Jian Ghomeshi, well known, well respected radio host fired for Sexual Assault

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Third Witness:

"A woman who claims Jian Ghomeshi squeezed her neck and covered her mouth so she couldn't breathe failed to disclose to police that she had a consensual sexual encounter with the former CBC host in the days after the alleged sexual assault, court heard today.

... the third complainant to testify said she never told police about the date she had with Ghomeshi because she was never specifically asked and that she didn't think it was relevant to the alleged assault."


I guess Lucy and the other witnesses convinced themselves that it is reasonable to believe that a woman who is violently assaulted wants to have consensual sex with the man who violently assaulted her. It's not. That is not reasonable. Canadians should not buy this ridiculous "black is white" nonsense. I think that Lucy is hoping that statistics surrounding domestic violence apply to acquaintance assault, but they don't. That is an entirely different situation. Lucy's actions are most damaging to true victims of violent assault.

I find it interesting that Ghomeshi's lawyer is proceeding under the circumstances. I suppose she wants a verdict on record. I don't see how Ghomeshi could be found guilty given the evidence so far. The trial is a farce.
Margaret Wente

"Gillian Hnatiw, was quick to remind us, “Violence against women is not about the behaviour of the woman … It’s not about whether [victims of violence] see their abusers again or send flowers, any more than it is about what they wear or how much they had to drink.”

She’s right – to a point. What happened after their encounter doesn’t change what happened during it. And (to me, at least) the women’s allegations have the ring of truth. But a criminal conviction needs more than that. It needs witnesses who are consistent, credible and open."
Feb. 08, 2016

Let's look at this as an assault, rather that "violence against women". Suppose two men are acquainted, but have no real connection to each other outside of that beginning friendship. For no reason, one man punches the other man in the head. Is it reasonable to believe that the victim will then send love letters, flowers, and invitations to have an intense friendship with the perpetrator? Wouldn't we view that as the victim having some sort of screw loose to pursue an intimate relationship with an acquaintance who demonstrates abrupt violence? Why should we believe that it is normal for women to do this? The fact that these women all pursued Ghomeshi after knowing exactly what kind of friend he would be suggests that they were not in any way traumatized or upset with their interactions with Ghomeshi. The actions of these women after the alleged assault completely changes how we understand their feelings about what happened during the alleged assault.
Will this woman be testifying?

Published on Dec 2, 2014

Kathryn Borel, a former CBC radio producer who worked on Q and who has said she was repeatedly harassed by Jian Ghomeshi in the workplace, has gone public with her allegations.

It appears the defense is confident and doesn't want a mistrial, where Ghomeshi could face trial again.

At least for these women, and possibly the 4th........it looks like it is all over from Ghomeshi's point of view.

Did Ghomeshi dodge a bullet here because of the conduct of the complainants ?

It also sounds from the description given by Christie Blatchford that the "assault" on the 3rd witness wasn't much of anything. It certainly wasn't a violent.....I am going to strangle you kind of event.

In fact, the woman herself said she didn't consider that it amounted to much and begs the question if the Crown was reaching in this one instance to pad their roster of complaints.

There are certainly a lot of allegations against Ghomeshi...........touch, feel, throat grabs, slapping...........to raise concerns about his behavior.

He almost seemed to be skirting right along the line of the law, and usually when someone does that eventually they end up in a small cell with bars on the door.
Workplace harassment is quite different from physical assault. Does workplace harassment result in criminal charges?
Regarding comments from Gillian Hnatiw, she was unexpectedly discussed in court today. She is the lawyer representing both DeCoutere and the 3rd witness.

Questions will arise as to how much she knew about her clients discussing the case with each other.

If she knew they were actively engaged in planning perjury, she had a duty to advise the police.
It appears the defense is confident and doesn't want a mistrial, where Ghomeshi could face trial again.

At least for these women, and possibly the 4th........it looks like it is all over from Ghomeshi's point of view.

Did Ghomeshi dodge a bullet here because of the conduct of the complainants ?

It also sounds from the description given by Christie Blatchford that the "assault" on the 3rd witness wasn't much of anything. It certainly wasn't a violent.....I am going to strangle you kind of event.

