on the regular. For all the pre-planning, killing hundreds or thousands of miles from home, cached kill kits, and totally random victims, once he decided he was going to ‘take’ someone, he didn’t seem to care if it was broad daylight, an area busy with traffic or other people, etc., they were gonna get took. That was part of the thrill for him, and of course the risks he was willing to take increased over time.

He wasn’t a Jason Bourne, either. All it really required was going way outside his home turf and spontaneously choosing a victim. He got caught because for all the ways in which he was otherwise committing “perfect” crimes, somehow he didn’t know ATM cards could be tracked.

So anyway, point is, I don’t think the killer of the Miyazawas had to be a) known to them, b) a mastermind, or c) have any sort of coherent or meaningful motive, even to himself.

Keyes killed because he wanted to, and because it was the thing he loved most. I’m not a serial killer expert (nor am I implying the killer in this case may be one), but those two reasons - they wanted to, and they love it- seem to be the most commonly stated reasons they give in response to ‘WHY?’ It’s incomprehensible to the rest of us, but none of the SKs I’ve read about seem to have any greater insight into their motivations than that. It’s possible any POI here is the same - essentially empty and absolutely indifferent to the harm they cause others except insofar as it feeds the black hole inside them.

So this was a very long-winded way of saying: this killer took risks (staying in the house with the Iries next door) because that was part of the thrill. In terms of when he left, there could have been some more pragmatic reason - injury, wouldn’t be as noticed if he went home at X time - but I think it could also just be because - he got bored. He stayed for the thrill of the enormous risk he was taking, and left when that high wore off.
Good post @cenazoic, gracias. Such a figure, an Israel Keyes-type, is of course entirely possible here. And I strongly agree that the killer didn't need to be known to the Miyazawas (in fact there is zero evidence that he was), or that he was a criminal mastermind (clearly, if he was, his actions on the night suggest he dropped the ball hard). I also fully concede the mere love of violence or the thrill of the kill could have been his prime motive. In fact, we've seen this in other cases in the Japanese early 2000s / late 90s context. "I wanted to know how it felt" -- Kid A, Kobe Child Murders etc. Thrill is as plausible a motive as any here for this man (although it bears repeating this thrill did not extend to the sexual). As for Keyes, I do recall him having a military background too.

The parallel with Keyes, however, has some significant departures from Soshigaya. Or, at least I think there are important differences that speak to why he could get away with what he did in a way that he would not have in Japan, at least in my own estimation. While I only have a cursory knowledge of his murders, I think context is important.

Firstly, as I recall, IK was seen as a problem kid, wasn't he? Hunting anything he could from an early age, setting fires, shooting at neighbours with BBs etc. A kid like this is going to be on the radar in Japan, imo. And it's true that while their juvenile detention laws are curiously lax compared to how stringent their laws are once you turn 18, I do still believe that an IK would not be a mystery to the TMPD had he engaged in one iota of the same behaviour. And, at least in the Tokyo context, I think it would be difficult for a kid to go around setting fires, taking potshots at people and so on, without him being well-known to the local community and police. That's JMO.

Then there's the difference with guns. It is next to impossible to own a gun in Japan, hand guns are outright illegal. In 2015, there was one gun-related homicide in Japan. One single shooting. So, IK isn't going to be out in some Japanese forest, shooting at boar or hikers or whatever. All his violent outbursts prior to Soshigaya are either going to require blades or blunt force. Of course, it's possible he would be responsible for a whole slew of attacks prior to the Miyazawas. However, this would require him to have pulled them off without leaving any trace of himself and for the TMPD to not be able to tie the 'treasure trove' of evidence at the crime scene to prior offences. Again, possible. I just find that unlikely.

There is also the question of geography / vastness. While Japan has a lot of mountainous terrain and even inhabited islands (Ichihashi lived on one -- the murderer, not the charlatan 'author'). I find it unlikely someone like IK could simply evade LE for an extended period by cross state lines and moving around. As Ryushi always says, Japan is a nation of snitches and the police will turn up at the drop of the hat for the most minor thing. I've used the example before of my drunken friend falling through a glass door who was put in jail for a week. But moreover, a kid drifting through remote parts of Japan, acting out in any kind of way? That's going to be noticed and almost certainly reported. I've spent a lot of time on the road in the US and seen a lot of shifty things at truck stops / dive bars / parking lots. This is anecdotal but the uniform response was mostly; not my monkeys. In Japan, it felt completely the opposite.

