Spain Jay Slater, 19, missing on holiday in Tenerife, 17 June 2024 #3

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Reacting to the police update, family friend Rachel Hargreaves, whose son Brad was partying with Jay at the three-day NRG festival in Tenerife, told MailOnline today: 'No one is leaving until we find Jay.'

She added: 'We stay and we do what we need to do. Nothing has changed. We will continue to search for him.'

Volunteers who have joined the desperate hunt for Jay in Tenerife are also set to stay - and will explore new areas over the coming days.


Although Spanish authorities claim the case has been clouded by 'inaccurate' conspiracy theories on social media, Jay's desperate family have called in the help of one social media sleuth - Paul Arnott.

The TikTok climber, who has spent more than a week in Tenerife, posted on his Down The Rapids account today: 'I'm possibly going to move the search over to another area, either tomorrow (Monday) or this evening (Sunday) but I will tell you about that later.'

Jay's mother, Debbie Duncan, told The Telegraph earlier this week: ' can't thank Paul Arnott enough, also Callum Rahim [another TikTok creator] and his friends for working alongside with the search and rescue teams.

'Myself, well you know the state of my mental health and my paranoia, you saw it first hand. As a family, we are in a living nightmare.'
But there is, witness testimony is evidence. He states he was lost, doubtfully on the road. His friend also states he watched him sliding down a slope and walking off-road. Two of his closest friends place him off the road. That’s evidence. The police clearly have no reason to dispute that, hence the searching.
Sorry but that is not evidence, it is his 2 friends version of events as told to journalists and possibly the Police. It may or may not be the truth and there is no way to verify these phone conversations with Jay.
Sorry but that is not evidence, it is his 2 friends version of events as told to journalists and possibly the Police. It may or may not be the truth and there is no way to verify these phone conversations with Jay.
Witness testimony is considered evidence in legal contexts. It is classified as testimonial evidence, which consists of statements made by witnesses under oath, typically during a trial. This type of evidence is used to establish facts and can be subject to cross-examination to assess its reliability and credibility. The weight and impact of witness testimony depend on various factors, including the witness's demeanor, consistency, and the presence of corroborating evidence. Source: a website with more knowledge of the law than me.
That is if Spanish police have made an appeal requesting this. Dash cam footage etc, It seems strange that no one saw him on the road that day
I feel like so many people forget that this is happening in Spain and not the UK

There's very little point to the family updating Facebook groups (which I've seen some people suggest) that are mostly full of Brits not in Tenerife

There's been a general lack of following Spanish news about this too, it's just British tabloids being mentioned around and wild theories/things that people have seen on social media
Reacting to the police update, family friend Rachel Hargreaves, whose son Brad was partying with Jay at the three-day NRG festival in Tenerife, told MailOnline today: 'No one is leaving until we find Jay.'

She added: 'We stay and we do what we need to do. Nothing has changed. We will continue to search for him.'

Volunteers who have joined the desperate hunt for Jay in Tenerife are also set to stay - and will explore new areas over the coming days.


Although Spanish authorities claim the case has been clouded by 'inaccurate' conspiracy theories on social media, Jay's desperate family have called in the help of one social media sleuth - Paul Arnott.

The TikTok climber, who has spent more than a week in Tenerife, posted on his Down The Rapids account today: 'I'm possibly going to move the search over to another area, either tomorrow (Monday) or this evening (Sunday) but I will tell you about that later.'

Jay's mother, Debbie Duncan, told The Telegraph earlier this week: ' can't thank Paul Arnott enough, also Callum Rahim [another TikTok creator] and his friends for working alongside with the search and rescue teams.

'Myself, well you know the state of my mental health and my paranoia, you saw it first hand. As a family, we are in a living nightmare.'
But if the Spanish authorities have stopped the search who else is there to carry it on apart from a couple of YOU TUBE volunteers.? The friends and family have not been up in the mountains searching nor are they suitably competent to do so.
I feel like so many people forget that this is happening in Spain and not the UK

There's very little point to the family updating Facebook groups (which I've seen some people suggest) that are mostly full of Brits not in Tenerife

