Jason Wishert Has Threatened My Family.

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Well. I clicked on my Kyron link to catch up and saw this thread.

I can tell JW that it is his own words that have influenced what I think of him! Of course I cannot express how I feel about him or I would have my first time out, if not out right banned.

Anyone can threaten me and I really do not care. BUT, threaten my family and the fight is on! I would report it to LE, and I would get my lawyer to write him an official, registered letter warning him to cease and desist. I personally would not stoop to his level and write one word to him or give him the satisfaction of even personally speaking to him on the phone.

I am so pleased that this thread is here. Expose this unfortunate person for who he is. He is a stalker, a bully, blackmailer, as well as threatening. IMO.

PLEASE, God, do not let this person be a child advocate! People such as this should be kept well away from our children. Again, IMO.

I hope LE looks very hard at this guy. I do not have a very good feeling about what I read written in his own words. He could possibly be very dangerous. IMO.

Tricia, I am sure you have great legal advice and will take care of yourself. You have a wonderful forum here and I am proud to be a member of it.
JW's list of "turn offs and turn ons" were quite amusing. Honestly, after further reflection it kinda feels like a "Playboy bio".
ie: 'My turn ons include women who cook enough veggies on Sunday to supply 5 tupperware meals per day for the entire week'.
Now that info is ground breaking for this investigation dontcha know! His extensive LE knowledge must have influenced him to include this - because we WS'rs have no idea how much those tidbits of info will break the case wide open.

ok - maybe i am being just a little snarky but come on people - really?
JMO but it doesn't sound like he could afford Houze if he couldn't afford a few boxes.
JW is truly disturbed. There is a certain... casualty with cruelty.. that links him, and Dede, the animal abuser and, of course, Terri...the originator (according to LE) of the Murder For Hire plot...and the "de facto" suspect in the disappearance of a child.

I find that very telling.

A man who could write such vile threats; a dog-sitter who could enjoy watching each day as a dog suffers from her neglect...a woman who thinks murder is an entitlement if you cross her.

Very interesting that they all share a acquaintance...
ITA. I'm starting to wonder if he's TH's anonymous donor and is trying to get some more money for her defense. That would explain him wanting 743,000. Either that, or he's just plain greedy. But it is suspicious that right when she's asking KH for money and claiming she's broke that Jason pops up and extorts people. I can definitely see why she wouldn't want to admit that he's the one that's paying for her lawyer. Things that make you go hmmmm....

I don't really think a student who is eating noodles and day old bread has the money to provide for anyone. His claim to fortune would seem to be so much hot air.
Any potential employer sleuthing Mr. Wishert would certainly not hire him now, based on the letter he wrote. And he's a criminal justice major?! Can we say illegal activity?
This poor thing can't be anything other than unbalanced to threaten the owner of WS when he injected himself into the frey. Yes...JW is definitely a brick shy in the load. Hope he seeks help soon.
I've been doing some reading on libel, and wanted to share what I've found.

According to this web site:


Part of the definition of libel is:

... it must be a statement which claims to be fact, and is not clearly identified as an opinion.

Concerning public figures, limited-purpose public figures, and private figures:


Distinguishing between public and private figures for the purposes of defamation law is sometimes difficult. For an individual to be considered a public figure in all situations, the person's name must be so familiar as to be a household word—for example, Michael Jordan. Because most people do not fit into that category of notoriety, the Court recognized the limited-purpose public figure, who is voluntarily injected into a public controversy and becomes a public figure for a limited range of issues. Limited-purpose public figures, like public figures, have at least temporary access to the means to counteract false statements about them. They also voluntarily place themselves in the public eye and consequently relinquish some of their privacy rights. For these reasons, false statements [i.e. a statement which claims to be fact and is not clearly identified as an opinion] about limited-purpose public figures that relate to the public controversies in which those figures are involved are not considered defamatory unless they meet the actual-malice test set forth in Sullivan.
Other sites have taken him seriously and shut down because he is a bully not a victim. His sentence structures indicate he's a bully not a victim. If he's a victim, it's of his own hubris and mistakes. He's been outed in a sense and now the search engines have geometrically increased links to statements by him, comments about his lifestyle and his role in Kyron's case, and it's all because of his own actions.