So, look. All that to say; the killer could absolutely be driven by the thrill. It would also account for his apparent lack of connection to the victims. They would be, as I've often speculated, almost incidental to his pleasure, though a necessary component. The difficult, at least in my estimation, would be that this behaviour would likely have manifested itself before the crimes, if not after. And there seems to be no trace of that. At least in Japan. So, if that volcano is within him, then it seems it's unlikely it erupted within Japanese borders...
(The front door is my theory, too.)

Niina studied both piano and ballet - hence two possibilities of a teacher. Could the perp be the son of the teacher?

Is it possible that he entered twice, once got up and picked up stuff but also, somehow disabled the front door so that it didn’t lock, and later, re-entered?
RSBM: The killer could very much be the son of a teacher. As for him entering and re-entering the house, I can't discount that, though there seems to be little to definitively support that.
We truly don’t know who was the first victim.
We do. The TMPD have been very clear. Rei is the first victim. Anyone suggesting otherwise has to solve the issue of how a man bleeding freely is able to strangle him to death without getting a single drop of blood on the boy, the bedding, or the mattress. To further support my theory of him entering via the balcony (and possibly exiting), we know there is a lot of tracked blood in the kids bedroom but never a single drop on Rei. So, he's walking in and out of that room but not touching Rei. What other reason does he have? Perhaps, he's checking out the window to see if he's alerted anyone? Perhaps, he's sizing up the right moment of escape? We don't know. But what I think we can be certain about is that the TMPD are correct and Rei is the first victim. JMO.
If everyone thinks that he was a foreigner connected to the base, how could he be giving lessons to the kids and none the wiser?
I have discovered possible links between the POI. Just because we don't know definitively what the link would be doesn't mean it does not exist. It is like saying 'I don't understand how the universe came to exist, therefore God exists.' That may be true but then maybe Barbara Streisand secretly created the universe too. What I will say is that it is possible to connect Yasuko to English-speaking Americans before her murder.
However, I wanted to share a program model existing here, maybe they had something similar in Japan?

Kids with disabilities can be paired with high school students who have good grades and are on athletic track but lack social activities. All they have to do is spend 10 hours a month playing with the child, or taking places. The kid gets an adult friend and the youth, a big plus in “community services.” It has been around since 2002.

One wonders if a similar model could have existed in Japan of 2000? Googling showed many similar programs worldwide, but I don’t know what to look for in Japan.

What I mean, could he be kind of a “healthy mentor” to Rei?
I have no knowledge of such programmes myself. My own anecdotal experience of attitudes towards physical or mental disability in Japan was: 'brush it under the rug.' I've been in a bar before with a man getting emotional because his girlfriend left him and his friends awkwardly bundled him in a cab to send him home. This is not an attack on Japan, I merely observed that dealing with uncomfortable or perhaps things outside of the normative is not a strong suit there. So, mentoring 24 years ago? It's possible, I've just never heard of it. @Incoherent would likely know a lot more, given his background. I can say that it seems as if Rei was non-verbal, I'm not sure if a 'mentor' was on the cards?
Another feeling: if Niina was in the neighbor’s house, someone had to take her back, or did she come in herself? Could the person be waiting at the door and just push the women in and walk in himself?
I'm not sure if Haruko took Niina back or if she went herself. As it's literally a few steps from door to door, I would imagine that 8 is old enough for her to leave alone (even if she was feeling sick that day). But if the killer went through the front door, we're left with a lot of logic problems. But, primarily, why is Mikio stabbed on the stairs from above? And, if he is, and somehow he's the first person to get stabbed, wouldn't he say something along the lines of "hey, what the **** do you think you're doing, get out of my house right now?" How would any of this transpire silently? It also contradicts the official version from the TMPD. I do not say their findings are beyond reproach. But I would ask for big evidence for big claims. Absent of that, I find the front door theory --while not IMpossible-- unlikely to the point of negligible.
On a totally different note: if the person is living in the US of today, his travels should be exceptionally limited. I started taking notice - more and more countries are taking fingerprints. He really has to invent reasons to not leave the country.
There are plenty of countries that don't require fingerprints, plenty of countries that allow for visa-free travel. Sure, if he wants to visit Chad or Eritrea, he has to get a visa (though I'm not sure if that requires fingerprints). All he has to do is limit himself to nations that don't require such a process. The list is long. As for inventing reasons for not leaving the country, if he IS an American, I don't think it's a big deal. International travel out of the US is costly, as you know. The numbers have gone up a lot in the last decade but it's still something like half of Americans do not have a passport.
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Thank you for the in-depth response! I really appreciate it.
RSBM: my pleasure!
About the above: you have previously mentioned being stabbed, an experience that I didn't have (and hopefully never will), so I of course tend to incline towards your theory.
It wasn't a fun experience, 10/10 do not recommend.
Maybe, as I said, the wound did play a part in staying in the house, but he was not thinking clearly.
I think the possibility is definitely there. Losing blood, at least, probably isn't going to help you think clear in a moment of what, we can only imagine, would be somewhat stressful.
One question I would like to add about this: some sources online go out of their way to say that the killer took a nap on the sofa.
I've always found the fact this detail was reported to be odd: yes the police could theoretically find out that he had been on the sofa, but what evidence is there he even took a nap? Perhaps being delirious and in pain, he just sat there for 5, 10, what-have-you minutes.
I've often said; we simply don't know he took a nap. There seems to be some suggestion he rested on the couch. Whether or not he slept, we don't know that. Before investigating this case myself properly, I think I took it as a given that he did. But once I started reading up, you realise that isn't substantiated.
When speaking with your sources at the police, did this detail ever come up?
Admittedly, this is very interesting and a possibility I did not take into account.

