Jian Ghomeshi, well known, well respected radio host fired for Sexual Assault

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I have so many thoughts on this case.....do I believe JG crossed the line and assaulted these women? I do. 100%. Where there is this much smoke, there's fire. He obviously gets turned on by abuse and violence. In "traditional" S&M relationships the violence is discussed BEFORE, limits are negotiated, and safe words are agreed upon. IMO he did none of these things to ensure the comfort and safety of all the parties.

Why didn't the women report the abuse? I can speculate.....they may have thought they did something wrong....asked for it in some way.....led him on....or maybe didn't think it exactly constituted abuse.

Why did they contact him after the abuse? Again, total speculation.....but possibly they didn't want to think it was as bad as it was....thought it was a one off event.....liked the idea of having a famous boyfriend and were willing to overlook this aspect of his behaviour. His hot and cold behaviour towards them would add to this. Playing hard to get/etc isn't just a theory.....it's human nature to want what we can't have.....or what is hard to attain. Maybe they saw him as a challenge? I can't fully explain it, but I think it has to do with the self-esteem of the women and JG's apparent lack of interest after the event.

My thoughts on the trial? What a cluster$%#^! By their actions, these women have set rape culture back a century. Even some of the comments here scare me. Do I think he punched/choked these women without their consent? Yes. Do I believe these women tried to bolster their story and colluded to make that happen? Yes. Was there enough to actually find JG guilty of these assaults without them enhancing their stories? Unsure on this one. Assault cases are notoriously hard to prove....he said/she said.....and we are left with conflicting stories about who to believe. I personally do not think there would have been enough to find him guilty of criminal assault, because if there is reasonable doubt we must side with the defendant.

I have to comment on this....Do I think it is tough being a young man in today's world of sexualized women? GMAFB! This isn't rocket science! Consent is simple......this video says it better than I ever could have.....it's all about consent.


Sorry for the rant. I'm done now. All MOO.


Very much enjoyed your whole post - especially the part I highlighted. The tea video is great.
I hope she does not testify in this trial - if she is a legitimate witness and has not colluded with other witnesses, then please save her for a trial with merit. Jmo.

Is workplace harassment a criminal offence? Why would there be a trial? Isn't workplace harassment handled in the workplace - or not, as in this case?
I was listening to the following interview on CBC radio concerning the "toxic" working environment surrounding Ghomeshi's radio show. It is very interesting how his behavior is described as "volatile" and "moody" and how the atmosphere created fear for the employees on this show.


eta: Managers and supervisors met as a group to deal with the "workplace harassment" and still nothing was done about it!
Is workplace harassment a criminal offence? Why would there be a trial? Isn't workplace harassment handled in the workplace - or not, as in this case?

Save her for any future trial imo - whether she is the complainant or can bolster another complainant.
Jian Ghomeshi trial: Day 6 Live

The prosecution in the Jian Ghomeshi case will fight to include another witness to its roster this morning, a departure from a decision Friday to call just the three complainants to Ontario Superior Court.

The Crown wants to call a fourth witness, Sarah Dunsworth, another Trailer Park Boys actress. but defence lawyer Marie Henein objects.

Horkins says that he didn't know exactly what the argument would be until he "walked in here" this morning.

So he's going to take some time to think about it and return with a decision at noon.

Court is adjourned until then.

In essence - the Crown wants to call another witness to say that LC told her (potential witness) of the choking event at the time it happened.

The defense is arguing that their approach all along has been the inconsistencies with all the witness stories - to LE, the court - amounting to 'fabrications' surrounding the allegations. A witness who only heard of an event will not change what has happened so far - when did the 'fabrications' begin?

Have to agree that nothing will change after hearing from a friend of LC. Imo, many agree JG put his hands on a number of women in a non-consensual and threatening manner.

All jmo.
I have so many thoughts on this case.....do I believe JG crossed the line and assaulted these women? I do. 100%. Where there is this much smoke, there's fire. He obviously gets turned on by abuse and violence. In "traditional" S&M relationships the violence is discussed BEFORE, limits are negotiated, and safe words are agreed upon. IMO he did none of these things to ensure the comfort and safety of all the parties.

Why didn't the women report the abuse? I can speculate.....they may have thought they did something wrong....asked for it in some way.....led him on....or maybe didn't think it exactly constituted abuse.

