Jason Wishert Has Threatened My Family.

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To fully explain the situation I need two posts. Please read both and respond if you wish.

Jason Wishert contacted me about a month ago and was very polite. He wanted me to remove a bunch of posts on Websleuths. He gave me the post numbers of the ones that were really bothering him. I looked at every single of the post numbers he sent me and I sent him this email:

Dear Jason,

I have removed a few of the posts you mentioned but I will tell you without question not one thing posted would be considered "libel."

You went to the media and therefore you are at the very least a limited public figure. That gives people the right to comment on you and your comments, your behavior, and anything about you that is available to the public either on the Internet or through public records.

However, Websleuths is not one of those mean type forums where we allow posts to be made that add nothing to the conversation. I understand your concerns with what was posted and that's why I did remove a few of what you requested.

All of these posts were opinions based on your public media appearance. I know it hurts and I know people would never come up to you and say things to your face that they can post on the Internet but that is the world we live in now.

If I may offer a suggestion; the thread is closed and is not on the front page of the threads in the Kyron forum. That means it really won't be read much any more. I would let it go. However, if you would like to issue a statement on anything that was posted I would be glad to post it for you on Websleuths. Again, I would recommend you let it go but I want you to know this avenue is open to you if you so wish.

In the future please remember that anytime you make a comment to the press you open yourself up to this and a lot worse. Now that you have commented to the media you will forever be at the very least a limited public figure. I would say you are actually now a full fledged public figure but that's just my opinion.

I hope you don't think I am trying to be difficult. It does me or my forum no good to have posts up that are mean spirited but I do have to allow people to offer their opinions and as you know everyone has a differing opinion on the topics at hand. What one person sees as "narcissistic" another person will see as being confident. It's just how it is.

You probably didn't have any idea the media and Internet interest you created by coming forward. No one knows how big these things can get until it happens to them.

Take care,

Last Tuesday October 12th I received a letter from him. I will post the letter next.
I have removed the address he sent it to because it was old. It is still listed on a few "whois' contacts for my forums. Got to remembert to change them.

Tricia Griffith October 1,2010
Park City Ut. 84068-2453
Re: Websleuths.com Jason Wishert

Hello again Tricia, I am in no way satisfied with the "clean-up" job you have done removing the libelous and hateful material you have allowed on your websites regarding me and my family. You have ruined my life and have brought harassment to me and my family with the libelous slander you have allowed on your websites.

I am asking you today to remove my name and all references to my family entirely from all Websleuths.com and Forumsforjustice.org websites. I will give you till midnight of the third day after receiving this letter to remove my name and all references to my family from your websites.

I am an innocent man who has done nothing to you or your family or anyone else to deserve the public smearing and lies about me and my family.

I have studied all my life for a criminal justice career and am two classes away from graduating but am now unemployable due to the lies and slander you are responsible for allowing on your websites. Part of the hiring process is an exhaustive search of the internet looking for a reason not to hire me due to unsavory conduct or allegations.All the websleuthing has not revealed anything about me that shows I am a criminal,ever done anything wrong or illegal/unethical or that I am anything other than what I presented myself to be in the internet community. I have helped at risk endangered children for free for many years. Why do I deserve to have my life ruined by you and my family harassed? What did I do to deserve this treatment by you?

From what I have learned about you in my research, you will likely resist taking the time to remove my name and all references to my family from your websites because you feel that you have a right to post these lies because I am supposedly a "pubic figure". You may think I am just blowing smoke and will not retaliate upon you and your family and use all legal means at my disposal to do unto you as you have done to me and my family.

You have ruined my life and when I see that you have failed to act to remove my name and all references to my family from all your websites entirely, I will pull out all the stops and ruin your life to the best of my ability.

Please consider your actions and how much this information and lies about me and my family is worth to you on your websites. Once I begin my retaliation upon you, the only way I'll stop is for you to remove my name and all references to my family entirely from all your websites, publish an apology, and pay me the sum of $743,000.00 in damages. Lacking that, I will continue my retaliative campaign till my death. I will never yield or stop getting even with you ever. Everything in your life will be fair game to me. Everything you hold dear will be a target of mine. It will be eye for an eye and tooth for tooth.

Think about all that the internet community has learned about me in the past two months,then ask yourself if I am capable of delivering on what I say.

Does your family business make 50 million a year like mine? I have achieved much in life from putting my mind to it, and have been very successful in my endeavors just like my family. What you have allowed to be done to me and my family is well beyond "low blows" it is pure hatred.I have been polite and respectful to the internet community no avail, now I am no longer going to a nice guy. I will respond in like kind to you and your family.

