Japan - Miyazawa family of 4 murdered, Setagaya, Tokyo, 30 Dec 2000

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Question: any ideas on what this black thing is covering Yasuko's body in the police crime scene rendering above? Looks like maybe a jacket? (Apologies the image is so poor). Niina's body has no such shroud.

And for comparison, this is Mikio's rendering:


Question: any ideas on what this black thing is covering Yasuko's body in the police crime scene rendering above? Looks like maybe a jacket? (Apologies the image is so poor). Niina's body has no such shroud.

And for comparison, this is Mikio's rendering:

It's a jacket, presumably the killer's. Here's a bigger resolution version of the image that I was surprised to find has its labels in English and I went ahead and retyped them for you to make it abundantly clear - the other object is "handkerchief [perfume]" I guess the Drakkar?


I found this better version of the photo at what appears to be a fairly in depth Chinese language article here


I'll try to find some time soon to read through the machine translation and compare.
It's a jacket, presumably the killer's. Here's a bigger resolution version of the image that I was surprised to find has its labels in English and I went ahead and retyped them for you to make it abundantly clear - the other object is "handkerchief [perfume]" I guess the Drakkar?

View attachment 333793

I found this better version of the photo at what appears to be a fairly in depth Chinese language article here


I'll try to find some time soon to read through the machine translation and compare.

This is fantastic! I'd never seen this one before. Thanks so much. For whatever reason, I'd only ever seen a very small version of this image and just noticed the black thing today.
I think it's possible Bōsōzoku gangs were discussed at the start of the investigation, yes. As for a link to his neatness, that's an angle I hadn't considered! Thank you.

The fact that he left his clothes folded, as I understand it, along with the handkerchiefs (which were ironed) has always stood out to me. 'Fastidious' to borrow your word!
And neatness and well ironed garments neatly folded also can appertain to military
And neatness and well ironed garments neatly folded also can appertain to military
I agree as well.

Going on the totality, however, I think a link to US bases though possible is less likely:

- The murderer was not noted as being of mixed ethnicity when purchasing the knife. This increases the odds that the European DNA came from an earlier generation- including distant ones and reduces the chances of a current connection to a base.

Then factor in the following possible cultural observations:

- The murderer evidently reads, writes and speaks Japanese to the extent that he was able to use the familiy's computer and the knife vendor did not notice an accent etc.

- His last meal was Japanese comfort type food. He then picks a Japanese tea over more western soda and beer.

- The crime seems to have occurred in a "Japanese" part of Tokyo. It did not occur near the base, in areas frequented by US servicemen and perhaps way ward youth connected to the base etc.

Getting to the point.....

My guess is that if the perpetrator was associated with the base and living with mother, he would have not only European DNA, but would likely have a bigger dose of US culture. Thus....

- Crime occurs closer to the base- where he feels comfortable. As mother is the source of DNA, his mixed ethnicity features are noticeable.

- As mother is the source access to the base and he presumably lives at the base, his ability to read Japanese is limited. He makes no effort to use computer.

- Analysis of meal reveals USA style white bread, not Japanese comfort food. He instinctually grabs the western style soda, not the barley tea.....
I agree as well.

Going on the totality, however, I think a link to US bases though possible is less likely:

- The murderer was not noted as being of mixed ethnicity when purchasing the knife. This increases the odds that the European DNA came from an earlier generation- including distant ones and reduces the chances of a current connection to a base.

Then factor in the following possible cultural observations:

- The murderer evidently reads, writes and speaks Japanese to the extent that he was able to use the familiy's computer and the knife vendor did not notice an accent etc.

- His last meal was Japanese comfort type food. He then picks a Japanese tea over more western soda and beer.

- The crime seems to have occurred in a "Japanese" part of Tokyo. It did not occur near the base, in areas frequented by US servicemen and perhaps way ward youth connected to the base etc.

Getting to the point.....

My guess is that if the perpetrator was associated with the base and living with mother, he would have not only European DNA, but would likely have a bigger dose of US culture. Thus....

- Crime occurs closer to the base- where he feels comfortable. As mother is the source of DNA, his mixed ethnicity features are noticeable.

- As mother is the source access to the base and he presumably lives at the base, his ability to read Japanese is limited. He makes no effort to use computer.

