Jason Wishert Has Threatened My Family.

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personally, I take offense to day old bread. So my bread expired today, but it's still fresh and yummy. Bread really doesn't go off until 3-4 days or so after the expiration date (depending on the type of bread). I have 1/2 a loaf of sourdough bread and it's still nice and smooshy.

Day old bread my arss....most people should be so lucky nowadays!


WOW. No wonder the relationship ended between him and Dede--he is a total nutcase! Sadly, this forum consistently leaves reminders of how many whackos we have living among us. Sheesh!

Best of luck Trisha. I'm sure you'll find away around this. Read Gavin DeBecker's The Gift of Fear, as it discusses how to deal with threats and when a threat is dangerous and when it is not.
I know! I actually went and bought some Cup O'Noodles after reading what a big deal he made about them. That's just such a joke- someone who is making 50million/year doesn't need to survive on Cup O'Noodles and day-old bread!

Ahh, the Barenaked Ladies disagree with that! :)

Barenaked Ladies (live!):

If I had a million dollars,
We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner.... But we would!

(Of course we would, we’d just eat more
And buy really expensive ketchups with it
That’s right, all the fanciest dijon ketchups!
Mmmmmm, Mmmm-Hmmm)
I'd be honestly surprised/disturbed if this man were ever actually in law enforcement in any capacity. VERY disturbed.
The letter was very threatening and frankly twisted.
I'm glad you've made LE aware of the situation, there is something very wrong with that individual in my opinion.

As far as his wailing about his "future employment" goes (he wants to go in to law enforcement?!?), everybody that follows any criminal case knows the LE/authorities do NOT want their personnel responding to public scrutiny in a belligerent and threatening way. Or at all actually.

LE and related employers aren't going to be bothering with what *other people* say about a potential employee online,they will look at what the potential employee *himself* says and does.

In my opinion,this guys bizarre reaction to Websleuths forum posts alone is what would make him look like a liability when it comes to restraint or lack thereof.

Trisha,I don't post much but I must say kudos to you and your courage in facing down this apparent bullying.

~Yes, these words are MY OWN opinion and NOT the responsibility of Websleuth or anyone else.~
First, thank you all for your concern. Reading this thread helps me so much. I know I keep telling you that but it's true.

Been out of town but will catch up tonight on the thread.

Also hopefully will be able to update you on few things very soon.

I understand this is not helping us locate Kyron. Please do not think I want the attention taken away from Kyron's case. Not at all.

Since this involves the Internet and how we run things here on Websleuths I feel I should keep you updated to the extent I can.

Tricia, when you and the mods were deleting the posts he thought were "offensive", did any of them seem to be getting close to a possible "secret" that he didn't want or could'nt have publicized? I can't help but have the opinion that this man has something he wants to keep hidden and someone may have been getting close to it. He should have learned by now that if you have secrets, going to the media for "any" reason is way illogical! This is just something that occurred to me as I was going over the posts that I had made on his thread.

No not really. Not that I can remember. Most of the posts were silly or name calling type things. Nothing that came close to libel. Not even.
Tricia, the you put up with for WS to continue being what it is amazes me! You are always respectful, fair, and graceful in these times. I'd be foaming at the mouth. Thanks, once again, for your devotion to this community. As for Mr. Wishert, I feel he has created his own problems the minute he pushed himself into Kyron's case. Perhaps he should have considered these possibilities BEFORE not only giving an interview but writing a detailed letter about a personal relationship he's had with DS. I can only hope he gets the help he so clearly needs.
I just read this thread and am horrified that this individual has made overt threats to you and your family. i appreciate that you have posted this information, and that your concern is that attention not be diverted from bringing Kyron home.
Be safe, take sensible precautions for yourself and family, and know that there is a huge community standing with you, and we don't back down to bullies who try to use intimidation against others.
Not sure what he was thinking but im glad this forum called his bluff. It cost way to much to bring a lawsuit against a website im sure.

Correct me if im wrong but i also believe he would have to file the lawsuit and travel to wher Tricia's hometown is at, that he can not do it in his hometown. So travel cost, lawyer cost, court cost, and time to just name a few things that would be required before starting a lawsuit towards this site and already we are talking 10's of thousands of dollars to just get the ball rolling.

Now the question will be, does he withdrawl from this and never be heard from again or is he one of those head strong people and pushes forward
I'd be honestly surprised/disturbed if this man were ever actually in law enforcement in any capacity. VERY disturbed.
The letter was very threatening and frankly twisted.
I'm glad you've made LE aware of the situation, there is something very wrong with that individual in my opinion.

