Jaycee's emails

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I remember the dateline special where the child advocate was saying PG told her his daughter was helping him with the business and she wondered why he would have a 6 year old helping him, cause there were so many spelling errors. And that sounds like PG making excuses for his spelling by blaming his daughter to me. Like when customers complained about spelling he included her into that part of the business. Its possible he used her as a scapegoat of sorts if anything went wrong he would say it was her fault or that she was in charge of that.I mean this makes sense to me, these people are such liars and users.

I would love to know at which point Jaycee started working in the business. At that point, or the point in which he started referring to a daughter, is when he was taking a major, major risk. Just think - - she had no medical care . . . and without medications like antibiotics, it's easy to DIE from infections, etc. What if she had appendicitis, and her appendix burst?

He was really taking a risk, if his customers knew he had a daughter, saw her, corresponded with her, talked on the phone with her . . . and then she DISAPPEARED. Would the customers have fallen for PG's "spin"? You wonder.

On the other hand, I think PG got off on the risk, got off on pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.

(Another thought - - I wonder if Starlit and Angel ever helped with the business/ emails?????)
song and not my kids....we are all in agreement here. no one HERE is blaming jaycee.
my point was the emails were released by garrido's ciients to 1) make themsleves look like they had no clue 2) make jaycee look bad.
I still do not think we need a thread for every little thing.
YES she had e-mails and no we have no clue if her Internet access was controlled.
How much can be said about that topic...?

Don't reply LOL (((HUG))) :)
I still do not think we need a thread for every little thing.
YES she had e-mails and no we have no clue if her Internet access was controlled.
How much can be said about that topic...?

Don't reply LOL (((HUG))) :)

One of the reasons people get banned is for taking too much of the moderator's time.

The topic of these threads is NOT each other. If you don't like a subject, don't post about it. If you cannot stand a certain person's point of view but they are not violating TOS put them on ignore.

:) Song, you may be right that there isn't much to talk about here, but there probably isn't much harm to explore it.

Thought 's post bore repeating.
Well if there were lots of misspelled words in the email's then we know who wrote them :crazy:
Well if there were lots of misspelled words in the email's then we know who wrote them :crazy:

i agree.
even at 5th grade level jaycee is a better speller then garrido
(her spelling and grammar was perfect in her fifth grade descrptin project)
:) Song, you may be right that there isn't much to talk about here, but there probably isn't much harm to explore it.

Thought 's post bore repeating.
Talking is sure different then opening threads on all little topics.
Since she has a forum, the idea is to open threads on things we think matter, as opposed to putting them all in one place. That's why there aren't GD threads. We have a whole forum, so that we can keep things separate. Even the little things.
Nuff said.
Since she has a forum, the idea is to open threads on things we think matter, as opposed to putting them all in one place. That's why there aren't GD threads. We have a whole forum, so that we can keep things separate. Even the little things.
Nuff said.

im not gonna apologize for the threads i opened nor do i expect anyonelse for there own.
if we dont want to post in a certian place we dont.
I hope this thread doesn't get closed. Tracking Jaycee's involvement in printing business is important -- that was her interface with the real world.

re: corrections to brochures etc,
PG is an atrocious speller, so Jaycee being asked to correct errors (and apologising) doesn't mean she wrote it -- I doubt she was proofreading and correcting PG's spelling and grammar, even if she picked up on errors. We don't know what she wrote and when, but there's no harm in having all that stuff together in one thread for us to pick over.

But JC's aunt in one report did state that the girls were learned, and had access to Internet. I imagine that even if they did not have full access they had some access.
I hope this thread doesn't get closed. Tracking Jaycee's involvement in printing business is important -- that was her interface with the real world.

re: corrections to brochures etc,
PG is an atrocious speller, so Jaycee being asked to correct errors (and apologising) doesn't mean she wrote it -- I doubt she was proofreading and correcting PG's spelling and grammar, even if she picked up on errors. We don't know what she wrote and when, but there's no harm in having all that stuff together in one thread for us to pick over.

well the picture on the busness card isnt jaycee. if she wasnt sending his buisness emails either i wonder why he had to make this stuff up. besides being a rapist, kidnapper, and child rapist, along with being a sociopath with paranoid shizophrenic tendencies, he might be habitual liar as well.
well the picture on the busness card isnt jaycee. if she wasnt sending his buisness emails either i wonder why he had to make this stuff up. besides being a rapist, kidnapper, and child rapist, along with being a sociopath with paranoid shizophrenic tendencies, he might be habitual liar as well.

I'm not even gonna discuss the business card pic.
I think if PG was making this stuff up it was to feel and seem important, when you are important, you have power. When you have power, you can control people.
He obviously craves power and control. Rape, captives, business ownership. He lives for power.
Personal theory: someone mentioned something to him about Jaycee or the girls seeming off socially and he wanted to make it seem like she had more freedom and social skills.
@kbl: All the man does is lie. He can't handle the truth to the point he constantly has to run away from even fragments of it. I think the reality of his life is so frighteningly miserable that he depends on lies to cope. At this point, I'm sure he believes them. That could also explain his near-life long drug habit. Neighbors considered him a tweaker (i.e. a meth user).