- Analysis of meal reveals USA style white bread, not Japanese comfort food. He instinctually grabs the western style soda, not the barley tea.....
Good write up but what about the Air Force base that is in Japan and sand was identified from there too ?
I think the perpetrator may have admired Yakuza and Bōsōzoku gangs and culture, but I don't think he was a member or directly involved with them.
I think he was a loner, partly by choice, but partly because he didn't fit into society due to his socialpathic and psychopathic traits. His social mixed ethnic origins in a Japanese society added to his isolation. That, and a continually moving military service family, didn't help him settle or form any friendships from a young age.
I was going to say isolation due to moving from base to base and not forming long term connections, however, I can’t dismiss the skateboarder potential either and the fact that the scene was chaotic and almost infantile and not thought through with what we know happened and the aftermath actions taken by the perpetrator.
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I racked my brain (and Google) a bit to recall the specific blue sand-filled stress ball that I remember being quite popular with teens at that time. It was "Isoflex" brand manufactured by Gayla Industries in Houston, TX. It might be worth reaching out to them to see if they could tell you where the sand in the balls twenty-two years ago might have come from.

I can so clearly imagine some young guy with murderous rage squeezing and squeezing one of those balls until he wore a hole in it that leaked sand in his bag and he threw it away.
Great post
Lots of toy stores sell these type of stress balls/bananas/animal face balls with sand inside. It could fit but it could be a red herring due to the specificity of the sands origins and we would need to know where produced throughout the world and where filled with sand ( as in location) but I think that due to the sheer numbers of these type of cheap imports , it would be impossible to go down that route which potentially has very little evidentiary value to the time investigators would have to spend in following this through. However, after over 20 years, if no other leads are available then it’s worth a look .
I agree as well.

Going on the totality, however, I think a link to US bases though possible is less likely:

- The murderer was not noted as being of mixed ethnicity when purchasing the knife. This increases the odds that the European DNA came from an earlier generation- including distant ones and reduces the chances of a current connection to a base.

Then factor in the following possible cultural observations:

- The murderer evidently reads, writes and speaks Japanese to the extent that he was able to use the familiy's computer and the knife vendor did not notice an accent etc.

- His last meal was Japanese comfort type food. He then picks a Japanese tea over more western soda and beer.

- The crime seems to have occurred in a "Japanese" part of Tokyo. It did not occur near the base, in areas frequented by US servicemen and perhaps way ward youth connected to the base etc.

Getting to the point.....

My guess is that if the perpetrator was associated with the base and living with mother, he would have not only European DNA, but would likely have a bigger dose of US culture. Thus....

- Crime occurs closer to the base- where he feels comfortable. As mother is the source of DNA, his mixed ethnicity features are noticeable.

- As mother is the source access to the base and he presumably lives at the base, his ability to read Japanese is limited. He makes no effort to use computer.

- Analysis of meal reveals USA style white bread, not Japanese comfort food. He instinctually grabs the western style soda, not the barley tea.....
I don’t disagree but I’m open minded
I would also like to point out the European clothing and shoes that had English labels ? How would that fit with Japanese clothing and shoes?

Re DNA- has any genealogy been done at all
The DNA identification attributed to the mother is likely to be mitochondrial dna from the defecation as that will only give you the mother’s DNA origin
What about his own DNA
I would like to know if this has been run against all the DNA storage across the world wether it be via CODIS or otherwise
Great post
Lots of toy stores sell these type of stress balls/bananas/animal face balls with sand inside. It could fit but it could be a red herring due to the specificity of the sands origins and we would need to know where produced throughout the world and where filled with sand ( as in location) but I think that due to the sheer numbers of these type of cheap imports , it would be impossible to go down that route which potentially has very little evidentiary value to the time investigators would have to spend in following this through. However, after over 20 years, if no other leads are available then it’s worth a look .
Every Japanese and Chinese language article I looked at was clearly predisposed to the idea that the perpetrator was a foreign soldier and the bit about the sand is regularly used to support that.

Some other things in the articles that, to be, seemed odd writing were that the numerous footprints near the bed were described as "military-like pacing" and another one was that multiple sources specified that the perpetrator injured his right hand and used the first aid kit the mother had gotten out for the daughter to "wrap his hand using a military method" but I wasn't able to understand how they even knew that. Maybe from bloody handprints that showed the pattern of the gauze.

I personally interpret the pacing as suggestive of someone with a psychological disorder and that knowing how to wrap his hand might just suggest that he cut his hand often - plus the method they showed in the video I watched is the same that a boxer would use to wrap his knuckles.

