Jennifer Buchanan

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I want to know if Shane is legally required to pay Jennifer outstanding child support payments now that their daughter is deceased? I wish Jennifer had seen to it when Nevaeh was alive that she was getting some type of support from her bio father since it was rightfully hers. While they searched for Nevaeh, Shane was nervous around the Buchanan Family and there was a rift I believe caused because he had neglected to pay child support. A family lawyer would be able to provide this answer. Are outstanding child support payments automatically forgiven when the child dies or can Jennifer file a motion to collect the money? I wished Jennifer had not compromised her rights in this matter and taken Shane to court. This one action could help JB regain control over her life. What I would have advised Shane to do if he sincerely wanted to make amends for the past is pay for Nevaeh's funeral costs, but that opportunity was missed.
I want to know if Shane is legally required to pay Jennifer outstanding child support payments now that their daughter is deceased? I wish Jennifer had seen to it when Nevaeh was alive that she was getting some type of support from her bio father since it was rightfully hers. While they searched for Nevaeh, Shane was nervous around the Buchanan Family and there was a rift I believe caused because he had neglected to pay child support. A family lawyer would be able to provide this answer. Are outstanding child support payments automatically forgiven when the child dies or can Jennifer file a motion to collect the money? I wished Jennifer had not compromised her rights in this matter and taken Shane to court. This one action could help JB regain control over her life. What I would have advised Shane to do if he sincerely wanted to make amends for the past is pay for Nevaeh's funeral costs, but that opportunity was missed.

Unless Jennifer forgives the debt, Shane is still responsible for the child support arrearage even though Nevaeh is now deceased. JB does not need to file any motions.
IMO, the criminal system is designed to dehumanize people and rob them of their dignity and the best way to describe JB's life IMO is destitute. She was released from jail confused and unreformed and altogether unfit to meet the challenges she would be facing over the next few years. When JB was released from jail I assume the public humiliation she caused herself and her family would make her ashamed, humiliated and dysfunctional. She very likely felt victimized by her inability to find herself and heal. JB did not achieve independence and freedom for herself during her incarceration and it is sad that her treatment needs were ignored. I doubt JB learnt the necessary skills and insights she needed to transition successfully from institution life into community living. JB is unorganized and disoriented and lacking mental stability obviously upon release from a lengthy prison of 3 years. VMD did not spend anytime for his crime against society and JB a mother whose child needs her is given a harsher penalty. The early years of a child's life are critical and NB did not have the close support of either of her parents. And what about NB's father who possibly has been reportedly cheating Nevaeh and Jennifer out of child support payments. If Shane was in arrears and legally obligated before his daughter's death to pay a court ordered monthly payment, where does SH and JB stand in this matter now? This is a matter JB needs to investigate.
Great insight!
Its the nurture v.s. nature thing.
Bluesky you made me do a double think on this one:
I now feel its the drug abuse issue that plays the big part in JBs inability at being a mom.

My own mother abused prescription meds when I was growing up (remember when the happy pill Valium was given out like M&Ms by doctors in the 70s?)
I ran around the neighborhood at at all hours when I was young. Its amazing nothing happened. My mom was numb to the world and to us kids. My mom had no idea or care for our safety (because of her ‘perscription pills’ she was constantly getting in car accidents with us little ones in the back)

So now when I see JB talk with no emotion, and see photos of her at Nevaehs funeral smiling-- I realize now its the drugs.
The drugs disconnect a person from everyone else and their needs.

I am sure JB would even let Hitler in her home and let him play checkers with Nevaeh-- as long as he had some good dope on him.

I am not trying to find excuses for JB but now I see the bigger role of how her drug abuse lead to the murder of Nevaeh.
I also bet JBs mom is an enabler.
I can see JB wanting to numb her pain even more now. I hope JB finds sobriety like my mom did.
We need to investigate her involvement with drugs before we can state for a fact that JB is or was an addict. I know she was arrested for home invasion but unless she has been charged and convicted for possession of a narcotic, the fact that she was stealing to be drugs could all be heresay. JB said she isn't using drugs and she seldom drinks alcohol. I don't know how she spents her time but she is in severe emotional pain. Developing a spiritual practice would save her. I am taking a different spin on my early childhood years through this case because although my life changed dramatically at 7 years of age, I had stability from both parents, my extended family, and community for the first 7 years of my life. Nevaeh was abandoned by both her parents until she died. NB's death is tragic and I am grateful to my parents for the loving home they provided me. I honestly didn't realize what I had until this tragedy occurred due to child abandonment.
If the father has child support arrears shouldn't that money go to the grandmother who had custody of Nevaeh?
If the father has child support arrears shouldn't that money go to the grandmother who had custody of Nevaeh?

