Jason Wishert Has Threatened My Family.

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What do you mean? He couldn't have phoned it in, what if the Nobel Prize committee tried to call and got a busy signal?

ok, now that there was funny!
$743,000?! Gee...was that the amount of your Christmas Bonus, Tricia?! Besides becoming immediately Livid when I was drawn to this forum for some late night reading, the Ransom Not(e) from the Ramsey case kept trying to distract my concertration on this situation. And Hence, my Admiration for my Friend has grown again as she continues to put herself in some very scary situations just by owning a joint where people can express their thoughts on what is in the public news and as a reward - THIS is what you have to deal with - YOU know how much I Lovvvvvvve that part of what comes with being The Honorable Lady holding the reigns of what has become the new & improved WS. Unbelievable. I would like to Thank this male for making his threats be known because now You are even more protected as a result of his "logic" that led him to pen such horrendous criminal intentions while an investigation into a missing child is ongoing and being watched NationWide. I firmly believe that you should contact the local media so that the citizens that are living in the vacinity of this extortionist are also aware of what else is walking their streets - I know that I would want to know what was living in my midst. What in The World was He Thinking?! He obviously didn't do as much research on you as he could have or he would have known that his actions would only end up hurting himself...IMO.

This was awesome.
Me thinks we hit a nerve with this creep!
Tricia, thank you for everything you do. It makes us proud to be WS members.
The tone and language of this guy's letter reminded me of letters I have had the pleasure of receiving from my ex who has been diagnosed with both Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Tricia has done the best things- refuse to knuckle under, not play into any further drama, and turn it over to the authorities. He will no doubt soon be distracted by (ooh! Shiny!) some other perceived slight to his image of himself and take it somewhere else.
This is bugging me for so many reasons, but this person referenced Tricia's Forums - I know for a fact that nothing about him was ever posted at Forums For Justice, the only other forum that TG owns. His anger is directed at WS though...

I take this anger as something was said here that was incriminating to him. Usually when this happens (not in every case though!!) it's because it's true.
Tricia was gracious to delete the posts that bothered him, I haven't EVER heard of that happening - ever (and I have asked a site on one occasion due to SEO reasons.)
He got what he wanted, but I guess that wasn't enough?

Bless you, Tricia. You did handle that properly.
Normally I would have ignored a letter like this but the fact that he threatened my family means he needs the spotlight on him. Shinning right on him.

I have also learned he has threatened other forum owners in a similar manner. One particular forum owner became scared because their forum was a very small forum and this person had never dealt with the likes of this guy before. This is another reason I am shinning the light on him. I refuse to stand by and let him bully someone who has done nothing wrong. Someone who doesn't have the back up and the strength in numbers like I do.

This is a situation when a harsh light right smack dab on the person making the threads is warranted.

Tricia, you have been well advised and I think you are taking the right approach here.

It's hard for some people to recognize their own limitations. I really believe that, when Mr. Wishert inserted himself into the Kyron spotlight, he probably believed that he was making an important contribution, that his interview and letter were valuable and insightful statements of important facts, and that he would gain praise and admiration. I doubt he ever realized that he was making a laughingstock of himself.

Here again, in his correspondence with you, he probably doesn't realize that he is in over his head and I think here again he is going to meet with results that are 180 degrees out from what he thought he would get when he started. I'm sure Mr. Wishert heard somewhere that you could threaten businesses with a lawsuit and most of them will settle with you for some amount to make it go away and so he hatched his plan to makes lemonade out of all the lemons heaped upon him. Unfortunately for him, he broke every rule of the successful nuisance suit shakedown artist in his letter - he asked for more than a nuisance amount, he didn't present a claim that might survive a motion to dismiss, and he went too far in his threats.

Although his letter is ugly, I think it's safe to assume that he will be as successful in backing up his threats as he has been at other endeavors in life. So sleep soundly Tricia.
How fascinating that someone who uses an alias would then make public threats under that alias.

Where have I heard "threats" and "alias" regarding this case? How close to home is this getting?
Wow! As a child advocate myself, it makes me cringe at the threats he has made. He admittedly stated he hadn't been able to get a job before - but now suddenly after he inserts himself into this whole mess - it's WS's fault he is unemployable? Whatever dude. I would hope that the place he volunteers as an advocate would rethink having this person included in their organization. (loose cannon imo)
Good luck finding a job now, Jason. "Extortionist" doesn't look good on most resumés
I think the point of getting USPS involved is an excellent one! They would not take this situation lightly.

(A family member years ago worked with a mail carrier who was jailed just because she was throwing the PennySaver into dumpsters instead of delivering them! USPS doesn't mess around when it comes to the law.)

If every forum or media outlet that received a registered letter of threats from him would report him, the punishment could turn into a long confinement behind bars.
I've been reading this thread and thought I'd better toss this out for you all to consider.

From the 2nd post on this thread:

Tricia said:
I want to remind you all of something.

First, I never said a word about Jason. Never posted a word about him until this letter came in the mail.

Second, as owner I am protected by federal law from any sort of lawsuit based on what people say on my forum. That's one of the many mistakes he is making. He is blaming me for what other people posted.

We say this often at Websleuths. You are responsible for your posting. Please remember this the next time you want to post a rumor or something not so nice. You own your words.


