I remember the dateline special where the child advocate was saying PG told her his daughter was helping him with the business and she wondered why he would have a 6 year old helping him, cause there were so many spelling errors. And that sounds like PG making excuses for his spelling by blaming his daughter to me. Like when customers complained about spelling he included her into that part of the business. Its possible he used her as a scapegoat of sorts if anything went wrong he would say it was her fault or that she was in charge of that.I mean this makes sense to me, these people are such liars and users.
I would love to know at which point Jaycee started working in the business. At that point, or the point in which he started referring to a daughter, is when he was taking a major, major risk. Just think - - she had no medical care . . . and without medications like antibiotics, it's easy to DIE from infections, etc. What if she had appendicitis, and her appendix burst?
He was really taking a risk, if his customers knew he had a daughter, saw her, corresponded with her, talked on the phone with her . . . and then she DISAPPEARED. Would the customers have fallen for PG's "spin"? You wonder.
On the other hand, I think PG got off on the risk, got off on pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.
(Another thought - - I wonder if Starlit and Angel ever helped with the business/ emails?????)