In fact, the woman herself said she didn't consider that it amounted to much and begs the question if the Crown was reaching in this one instance to pad their roster of complaints.

There are certainly a lot of allegations against Ghomeshi...........touch, feel, throat grabs, slapping...........to raise concerns about his behavior.

He almost seemed to be skirting right along the line of the law, and usually when someone does that eventually they end up in a small cell with bars on the door.

The prosecution can appeal a not guilty verdict if there are legal grounds, but it sure doesn't look like there will be grounds to appeal. Additional charges will have to be very solid, because the crown is now very close to malicious prosecution.
Regarding comments from Gillian Hnatiw, she was unexpectedly discussed in court today. She is the lawyer representing both DeCoutere and the 3rd witness.

Questions will arise as to how much she knew about her clients discussing the case with each other.

If she knew they were actively engaged in planning perjury, she had a duty to advise the police.

I think the lawyer needs to be investigated. Something is very wrong with the big picture, made all the worse because a celebrity has had his life turned upside down with this gang of women acting in concert to pull the wool over the prosecutor's eyes.
I agree totally on these charges Otto, but if I were to advise Ghomeshi I would be telling him that his future didn't look too bright if he kept doing what he was doing.

The days of pinup photos on office walls, sexual innuendo by the water cooler, sexual advances at the Christmas party, telling women they have great legs and should wear shorter skirts.........are long gone.

Men can either learn to control their basic impulses or suffer consequences.

It is a tough world for young men to navigate these days though. Flirtatious women abound. Women are much more sexually active. Times have certainly changed.

Nude selfies.........who ever would have predicted that ?

Case in point.........in today's court testimony the complainant admitted giving Ghomeshi a "hand job" but she doesn't consider it a sexual act..........huh ?

The best advice I believe is telling young men to remain gentlemen at all times, treat women respectfully and like you would like others to treat your mother or sister.

Can't go too far wrong there, I wouldn't think...........but there is no guarantee with a very small minority of women........the ones that other women don't trust around their husbands.
All is not lost, not sure if there has ever been a trial quite like this one, but hopefully many lessons will be learned from this courtroom theater of the absurd.imo.
Why haven't prosecutors withdrawn charges? The more I read, the more it is blatantly obvious that there is no evidence against Ghomeshi. These scorned women don't even take themselves seriously. Why couldn't police and prosecutors see what was going on here?
Perhaps his lawyer wants to see this trial through because it provides foundation for wrongful dismissal, especially since he was fired for involvement in violent assault rather than workplace harassment.
Christie Blatchford has her own unique way of describing the day in court.


The day of Ghomeshi’s bail hearing, the third witness wrote to DeCoutere to say she was tempted to show up at the hearing, carrying a bowl of popcorn and wearing “a s–t-eating grin.”

“I think people know his goose is cooked,” DeCoutere replied.

“He’s cooked, all right,” the woman said.

And that was the least of their vicious, occasionally racist, discussion of the fallen CBC star, whom they sometimes called “the Arabian princess.”

In two messages to DeCoutere in November of 2014, the woman wrote, “It’s time to sink the pr–k. I’ll do whatever I can to put this predator where he belongs,” and said she wanted this “piece of s–t to pay for all he’s done.”
The day of Ghomeshi’s bail hearing, the third witness wrote to DeCoutere to say she was tempted to show up at the hearing, carrying a bowl of popcorn and wearing “a s–t-eating grin.”

“I think people know his goose is cooked,” DeCoutere replied.

“He’s cooked, all right,” the woman said.

And that was the least of their vicious, occasionally racist, discussion of the fallen CBC star, whom they sometimes called “the Arabian princess.”

In two messages to DeCoutere in November of 2014, the woman wrote, “It’s time to sink the pr–k. I’ll do whatever I can to put this predator where he belongs,” and said she wanted this “piece of s–t to pay for all he’s done.”

What did he do? Clearly she was very happy with the weekend she spent with him after he allegedly assaulted. Why else would she send flowers and a love letter? Her reasons for wanting to damage his reputation are more likely related to the fact that she was smitten after spending the weekend with him, and nothing came of it.
Will this woman be testifying?