Finally that window that was used to gain entry. It seems like they based the assumption that the killer entered through it on damage done to it but that could have been due to him exiting it too. Either way but especially if he entered through it, it looks to me like he would practically need to be a damn spider monkey so a teenage skateboarder fits for me there.

I think that the intersection of athletic (punk/extreme), psychologically troubled and mom's tutoring student would have been the obvious place to have started looking.

Here's the very recent and very extensive Japanese video on the case that I watched

Good write up but what about the Air Force base that is in Japan and sand was identified from there too ?

The sand came from Edwards Airforce Base (located in the United States).

That aside, you do have a good point in that two pieces of evidence point towards a US base in Japan connection: Mixed ethnicity and sand from yet another US Airforce base.

Counter explanations that have been offered include:

- The European DNA could have been obtained generations ago.
- The "fanny pack" containing the sand could have come from a thrift store outside of the base that would have items sourced from the base.

Speaking of thrift stores..... I am a thrift store junky.

The fanny pack was described as "worn". Some thrift stores put worn items out on the shelves. But..... others only put the donations in the best shape on the shelves. The worn items are then bulk auctioned by the pallet- usually headed to second hand stores in developing nations.

Anyways.... I wonder what thrift stores around the base sell individual worn items and which do not?
And neatness and well ironed garments neatly folded also can appertain to military

It has always stood out to me as an odd detail! Even if he didn't fold up his stuff, he's the sort of man to iron a handkerchief. Who does that? But to fold up your clothes at a murder scene... I'd never heard of anything like that.
Who does that?
People with a compulsive disorder. I recall that I've read about this case in the past and back then I found it quite strange that he squeezed the ice cream out of the containers and dug out the melon with his bare hands and defecated onto paperwork but also neatly folded his clothes. Investigators say his blood tested negative for drugs or alcohol but this seems like the behavior of someone under the influence of drugs who then sobered up - but possibly someone in the midst of a psychotic episode who then recovered and began acting more rationally - excessively so even.
I agree as well.

Going on the totality, however, I think a link to US bases though possible is less likely:

- The murderer was not noted as being of mixed ethnicity when purchasing the knife. This increases the odds that the European DNA came from an earlier generation- including distant ones and reduces the chances of a current connection to a base.

Then factor in the following possible cultural observations:

- The murderer evidently reads, writes and speaks Japanese to the extent that he was able to use the familiy's computer and the knife vendor did not notice an accent etc.

- His last meal was Japanese comfort type food. He then picks a Japanese tea over more western soda and beer.

- The crime seems to have occurred in a "Japanese" part of Tokyo. It did not occur near the base, in areas frequented by US servicemen and perhaps way ward youth connected to the base etc.

Getting to the point.....

My guess is that if the perpetrator was associated with the base and living with mother, he would have not only European DNA, but would likely have a bigger dose of US culture. Thus....

- Crime occurs closer to the base- where he feels comfortable. As mother is the source of DNA, his mixed ethnicity features are noticeable.

- As mother is the source access to the base and he presumably lives at the base, his ability to read Japanese is limited. He makes no effort to use computer.

- Analysis of meal reveals USA style white bread, not Japanese comfort food. He instinctually grabs the western style soda, not the barley tea.....

Another set of really interesting points, Cryptic -- thanks as ever. Really enjoying our back and forth. And just to play devil's advocate...

It's not a case if whether there is a link to US air bases. There IS inarguably a link to US air bases, in one way or another. Whether it MEANS anything, we don't know. There are, however, big coincidences. For one, there is sand from Edwards in their house. And Yokota, which has its own connection to Edwards, is just 17 miles away.

Taking your points in turn:

- The murderer was not noted as being of mixed ethnicity when purchasing the knife. This increases the odds that the European DNA came from an earlier generation- including distant ones and reduces the chances of a current connection to a base.

I'm not actually sure what was noted about the killer or not when purchasing a knife. I don't think the police have ever commented on that. Is this something you've seen? Would love to read if you could send it my way, if so. In any case, I agree the DNA doesn't tell us anything hard and fast about his mixed ethnicity. That said, it's quite possible, even if he was clearly a 'hafu' to the eye, that he wore a mask while purchasing the knife. In any case, distancing him from a US air base due to DNA is assuming that, say, two Asian-Americans couldn't have a connection to the US military.

- The murderer evidently reads, writes and speaks Japanese to the extent that he was able to use the familiy's computer and the knife vendor did not notice an accent etc.