Of course it has to be proven that Shane owes child support payments to whomever had custody of his daughter over the past 5 years. I believe JB turned the custody of her daughter Nevaeh to SB her mother, during her incarceration and I believe custody was not returned back to JB since she was released from jail in Jan 09. I hope this matter is eventually resolved satisfactorily for all concerned parties.
So, somebody help my understand why any woman would seek out a RSO to be a FATHER FIGURE for a BABY?

Please forgive me for yelling, but I think I just fell down the rabbit hole. :)

BTW-- Is is legal for judges to sentence sterilization, yet?

If a judge can sentence a man to be chemically castrated, he should be able to sentence a woman to sterilization. I have a list of women ready to hand him.
Nevaeh Buchanan’s mom says, ‘…I feel like everyone is attacking me’ and calls Nancy Grace ‘rude’

Buchanan, 24, was interviewed by Nancy Grace on June 8 and walked off the show during a commercial break. Buchanan called her appearance traumatic and said of Grace, “She was rude, inconsiderate, all of the above.

She also is struggling with the pain of rumors that continue to swirl around her.

It really makes me mad," Jennifer said. "So I don't go anywhere. I don't go shopping anymore and I don't go to the grocery store. I don't listen to what other people say. They don't know me."
She said that throughout the ordeal, most people have been supportive. However, there has been an incident or two where strangers have either been rude or threatening.
"I try to stay inside," she said. "I try to stay out of the public."
I been playing with the clues Brian Ladd received from 2 separate dreams on Nevaeh Buchanan and posted in NB's case file on Brians Dreams site. These are the clues from the first dream: Toledo Highway, Barbie dolls, red shoes, he gave her doll at tennis court, fishing box, setting her free to Jesus, Soil under fingernails is from the Lake, chain, dock points E, took her here Foley 18. Second dream May 29/09 - Fishing box, they went fishing, 2 sections, ask mom about the box, 516, hits in head, Toledo Hwy, chains, her mother did this, look in the box, fishing, George does not know the plan, wasn't an accident.

When I explored this family's history and identified the dysfunction and lack of family values which are designed to create hope for a happy and fulfilling life, I saw no hope for this family who was in deep conflict and turmoil and that is why the phrase "setting her free to Jesus" where hope resides seems to fit as a logical explaination for motive. I suspect the killer used something to lure NB and Brian's suggestion of a beautiful doll being used to entice NB also rings true. I can understand how altho NB's family say she wouldn't go with a stranger she might have been fooled into thinking this person was nice and trustworthy since being offered a doll would make NB happy. However no item intended for the purpose of luring NB was found in her grave. My guess would be that the killer used a doll to lure her away quietly to eliminate any possibility NB would scream if she was grabbed unexpectantly.
I been playing with the clues Brian Ladd received from 2 separate dreams on Nevaeh Buchanan and posted in NB's case file on Brians Dreams site. These are the clues from the first dream: Toledo Highway, Barbie dolls, red shoes, he gave her doll at tennis court, fishing box, setting her free to Jesus, Soil under fingernails is from the Lake, chain, dock points E, took her here Foley 18. Second dream May 29/09 - Fishing box, they went fishing, 2 sections, ask mom about the box, 516, hits in head, Toledo Hwy, chains, her mother did this, look in the box, fishing, George does not know the plan, wasn't an accident.

When I explored this family's history and identified the dysfunction and lack of family values which are designed to create hope for a happy and fulfilling life, I saw no hope for this family who was in deep conflict and turmoil and that is why the phrase "setting her free to Jesus" where hope resides seems to fit as a logical explaination for motive. I suspect the killer used something to lure NB and Brian's suggestion of a beautiful doll being used to entice NB also rings true. I can understand how altho NB's family say she wouldn't go with a stranger she might have been fooled into thinking this person was nice and trustworthy since being offered a doll would make NB happy. However no item intended for the purpose of luring NB was found in her grave. My guess would be that the killer used a doll to lure her away quietly to eliminate any possibility NB would scream if she was grabbed unexpectantly.