There's been a general lack of following Spanish news about this too, it's just British tabloids being mentioned around and wild theories/things that people have seen on social media
What about appeals on TV for dashcam footage or any leads, there has been no appeals just Debbie arguing about mistreatment and what the trust fund is getting used for and the dad arguing about trolls online..
Witness testimony is considered evidence in legal contexts. It is classified as testimonial evidence, which consists of statements made by witnesses under oath, typically during a trial. This type of evidence is used to establish facts and can be subject to cross-examination to assess its reliability and credibility. The weight and impact of witness testimony depend on various factors, including the witness's demeanor, consistency, and the presence of corroborating evidence. Source: a website with more knowledge of the law than me.
Yes I agree it is in a court of law. But they have not taken oaths or made sworn statements. They are not under investigation by Spanish LE as far as I know and Lucy is back in the UK now and keeping a low profile
What about appeals on TV for dashcam footage or any leads, there has been no appeals just Debbie arguing about mistreatment and what the trust fund is getting used for and the dad arguing about trolls online..
Yes that is what I meant, surely this would be vital information and help pinpoint locations to continue searching
Sorry but that is not evidence, it is his 2 friends version of events as told to journalists and possibly the Police. It may or may not be the truth and there is no way to verify these phone conversations with Jay.
It’s not the only evidence, he also sent her a pin which I assume the police have long since checked and confirmed as being pertinent.
Yes I agree it is in a court of law. But they have not taken oaths or made sworn statements. They are not under investigation by Spanish LE as far as I know and Lucy is back in the UK now and keeping a low profile
We don’t know. Lying to the police is a crime in any country, and I’d guess that they supplied statements in an official capacity. Particularly Lucy, as she is a key witness, as she was the last person to speak with Jay. A witness statement does not mean a person on interest. And like I said, a witness statement is evidence.

Generally, there is no evidence to suggest anything other than Jay getting lost in the hills. Absolutely nothing.
I know if it was one of my kids missing I be up there with a petrol Strimmer and chopping through the undergrowth you wouldn't get me off that mountain at all and I be going to see the woman from the Airbnb
People always say this when a parent loses a child, though. "If it were me, I'd do more, and better."

Of course people, and your own common sense, would get you "off that mountain." You wouldn't have superhuman powers. You would need to eat and sleep. The police may even advise you not to try searching, knowing that you'd be more of a hindrance than a help.

Even if you could get hold of the right gear, which is doubtful, going "up there with a petrol Strimmer and chopping through the undergrowth" would do no good whatsoever. It would take you hours to clear a small patch of that dense shrubbery, and you might not even be looking in the right place. And at some point you would realise, tragically, that it was a recovery mission. I won't describe the sight, but it's a sight you as a distraught parent may want avoid. In all likelihood Jay had died of injury or exposure before his family even arrived in Tenerife.

It's easy, and in a perverse way kind of reassuring, to judge parents in this situation. We're sure that we'd handle it better. We're sure that they haven't tried very hard, and we would have tried very hard. The reality is we don't know what we'd do, or what we'd be advised to do. In that situation we might be paralysed with grief, unable to think rationally. Or we might be rational and simply hope that the professionals will do a better job than we could.
What about appeals on TV for dashcam footage or any leads, there has been no appeals just Debbie arguing about mistreatment and what the trust fund is getting used for and the dad arguing about trolls online..
I mean this would all have to happen through Spanish channels and social media groups which hardly anyone seems to be following. Plus there's a bunch of other factors to this - is the family being supported well through the process? Do they feel like there's a language barrier (I think I remember them complaining that the police/search team didn't speak English to them but also... could just be a social media thing)

I think his family's behaviour during this has been a mess - though it's hardly ever normal in these situations in general tbf - but a lot of people are approaching this from a "this would happen in the UK" perspective/that it has happened before

Is the place he was travelling through actually driven through frequently? Are we super sure they haven't appealed for any information?
Same stuff happens in every case. Whoever is close friends and involved in the search becomes suspicious to some based on very little at all. Whether it’s being too involved in the case or not involved enough, there is no satisfying some people who will drive those who’ve by all accounts done their best back into the shadows.
<modsnip - off topic>
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We don’t know. Lying to the police is a crime in any country, and I’d guess that they supplied statements in an official capacity. Particularly Lucy, as she is a key witness, as she was the last person to speak with Jay. A witness statement does not mean a person on interest.
Ok. Lets hope both his friends were 100% truthful and did not with hold any vital information or Jay may never be found.
We don’t know. Lying to the police is a crime in any country, and I’d guess that they supplied statements in an official capacity. Particularly Lucy, as she is a key witness, as she was the last person to speak with Jay. A witness statement does not mean a person on interest. And like I said, a witness statement is evidence.

Generally, there is no evidence to suggest anything other than Jay getting lost in the hills. Absolutely nothing.
And things get out of hand if the lies have led to a manhunt by all them guys an then they find out they have been misled I don't think they would be happy so do the lies continue


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