But ultimately I still stand by my theory that he stayed in the house because of the wounds (and/or being delirious as you mentioned): if we entertain the idea he came with a car or a bycicle, couldn't it be that he couldn't drive due to the injury and thought that by waiting some time it would have gotten better since he could have been delirious or young (or both?).
You can definitely drive one-handed. It's a bad habit I've been guilty of in the past. A bike, I imagine, would be at least harder though still possible?
I'll go even further: what if he didn't want to leave traces of blood on his vehicle, whatever that was? Since he even changed his clothes, this could be taken into consideration.
This is definitely possible. Particularly if we accept the TMPD official version that he's between 15-24. Not many kids in Japan own their own car. Then again, if you're at a murder scene and facing the possibility of being hanged if you're caught, surely you'd worry about blood in the car later and get out of dodge? His actions are all over the map.
Lastly, I find it absurd to believe he went back with the first train with that kind of injury. All the reports of a young man with a wounded hand notwithstanding.
That account on Tobu-Nikko has never been definitely linked to this case, though I find it the most plausible out of the admittedly flimsy witness accounts. The employees at the train station seemed open to talking to us but the train company (their employer) forbade them. People in that town, however, never saw him. And the guy never returned to the station. Given that TN is the end of the line, there's the possibility that he went there to kill himself (or got lost in some mental episode and never found his way out). Either way, I can tell you that the TMPD didn't much stock in this sighting and the mere mention of a hand injury wasn't enough to convince them otherwise. It sounds like they have their own reasons for discounting this one. But yes, I agree. There is no way that he's going to get on the first train of the day wearing Yasuko's (possibly blood-stained) menstrual pads around his hands, and Mikio's stolen sweater. And if he does do this, that not a single person sees him on NYE and that he doesn't appear on a single camera is nothing short of a miracle. I suppose technically it's possible, yes. But I find it so hard to imagine.
I see, so this would logically mean that he did in fact climb the fence/wall outside, removed the net and considered climbing from there but then deemed it impossible?
For whatever reason, it suggests, that he considered it and decided against. Now, whether he cut the net and threw it out to exit or whether he cut it out to enter and aborted, we don't know. His actions suggest he is able to pause an action to pivot. We see that with the secondary knife. We also know that he was walking around in that gap outside between the fence and their rear wall because of his footprints in the mud. But there is none of that in the bathtub or the window. Go figure.
I'm torn about the fact the TMPD have not discussed it. We have seen this kind of pattern before (the all sand thing), and I'm not sure what it suggests.

From your perspective, what does their silence mean on this particular subject? Did Tsuchida-san ever say anything about this?
I think it's their default. It may not necessarily mean anything. But if I'm guessing; it could be that they do think he used the car to get in and they haven't mentioned it because they're chasing down leads connected to this. I have no clue.
I have to say, you have convinced me that this reconstruction and general idea is possibly too far-fetched.

For two main reasons:
- The toilet right behind the house in the park.
- Not removing his shoes at the entrance (how could I not think about this????)

