Jesus Rivera Sr. missing Running Springs Ca

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On March 11, 2019, Jesus Rivera Sr. left his home in Victorville with his friend Salvador Cisneros to work on Cisneros’ brother’s home remodeling project in Running Springs. The two men left Jesus Rivera Sr.’s home in Victorville, and Rivera Sr. was never seen again. Carrying an uncharged phone and charger cable, Rivera Sr. had promised to call home once he arrived at the job site. But Rivera Sr. never called home—he disappeared.

The following day, Cisneros called Rivera Sr.’s wife and told her that her husband was missing. Rivera Sr.’s wife told their son, Jesus Rivera Jr., who contacted Salvador Cisneros for details. According to Rivera Jr., Cisneros told him that he had filed a missing person’s report on March 12, 2019. Rivera Jr. called the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Station the following day to find that no report had been filed. On March 13, Rivera Jr. filed a report, yet the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department made little effort to find his father. The Sheriff’s Department sent no search party for Jesus Rivera Sr., never posted missing person’s posters nor notices, and to date have refused to answer any inquiries by Mountain Progressive Review (MPR) regarding their investigation. Adding complexity to the story, the sole potential witness to Rivera Sr.’s disappearance, Salvador Cisneros, has changed his story several times. Rivera Sr.’s family continues to search for information about his disappearance.

Jesus Rivera Sr. is missed by his wife, two daughters, and a son, who are still avidly looking for him. In a March 6, 2021 interview, Rivera Jr. told MPR, “Nothing’s been done in the two years he’s been gone. No search—they didn’t even go check the property. When I went up there, I talked to a few neighbors, and they didn’t even know anyone was missing. My father’s case is being completely brushed off.”

The last known person to have seen Rivera Sr. before his disappearance is Salvador Cisneros. According to sources, Salvador Cisneros has given multiple, differing accounts of Rivera Sr.’s disappearance, and when questioned on March 12, 2019, Cisneros stated that his brother, John Cisneros (owner of the home in Running Springs which Rivera Sr. was meant to have been helping to remodel), had made the original missing person’s report. This is a contradiction of Cisneros’ original narrative of events, which held that he filed the police report himself. When a missing person’s report was finally filed with the Sheriff’s Department on March 13 by Jesus Rivera Sr.’s family, it prompted a visit by Twin Peaks Sheriff deputies to John Cisneros’ family’s address in Running Springs. Though Cisneros and Rivera Sr. had been known to work together on more than one occasion, Cisneros had reportedly described Jesus Rivera Sr. as an unknown laborer whom he had picked up at a Home Depot. As of June 3, 2021, Cisneros has declined to speak with MPR’s reporters.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department’s investigation was minimal at best—no search party was sent, and there is no indication that any potential witnesses were interviewed, that any records were searched, nor that any reasonable effort to find Jesus Rivera Sr. was conducted. The Sheriff’s Department’s deputies and detectives indicated to Jesus Rivera Jr. that they limited their investigation because Jesus Rivera Sr. was of age and may have left of his own volition and that although Rivera Sr. was legally working in the US, he may have gone to Mexico. The Sheriff’s Department’s stance was that no crime had been committed, and therefore Jesus Rivera Sr. had every right to leave or disappear.


According to the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department’s procedures manual (01-04-2021 edition) regarding missing person’s report investigations, a proper missing person’s investigation would have been much more detailed and extensive. Section 3.270 of the Manual, pages 528 and 529, requires the Sheriff’s department to conduct a thorough investigation and prepare a report that includes a narrative regarding the initial missing person’s notification and the department’s investigation, interviews with the reporting party, involved persons, and witnesses, completion of computer data within two hours for entry into the US Department of Justice’s missing person’s system, and a broadcast through public media of a “Be on the Lookout” notice if the person is considered “at-risk”. A missing person is considered “at-risk” if they are missing in a remote area or if they have no history of disappearing—both of which apply regarding the disappearance of Jesus Rivera Sr. This section of the Sheriff’s Manual also provides, “When a person is missing in a remote area and/or circumstances may indicate the need for a large-scale, organized search, the watch commander shall be immediately notified. If foul play is suspected, the Specialized Investigations Division shall be notified immediately.”

The Sheriff’s Department’s reasons for deviating from its written required procedures are unclear. On March 1, 2021, MPR’s legal reporter, Stanley Haren, submitted a California Public Records Act request on behalf of the publication, requesting all records regarding the Department’s investigation of Jesus Rivera Sr.’s disappearance. The Sheriff’s office responded with a formal denial, claiming that the records were exempt from disclosure to news organizations and private citizens because they were confidential records of an investigation by a law enforcement agency, and that disclosure would violate the privacy rights of witnesses and involved parties, as well as law enforcement officers. The claim that the records are confidential or would violate rights of privacy is questionable since this refusal to disclose these records was sent two years after Jesus Rivera Sr.’s disappearance.

Source: The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Has Failed Missing Jesus Rivera’s Family and the Community


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This was not him.

I talked to the hiker who found the remains & he said this person was inside a sleeping bag and collapsed tent. Wrong clothing also.

Jesus Sr sit has not been found.

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