Regardless of how you feel about this person and what he's doing, IMO many of the posts here would fall into the category of "not so nice". I'm seeing far worse said about him on this thread than anything I ever read in the original. Y'all might want to think about Tricia's warning here. This person clearly means business, whether he would actually have a case (i.e. win a judgement) doesn't really matter. It could certainly cause a lot of headaches and defending against it wouldn't be cheap.

Just sayin' ....
I have removed the address he sent it to because it was old. It is still listed on a few "whois' contacts for my forums. Got to remembert to change them.

Later Jason sent me the name of his law firm that he says is representing him. My lawyer contacted that law firm and they had never heard of Jason Wishert.

I want to remind you all of something.

First, I never said a word about Jason. Never posted a word about him until this letter came in the mail.

Second, as owner I am protected by federal law from any sort of lawsuit based on what people say on my forum. That's one of the many mistakes he is making. He is blaming me for what other people posted.

We say this often at Websleuths. You are responsible for your posting. Please remember this the next time you want to post a rumor or something not so nice. You own your words.

However, I am very proud of Websleuths and the integrity we have on the forum. More so than any other forum on the Internet.

Jason made himself a public figure. You all have a right to your opinion about him.

I am not worried at all about him suing me. I am worried about his vendetta he has so plainly described he is going to carry out on my family and me. His thinking process is not like yours or mine in my opinion and that is troublesome.

Please let me make something very clear; if you feel the need to post on this thread I have instructed the moderators to make sure everyone follows our Terms of Service. No name calling. No sleuthing. Be respectful and if you feel you can't then I ask that you not post. That doesn't mean you can't post your opinion. You most certainly can. However you must choose your words so you do not violate our TOS. It's as simple as that.

After receiving the letter I searched around and I can honestly say there are several other forums that just tore Jason apart. Not us. Not Websleuths. Not even close. Why he is angry at Websleuths is beyond me.

Many of the posts on the other forums are still up or you can find them in Google cached versions.

In closing I want Jason and anyone else who thinks they can threaten my family and get away with it . . . you can't. I won't allow it to happen.

There are several different things that will be happening. I will tell you that law enforcement will be involved and hopefully other media members as well.

In the unlikely occurrence members of LE do not become involved then at the very least I am going to shine a bright light on Jason Wishert. That way if there is even a HINT of impropriety with my family ANYWHERE we will know where to turn and then law enforcement will become involved.

Jason Wishert says he is a "Child Advocate." Oh really? I do not know anyone who works with children or who is associated with organizations who work with children that would write a letter like the one I posted.

I'll post updates as they become available.


What can be said to describe him without using an expletive? Nothing...
Wow! I just read this entire thread.

JW seems to be very unstable, I hope someone in his family is keeping an eye on him. I fear this issue with WS he is having might push him over the edge and cause him to do harm to himself.

I was just wondering if someone in JW's family has been contacted in regards to his outbursts & threats to WS owner and her family.

This man is totally wrong IMO - but - It is VERY apparent he is not stable in his right frame of mind - this is what I am concerned about.
I'm guessing that the strange amount of money ($743,000?) he is seemingly hoping to extort is what he figures he would have made during a stellar career in criminal justice.

When I was a little girl, I used to dream of marrying a handsome prince and living happily-ever-after in a big, beautiful castle.

That didn't happen either. I feel your pain, Jason.

~(sarcasm fully intended).
What can be said to describe him without using an expletive? Nothing...

Poor Levi. LOL. You can send me an email and say anything you want. How's that? :)
Has anyone heard anything from DS confirming this guy's "version" of their relationship? I mean, it is HIS side of the story...maybe she figured out what a fruit loop he is and got out of the relationship and this is his revenge? IDK...:waitasec:

JMO IMO :cow:

That is pretty much exactly what I have heard (from DeeDee). When he saw her name mentioned he saw a chance to get revenge on her and did so. MOO

ETA - I forgot to add this before hitting send - I think JW thought he would be perceived as the major hero of this - his coming forward with the info that would close the case. Now, one, he had minimal to add. He dated DDS. The last few months of the "relationship" by his own admission, they didn't see each other much, she was trying to stop it. He was in no way prepared that anyone anywhere would question him, or, his background, and sleuthing on other sites apparently turned up information he wasn't wanting out there. I never saw that information on WS.

He learned he couldn't control it, and, I think this is his attempt (his attempted extortion of Tricia and threats against her family) to try to regain/or take control. Again, MOO.
You go, girl!
Proud of you!

Still haven't heard from Levi. He must be writing a long email with lots of descriptive words. LOL
I am so sorry that he has threatened you and your family. Personally, I can't see how he thinks a letter like this will help him ever find a job in the legal community! I also think Websleuths is by far the least sleazy place on the internet. When I read a letter like the one he sent my experience tells me that this person has a glorified view of himself and is blowing smoke and trying to be a braggart! Again, sorry you have been threatened but don't expect he can back this up especially if he provided you with the name and number of an attorney you have never heard of. In fact, if he had an attorney then the attorney would have written you a letter and not him.
Don't know how many are involved, but at least one appears to be nursing an old grudge, rather than joining hands. She did say that she had notified MCSO weeks ago about the letter she received. So, at least if everyone does that same, perhaps MCSO will have to look into it. You'd think a common enemy would bring people together, wouldn't you?


:The enemy of my enemy is my friend. -Muslim proverb

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