For now I disregard the front door theory. Too many ifs and buts and the window on Rei's balcony is an almost perfect fit.
Yes. And it also disregards the official TMPD version of events. Which I'm open to, as I've said. But I need something compelling to do so. Often people here have suggested things along the lines of 'well they haven't caught him' implying that somehow they're stupid or deficient (I'm not saying you are to be clear). But they're also in possession of all the evidence. If they are telling us X, then I need good evidence to believe Y from Bob Smith on Websleuths.
However this brings even more questions.

Let's picture the situation:
The killer wants to kill this whole family and decides that on the night of December 30th he's gonna act out.
How did he even know that the windows would be open? Pure luck? He just went and attempted to climb the rear bathroom window in the hope it would be open and even go out of his way and remove the net and possibly not finding another entry point and having to forfeit the murders for the night?
I would imagine he'd watched the house before. Though I can't discount the possibility he felt like killing someone that night, saw their window open, and went from there.
If none of this would have happened, the next morning the Miyazawas would have noticed the net on the floor, if not even the fact that someone attempted an home invasion, alerting them and narrowing the chances for future attempts.

Perhaps I'm giving the killer too much credit? It is often reported that he could have been very young after all...

Also, he just tried his luck, climbed the car and check if Rei's window was open?
The only plausible theory is that he must have studied them for some time and somewhat knew their habits?
It's definitely possible. Another problem with the front door theory / or him knowing the Miyazawas. If he knew he could access the house through his personal relationship; why go to the bathroom window at all? Why seemingly touch the car at all? I guess plan A could've been a silent intrusion and, seeing that was too hard, plan B was to knock. But the evidence doesn't support that. Ultimately, we're just guessing. But I think the safer bet is that, while he didn't know them personally, he had chosen them. For whatever reason. And that would probably have included some sort of preparation. Certainly, the items he has with him / on him, suggest a plan to kill. Whether it was to kill them specifically...
As I said in the previous post, the entry point bothers me so much is unreal.

Finally I'm not even going to comment on the whole "killing Rei because of his disability".
This goes into borderline conspirational unless there is evidence backing it up.

Very true.

Nothing to add on this. I agree 100%.
Thank you. And I would also note that mods here have, multiple times, asked that users don't speculate on that front.
As I said, I will not push the matter further.

Unrelated to all the above: I have found a petition online about an individual asking the TMPD to answer their emails about the case. There are a lot of very specific, random and out of nowhere (if not borderline imaginative) details in the text of the petition.
It is dated 27 July of this year if I'm not mistaken and I was wondering if anyone knows/has seen anything about it.
I'm not posting the link because I don't know if it's against the rules, but I can if prompted to.
Yes I know the guy you're talking about. I can understand his frustration with the TMPD to be honest. Though I don't see how any kind of petition is going to shake their foundational silence. Also, from what he's written, he seems to be mistaken in various things from memory. I can't really add much there.
As for Keyes, I do recall him having a military background too.

The parallel with Keyes, however, has some significant departures from Soshigaya. Or, at least I think there are important differences that speak to why he could get away with what he did in a way that he would not have in Japan, at least in my own estimation. While I only have a cursory knowledge of his murders, I think context is important.

Firstly, as I recall, IK was seen as a problem kid, wasn't he? Hunting anything he could from an early age, setting fires, shooting at neighbours with BBs etc
Keyes also grew up in a very strict (almost cult-like) religious background, I believe. It may have been Mormon? I think you've mentioned your POI growing up in a very religious household as well.

I agree there are probably a lot of differences between Keyes' childhood and a military POI here, though, particularly in regards to behavior. But I also wonder about similarities insofar as motivation might be concerned, though we can only speculate. Having absolutely no good reason besides being maybe angry at the world and life while also having been taught to hate the world (as is generally a tenet of fundamentalist "Christianish" beliefs, which I grew up in before escaping) and to view it and people from an "I'm better than them" perspective... even when people don't believe in the cultish ideals anymore that attitude itself has to be unlearned. Most of the time people don't turn to murder obviously, but it doesn't seem too farfetched to think that in the right or wrong circumstances it could.
Keyes also grew up in a very strict (almost cult-like) religious background, I believe. It may have been Mormon? I think you've mentioned your POI growing up in a very religious household as well.

