Jeff Ashton -Retired? Not if he has anything to say about it! ;) ***Updated***

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I wonder about that each and every time she clutters up my tv screen, Lamb Chop! Cannot. Stand. Her.

:floorlaugh: Literally roflmao @ your siggy!! :floorlaugh:

Take that CM! :floorlaugh:
Glad to see that I wasn't the only one irritated by JVM behavior towards JA. Like Holly Hughes said the public blames the jury not the prosecution for Casey walking. Love how she tries to make Baez the new Richard "Racehorse " Haynes. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

What I love about people like JVM is that when he was a guest on her show, she kissed his backside and next chance she gets she makes snide comments about him. I hope he never goes back on her show.

Why does she always try to tell lawyers what they should do during trial? Does she really think Jeff Ashton needs help from her on how to do his job? Please. She is not an attorney and has NEVER tried a case. Sit down and shut up, Jane.:twocents:
Does anyone know what the statute of limitations is for perjury? Wouldn't that be a kicker if JA went after CA? Remember, it was the SA (LL) decision to not charge her.
From what I have found appears to be 3 years from the time of the offense.

More info:

I would laugh myself silly to see CA carried off in handcuffs to her new little cell. Maybe she could ask for FCA's old cell.

Seriously, they may as well drop perjury as a crime if they won't enforce it in a death penalty case. It doesn't get any worse than that.

I would laugh myself silly to see CA carried off in handcuffs to her new little cell. Maybe she could ask for FCA's old cell.

Seriously, they may as well drop perjury as a crime if they won't enforce it in a death penalty case. It doesn't get any worse than that.

'whaddya mean JA's been made State's Attorney and I'm to be put away for perjury? George won't survive without me'
Bob Kealing tweets from today, most about Jeff Ashton and his run for State Atty:

Former Orlando Police officer wounded in line of duty Eddie Diaz introducing #jeffashton. Ashton prosecuted suspect who shot him.

#jeffashton I have the judgement and experience to lead.

#jeffashton everyone with a law degree my administration will practice law. I will Cut costs and bureaucracy.

#jeffashton says he won't ask #CaseyAnthony co-counsel #lindadraneburdick to endorse his run against her boss.

In interview #jeffashton told me he was under no gag order and did not reveal confidential #CaseyAnthony info in his book.

Lawson Lamar who #jeffashton called "the wizard" will "come out from behind the curtain" with statement Friday. Should be good race.
bobkealing bob kealing
Lamar says he admonished #jeffashton "six times" to tone down his behavior in #CaseyAnthony trial. Says his reactions "did not help us"

bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
State attorney Lawson Lamar accuses fellow candidate,#CaseyAnthony prosecutor #jeffashton of exploiting "public service for personal gain."

Sounds like Lawson Lamar is not very pleased to have JA as his opponent.
bobkealing bob kealing
Lamar says he admonished #jeffashton "six times" to tone down his behavior in #CaseyAnthony trial. Says his reactions "did not help us"

bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
State attorney Lawson Lamar accuses fellow candidate,#CaseyAnthony prosecutor #jeffashton of exploiting "public service for personal gain."

Sounds like Lawson Lamar is not very pleased to have JA as his opponent.

Whoaa. Isn't that revealing personal employee information? If JA was so bad why was he asked to stay on this case by Mr. Lamar???? jmo
bobkealing bob kealing
Lamar says he admonished #jeffashton "six times" to tone down his behavior in #CaseyAnthony trial. Says his reactions "did not help us"

bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
State attorney Lawson Lamar accuses fellow candidate,#CaseyAnthony prosecutor #jeffashton of exploiting "public service for personal gain."

Sounds like Lawson Lamar is not very pleased to have JA as his opponent.

What does that even mean?! :waitasec:
Jeff answers Lamar:

"He never had anything but praise for my passion in the courtroom," Ashton said. "Instead of admonished, maybe he meant to say applauded."

Ashton noted that he was given the "Champions of Justice Award" upon his retirement last year.

"I wonder if he wants it back," he said of his former boss.

As for Lamar's criticisms about Ashton's book on the Casey Anthony case, Ashton said, "Unlike the State Attorney, I am not a millionaire."

Ashton added that unlike Lamar, he did not enter the state's retirement program, take a "huge payout," and then return to work.

People wanted to know about the Casey Anthony case and what happened, Ashton said.

"I wanted to give them answers. That's why I wrote the book," he said. "I supported my family during that process and I owe an apology to no one for that.",0,3084945.story?page=1
Wow, this is getting ugly...I have really lost respect for Lawson Lamar, what the heck? I can't believe he started mudslinging like this! Someone must have slipped him some Casey koolaid!
Looks like this campaign is gonna get down and dirty.

Go Mr. Ashton!!

Mr. Ashton is the King Mudslinger.

First he attacks Mr. Baez in his book, not he attacks Mr. Lamar in his campaign to be the SA. I bet next he goes after LDB and blames his loss in the Anthony case on her.

Kinda sounds to me like Lawson threw the first punch here. JMO

Mr. Ashton is the King Mudslinger.

First he attacks Mr. Baez in his book, not he attacks Mr. Lamar in his campaign to be the SA. I bet next he goes after LDB and blames his loss in the Anthony case on her.

How odd! :waitasec: I don't see it that way at all. An opinion is an opinion - and that's all it is - his opinion. And certainly his peers in the legal community share his views of Jose -as were voiced in writing in the many articles following the verdict.
Really? Did you read Ashton's announcement that he was running? Extremely directly critical of Lawson.

Kinda sounds to me like Lawson threw the first punch here. JMO
Really? Did you read Ashton's announcement that he was running? Extremely directly critical of Lawson.

Ummm......well....this is politics...right? Surely if he didn't think he could do a far better job than Lawson he wouldn't be running?

Since when in politics do candidates spout sweetness and light about their opponents?
Really? Did you read Ashton's announcement that he was running? Extremely directly critical of Lawson.

I believe when running for a political office it is standard practice to point out your opponents' flaws....and your theoretical lack thereof.

I was kinda surprised that lamar sounded spiteful. that's a little less usual I think.
Jeff Ashton pointed out in his announcement he will not pinpoint any one case when asked questions by media. I am surprised LL brought up the very most recent case Jeff Ashton worked on. Sounds too personal to me. Is LL going to fight the fight by reviewing every case Jeff Ashton was assigned to? I think Jeff Ashton wants change overall.
So it's ok for Ashton to mudsling, but not Lawson?

Ummm......well....this is politics...right? Surely if he didn't think he could do a far better job than Lawson he wouldn't be running?

Since when in politics do candidates spout sweetness and light about their opponents?
Look at it this way - Ashton says he is a prosecutor - wants to be in court prosecuting cases, and will do so if made SA.

Let's step in the way back machine a few years, when Ashton first gets involved in the capitol muder case against Anthony. How much of his time was tied up in that case, as would be in any major case. Would he, or would anyone in fact, be able devote the time required for such a case, and run the State Attorneys Office at the same time? IMO either the case, or the Office would be getting the short end of the stick.

By the way, wasn't prosecuting cases, being in the court room, etc, exactly what he was doing before he retired to make money off the aftermath of his failed effort in the Anthony trial?

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