Japan - Miyazawa family of 4 murdered, Setagaya, Tokyo, 30 Dec 2000 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Re: handkerchiefs and hip bag…
I’ve been looking over that today and have spotted a few things.

According to this article, the hip bag had a hole in the bottom and a few other smaller holes. The image attached is from the TMPD DVD on the case but it is not clarified whether this is the real bag or a replica.
Regardless, if you look at the white circle you can see a hole in the bottom. Other circles show smaller holes:
View attachment 531596
From memory the knife was slightly too big for the bag, so I’m wondering if, after it slicing a hole in the bottom, the killer used a handkerchief to cover the end of the knife to prevent more holes and that’s why it ended up with a slice in it. Rather than using the handkerchief as a specific method to grip the knife to stab reminiscent of fish mongers and certain Asian countries, it was just due to trying to protect the bag from being damaged further. I’m neither here nor there with this, just what I noticed.

And now just on the hip bag itself, I was trying to see if I could find who exactly manufactured the bag. It was said to be made down in Osaka and sold up in Tokyo with 2850 units made, but I couldn’t find the name of who made it exactly from my searches. I just so happened to do an image search on that particular style of bag, and what came up were almost exact replicas… all being sold as military special operations equipment in Japan. It seems this style of bag, though bought in Japan, may have been sold under military equipment. See screenshot:View attachment 531595
Nice sleuthing and good catch @Incoherent! Amazing!!! :) Military again... This case needs international attention to get pressure needed to push the DNA and international processes along.

Might be a bit out there and maybe already done but @FacelessPodcast I know you've done so much hard work on your articles and podcast, have you ever thought about approachin any of the big US stations that do the true crimes shows (20/20, Dateline, so many of them, etc.) with your work, findings and theories? I feel since a Japan crime many folks (even crime buffs) I've mentioned this story to have never heard about it!!

Those shows have a large US based audience and a viewer might recognized something familiar, ie: clothes, hip bag, or person fitting the profiles, friend of friend, son of an acquaintance/friend that rings a bell... something/anything!
I strongly believe I found out who the POI is. Actually, I’m thinking about 2 boys in particular, maybe 3 but I’m not convinced about the third one at all. I’m leaning towards one a little bit more, considering all the informations that I gathered while attentively reading the threads. If that’s him, then his name is indeed kind of common and it’s very hard to find concrete informations about him without using the right tools or having connections with experienced people who could have access to the background of anyone. But, there are still some “handcrafted” ways to find things out, if you’re cunning enough.

Now, I don’t know what can be done with that. I believe it’s been a year since Nicolas uncovered some kind of truth, a promising lead at least. How can things move forward now? What can be done? Is being very patient part of a strategy?
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Might be a bit out there and maybe already done but @FacelessPodcast I know you've done so much hard work on your articles and podcast, have you ever thought about approachin any of the big US stations that do the true crimes shows (20/20, Dateline, so many of them, etc.) with your work, findings and theories? I feel since a Japan crime many folks (even crime buffs) I've mentioned this story to have never heard about it!!

Those shows have a large US based audience and a viewer might recognized something familiar, ie: clothes, hip bag, or person fitting the profiles, friend of friend, son of an acquaintance/friend that rings a bell... something/anything!
I wish it were that simple, @Lalalacasbah. I can't get into details about what I'm doing in an effort to get this off the ground. But you can rest assured that I'm trying my best. On this front, and on the subject of the POI, a few points to the thread in general. From here on in, I'll keep mention of the POI to a minimum / focus my replies to posts only on the case itself.

1. For those here that think I'm 'trying to control the narrative' or that I'm 'holding on to the story'. It's flat-out wrong to the point of being grossly offensive. This isn't about me, nor is it about trying to make money. Not that I need to explain myself to any one of you but I can assure you that any money involved is negligible. Beyond that, if anyone genuinely thinks that I would put my own interests above that of Setsuko Miyazawa, that's deeply saddening. I started the thread to share information and ideas surrounding the case. I continue with my efforts, despite having very little time or resources to easily dedicate to it, because of her. Because of the Miyazawas. I would respectfully request you all refrain from making ad hominem attacks against me, whether directly or through implication, even if you find my silences or actions frustrating or hard to understand. Not only are they against TOC, it makes it harder for me to return to WS.

2. For those wondering why it isn't just a case of approaching the TMPD with a name of the POI. If it were that simple, it would have been done long ago. I would hope you give me enough credit not to think me stupid enough to not have considered this. But none of you know the ins and the outs of my conversations with the TMPD beyond what I have shared. If I thought this would lead to the killer being investigated, I would have done it. My strong belief, based on personal experience, is that approaching the TMPD (in the very specific format that they would ever actually read) with the name of a POI will go nowhere if it falls outside of certain parameters.

3. Ultimately, I respect this group a great deal. But you are, mostly, anonymous. Yet you all know my name. Please understand that trust is very difficult in my position. I am not going to be explaining the ins and the outs of my investigation, nor am I going to be sharing details that I am unable to with any one of you. I'm sorry to those that find this frustrating. But this will never outweigh the promise I made to Setsuko to do my best to find the man responsible. My strong belief is that the best way to do this is to get the evidence we need so that the TMPD cannot ignore it. So, for the last time, I am working hard to make it a reality.

