Jason Wishert Has Threatened My Family.

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I just checked Oregon Live (where his letter was published) and the comments about him (and his letter) are still there.

I wonder if he also wrote a threatening letter/e-mail to Oregon Live, demanding that the comments about him be removed? I wonder if he has also tried to extort Maxine Bernstein and/or the Oregonian?

Maybe but I doubt it. It seems that despite his 50 million he doesn't have a lawyer because he's doing his own dirty work. He wouldn't be allowed to write threatening letters himself, his lawyers would write on his behalf quoting some impressive statutes, and he wouldn't refer people to the wrong firm. So I think he might not want to tackle big news media such as the Oregonian because they would certainly have lawyers who would make short work of his threats. He's going after forum owners because he thinks that he has a chance of bullying and scaring individuals who may not have the legal resources.
Seven-hundred forty-three THOUSAND dollars.
Where on earth did he get that figure?

boulder colorado? lolol ;)
seriously that letter was very threatening. very much uglier than anything said on websleuths. im afraid that man isnt all there. protect yourself!
I bet the sum of $743,000 was either the online estimated worth of WS or
Something more sinister, like the way in which the number 743 is used on this page (last three paragraphs) http://purifysoul.com/index.php?opt...ntichrist&catid=35:rapture-&Itemid=50&lang=en

So, if *I* were JW I sure would not have picked that number, least the best of us go off wondering even more about him!

TISK, TISK - writing a letter like that is a real job killer - but that might end up the least of his worries.
ALL my posts on the internet, are for entertainment value only, and as such should be taken as IMHO, JMO, Speculation only, etc! LMAO
Is that considered extortion?
In general, yes. Statutes can vary across jurisdictions.

Extortion, outwresting, and/or exaction is a [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime"]criminal offense[/ame] which occurs when a person [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlawful"]unlawfully[/ame] obtains either money, property or services from a person(s), entity, or institution, through [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coercion"]coercion[/ame]. Refraining from doing harm is sometimes euphemistically called [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protection_racket"]protection[/ame]. Extortion is commonly practiced by [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organized_crime"]organized crime[/ame] [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groups_of_people"]groups[/ame]. The actual obtainment of money or property is not required to commit the offense. Making a [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threat"]threat[/ame] of [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence"]violence[/ame] which refers to a requirement of a payment of money or property to halt future violence is sufficient to commit the offense. Exaction refers not only to extortion or the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force,[1] but additionally, in its formal definition, means the infliction of something such as [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pain_and_suffering"]pain and suffering[/ame] or making somebody endure something unpleasant.[2]
In the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States"]United States[/ame], extortion may also be committed as a [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_crime"]federal crime[/ame] across a computer system, phone, by mail or in using any instrument of "[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_commerce"]interstate commerce[/ame]". Extortion requires that the individual sent the message "willingly" and "knowingly" as elements of the crime. The message only has to be sent (but does not have to reach the intended recipient) to commit the crime of extortion.

Maybe but I doubt it. It seems that despite his 50 million he doesn't have a lawyer because he's doing his own dirty work. He wouldn't be allowed to write threatening letters himself, his lawyers would write on his behalf quoting some impressive statutes, and he wouldn't refer people to the wrong firm. So I think he might not want to tackle big news media such as the Oregonian because they would certainly have lawyers who would make short work of his threats. He's going after forum owners because he thinks that he has a chance of bullying and scaring individuals who may not have the legal resources.

Exactly - I agree 100%.
OK It gets even stranger.

I went to my mailbox place today and found a registered letter from him.

It has been almost 3 weeks since I went to pick up my mail. I keep hoping the magic Bill Fairy will make my bills disappear if I want long enough. ANYWAY . . . There was the same letter from him that I received at my old address except this one was registered AND it had a copy of an article about the college students who laid down in protest about that gay man who killed himself because his college roommate secretly filmed him having sex.

It is very apparent that Mr. Wishert is trying to compare that terrible and horrific case of cyber bullying to what happened to him on the Internet.