Also: he's not a paranoid schizophrenic. He doesn't even have those tendencies. Mental illness is not the catch-all cause for these types of criminals; not even close. We shouldn't be casually lumping these bastards in with those who actually suffer from mental illness. They are already stigmatized enough due to widespread ignorance. These predators are motivated by violent hate, almost exclusively gender-based bigotry. Incorporating sexuality into their crimes doesn't cancel out the effect of having chosen their victims due to gender. Michael Devlin, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffrey Dahmer all hated males. Garrido just happens to hate women and girls. Bigotry is not a mental illness.
I'm not even gonna discuss the business card pic.
I think if PG was making this stuff up it was to feel and seem important, when you are important, you have power. When you have power, you can control people.
He obviously craves power and control. Rape, captives, business ownership. He lives for power.
Personal theory: someone mentioned something to him about Jaycee or the girls seeming off socially and he wanted to make it seem like she had more freedom and social skills.

saw a posters comment somewhere on an article that said Garrido was taking the girls around as his two new trophies - that gave me chills and made me think, not sure he was, but it makes me wonder why he also but a young blonde woman on his business card.
I'm not even gonna discuss the business card pic.
I think if PG was making this stuff up it was to feel and seem important, when you are important, you have power. When you have power, you can control people.
He obviously craves power and control. Rape, captives, business ownership. He lives for power.
Personal theory: someone mentioned something to him about Jaycee or the girls seeming off socially and he wanted to make it seem like she had more freedom and social skills.

lol :) did you say you were not going to discuss it? :waitasec:
@kbl: All the man does is lie. He can't handle the truth to the point he constantly has to run away from even fragments of it. I think the reality of his life is so frighteningly miserable that he depends on lies to cope. At this point, I'm sure he believes them. That could also explain his near-life long drug habit. Neighbors considered him a tweaker (i.e. a meth user).

Also: he's not a paranoid schizophrenic. He doesn't even have those tendencies. Mental illness is not the catch-all cause for these types of criminals; not even close. We shouldn't be casually lumping these bastards in with those who actually suffer from mental illness. They are already stigmatized enough due to widespread ignorance. These predators are motivated by violent hate, almost exclusively gender-based bigotry. Incorporating sexuality into their crimes doesn't cancel out the effect of having chosen their victims due to gender. Michael Devlin, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffrey Dahmer all hated males. Garrido just happens to hate women and girls. Bigotry is not a mental illness.

GREAT POST :clap: :clap: :clap:
@kbl: All the man does is lie. He can't handle the truth to the point he constantly has to run away from even fragments of it. I think the reality of his life is so frighteningly miserable that he depends on lies to cope. At this point, I'm sure he believes them. That could also explain his near-life long drug habit. Neighbors considered him a tweaker (i.e. a meth user).

Also: he's not a paranoid schizophrenic. He doesn't even have those tendencies. Mental illness is not the catch-all cause for these types of criminals; not even close. We shouldn't be casually lumping these bastards in with those who actually suffer from mental illness. They are already stigmatized enough due to widespread ignorance. These predators are motivated by violent hate, almost exclusively gender-based bigotry. Incorporating sexuality into their crimes doesn't cancel out the effect of having chosen their victims due to gender. Michael Devlin, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffrey Dahmer all hated males. Garrido just happens to hate women and girls. Bigotry is not a mental illness.

I wondered when someone was going to say that. You did a better job of it than I would have. He isn't crazy, although I'm sure that will be used in court. He's evil. Big difference.
I wondered when someone was going to say that. You did a better job of it than I would have. He isn't crazy, although I'm sure that will be used in court. He's evil. Big difference.

well someone who thinks he talks to god thru a box is either the worst con man on the planet or has those shchizo tendencies.
i happen to think the answer is both...........
@kbl: Child rapists are notorious for exploiting religion. Do you think the Klan were simply mentally ill when they committed all those lynchings of blacks during Jim Crow because they dressed in wacky outfits, performed bizarre rituals, burned crosses, and believed they were acting on behalf of God? They were violent bigots. Those who commit crimes motivated by violent hate find ways to justify their behavior through elaborate rationalizations, always invoking some profound sense of morality. Name one type of bigotry that doesn't appeal to God? Name one violent bigot who doesn't believe he's doing God's will? So, Garrido had a damn box. How is that truly any different that a homophobic pastor holding up a bible and proclaiming himself a "true" believer in God to justify violent hate?

Again, you don't know much about paranoid schizophrenia or else you wouldn't be so flippant about it.
Let me add: I don't think Garrido believes he's lying. He totally believes his own lies. Child rapists almost always do that's why they're able to justify their crimes again and again, victim after victim.

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