I agree there are probably a lot of differences between Keyes' childhood and a military POI here, though, particularly in regards to behavior. But I also wonder about similarities insofar as motivation might be concerned, though we can only speculate. Having absolutely no good reason besides being maybe angry at the world and life while also having been taught to hate the world (as is generally a tenet of fundamentalist "Christianish" beliefs, which I grew up in before escaping) and to view it and people from an "I'm better than them" perspective... even when people don't believe in the cultish ideals anymore that attitude itself has to be unlearned. Most of the time people don't turn to murder obviously, but it doesn't seem too farfetched to think that in the right or wrong circumstances it could.
I could see all of that applying to him, yes. A core directive in (most of) the major faiths, is the necessary othering of those who disagree or reject it. That learned behaviour, them vs us, inculcated in a certain type of young man, could potentially blossom (for want of a better word) into something a lot more dangerous. Bringing it back to my POI, I do get the strong impression his upbringing was strict across the board, not least of which would be theistically. He's engaged in many, many different groups / tasks, while bringing in exceptionally high grades. There's talk of a temper and arrogance, but everyone noted his intelligence in some way. That would likely only further his sense of superiority. All JMO.

Side point: I'm glad you escaped, @lilykaluva!
About the bathroom window, this is an emergency escape route, carefully prepared and thought out. The window is open, the screen is down, the shower curtain is open. If someone opens the front door, the same police, then he will run away through this window. A wonderful place to get away if anything. Through the window in the living room you can see what’s in front of the house, you can also see it from the nursery, and you can also hear it. The police can be seen, the neighbors can be seen and heard. But obviously I didn't have to use it. It turns out that he is very advanced in this regard, and he had to climb into houses before, and more than once. In fact, he got in without a trace, disappeared without a trace - and no one can understand how he did it. He searched well too, bank cards, savings books, looked for passwords (PIN), like a pro. But the murders - in general, like the first time, complete improvisation, a bunch of wrong actions, decisions. Starting from the choice of knife and the way to carry it. He wanted to rob quietly, he improved his skills, but something went wrong. He realized this when he got hurt and was covered in blood. He could have taken off his jacket and left it in the nursery, and then put on a clean one, but for some reason he didn't do it, didn't have time? When he took off his gloves in the kitchen changing the knife, he realized that he had already left a mark so it was impossible to hide the traces, a lot of his blood everywhere, fingerprints. That's why he was so angry at the end. Ice cream and cold tea - he tried to cool down. And he's not afraid of blood, and calmly walks around bodies. So he had encountered this before, maybe he killed animals. If his work is connected with something like that, for example, cutting fish, animals, then the injury is easy to explain - like he cut himself at work, it happens, and those around him will believe in a light one.
Unrelated to all the above: I have found a petition online about an individual asking the TMPD to answer their emails about the case. There are a lot of very specific, random and out of nowhere (if not borderline imaginative) details in the text of the petition.
It is dated 27 July of this year if I'm not mistaken and I was wondering if anyone knows/has seen anything about it.
I'm not posting the link because I don't know if it's against the rules, but I can if prompted to.
Just out of curiosity: an online petition? In Japanese or in English, too?

I haven’t seen anything, but I haven’t been following the case. Nothing moves with the DNA? Then nothing is believable.

<modsnip> ... my strong feeling is that someone has made yet another attempt to attract attention to a cold case.
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RSBM: The killer could very much be the son of a teacher. As for him entering and re-entering the house, I can't discount that, though there seems to be little to definitively support that.

We do. The TMPD have been very clear. Rei is the first victim. Anyone suggesting otherwise has to solve the issue of how a man bleeding freely is able to strangle him to death without getting a single drop of blood on the boy, the bedding, or the mattress. To further support my theory of him entering via the balcony (and possibly exiting), we know there is a lot of tracked blood in the kids bedroom but never a single drop on Rei. So, he's walking in and out of that room but not touching Rei. What other reason does he have? Perhaps, he's checking out the window to see if he's alerted anyone? Perhaps, he's sizing up the right moment of escape? We don't know. But what I think we can be certain about is that the TMPD are correct and Rei is the first victim. JMO.

I have discovered possible links between the POI. Just because we don't know definitively what the link would be doesn't mean it does not exist. It is like saying 'I don't understand how the universe came to exist, therefore God exists.' That may be true but then maybe Barbara Streisand secretly created the universe too. What I will say is that it is possible to connect Yasuko to English-speaking Americans before her murder.