I want to point out something. Look at my first post in this thread. I was very nice to Mr. Wishert and gave him the opportunity to address his critics. He didn't need join Websleuths. As I stated in my email he could write a rebuttal and I would have gladly put it up. Instead he decided to threaten me.

Tomorrow, Monday, should be interesting.

Dear Tricia -- I feel you have libeled me, also. Thusly, I, too, want $743,000. In the event you have not libeled me, please do so as expeditiously as possible, as, well, I too want $743,000. Kindly note that I come from a family of some influence, as my father was on the water commission, at least until 1997.

Mr. Wishert -- In Miz Sheehan's class, 1968, I was caught passing a note about another girl who I felt did an especially bad job of wearing eye liner. Miz Sheehan asked me to stay after class, and said, "Lemme give you some advice. NEVER PUT IT IN WRITING."

To threaten Tricia's family, in writing, was not intelligent. In fact, many would call that action eaten up with dumb. Tricia is internet savy (that's putting it lightly). In addition, this ain't her first rodeo, this being threatened thang. She will know exactly who to contact and what to do.

Can I give you a little advice? If I were you, I'd fire off a, "Oh, my. I just read what I wrote. I was stressed, and in an unfamiliar position, and uponst reading my histrionic letter to you, I can definitely see that I overreacted. Please accept my apology."

You can even just cut 'n paste what I just wrote and I won't even sue you for plagiarism.

Because lemme explain the can of worms you've opened here. Tricia has many, many, many people who truly respect what she's accomplished here. Even those who ain't fans of Tricia and just pure tee don't like her will find your letter alarming -- the idea that if you post about something you've read in a newspaper, someone can threaten your family. This army of people is composed of our good and regular well-informed sleuthers. However, this will spread through the true crime forums like kudzu, and I promise you, a few of those people are a few fries short of a Happy Meal. You will be defending yourself against fire ants for years to come.

I sincerely advise you to apologize and back off. This can get bigger and badder than you can imagine, and Tricia will not be the one who is hurt.

Maybe he shouldn't have inserted himself into the whole thing in the first place. Nobody put a gun to his head and forced him to join these forums and post what he did, right? Nobody made him give up all those details about a potential suspect in a missing child's case, right?
I think he made some pretty serious threats himself.
Tricia... please take steps to make sure you and your family are safe!!
OK It gets even stranger.

I went to my mailbox place today and found a registered letter from him.

It has been almost 3 weeks since I went to pick up my mail. I keep hoping the magic Bill Fairy will make my bills disappear if I want long enough. ANYWAY . . . There was the same letter from him that I received at my old address except this one was registered AND it had a copy of an article about the college students who laid down in protest about that gay man who killed himself because his college roommate secretly filmed him having sex.

It is very apparent that Mr. Wishert is trying to compare that terrible and horrific case of cyber bullying to what happened to him on the Internet.

I want to point out something. Look at my first post in this thread. I was very nice to Mr. Wishert and gave him the opportunity to address his critics. He didn't need join Websleuths. As I stated in my email he could write a rebuttal and I would have gladly put it up. Instead he dedicated to threaten me.

Tomorrow, Monday, should be interesting.


Wow...this guy is certifiable.
Yeah well, I think someone disappeared the magic bill fairy. She hasn't been around here in a LONG time. (perhaps we should sleuth that?...)

I belive JW probably did contact some attorneys, and they told him:

1. the odds of winning his particular case
2. the cost of trying a libel and/or slander case
3. how much they would want up front (which would probably be all of it because these types of cases are notoriously expensive, and difficult to win in the best of circumstances)
OK It gets even stranger.

I went to my mailbox place today and found a registered letter from him.

It has been almost 3 weeks since I went to pick up my mail. I keep hoping the magic Bill Fairy will make my bills disappear if I want long enough. ANYWAY . . . There was the same letter from him that I received at my old address except this one was registered AND it had a copy of an article about the college students who laid down in protest about that gay man who killed himself because his college roommate secretly filmed him having sex.

It is very apparent that Mr. Wishert is trying to compare that terrible and horrific case of cyber bullying to what happened to him on the Internet.