Totally agree that this is an interesting point. He must speak Japanese, and as I understand it, the more formal Japanese that Mikio was using in his work documents. So, it's almost certain that the killer has had an exposure to Japanese from an early age. But why that would mean it's unlikely for him to have a connection to a US air base, I'm not sure I follow.

- His last meal was Japanese comfort type food. He then picks a Japanese tea over more western soda and beer.

I'm not sure I agree that this points to anything much. Whenever I'm in Japan, I drink green/barley tea and eat string beans too. It's possible it's part of a local guy's diet. Or not. What I DO find interesting is where those string beans and sesame were from. I've spoken to a scientist who's told me that the police would be able to work out exactly where in the world the beans and seeds were grown. That should be enough to piece together whether or not the killer ate that meal from, say, a 7-Eleven, or whether somewhere else such as a canteen.

- The crime seems to have occurred in a "Japanese" part of Tokyo. It did not occur near the base, in areas frequented by US servicemen and perhaps way ward youth connected to the base etc.

But it did occur near the base, relatively speaking anyway. Roppongi is about 14km away and Yokota AB is 28km away. In any case, the killer likely had a connection to Soshigaya in *some* way as 5 out of the 10 things he was wearing on him were on sale in the local area. What brought him there, I don't know. As you've seen, one popular theory is the skate park across the road. I've spoken to multiple skateboarders and it sounds as if skate parks weren't easy to come by and street skating was very frowned upon. I don't know whether the killer had anything to do with skating or not but, if he did, he might well gravitate to a place were other kids who were into similar things as him hung out.

My guess is that if the perpetrator was associated with the base and living with mother, he would have not only European DNA, but would likely have a bigger dose of US culture. Thus....

- Crime occurs closer to the base- where he feels comfortable. As mother is the source of DNA, his mixed ethnicity features are noticeable.

- As mother is the source access to the base and he presumably lives at the base, his ability to read Japanese is limited. He makes no effort to use computer.

- Analysis of meal reveals USA style white bread, not Japanese comfort food. He instinctually grabs the western style soda, not the barley tea.....

Well, he *does* have European DNA, we just don't know how much of that is apparent to the eye. As Angleterre has said, have the TMPD done genealogy? That would help us to know because at the moment what we know about his DNA doesn't tell us a great deal. As for his exposure to US culture, we can't have any way of knowing what that is. Him eating green beans and reading Japanese doesn't prevent him from also eating corndogs and singing along to Hank Williams the week before.

As for being close to the base, he's like an hour away on public transport. In Tokyo terms, given the size of the city, that's not a crazy journey to make. As for his language and where he picks it up, we have no way of knowing. My mother isn't Spanish and my father is but she learned the language and I grew up speaking it with her. Our DNA wouldn't tell that story. And finally, like I've said above, being an American wouldn't automatically make you grab the Coke in the fridge.

All of that to say that while I can't be sure about any of it and that I remain completely open-minded to the killer being a local or something along those lines, I do think one could very plausibly still see a connection to Yokota or even Yokosuka further away.
The sand came from Edwards Airforce Base (located in the United States).

That aside, you do have a good point in that two pieces of evidence point towards a US base in Japan connection: Mixed ethnicity and sand from yet another US Airforce base.

Counter explanations that have been offered include:

- The European DNA could have been obtained generations ago.
- The "fanny pack" containing the sand could have come from a thrift store outside of the base that would have items sourced from the base.

Speaking of thrift stores..... I am a thrift store junky.

The fanny pack was described as "worn". Some thrift stores put worn items out on the shelves. But..... others only put the donations in the best shape on the shelves. The worn items are then bulk auctioned by the pallet- usually headed to second hand stores in developing nations.

Anyways.... I wonder what thrift stores around the base sell individual worn items and which do not?
The European connection would be from mum after mitochondrial dna was taken from the defection so I believe that it will be a recent European connection as it does not change down the line . See excerpt attached.


  • F6AC8898-8D58-41A7-810B-DC28179AC19D.jpeg
    82.1 KB · Views: 23
Good write up but what about the Air Force base that is in Japan and sand was identified from there too ?

I was going to say isolation due to moving from base to base and not forming long term connections, however, I can’t dismiss the skateboarder potential either and the fact that the scene was chaotic and almost infantile and not thought through with what we know happened and the aftermath actions taken by the perpetrator.