I have no knowledge of such programmes myself. My own anecdotal experience of attitudes towards physical or mental disability in Japan was: 'brush it under the rug.' I've been in a bar before with a man getting emotional because his girlfriend left him and his friends awkwardly bundled him in a cab to send him home. This is not an attack on Japan, I merely observed that dealing with uncomfortable or perhaps things outside of the normative is not a strong suit there. So, mentoring 24 years ago? It's possible, I've just never heard of it. @Incoherent would likely know a lot more, given his background. I can say that it seems as if Rei was non-verbal, I'm not sure if a 'mentor' was on the cards?

I'm not sure if Haruko took Niina back or if she went herself. As it's literally a few steps from door to door, I would imagine that 8 is old enough for her to leave alone (even if she was feeling sick that day). But if the killer went through the front door, we're left with a lot of logic problems. But, primarily, why is Mikio stabbed on the stairs from above? And, if he is, and somehow he's the first person to get stabbed, wouldn't he say something along the lines of "hey, what the **** do you think you're doing, get out of my house right now?" How would any of this transpire silently? It also contradicts the official version from the TMPD. I do not say their findings are beyond reproach. But I would ask for big evidence for big claims. Absent of that, I find the front door theory --while not IMpossible-- unlikely to the point of negligible.

There are plenty of countries that don't require fingerprints, plenty of countries that allow for visa-free travel. Sure, if he wants to visit Chad or Eritrea, he has to get a visa (though I'm not sure if that requires fingerprints). All he has to do is limit himself to nations that don't require such a process. The list is long. As for inventing reasons for not leaving the country, if he IS an American, I don't think it's a big deal. International travel out of the US is costly, as you know. The numbers have gone up a lot in the last decade but it's still something like half of Americans do not have a passport.

Thank you for your kind answers. Your theory is interesting. Without facts, that you state you know but we are unaware of, it is impossible to either subscribe or deny it. Over the years, the case, like a sunken ship, has accumulated a growths of different theories. What will move it is DNA testing. Without it, we’ll get no answers. Let us wait until DNA laws in Japan change. Good luck to your podcast.
I have no knowledge of such programmes myself. My own anecdotal experience of attitudes towards physical or mental disability in Japan was: 'brush it under the rug.' I've been in a bar before with a man getting emotional because his girlfriend left him and his friends awkwardly bundled him in a cab to send him home. This is not an attack on Japan, I merely observed that dealing with uncomfortable or perhaps things outside of the normative is not a strong suit there. So, mentoring 24 years ago? It's possible, I've just never heard of it. @Incoherent would likely know a lot more, given his background. I can say that it seems as if Rei was non-verbal, I'm not sure if a 'mentor' was on the cards?
You’re not wrong here Nic. Unfortunately even in 2024 mental disabilities and even just mental health issues in Japan are still widely regarded as something that can potentially have a huge negative effect on someone’s life and cost them many opportunities. Besides with professionals or very close relations it is very rarely spoken about.

I’ve not read exactly what Rei had besides communication issues and screaming/acting out, but it’s very safe to say the parents would not be reaching out to a high schooler for assistance. It would have been taken very seriously and since he was 6 it’s likely doctors would already be working together with the family to help him.

To add, I recently watched an old news segment from the day of the murder where a brief interview was shown with Niina’s elementary school principal and Rei’s kindergarten principal. It’s the first time besides An Irie and Setsuko that I’ve seen them spoken about by those that knew them.
Rei’s principal was very solemn and says she doesn’t know what to do about putting his drawing into the graduation album. He was just 3 months off from graduating and starting elementary school. As for Niina she says she loved dance and wanted to be a ballerina.

Re: entry points, we could discuss the for and against until the cows came home and still manage to convince and then unconvince ourselves of which he used. But the fact is he did use one. The front door, the balcony door, the bathroom window. The most evidence lies at the bathroom window, the easiest way is the balcony door, the one with the most contradictions and problems is the front door. But it was one of them.

And just on the bathroom window being the perfect entry or exit - it wasn’t. A park light shone directly on and illuminated the back of the house, it was in direct view of the houses to the left over the river that look down upon it, it could be seen from the highway road right in front of the park, it could be seen from the apartment blocks at the front of the park too. This man was beyond a doubt very lucky more so than a devious and cunning killer. It would only take one person to glance at the right time to see him. They just didn’t. JMO.
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You’re not wrong here Nic. Unfortunately even in 2024 mental disabilities and even just mental health issues in Japan are still widely regarded as something that can potentially have a huge negative effect on someone’s life and cost them many opportunities. Besides with professionals or very close relations it is very rarely spoken about.