I want to point out something. Look at my first post in this thread. I was very nice to Mr. Wishert and gave him the opportunity to address his critics. He didn't need join Websleuths. As I stated in my email he could write a rebuttal and I would have gladly put it up. Instead he dedicated to threaten me.

Tomorrow, Monday, should be interesting.

The guy just hung himself. And he blames you for being unable to find employment in the criminal justice field??? :laughbounce:
Dear Tricia -- I feel you have libeled me, also. Thusly, I, too, want $743,000. In the event you have not libeled me, please do so as expeditiously as possible, as, well, I too want $743,000. Kindly note that I come from a family of some influence, as my father was on the water commission, at least until 1997.

Mr. Wishert -- In Miz Sheehan's class, 1968, I was caught passing a note about another girl who I felt did an especially bad job of wearing eye liner. Miz Sheehan asked me to stay after class, and said, "Lemme give you some advice. NEVER PUT IT IN WRITING."

To threaten Tricia's family, in writing, was not intelligent. In fact, many would call that action eaten up with dumb. Tricia is internet savy (that's putting it lightly). In addition, this ain't her first rodeo, this being threatened thang. She will know exactly who to contact and what to do.

Can I give you a little advice? If I were you, I'd fire off a, "Oh, my. I just read what I wrote. I was stressed, and in an unfamiliar position, and uponst reading my histrionic letter to you, I can definitely see that I overreacted. Please accept my apology."

You can even just cut 'n paste what I just wrote and I won't even sue you for plagiarism.

Because lemme explain the can of worms you've opened here. Tricia has many, many, many people who truly respect what she's accomplished here. Even those who ain't fans of Tricia and just pure tee don't like her will find your letter alarming -- the idea that if you post about something you've read in a newspaper, someone can threaten your family. This army of people is composed of our good and regular well-informed sleuthers. However, this will spread through the true crime forums like kudzu, and I promise you, a few of those people are a few fries short of a Happy Meal. You will be defending yourself against fire ants for years to come.

I sincerely advise you to apologize and back off. This can get bigger and badder than you can imagine, and Tricia will not be the one who is hurt.


This was the funniest thing I've read in a long time. So funny I may just haveta start cyber-stalking ya. (oops, did I just put that in writing?!!)

I may just haveta borrow that apology sometime as well!
Wow...this guy is certifiable.

Tricia I am becoming more concerned. Please take it all make copies and get it to the Sheriff. This is not to be taken lightly. This man needs to be stopped.
As a curious person; I wondered why that amount? A Yahoo Internet search yielded 159 results for “$743,000.00“ such as:

Buying an airplane? 1981 Beechcraft C99 Airliner. Price. $743,000.00
Property in Buffalo, WY - Asking Price is $743,000.00
Moving to Barbados? www.blueoceanbarbados.com/sales.cfm
Moving to Baldwin, MO? Asking Price: $743,000.00 4 Bed, 4 Baths, 4133 sq.
Buying a boat? (this is a nice one! JMO) $743,000.00
Moving to San Jose? the median price of a home here in San Jose, is now $743,000.00
Bone Marrow Transplant? Her bill for the transplant at Cooks was $743,000.00

Condo in Brooklyn, NY - Downtown, plentiful amenities including: 24 Hour Concierge Service, 2 Level Attended Parking, Library, 2,000 sq ft. Fitness Center complete with Indoor Pool and Sauna, and a Multi-Level Roof Garden with Outdoor Movie Theater
Seven-hundred forty-three THOUSAND dollars.


Where on earth did he get that figure?

Anyway--it's a shame that this case about Kyron has evolved into this... mess. I hope that Mr. Wishert realizes the futility of his threats and drops his silliness.

Weird amount for someone who has access to a $50M family business . . . take care, Tricia, and keep up the AWESOME work! Kudos to WS & the awesome moderators - KK

boulder colorado? lolol ;)
seriously that letter was very threatening. very much uglier than anything said on websleuths. im afraid that man isnt all there. protect yourself!

