Jennifer Buchanan

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I think the excuse that Jennifer Buchanan gave when she knew that she had 2 RSAs around Nevaeh that everyone deserves a second chance.

Jennifer put her own needs before her daughters safety and well being.

Also if a RSO was really cured or reformed they would avoid being around children.
Why would an 'reformed' alcoholic still hang out in bars? - Same as why would a 'cured' RSO spend time around children or be involved with a person with children?
Its because they have not changed.
So the only second chance that Jennifer Buchanan gave to these RSOs was to re-offend again. - (if one or more are found guilty).

"Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are" --So the saying goes.

I just get so angry when I saw that picture of Jennifer Buchanan's smiling face at Nevaehs funeral. I hope she does not profit (blood money) from any donations for Nevaehs murder.

Also has anyone noticed that Nevaeh's smile looks a lot like JonBenet Ramseys? Its like a 100 mile stare with a really forced grin in some photos. My heart breaks when I see it -what was happening in Nevaehs short life?
Why was Nevaeh born to a mother who was totally disconnected from her needs as such a small and vulnerable little girl ?!!
Nancy Grace acted just like a predator - she has the power of her own show, the power of education and the experience of a prosecutor...with all that power combined, she proceeded to attack a defenseless, single, grieving mom who has little, if any ability to formulate comprehensive thoughts regarding her daughter. At the very least, predator NG could have provided Jen with a criminal defense attorney...maybe NG would have thought twice about why she asked the questions she did. As much as I appreciate her keeping these stories in front of the public eye - she disgusted me with her predator like behavior.

I don't have cable TV, so I just now watched the NG interview on youtube. ITA with the above quote, and wonder why, in the wake of the Duckett debacle, NG insists on attacking the parents to such a degree. Of course JB's parenting was atrocious. To me that goes without saying at this point when there is not only a missing but a dead child. Yet even though she contributed in a large manner to her daughter's demise, she is still a grieving mother. This isn't a Casey Anthony case with the mother herself accused of murder, or even like the Melinda Duckett sad affair. This mom appears poorly educated, maybe even a little slow. She has an obvious history of poor decision-making, and now will live forever with the guilt of her daughter's murder on her soul. To see NG on the attack is rather sickening. I feel that the mother should ultimately be held accountable for her negligence in Nevaeh's death, but NG's show is not that forum, and NG is neither her judge nor her jury. And not her prosecutor either, for that matter. I see it all as a ploy for ratings, and the fact that the mom agreed to be publicly flayed on the air by NG as further proof of her poor decision making skills.

BTW, I grew up in Ohio. I can readily attest that in the summer, the days are long, and it does not actually get dark until about 9 or 9:30 as JB said. I remember this clearly because I always had to be in when the streetlights came on at night, the same as all the neighborhood kids did. NG is a southerner, and down here in the South, dusk comes much earlier. As educated as she is, one would assume she would know about geographical differences like that.

I'm just sayin'.
So why are not the child endangerment laws being applied to Jennifer Buchanan for what she did-?
Can there be a Nevaeh law put into place - i.e. any parent who has RSO around their child is breaking the law - bottom line.

Lack of knowledge or intelligence as a parent is not an excuse.

How many times has a poor child been rapped and/or murdered by someone they knew and their family knew - as a RSO?

-Its against the law for me not to strap my 3 year old into his car seat.
-Its against the law for me to place my son into dangerous situations.
-I am his mother - I protect everything around him - what he eats, where he goes, who is in his life, etc etc.

As part of a RSOs probation is that they are not allowed to be around children - why not to add to that probation rule that a parent can be held responsible as well if a RSO is around their child!?

Any lawyers out there on how this could be put into place?

I am not an extremist when it comes to laws - BUT we are talking about RSOs. There can never be enough laws or strong enough laws for them.

I think the murder of Nevaeh and her mothers direct involvement in it (yes 'direct involvement'-she knowingly brought TWO RSOs into the home of her daughter!) is screaming to have a Nevaeh law put into place. Any parent who has their child around a RSO can be prosecuted for child endangerment.

Ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses no one")


That is a great idea, in my opinion. Generally speaking, I am not fond of new laws to prosecute people for things common sense should be taking care of, e.g., seat belt violations, mandatory helmet laws for motorcyclists, etc., but we can clearly see that common sense is all too lacking in some parents. If we make it illegal to expose kids knowingly to RSOs and even one child is saved, it would have served its purpose.

We'll never know if little Nevaeh could have been saved by a law such as that. Her mom is a convicted felon, so one could surmise that abiding by an inconvenient law would have little or no importance to her. However, it would provide a reason to remove her child from a harmful situation, as we can see that she did not possess the good judgment to keep her far away from those who would prey on her.
Rather than attack mom Jen and avoiding focusing on who really encased Nevaeh in cement - let's look at why pedophiles are multiplying like sick rabbits!

What about all the moms who turn their head when seeing a child with over sexualized behavior - and chalked if off to 'child's play'?

What about all the moms who turned their heads when they knew a family member sexually abused them or someone else in the family, but figured it would all go away when she grew up and had her own child.

What about all the moms who take their kids to Pediatricians, parks, happy eating places, circuses, libraries, church, and schools where pedophiles are known to hang out?

What about all the people who have homes in the neighborhoods where pedohiles live. Oh, I guess they forgot to check it out first!

If anyone thinks a pedohile can be identified - has a sign around his/her neck - you are sadly mistaken. They are cunning, clever people from all walks of life who fantasize about children and to think it will never be your child is plain naive.