I urge you not to let it come to this and act immediately to remove my name and all references to my family from all your websites and I will go away and nothing will happen to you or your family that is on par with what you have done to my family.
I respectfully urge you to give this matter the attention it deserves

Later Jason sent me the name of his law firm that he says is representing him. My lawyer contacted that law firm and they had never heard of Jason Wishert.

I want to remind you all of something.

First, I never said a word about Jason. Never posted a word about him until this letter came in the mail.

Second, as owner I am protected by federal law from any sort of lawsuit based on what people say on my forum. That's one of the many mistakes he is making. He is blaming me for what other people posted.

We say this often at Websleuths. You are responsible for your posting. Please remember this the next time you want to post a rumor or something not so nice. You own your words.

However, I am very proud of Websleuths and the integrity we have on the forum. More so than any other forum on the Internet.

Jason made himself a public figure. You all have a right to your opinion about him.

I am not worried at all about him suing me. I am worried about his vendetta he has so plainly described he is going to carry out on my family and me. His thinking process is not like yours or mine in my opinion and that is troublesome.

Please let me make something very clear; if you feel the need to post on this thread I have instructed the moderators to make sure everyone follows our Terms of Service. No name calling. No sleuthing. Be respectful and if you feel you can't then I ask that you not post. That doesn't mean you can't post your opinion. You most certainly can. However you must choose your words so you do not violate our TOS. It's as simple as that.

After receiving the letter I searched around and I can honestly say there are several other forums that just tore Jason apart. Not us. Not Websleuths. Not even close. Why he is angry at Websleuths is beyond me.

Many of the posts on the other forums are still up or you can find them in Google cached versions.

In closing I want Jason and anyone else who thinks they can threaten my family and get away with it . . . you can't. I won't allow it to happen.

There are several different things that will be happening. I will tell you that law enforcement will be involved and hopefully other media members as well.

In the unlikely occurrence members of LE do not become involved then at the very least I am going to shine a bright light on Jason Wishert. That way if there is even a HINT of impropriety with my family ANYWHERE we will know where to turn and then law enforcement will become involved.

Jason Wishert says he is a "Child Advocate." Oh really? I do not know anyone who works with children or who is associated with organizations who work with children that would write a letter like the one I posted.

I'll post updates as they become available.

If someone could please post a quick explanation on who Jason is and provide a link to the letter he sent the newspaper. Also any other media links concerning Jason can be posted. This way we are all up to date on who Jason is and how he is a public figure in Kyron's case.
Oh Tricia, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. In regards to his letter, I am just speechless....

I, too, saw some of the posts about him on the other sites and WS is not even comparable to the types of posts those other sites had!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This is why WS is the best true crime forum there is!

Tricia, words fail me at this moment. I'm so sorry to see this and upset/angry beyond words. It is most obvious that JW is a very unstable individual and has taken it upon himself to have a personal vendetta (that will last until he dies using his words). Please take very good care of yourself and your family.

I hope LE are all over this. Ironically I wonder what he thinks something like this would do to further his career?? I would be very concerned and i'm sure LE will take this seriously.

You and your family will be in my thoughts..
If someone could please post a quick explanation on who Jason is and provide a link to the letter he sent the newspaper. Also any other media links concerning Jason can be posted. This way we are all up to date on who Jason is and how he is a public figure in Kyron's case.

Here is a link to the letter he sent The Oregonian:


ETA, grandmaj beat me to it!

Anyway, Tricia, I am sorry about this guy. He is a bit of a loose cannon. His letter to you sounds like blackmail. I can't imagine an attorney taking this case on for him. He couldn't win!
I didnt read about JW on here at WS, I read about him over at another forum. I could not believe someone would insert themselves into a case like this? for what? he is responsible for being on the forums, not any of us and certainly not you. geesh
For those who don't know, Jason is DeDe Spicher's ex-boyfriend. He was interviewed by a reporter at The Oregonian, and he sent a letter to the reporter outlining his relationship with DeDe. It was discussed here briefly, and extensively at other sites. I just think he was trying to be helpful to the reporter, and was thoroughly unprepared for the glare of the inevitable spotlight.
Wow... I'm glad you got LE involved. That is a very threatening letter and it made me scared for you and your family!

It's a shame he feels that way about the best crime forum on the entire world wide web! No one has a classier shop than Tricia!
I am left with many thoughts but too baffled to find a way to express them. One thing I do know is that Jason Wishert has done more to hurt his image than any third party could have possibly done. Tricia has worked hard to cultivate a vibrant and active but also respectful community here. Why Mr. Wishert chose WS and Tricia to take his anger out onto is beyond me.