Apologies for the long post, guys. That is all I'm going to say on this.
I strongly believe I found out who the POI is. Actually, I’m thinking about 2 boys in particular, maybe 3 but I’m not convinced about the third one at all. I’m leaning towards one a little bit more, considering all the informations that I gathered while attentively reading the threads. If that’s him, then his name is indeed kind of common and it’s very hard to find concrete informations about him without using the right tools or having connections with experienced people who could have access to the background of anyone. But, there are still some “handcrafted” ways to find things out, if you’re cunning enough.

Now, I don’t know what can be done with that. I believe it’s been a year since Nicolas uncovered some kind of truth, a promising lead at least. How can things move forward now? What can be done? Is being very patient part of a strategy?
Welcome to the thread, @tenko. As per my last post, I'm not going to be sharing information about the POI, nor am I going to be confirming or denying anything. This is not to be vague or some sort of edgelord. I am doing what I believe will have the greatest chance of a positive outcome.
Welcome to the thread, @tenko. As per my last post, I'm not going to be sharing information about the POI, nor am I going to be confirming or denying anything. This is not to be vague or some sort of edgelord. I am doing what I believe will have the greatest chance of a positive outcome.
Sure, I have read attentively your last comment. I wasn’t asking for any information regarding the POI tho, just asking about what can be done, because it seems to me that time flies by and yet nothing moves forward. But maybe it is just an illusion, because we cannot see what’s happening underneath your investigation. I wish you to be the great White Knight in this case and uncover the truth, put the right person in front of their responsibilities (not without the help of other knights, of course). Allowing light to come back and prevail over the forces of evil.
I don't think DNA can tell you much about age? It's not my area of expertise so happy to give way to others who know more. I think the TMPD theory about him being a momma's boy was based on the other clues taken a whole. I'm assuming they must have evidence they haven't shared, though. Just one or two years ago, they publicly revised the killer's age range down from 15-40 to 15-24. I can't imagine this was done on guesswork.

Sooooo to re-focus the thread conversation back in a non-POI specific manner, I’m going to share some general info on estimating age using DNA that I found, with the caveat that I’m not an expert, obviously. But it does seem that you can possibly use DNA to estimate age. It’s more of a biological age than chronological age, but one can imagine that the younger you are the closer the two are, since disease and environmental factors haven’t taken their toll yet.

“One method scientists use to measure biological age examines the epigenome, which contains a record of changes to a cell’s DNA and DNA-associated proteins. Epigenetic clocks are tools used by researchers to quantify biological age using a set of biological markers.”

Overall, fascinating!
If the killer had a traditional Japanese homemade style type meal of beans, wouldn't that signal he is local and not eating on the base or American type food?

I have zero knowledge of base life, so sorry if a stupid question! I do not know how it works on a base...I guess I would guess families may cook/eat local cuisine where you are posted but would the killer/killer's family still cook that for dinner let's say in their home?

Or did he go to a friend's house for dinner before the crime?
I strongly believe I found out who the POI is. Actually, I’m thinking about 2 boys in particular, maybe 3 but I’m not convinced about the third one at all. I’m leaning towards one a little bit more, considering all the informations that I gathered while attentively reading the threads. If that’s him, then his name is indeed kind of common and it’s very hard to find concrete informations about him without using the right tools or having connections with experienced people who could have access to the background of anyone. But, there are still some “handcrafted” ways to find things out, if you’re cunning enough.

Now, I don’t know what can be done with that. I believe it’s been a year since Nicolas uncovered some kind of truth, a promising lead at least. How can things move forward now? What can be done? Is being very patient part of a strategy?
Sounds like you got some good sleuthing in! Hard to do any digging if the name is common for sure. Hoping something is found :)
If I may add on to Nic’s posts and be little blunt: there is a reason WS does not allow the posting of personal POI’s unnamed by LE on here. Quite simply, no matter who you think you may have found you could be completely wrong, and as soon as names and pictures start getting thrown around that’s when an innocent person’s life can be meddled with and ruined by accusations and pointing fingers. While I’m sure we are all a good bunch here, it only takes one person to run with a name and face and want to go and physically confront them for a fingerprint or something for it to become very dangerous.

Additionally, unless someone goes to the TMPD with 100% undeniable proof, all documented, packed, and presented so that there is literally no way it can be refuted, you will likely be completely ignored or told to leave the station. Or if you continue to insist - arrested. Speaking from my almost two decades of experience living in Japan - Nic is going about this the only way that, if he IS right about who he thinks it is, it will have to be accepted by the TMPD and then they will decide what comes next.

Just my two yen here.
If I may add on to Nic’s posts and be little blunt: there is a reason WS does not allow the posting of personal POI’s unnamed by LE on here. Quite simply, no matter who you think you may have found you could be completely wrong, and as soon as names and pictures start getting thrown around that’s when an innocent person’s life can be meddled with and ruined by accusations and pointing fingers. While I’m sure we are all a good bunch here, it only takes one person to run with a name and face and want to go and physically confront them for a fingerprint or something for it to become very dangerous.

Additionally, unless someone goes to the TMPD with 100% undeniable proof, all documented, packed, and presented so that there is literally no way it can be refuted, you will likely be completely ignored or told to leave the station. Or if you continue to insist - arrested. Speaking from my almost two decades of experience living in Japan - Nic is going about this the only way that, if he IS right about who he thinks it is, it will have to be accepted by the TMPD and then they will decide what comes next.

Just my two yen here.
And also the fact that the killer might be browsing these threads.

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