The problem with the above bolded statement is that JB admitted knowing that Kennedy was a RSO, and still let him come around and act as a father figure to her dear daughter. Whether this man or the other RSO had anything to do with Nevaeh's death or not, that was a poor, poor parenting decision by a mom who was streetwise to the point where she was an ex-con herself.
Akashana, I am originaly from Indiana and the days are longer. I now live in Texas and it doesn't get dark till about 9 or 930. I'm not sure where NG is from in the south but I think the darkness issuse is honestly about the same or pretty close.
Here in Louisiana right now it's as dark as it's going to get by 8:30 or a little before. That's what I was basing it on.

May 01, 2009 Sunrise: 6:30 Sunset: 20:32 (8:32 PM)

June 01, 2009 Sunrise: 6:01 Sunset: 21:02 (9:02 PM)

I don't remember what JB was reported to have said, it's all giving me a headache to be honest.

But there are the general sunset times and if anyone wants to see how they jibe with JB's statements it's available.

ETA: IIRC, sunset does not include what is known as twilight.
Nevaeh disappeared around 6:30 which is way before sunset in any state at this time of the year. Nancy just wanted to argue and be right. Even after proving herself wrong by stating that sunset was officially at 8:55 she still acted smug. The entire topic was ridiculous, mainly because it had absolutely no bearing on the case.
Jennifer should have told Nancy when she began to beat on her that Nevaeh was officially on summer holidays and she was from free from getting ready for school the following day. Maybe the perp knew the children were out of school and would be out playing in the early evening in parks and school grounds and just happened to see Nevaeh.
Jennifer should have told Nancy when she began to beat on her that Nevaeh was officially on summer holidays and she was from free from getting ready for school the following day. Maybe the perp knew the children were out of school and would be out playing in the early evening in parks and school grounds and just happened to see Nevaeh.

I agree. According to the neighbors, many children regularly play outside the complex unsupervised. The perp could have noticed this and been waiting for his opportunity to nab one of them. Navaeh may have been chosen randomly, perhaps because she appeared to be alone or maybe she was lured to his car.
Here in Louisiana right now it's as dark as it's going to get by 8:30 or a little before. That's what I was basing it on.

I do not know where you are in Louisiana, but here in Northeastern Louisiana, it does not get dark until around 9:00 pm.

I think it was silly for Nancy G. to get so argumentative about what time it gets dark. IMO, the time it gets dark in Monroe, Michigan is probably the only thing JB is telling the truth about as far as I am concerned.
My hubby is from Laffeyette and we go back pretty often and I thought it didn't get dark there till about 830ish or 9. I remember it was about the time it is here. We're about 7 hours away so not too far. To me, it doesn't really make a big difference. I think NG was just trying to drive her point home. I don't think a 5 yr old should be playing unsupervised if it's 3pm or 9pm. JMO.
I believe Nevaeh was chosen because of her timeless beauty and the perp wanted to preserve her image in the concrte like having your own cement star on Holywood Blvd. Who would do that I wonder?
JMO, but at this time we do not know who murdered Nevaeh. We also do not know who poured cement on her little body. It may turn out that the one who murdered her and the one who disposed of her body may not be the same person. One person could have murdered her and another person dispose of the body for the one who murdered her. I'm not crossing Jennifer off of my possible suspect list at this time. I'm also not crossing off the SOs being involved is a wait and see situation. I'm still thinking and sometimes it gets painful.
The operative word here is "knowingly." Those parents who knowingly expose their child to child predators. In this case, by a mother's own admission to convicted, registered sex offenders. No excuse.
ITA, Kiki No excuse. I have also been following the news on Haylee, Candace Watson and the SO Potter (escaped from Half-way house). If it is proven that Haylee's mother knowingly had a SO around her daughter and is now with Potter couldn't Candace and Jennifer be charged with Child Endangerment?
Trojan Alert

If searching on Nevaeh and see the following link which I will delete parts of it so it can't be clicked it will load a trojan. BEWARE!


nevaeh buchanan - US Hot News 3 hours ago - Click here for more information the nevaeh buchanan. Information update today, New facts : nevaeh buchanan. - Similar
IMO, the criminal system is designed to dehumanize people and rob them of their dignity and the best way to describe JB's life IMO is destitute. She was released from jail confused and unreformed and altogether unfit to meet the challenges she would be facing over the next few years. When JB was released from jail I assume the public humiliation she caused herself and her family would make her ashamed, humiliated and dysfunctional. She very likely felt victimized by her inability to find herself and heal. JB did not achieve independence and freedom for herself during her incarceration and it is sad that her treatment needs were ignored. I doubt JB learnt the necessary skills and insights she needed to transition successfully from institution life into community living. JB is unorganized and disoriented and lacking mental stability obviously upon release from a lengthy prison of 3 years. VMD did not spend anytime for his crime against society and JB a mother whose child needs her is given a harsher penalty. The early years of a child's life are critical and NB did not have the close support of either of her parents. And what about NB's father who possibly has been reportedly cheating Nevaeh and Jennifer out of child support payments. If Shane was in arrears and legally obligated before his daughter's death to pay a court ordered monthly payment, where does SH and JB stand in this matter now? This is a matter JB needs to investigate.
Shane has moved on with his life, has a young son and a baby on the way. He left Nevaeh; cared when she was missing, but like many really young fathers, puts it all out of his mind, my opinion.

Really good insight into JB's state of mind, Bluesky.
I agree. According to the neighbors, many children regularly play outside the complex unsupervised. The perp could have noticed this and been waiting for his opportunity to nab one of them. Navaeh may have been chosen randomly, perhaps because she appeared to be alone or maybe she was lured to his car.

It probably wouldn't have taken much to lure Nevaeh. Even the old candy bar trick would have probably been tempting to her, considering JB said she had come in earlier lying about being hungry. The kid was probably famished at that point.

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