And one word I keep returning to in reading that e-mail is "troubling." He attaches "legally" to his threats, but when he writes about retaliating on "you and your family," he's certainly going beyond that.
Really alarming....I am so very sorry, Tricia.

Frankly, after reading what he wrote to you....I hope that a VERY hard look is being taken at this person.
noZme adding support for Tricia, the moderators & posters at Websleuths!

Apparently there are other places on the internet where he was not treated as fairly & respectfully as here; it's my opinion he is barking up the wrong tree. I wonder if other websites have recieved similar letters. This is the first reference to Wishert at Websleuths Forum:

<A href=[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/member.php?u=34095"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


DeDe Spicher's former boyfriend describes Terri Moulton Horman's friend as a "high-energy, dynamic" person who changed dramatically
Published: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 4:30 PM
Updated: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 5:15 PM

An ex-boyfriend of DeDe Spicher said he was stunned when he learned that investigators were interested in the whereabouts of Spicher on the day Kyron Horman, 7, disappeared from Skyline School.

Jason Wishert, who has volunteered as a child's advocate in Multnomah County for more than a decade, said he dated Spicher for about 10 months, and they had even talked of marriage, but their relationship fell apart in early August 2009.

Wishert, 41, said he called the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office tip line soon after hearing Spicher's name in the news.

"My mouth was agape. I couldn't believe what I was seeing," Wishert recalled. "I thought, 'Oh my gosh, there's two things that investigators should look at.' "

More at link...

Article: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/08/dede_spichers_former_boyfriend.html

Document written describing Dede by ex-boyfriend: http://media.oregonlive.com/portland_impact/other/jasonw.pdf
Seven-hundred forty-three THOUSAND dollars.


Where on earth did he get that figure?

Anyway--it's a shame that this case about Kyron has evolved into this... mess. I hope that Mr. Wishert realizes the futility of his threats and drops his silliness.
Wow. Beyond bizarre. Be sure that you do all you can to protect you and yours.
IMO, if someone doesn't wish to be scrutinized or questioned, then that person should not post comments on a public message board (with the claim to the administrator of that board that they "Would like to clear some things up") nor should they send a letter to the media in an attempt to discuss, divulge, or otherwise reveal details of a relationship with a person who has been reported to be involved in an LE criminal investigation, nor should they have consented to give interviews to the media to discuss their relationship with an ex-girlfriend (again, who has been reported to be involved in an LE criminal investigation) - unless that person is willing to engage in a discussion. Period.

My understanding of the terms of service of Websleuths is that if something is published in the mainstream media (as this person's letter was - who he himself gave consent to the media to publish it), then we are permitted to discuss it and we are permitted to offer our opinions & thoughts about it (as long as we qualify that it is our opinion.)

It is my opinion, that when this person faced scrutiny (due to his media interviews & his letter - which were his choice; as well as it being his choice to post his comments on a public message board) and was asked questions that he was either unable or unwilling to answer on that other public message board, he became uncomfortable and has sought someone else to blame for his own decisions & statements.

Has he demanded that the original media outlet (IIRC - it was Oregon Live) that published his letter & aired his interviews retract all online comments that were in response to his letter & interview?
I haven't really paid much attention to JW, as I felt he was inserting himself into Kyron's case for personal reasons and/or gain. What he offered in terms of information was of no use whatsoever in finding Kyron.

IMO, this person damaged his chances of gaining employment as a LEO all by himself. After reading the letter he wrote to you, I doubt he could pass the mandatory Psyche Eval required by all Law Enforcement Agencies prior to hiring.

Sorry Tricia ...
Tricia-- I think he is trying to extend his 15 min. of fame by contacting you this way. I would not be surprised if he has contacted the other forum owners also.

He was so mean to Dede Spicher in his letter to the Oregonian. She is the one who should be suing him for libel. How awful of him to seek attention by airing their dirty laundry. I still feel bad for her on that front.

He appears to me to be weak and harmless, but you've got to take steps to protect yourself and your family.
Seven-hundred forty-three THOUSAND dollars.

Where on earth did he get that figure?

Anyway--it's a shame that this case about Kyron has evolved into this... mess. I hope that Mr. Wishert realizes the futility of his threats and drops his silliness.

If he figured $743,000 divided by 24,656 WS members, we need to ante up $30.14 each..... but as someone whose yearly family income is $50M, he must have figured it as a few hours of time away from his business.

Everything about this is amusing, EXCEPT threatening Tricia & her family! There is nothing funny about that & the law of our land explains the repurcussions.

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