I’ve not read exactly what Rei had besides communication issues and screaming/acting out, but it’s very safe to say the parents would not be reaching out to a high schooler for assistance. It would have been taken very seriously and since he was 6 it’s likely doctors would already be working together with the family to help him.

To add, I recently watched an old news segment from the day of the murder where a brief interview was shown with Niina’s elementary school principal and Rei’s kindergarten principal. It’s the first time besides An Irie and Setsuko that I’ve seen them spoken about by those that knew them.
Rei’s principal was very solemn and says she doesn’t know what to do about putting his drawing into the graduation album. He was just 3 months off from graduating and starting elementary school. As for Niina she says she loved dance and wanted to be a ballerina.
This is a great detail re: the principal, do you have a link to hand?
Re: entry points, we could discuss the for and against until the cows came home and still manage to convince and then unconvince ourselves of which he used. But the fact is he did use one. The front door, the balcony door, the bathroom window. The most evidence lies at the bathroom window, the easiest way is the balcony door, the one with the most contradictions and problems is the front door. But it was one of them.
Yes, totally agree. What we do know is the sequence of the murders. For those here saying that the TMPD are wrong on this, I'm merely saying that they have the burden of explaining how.
And just on the bathroom window being the perfect entry or exit - it wasn’t.
I couldn't actually understand that post, perhaps it wasn't a second language thing. (Or that I read it at 3:30am). But yes, it obviously wasn't the perfect entry or exit and there is no evidence he used the bathroom window. Moreover, good luck making a perfect exit from that window, from that height, with a now-injured hand (yet not touching it to leave any fingerprints or blood)...
A park light shone directly on and illuminated the back of the house, it was in direct view of the houses to the left over the river that look down upon it, it could be seen from the highway road right in front of the park, it could be seen from the apartment blocks at the front of the park too. This man was beyond a doubt very lucky more so than a devious and cunning killer. It would only take one person to glance at the right time to see him. They just didn’t. JMO.
The killer's IQ aside, his decisions were mixed to poor throughout the night. The concept of a genius killer is almost never true just by the numbers. Let alone here. I struggle to reconcile anything he does that night with the word 'pro.'
@FacelessPodcast yeah I was thinking you might find it interesting. It does not say their names in the interview just that they’re the principals of Niina’s elementary and Rei’s kindergarten. It’s towards the end of the clip and Niina’s principal is the first one speaking.

This was actually broadcast on December 31st 2000 and some of the footage shows the house and surroundings very clearly on that day. Quite interesting imo:

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Just want to add a thought about the balcony as an entry point.

My guess is the balcony door was most likely always kept locked for safety reasons due to Rei's age and his mental limitations. Of course, this doesn't mean our killer couldn't have forced it open.

I'm probably wrong.
Forgive me, I'm always late to interesting cases and trying to catch up. This is an overwhelming one, lot of pages! I've been reading to try to not repeat thoughts, discussions, etc.

I'm in a rush today but a few questions and thoughts I have (again sorry if already discussed a million times, I have tried to keep track!):

1. Was that chemical agent ruled out not to be connected to graffiti paint or stage set/design? I know traces in the garage but the theatre connection gets me a bit...

2. Sounds like a car is the consensus to leave crime scene. Sounds like a skateboard wouldn't be used because the distance theorized?

3. I can't shake the skateboarder/car park confrontation either as a possible trigger as mentioned upthread recently by @SteveL ... My father worked in a maximum security prison interviewing violent and dangerous offenders (Canada) and mentioned many murders are committed because something as little as a 'put down'. Comment made, attacker stews on it for hours, days, weeks and even months then goes back to commenter and commits murder.

4. This almost seems like incel before there was incel in a way. The females were brutalized more - even after death. I wonder if attacker was acquainted with the mother in some form (in passing, teaching, at a store, a put down or whatever) and she was the ultimate target and rest collateral damage (awful thing to say). I wondered about the 2chan/4chan connection if there was any type of 'incel' type discussions happening way back then. Oddly, this has case gives me Idaho 4 vibes in a way too.

5. Has it been totally ruled out the killer wasn't let in through the front door? If there was any brief acquaintance in passing at all (theatre, friend of Mom' student, kid from the skate park/park) maybe he was let in even accidentally or if feeling disarmed if attacker sounded like he needed help.