I hope she does not testify in this trial - if she is a legitimate witness and has not colluded with other witnesses, then please save her for a trial with merit. Jmo.
Let's look at this as an assault, rather that "violence against women". Suppose two men are acquainted, but have no real connection to each other outside of that beginning friendship. For no reason, one man punches the other man in the head. Is it reasonable to believe that the victim will then send love letters, flowers, and invitations to have an intense friendship with the perpetrator? Wouldn't we view that as the victim having some sort of screw loose to pursue an intimate relationship with an acquaintance who demonstrates abrupt violence? Why should we believe that it is normal for women to do this? The fact that these women all pursued Ghomeshi after knowing exactly what kind of friend he would be suggests that they were not in any way traumatized or upset with their interactions with Ghomeshi. The actions of these women after the alleged assault completely changes how we understand their feelings about what happened during the alleged assault.


Kindly do not include me in the 'we'. I do not agree with these or subsequent statements.
DeCoutere acknowledged she had received a fair amount of publicity from going public about the alleged assault, and that her Twitter followers had spiked by 25,000.

Henein pointed out that DeCoutere was considering herself a national spokesperson for assault and that she once told a friend that she was to sexual assault what David Beckham was to Armani underwear.

"While Jian hit and choked DeCoutere, all she could register was not being able to breathe and her shock, surprise," DeCoutere said in the Ontario Court of Justice.

DeCoutere said she never called police about the alleged assault because she didn't think what happened qualified as an assault. "I thought you had to be broken and raped," she testified.

Earlier, under questioning from Crown attorney Corie Langdon, DeCoutere recounted her first meeting with Ghomeshi, at a Banff, AB television festival in June 2003. She said she maintained a playful correspondence with him. They would exchange emails, she said, some that included salacious and "bawdy" humour, and slang terms for sexual acts, but that it was all meant in fun and not to be acted upon.

She said the two saw each other sporadically over the years, including at what she described as an uncomfortable meeting at the Gemini Awards and an awkward in-character interview on Ghomeshi’s show ‘Q’ with her ‘Trailer Park Boys’ co-star.

DeCoutere also mentioned an “intensely ironic” impromptu duet at the Banff television conference the next year, when she said Ghomeshi jumped on stage at a karaoke night and starting singing “Hit Me Baby One More Time,” with her.

She said she only went to Toronto police after they made a plea for women who had information in relation to the allegations against Ghomeshi to come forward.


I have so many thoughts on this case.....do I believe JG crossed the line and assaulted these women? I do. 100%. Where there is this much smoke, there's fire. He obviously gets turned on by abuse and violence. In "traditional" S&M relationships the violence is discussed BEFORE, limits are negotiated, and safe words are agreed upon. IMO he did none of these things to ensure the comfort and safety of all the parties.

Why didn't the women report the abuse? I can speculate.....they may have thought they did something wrong....asked for it in some way.....led him on....or maybe didn't think it exactly constituted abuse.

Why did they contact him after the abuse? Again, total speculation.....but possibly they didn't want to think it was as bad as it was....thought it was a one off event.....liked the idea of having a famous boyfriend and were willing to overlook this aspect of his behaviour. His hot and cold behaviour towards them would add to this. Playing hard to get/etc isn't just a theory.....it's human nature to want what we can't have.....or what is hard to attain. Maybe they saw him as a challenge? I can't fully explain it, but I think it has to do with the self-esteem of the women and JG's apparent lack of interest after the event.

My thoughts on the trial? What a cluster$%#^! By their actions, these women have set rape culture back a century. Even some of the comments here scare me. Do I think he punched/choked these women without their consent? Yes. Do I believe these women tried to bolster their story and colluded to make that happen? Yes. Was there enough to actually find JG guilty of these assaults without them enhancing their stories? Unsure on this one. Assault cases are notoriously hard to prove....he said/she said.....and we are left with conflicting stories about who to believe. I personally do not think there would have been enough to find him guilty of criminal assault, because if there is reasonable doubt we must side with the defendant.

I have to comment on this....Do I think it is tough being a young man in today's world of sexualized women? GMAFB! This isn't rocket science! Consent is simple......this video says it better than I ever could have.....it's all about consent.


Sorry for the rant. I'm done now. All MOO.

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