As far as his wailing about his "future employment" goes (he wants to go in to law enforcement?!?), everybody that follows any criminal case knows the LE/authorities do NOT want their personnel responding to public scrutiny in a belligerent and threatening way. Or at all actually.

LE and related employers aren't going to be bothering with what *other people* say about a potential employee online,they will look at what the potential employee *himself* says and does.

In my opinion,this guys bizarre reaction to Websleuths forum posts alone is what would make him look like a liability when it comes to restraint or lack thereof.

Trisha,I don't post much but I must say kudos to you and your courage in facing down this apparent bullying.

~Yes, these words are MY OWN opinion and NOT the responsibility of Websleuth or anyone else.~

I am only posting really to second your post and add my support to Tricia.

I wouldn't worry much about this guy suing anyone, but I would be concerned about him mounting some sort of unhinged counter-public-relations campaign.

He did get more than one legitimate news outlet to pay attention to him before after all. My "that guy is a loon" meter was pinging from the moment that he appeared on my radar. It is (I hope) certainly not Websleuths that is obstructing his path to employment in Law Enforcement, it is certainly his own bizarre attention seeking and irrational behaviour.
not wise to threaten our fearless leader...............
Not sure what he was thinking but im glad this forum called his bluff. It cost way to much to bring a lawsuit against a website im sure.

Correct me if im wrong but i also believe he would have to file the lawsuit and travel to wher Tricia's hometown is at, that he can not do it in his hometown. So travel cost, lawyer cost, court cost, and time to just name a few things that would be required before starting a lawsuit towards this site and already we are talking 10's of thousands of dollars to just get the ball rolling.

Now the question will be, does he withdrawl from this and never be heard from again or is he one of those head strong people and pushes forward

You forgot the best part: after doing all this he would LOSE his case because there is nothing legally to back him up. Tricia could take advantage of his appearance and sue HIM for threatening and attempting extortion. She has his letters to legally back her up.
You forgot the best part: after doing all this he would LOSE his case because there is nothing legally to back him up. Tricia could take advantage of his appearance and sue HIM for threatening and attempting extortion. She has his letters to legally back her up.
Yeah, and then there's that......
Anything happening?

Any more billets doux?

Does he have a real lawyer now, or is he sticking with his imaginary lawyer?

Are the police investigating? Are they taking this seriously?

Are the postal authorities investigating? Are they taking this seriously?

Just curious.

Hope all is well.
Just re-read this thread and wanted to tell you all thank you so very much. It helps more than I can express when you offer support.

Not sure if I posted this or not but I should be hearing back from the Postal Inspector investigator later this week.

There is no doubt this was a blatant extortion attempt. When someone threatens to ruin your life unless you pay them money it's called extortion.

That's why you are seeing people getting charged with a crime for trying to get celebrities to pay them NOT to go to the tabloids with a story.

I remember in Erin Brockovitch's case. Her boyfriend (the one in the film who lived with her during her big case) threatened to go public with charges she was a bad mom unless she paid him.

Erin called the cops and he was arrested, charged, and served time.

Basically her old boyfriend said, "I'll ruin your life Erin if you don't pay me". Paraphrasing here but do you see the resemblance to a certain letter we are discussing?

"once I begin my retaliation upon you, the only way I'll stop is for you to remove my name and all references to my family entirely from all your websites, publish an apology, and pay me the sum of $743,000.00. Lacking that I will continue my retaliative campaign till my death. I will never yield or stop getting even with your ever. Everything in your life will be fair game to me. Everything you hold dear will be a target of mine."

He will do all that unless I pay him $743,000.00 dollars.

Seems pretty clear cut to me.
Tricia: Yep, sure sounds like it! I'm sure the authorities are taking that seriously, too.

Tricia: Yep, sure sounds like it! I'm sure the authorities are taking that seriously, too.


They are. When I made my report I had a long talk with the inspector.

Don't know what will happen but if the postal service decides NOT to press charges then Jason should thank his lucky stars and fade away.
They are. When I made my report I had a long talk with the inspector.

Don't know what will happen but if the postal service decides NOT to press charges then Jason should thank his lucky stars and fade away.

I'm not exactly sure why he hasn't been arrested yet- this is blatant extortion and I've heard of people being arrested many times for this...seems open and closed with the letter for evidence...
the more I read this thread make me wonder about him. I can't say what I thinking...I don't no more issue with him I sure hope the other site that was sent the same kind of letter or email went to LE too.

Another one trying to make money off a missing child or something else ?
Any guesses why the odd amount of $743,000? Why not $750,000 or a million?
And he has threatened another forum as well?? Oh, my! He likes living dangerously, then.

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