What an interesting case of someone shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak.

I hope you and your family are safe from harm now and always, Tricia, and that you will get all the support you need to shine the light on this kind of stuff.
From Tricia's letter to JW (on page 1 of this thread):

However, if you would like to issue a statement on anything that was posted I would be glad to post it for you on Websleuths.

Limited-purpose public figures, like public figures, have at least temporary access to the means to counteract false statements [i.e. a statement which claims to be fact and is not clearly identified as an opinion] about them. (source: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Defamation)

IMO, an opportunity was provided to this individual (who seems to meet the legal definition of a limited-purpose public figure) to respond to any opinions/posts made about him on this site (and was invited to have his response posted), and seems to have declined that opportunity, for some reason.

MOO (my own opinion)
From Tricia's letter to JW (on page 1 of this thread):

Limited-purpose public figures, like public figures, have at least temporary access to the means to counteract false statements [i.e. a statement which claims to be fact and is not clearly identified as an opinion] about them. (source: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Defamation)

IMO, an opportunity was provided to this individual (who seems to meet the legal definition of a limited-purpose public figure) to respond to any opinions/posts made about him on this site (and was invited to have his response posted), and seems to have declined that opportunity, for some reason.

MOO (my own opinion)
Howdy, Kermit! I think JW stated that he was a "pubic figure" not a public figure. I tried to google this, but...uh....:blushing: :D
Hey Tricia, I was wondering what has become of this... Have you heard back from him? Has your three days that he gave you to remove the information passed yet? If so has he said or done anything else? Have you contacted the authorities and informed them of this threat? Just want to let you know I'm proud of you. Not backing down from this gives me great respect for you. I am so proud to be a member here. Stay safe.. XXOO
JW, to quote a movie, "You are a sad, strange little man... and you have my pity." :crazy:
Hey Tricia, I was wondering what has become of this... Have you heard back from him? Has your three days that he gave you to remove the information passed yet? If so has he said or done anything else? Have you contacted the authorities and informed them of this threat? Just want to let you know I'm proud of you. Not backing down from this gives me great respect for you. I am so proud to be a member here. Stay safe.. XXOO

Haven't heard a peep from him. . I did file the police report and will be faxing the info to Kyron's task force later on today.

Thanks again everyone. I am a very lucky woman to have friends like you :)

My father worked for the USPS for well over 25 years. We heard directly from him about investigations regarding 'threatening' letters being sent through the USPS. Several posters here have mentioned how seriously the postal service takes these types of communications.

While LE is an automatic response, the postal service would hit this one hard and fast because of the multiple letters sent through the service. One way to shine a very very bright light on this fella is to have a USPS Inspector and Investigator show up at his door. I dare say the media would pick that up pretty quickly as well, highlighting disturbing issues identified by several WS posters this individual has exhibited in his writing.

Please stay safe. My thoughts are with you and your family.:twocents:
I don't really think a student who is eating noodles and day old bread has the money to provide for anyone. His claim to fortune would seem to be so much hot air.

After reading the letter - what does top ramen and day old bread have to do with finding Kyron?



Hi everyone,

Thank you so very much for your support and suggestions. You are helping me a great deal with this situation.

Today I'll be contacting the USPS inspector among other things.

I do ask that you please keep our terms of service in top of mind when posting here.

GrandmaJ put in so much time and hard work cleaning up the other thread that I don't want to see her have to do anything like that again.

No sleuthing. He is not a suspect. No name calling.

Thanks again you guys. I don't know what I would do without you.

My father worked for the USPS for well over 25 years. We heard directly from him about investigations regarding 'threatening' letters being sent through the USPS. Several posters here have mentioned how seriously the postal service takes these types of communications.

While LE is an automatic response, the postal service would hit this one hard and fast because of the multiple letters sent through the service. One way to shine a very very bright light on this fella is to have a USPS Inspector and Investigator show up at his door. I dare say the media would pick that up pretty quickly as well, highlighting disturbing issues identified by several WS posters this individual has exhibited in his writing.

Please stay safe. My thoughts are with you and your family.:twocents:

Dear GennyMac,

This is very useful information. He is clearly trying to extort money from me and he used the US mail to do so.

Thank you,

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