Respectfully bolded by me.
So, you think the killer made the same observations as you regarding the lack of values and hopelessness and thought killing Neveah would be a merciful act? If so, the killer would have to be acquainted with the family in some way, such as a neighbor, teacher, or friend. Any thoughts on who this person might be?
Jennifer Buchanan needs to join her local chapter of The Compassionate Friends and be in the company of those who can truly help make a difference in her. This professional group will have the expertise and resources available to meet her high needs. During this extremely difficult time, she has done right by seperating herself from the mob and now she needs to either contact this Chapter for counselling services or read books on loss to help her heal. Her mother avoided this process by returning to work. I am glad JB found her daughter's service uplifting and that she was able to let her go in a blaze of glory!
I've read plenty of books where perps do things like that...."freeing" the children, or whatever. I just don't see that as consistent with burying her as she was.
If that was the motive, to "better" her life....wouldn't it be fitting she be found in a gorgeous dress laid out somewhere beautiful?
Hmmm, maybe I read too much.
Yes, under these circumstances the killer knew the family well enough to make this conclusion. No, I haven't identified who the killer is and I am waiting like the rest of us for the forensic reports to be released on the evidence collected at Raisin River. If the killer's motive was to save JB from hopelessness, the fact NB's body was discovered wearing clothing and did not show signs of forced trauma and/or sexual assault support this theory. JB is under intense public scrutiny at the moment and she is experiencing a backlash of anger because in the community's eyes, she hasn't reformed and they don't feel safe with her there especially without no parole conditions. JB chose to engage in criminal behavior without considering how her actions would effect members of the community and they want answers from her before they will be willing to accept her back....but JB refuses to acknowledge and validate the community's concerns with her and she is possibly living in fear of what will happen next. She refuses to consider the pain she is causing others and perhaps someone in the community killed NB for this reason.
NG is rude to everyone. If my child went missing, boy, I'd find anyone else to spread the word. She was directing her questions to JB to make her guilty before a trial or even an arrest! I feel the LE has her, JB, pegged correctly. NG's rudeness is so much fluff n nutter.

That doesn't mean that JB isn't being scutinized as well by LE with good reason...but the only person she sucked up to has been RC, Haleigh's dad?

The mother was probably offered some money which might be needed with family not working during this. Who knows? She went on and got slammed, and walked. If I were innocent, I'd say Biotch on the way out and tell her not to show her babies on tv and online!

But if she doesn't keep these missing children in the face of viewers and keeps on continually show CA's face everyday, she won't last much longer. IMO

ETA, but that's me, JB didn't have anyone to represent her. NG chewed Holly up in one bite. NG hopefully is not all there is available in finding missing children/people on TV. Please dear God. Let it not be so! Sadly, that's all we have. So these parents go on and are spit out by her. Funny how RC wasn't....fluff n nutter.

Trenton Duckett's dad wasn't chewed up and spit out either. Nancy didn't feel that Ron was involved in Haleigh's missing so she didn't get on him. I think it is when she suspects someone knows something or is involved that she really goes after them. So Jennifer walked off the stage huh? That says a lot for her. If my child was missing I would take Nancy's remarks just so my child's pic would remain out there. Why get all defensive and leave. Jennifer had it coming because she is the one who brought these RSO's into the life of her daughter and still doesn't see anything wrong with it.

Jennifer said that when her daughter would see George coming she would run to him and hug him! That tells me that Jennifer didn't think that George would harm her daughter and that she didn't see anything wrong with her daughter hugging on this RSO. Where was her brain! It would be a cold day in hell that my kids or my grandkids or greats now would be hugging all over some RSO. Of course no one in my family would make friends with them and bring them home either. Jennifer was defensive because she is guilty as sin. She may as well have handed her daughter to her killer. Who knows...maybe she did. It doesn't sound like she liked her daughter much. She was probably a bother to her. Was the gramma still living with them?
In addition to JB's strange comment that she dreamed Nevaeh would be found in cement, before May 29th--at least a week prior to the discovery of her daughter's body and news of her death--she was already referring to Nevaeh in the past tense.

"I'm more determined than anything," Buchanan said. "I adored her. Everything I did was for her. She was my everything."



Jennifer probably had that dream because she knew where and how her daughter was buried. She wasn't her "everything" and if"everything I did I did for her" means the RSO then she should be horse whipped. She brought those horrible men into her home for her daughter??? This woman is so messed up it wouldn't surprise me at all. Any mother who says a RSO is a father figure to her little girl is really messed up. This woman lies so much it is hard to know what to believe. If she had any sense at all she wouldn't be blabbing those statements all over radio and TV. She should be overwhelmed with grief for bringing those perverts into her daughter's life. She should feel shame too. She doesn't though. I won't be a bit surprised to find out that she was somehow involved in the death of her daughter. Maybe not in the murder but helping to make it possible by letting these men use her little girl or something to that affect. Could have been leaving her daughter alone with them knowing their crimes while she went out or went shopping, etc. She couldn't have been bonded to her daughter and that makes all of the difference in the world.
I agree - Misty and mom Jen seem somewhat alike in their lack of ability to form coherent sentences, thoughts, and planning. Remember when Misty couldn't describe the difference between inches and feet when explaining the distance between the beds?