In other words, the same place that the writer of JonBenet's ransom note came up with their odd figure.
Dear Tricia -- I feel you have libeled me, also. Thusly, I, too, want $743,000. In the event you have not libeled me, please do so as expeditiously as possible, as, well, I too want $743,000. Kindly note that I come from a family of some influence, as my father was on the water commission, at least until 1997.

Mr. Wishert -- In Miz Sheehan's class, 1968, I was caught passing a note about another girl who I felt did an especially bad job of wearing eye liner. Miz Sheehan asked me to stay after class, and said, "Lemme give you some advice. NEVER PUT IT IN WRITING."

To threaten Tricia's family, in writing, was not intelligent. In fact, many would call that action eaten up with dumb. Tricia is internet savy (that's putting it lightly). In addition, this ain't her first rodeo, this being threatened thang. She will know exactly who to contact and what to do.

Can I give you a little advice? If I were you, I'd fire off a, "Oh, my. I just read what I wrote. I was stressed, and in an unfamiliar position, and uponst reading my histrionic letter to you, I can definitely see that I overreacted. Please accept my apology."

You can even just cut 'n paste what I just wrote and I won't even sue you for plagiarism.

Because lemme explain the can of worms you've opened here. Tricia has many, many, many people who truly respect what she's accomplished here. Even those who ain't fans of Tricia and just pure tee don't like her will find your letter alarming -- the idea that if you post about something you've read in a newspaper, someone can threaten your family. This army of people is composed of our good and regular well-informed sleuthers. However, this will spread through the true crime forums like kudzu, and I promise you, a few of those people are a few fries short of a Happy Meal. You will be defending yourself against fire ants for years to come.

I sincerely advise you to apologize and back off. This can get bigger and badder than you can imagine, and Tricia will not be the one who is hurt.


"Thanks" isn't enough. Great post!

ETA: My dad gave me similar advice upon the discovery of a note I had written when angry at my mother. "Never write down anything you don't want other people to read."
As a curious person; I wondered why that amount? A Yahoo Internet search yielded 159 results for “$743,000.00“ such as:

Buying an airplane? 1981 Beechcraft C99 Airliner. Price. $743,000.00
Property in Buffalo, WY - Asking Price is $743,000.00
Moving to Barbados? www.blueoceanbarbados.com/sales.cfm
Moving to Baldwin, MO? Asking Price: $743,000.00 4 Bed, 4 Baths, 4133 sq.
Buying a boat? (this is a nice one! JMO) $743,000.00
Moving to San Jose? the median price of a home here in San Jose, is now $743,000.00
Bone Marrow Transplant? Her bill for the transplant at Cooks was $743,000.00

Condo in Brooklyn, NY - Downtown, plentiful amenities including: 24 Hour Concierge Service, 2 Level Attended Parking, Library, 2,000 sq ft. Fitness Center complete with Indoor Pool and Sauna, and a Multi-Level Roof Garden with Outdoor Movie Theater

Or maybe Total of JW's Current Debt? I don't know...
Three syllables:

Federal Offense...(believe whistles) FBI in charge of Kyron's case-get a load of this!!!!


Absolutely, it's an extortion attempt! Give me x, y and $$$....or else.

This guy desperately wants to be a "somebody," IMO, and has never quite made the cut.

This comment....
Please consider your actions and how much this information and lies about me and my family is worth to you on your websites. Once I begin my retaliation upon you, the only way I'll stop is for you to remove my name and all references to my family entirely from all your websites, publish an apology, and pay me the sum of $743,000.00 in damages. Lacking that, I will continue my retaliative campaign till my death. I will never yield or stop getting even with you ever. Everything in your life will be fair game to me. Everything you hold dear will be a target of mine. It will be eye for an eye and tooth for tooth.
...does more to hurt his chances at a career in the criminal justice field than ANYthing anyone else could EVER say about him.

He is clearly unhinged and dangerous. I would immediately attempt to get a TRO against him and get the FBI involved in the extortion attempt. As others have mentioned, this is definitely something investigators in the Kyron case should be made fully aware of since it all stems from his inserting himself in the case.

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