It's possible he is both isolated, moved around a lot, had military parents, AND he's a skateboarder too. Or at least he likes skateboarding, is into the scene. Even if he wasn't moving in those circles, he might have admired it.
I don’t disagree but I’m open minded
I would also like to point out the European clothing and shoes that had English labels ? How would that fit with Japanese clothing and shoes?

Re DNA- has any genealogy been done at all
The DNA identification attributed to the mother is likely to be mitochondrial dna from the defecation as that will only give you the mother’s DNA origin
What about his own DNA
I would like to know if this has been run against all the DNA storage across the world wether it be via CODIS or otherwise

I wish I could answer you on that, Angleterre. The TMPD have played their cards close to their chests in terms of what they've done. I think I'm right in saying the Third Division of TMPD is in charge of biological and genetic evidence etc. That's out in Chiba. So, they have a whole sort of university campus dedicated to sciences and processing evidence there. Given there's been 280k people put on this (assuming that number is correct) and given 22 years and that the TMPD is the largest force in the world, I imagine they've pulled out all the stops. But how far outside of existing tech in their circles they've reached? I don't know.
Every Japanese and Chinese language article I looked at was clearly predisposed to the idea that the perpetrator was a foreign soldier and the bit about the sand is regularly used to support that.

Some other things in the articles that, to be, seemed odd writing were that the numerous footprints near the bed were described as "military-like pacing" and another one was that multiple sources specified that the perpetrator injured his right hand and used the first aid kit the mother had gotten out for the daughter to "wrap his hand using a military method" but I wasn't able to understand how they even knew that. Maybe from bloody handprints that showed the pattern of the gauze.

I personally interpret the pacing as suggestive of someone with a psychological disorder and that knowing how to wrap his hand might just suggest that he cut his hand often - plus the method they showed in the video I watched is the same that a boxer would use to wrap his knuckles.

Finally that window that was used to gain entry. It seems like they based the assumption that the killer entered through it on damage done to it but that could have been due to him exiting it too. Either way but especially if he entered through it, it looks to me like he would practically need to be a damn spider monkey so a teenage skateboarder fits for me there.

I think that the intersection of athletic (punk/extreme), psychologically troubled and mom's tutoring student would have been the obvious place to have started looking.

Here's the very recent and very extensive Japanese video on the case that I watched

Thanks for the great post, Evilwise! Yeah, I agree with you about the military pacing. I don't really know what this means. From what I can make out, it seems to mean sticking to the walls when he's moving through the house. But that might be an obvious thing to do if you're trying not to walk in the blood pooling? / slipping on wooden stairs and the like.

As for how they know he injured his right hand, I guess it's based on the things that he touches / picks up and so on. Bloody prints, blood drops - something along those lines, I imagine.

Thanks for the video! Great stuff :)
Started to follow this thread and am fascinated by the info available and also a little astounded the murders weren't solved . FP , good luck as you move forward with yr work . I don't have anything meaningful to add to out fab sluthers here but I'll be following with interest .
The sand came from Edwards Airforce Base (located in the United States).

That aside, you do have a good point in that two pieces of evidence point towards a US base in Japan connection: Mixed ethnicity and sand from yet another US Airforce base.

Counter explanations that have been offered include:

- The European DNA could have been obtained generations ago.
- The "fanny pack" containing the sand could have come from a thrift store outside of the base that would have items sourced from the base.

Speaking of thrift stores..... I am a thrift store junky.

The fanny pack was described as "worn". Some thrift stores put worn items out on the shelves. But..... others only put the donations in the best shape on the shelves. The worn items are then bulk auctioned by the pallet- usually headed to second hand stores in developing nations.

Anyways.... I wonder what thrift stores around the base sell individual worn items and which do not?

The hip bag / fanny pack could, indeed, have been second-hand. Or even stolen. But it would mean that:

1) the killer stole or bought a fanny pack second-hand when he bought a brand new Uniqlo jacket (only in stores for a few weeks), baseball-style tee from M/X that wasn't exactly cheap, and a brand new knife but then for whatever reason cheaped out on the bag. Not saying it's impossible, of course.

2) The hip bag was manufactured in Osaka not so long before the murders. So, that would mean that the hip bag had to start life in Japan, then somehow travel to Edwards air base, then transport back to Japan in order for a Japanese or a local to buy it. Again, not impossible by any means.

3) I'm not sure about thrift stores around the base. The only thing I know for sure on this front connected to the base is that it's very common for arriving air men/women to buy a second or third-hand car from the local dealers that are apparently very American-friendly.
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