My first profession is that of a Pharmacist and in my training, while at clinics, I discovered that when giving a medication to a person without much education I had to be specific. For instance, if a patient had an earache, I had to be very specific about placing the pill on the tongue and washing it down with a full glass of water. OR else, that patient would be coming back with pills in hand telling me the antibiotic pill wouldn't fit in the ear. That's right, they associate an earache with medicine in the ear. That happened too many times to be a fluke! Since then, I always try to consider the IQ level and education of the person. Uneducated people make decisions and associations that may not make sense to us, but to them, it makes perfect sense. That's the best they can do. mho

I have to tell you this little story about a Pharmacist. My friend had a prescription filled for something...can't remember what. When she picked it up and looked at it when she got home it said "place pill in your right eye twice daily!" She knew she was supposed to swallow it but just to give the Pharmacist a bad time she took the bottle back the next day and said "read this and tell me what you think." He was so embarressed he could have hid! He told her he would change the label but she said "no, I want to keep it."
So many people have got a good laugh about that pill in the eye!
IMO, the criminal system is designed to dehumanize people and rob them of their dignity and the best way to describe JB's life IMO is destitute. She was released from jail confused and unreformed and altogether unfit to meet the challenges she would be facing over the next few years. When JB was released from jail I assume the public humiliation she caused herself and her family would make her ashamed, humiliated and dysfunctional. She very likely felt victimized by her inability to find herself and heal. JB did not achieve independence and freedom for herself during her incarceration and it is sad that her treatment needs were ignored. I doubt JB learnt the necessary skills and insights she needed to transition successfully from institution life into community living. JB is unorganized and disoriented and lacking mental stability obviously upon release from a lengthy prison of 3 years. VMD did not spend anytime for his crime against society and JB a mother whose child needs her is given a harsher penalty. The early years of a child's life are critical and NB did not have the close support of either of her parents. And what about NB's father who possibly has been reportedly cheating Nevaeh and Jennifer out of child support payments. If Shane was in arrears and legally obligated before his daughter's death to pay a court ordered monthly payment, where does SH and JB stand in this matter now? This is a matter JB needs to investigate.

Do you know this mother or are you just guessing about how she would have felt when she got out of prison?

I worked for years with men and women who are addicts/alcoholics and many of them have been in prison once or more times. Let me tell you...I have yet to know one like you describe above. These folks are as tough as nails and when they come out of prison they are more street smart then when they went in. They always treated me with respect because that is the way I treated them but if anyone crossed them they were ready to take them on.
Most of the women are arrogant and I've yet to hear any of them talk about feeling shame or anything else. I don't think any of them feel victimized because they have never been the victim. They are rough and tough and not to be messed with. They are not ashamed about where they have been and are usually open and honest about what they think and feel. Most were into drugs when they got busted. They exchange prison storys and laugh about the things they did while in prison. The women take no poo from anyone.

I can't begin to picture Jennifer as this poor defenseless ex-con that you are describing because I've worked with to many females that were in prison for a shorter time then she was. She didn't come out of prison like you describe I would place money on that. Any addict or recovering addict that I have known will admit that they lie...manipulate, etc, etc. I doubt that Jennifer is any different. I would also bet that when she got caught that wasn't the first job that she had pulled. She just hadn't gotten caught. I'll bet her mom and relatives could tell some storys about things that disappeared from their homes.
If the father has child support arrears shouldn't that money go to the grandmother who had custody of Nevaeh?

I wonder if Gramma was getting financial help through DSHS for the little girl and also getting food stamps and medical? I would guess that she probably was. If this is the case....DSHS would be paid back through the child support first of all. If Gramma was supporting the little girl by herself then the money would go to her. If Jennifer wasn't raising her daughter and Gramma had custody Jennifer isn't entitled to anything.
I don't suppose Nevaeh had her own bedroom. If the apartment they shared has 2 bedrooms, I wonder if Nevaeh shared a bedroom with her mother. Jennifer was incarcerated from July 12, 2006 to January 26, 2009, approximately 33 weeks (almost 3/5 years of Nevaeh's life!). The article on George Kennedy may have made a typing error because in the report it states JB was incarcerated for 13 weeks for home invasion. I wonder if JB stayed involved in NB's life during her period of confinement and where her girlfriend and her daughter were going to sleep in the apartment the day Nevaeh was abducted?
This woman committed a home invasion to feed her drug habit. This means she unlawfully entered someone's home, while they were there, and robbed them and that she had such a drug habit that a "home invasion" sounded like a good idea.

The woman was extremely negligent in the care of her child - fact. She does not blame herself for her negligence and she doesn't second guess her actions that day - fact.

She does not understand or perhaps doesn't care about the danger associated with having her SO buddies around her child. She believes that not letting GK be alone with Neveah was being safe enough.

She trusted Neveah to go where she said she was going and let her go off by herself because she was mature for her age, a 10 year old in a 5 year old's body, although she lied about being hungry a lot. She was in jail for nearly 3 of the 5 years of Neveah's life.

It took her 20 minutes to find her flip flops to go look for her child who she had learned was riding a scooter in the road.

Are we surprised that this tragedy occurred? Really?

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