IIRC the etiquette and culture is different in Japan and most folks don't knock on other's door but I can't remember what I read on that here. If I get a knock at our door that time of night, I would look who and ask and decide to open it. Someone could've came to the door acting as a good samaritan - telling the Father 'hey your car door is open' or something. ETA: I realize this thought is moot. Rei was killed first so the timing and order of events wouldn't make sense being let in I don't think
Just want to add a thought about the balcony as an entry point.

My guess is the balcony door was most likely always kept locked for safety reasons due to Rei's age and his mental limitations. Of course, this doesn't mean our killer couldn't have forced it open.

I'm probably wrong.
Balconies in Japan are used to dry laundry so it would’ve been opened and closed throughout the day many times. Even today the laundry pole remains propped up on there.
This one just had a simple swing lock and not one that required a key, so it can easily be opened by even a child. My thoughts on if the balcony were used as an entry point is that the lock was simply left open by mistake - I’ve done it many times myself on my own.
Here’s a picture of the lock and laundry pole:
Additionally from press footage it could be confirmed the bathroom window had the same keyless swing lock.
5. Has it been totally ruled out the killer wasn't let in through the front door? If there was any brief acquaintance in passing at all (theatre, friend of Mom' student, kid from the skate park/park) maybe he was let in even accidentally or if feeling disarmed if attacker sounded like he needed help.

IIRC the etiquette and culture is different in Japan and most folks don't knock on other's door but I can't remember what I read on that here. If I get a knock at our door that time of night, I would look who and ask and decide to open it. Someone could've came to the door acting as a good samaritan - telling the Father 'hey your car door is open' or something. ETA: I realize this thought is moot. Rei was killed first so the timing and order of events wouldn't make sense being let in I don't think
Having spent the last month reading back to back these threads I'm positive all of your points were already discussed and some of them discounted but I just wanted to touch on this one briefly because I also talked about it just one page ago (and raised fairly similar questions).

The front door hasn't been officially ruled out, but then again it is the most problematic and improbable one, even when compared to the bathroom window.

In short, not only the front door was locked (which is a whole problem in itself), but as you have also correctly pointed out we know with almost certainty Rei was the first one killed.

Also a detail even I that live in Japan forgot and Nic reminded me: we know the Killer had his shoes on for the whole time and being invited in from the front door it would be literally impossible for him not taking off the shoes.
In Japan this is such a big no-no that he would have been thrown out of the house if he didn't (again, Mikio was not only killed second, but he was found in a place incompatible with being killed at the front door).

Even admitting he removed his shoes, killed Rei, killed Mikio, and then put his shoes on, I believe I recall correctly that the traces of the shoes start from the second floor.
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

I consider Nic a true real life HERO. The work he's spent on this case is equal parts superhuman, meticulous and kind. It's because of him, we have POIs. I've spoken with several members offline, and it seems we have 4 potential suspects. To be honest, I question my own POI, based on the insight and intelligence others have graciously shared with me. One thing our POIs have in common...Yokota Air Force Base. (Thanks again to Nic.)

I hate when people suggest what Nic "should be doing." However, awhile back, Nic respectfully requested things we DON'T do. He's the expert, and put in so much hard work, that only a dolt would disregard and disrespect him.....at the time.

I'm very front facing that I have a family that almost squarely fits the demographics of the Miyazawas. I'm in Chicago, and the killer is most likely in California or Texas. But we'll be visiting Texas soon. And there are families who are daily in the killer's range, regardless of where he resides.

I've suggested that if funds were a concern, we crowd source DNA research. It's quite easy for one of us members to extract DNA via a POIs garbage, personally, or through use of retired law enforcement, PI, etc. I also suggest the Yokota group chats, Facebook pages, etc are an invaluable resource. Also, I'm certain Nic has spoken with the POIs Yokota HS associates. But, would another set of voices contacting them be helpful? And personally, as a former college newspaper EIC, I have to bite my tongue constantly out of respect to Nic's request to not contact the Yokota and other local student newspapers with "hot tips." But trust me, they would RUN with this lead.

This thread collectively KNOWS who did this. Thanks to Nic. So, many of us are deferring to his lead (logically and respectfully). But this is getting old. There's families in the killer's current sightline. As the evidence and pressure mounts, I'm quite certain the probability of him acting again has heightened. <modsnip>
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