Why did they contact him after the abuse? Again, total speculation.....but possibly they didn't want to think it was as bad as it was....thought it was a one off event.....liked the idea of having a famous boyfriend and were willing to overlook this aspect of his behaviour. His hot and cold behaviour towards them would add to this. Playing hard to get/etc isn't just a theory.....it's human nature to want what we can't have.....or what is hard to attain. Maybe they saw him as a challenge? I can't fully explain it, but I think it has to do with the self-esteem of the women and JG's apparent lack of interest after the event.

My thoughts on the trial? What a cluster$%#^! By their actions, these women have set rape culture back a century. Even some of the comments here scare me. Do I think he punched/choked these women without their consent? Yes. Do I believe these women tried to bolster their story and colluded to make that happen? Yes. Was there enough to actually find JG guilty of these assaults without them enhancing their stories? Unsure on this one. Assault cases are notoriously hard to prove....he said/she said.....and we are left with conflicting stories about who to believe. I personally do not think there would have been enough to find him guilty of criminal assault, because if there is reasonable doubt we must side with the defendant.

I have to comment on this....Do I think it is tough being a young man in today's world of sexualized women? GMAFB! This isn't rocket science! Consent is simple......this video says it better than I ever could have.....it's all about consent.


Sorry for the rant. I'm done now. All MOO.

Ita with your fine post!
That video should be mandatory viewing in schools, as the message is not limited to sex assaults. imo.
Thinking that Lucy D. stepped forward in a genuine desire to help the other women in this case, hoping she has not stepped on the road to he**, paved with good intentions.
The 4th witness will be heard, possibly by her previous statements only due to snowstorm in Nova Scotia virtually grounding all flights in/out.
Jian Ghomeshi's defence team tells court they are ready to present closing arguments, hinting that their client may not testify at his trial on sex assault and choking charges.

Judge William Horkins is deciding whether to allow a friend of Lucy DeCoutere to be called as a witness. Crown attorney Michael Callaghan told court that the friend will testify that she received a call from DeCoutere a decade ago about the alleged sexual assault.

Danielle Robitaille, co-counsel for Ghomeshi, argued against allowing the friend to testify. She said that by allowing the new witness to testify "unnecessarily prolongs the trial when the defence is ready to close tomorrow." The fact that the defence is ready to present closing arguments so soon suggests no time is being allocated for Ghomeshi, who is under no legal obligation to testify.
The remaining charge of sexual assault against a former CBC employee will be taken up in a second trial set to start in June 2016.

Two CBC employees have come forward.

2006: (9 of 27)

A young 22-year-old female, who also worked at CBC, met Ghomeshi at a Christmas Party and went out for a drink with him afterwards. On their way back to his car, he started choking her with no warning.

She said, “WTF… I have 3 brothers and he replied, “Your loss”.

She said after Jian drove away, he called her to say he was under a lot of stress and driving fast. “If I crash, it will be your fault.”

2007-2010: Kathryn Borel (10 of 27)

The former “Q” producer’s allegations were initially anonymous but Borel identified herself in a column about Ghomeshi’s workplace harassment for the Guardian on December 2nd. Claims Ghomeshi harassed her until she left the CBC.

Looking forward to the second trial - with a new and better prepared Crown attorney with more insight into this type of case - it should go much better and hopefully redeem the court system.

Still no question in my mind JG was threatening in his manner to many women. Why LD et al had to jack with the system with a second agenda will never make sense to me nor can I forgive that indiscretion - I'm being kind with that word. If LD wanted to be the new face and spokesperson on sexual assault for Canadian women, she could have achieved that in a proper manner.

Crown Attorney Callaghan helped dig a six foot hole here - let's fill it in and move. All jmo.
In related news, this music biz fellow resigned after news spread of his alleged bad behavior..
Music publicity CEO steps down after musicians accuse him of sexual assault
Jan. 21, 2016,
"I've been told many women have had scary stories about him for years but are scared to speak up," Coffman said. "And dudes overlook it and keep hiring him. Tired of sketchy *advertiser censored* dudes and sexual predators getting a pass from their 'bros.' Grow a spine and hold your friends accountable."
Not sure evidence from a friend of LD would be judged anything but hearsay evidence from a discredited source at this point.

Too little too late for this trial I think.

It also appears from the testimony of this trial that there was nothing "sexual" about Ghomeshi's conduct.

It is a simple assault for which the penalties aren't all that severe. He would likely get probation and counselling.
Reading that the Judge will allow a witness transcript into the trial, which is a big issue for the defense since they have no opportunity to investigate the statement or rebut the statement under oath.

We have witnessed how statements can disintegrate under closer scrutiny in this trial.

Should Ghomeshi be found guilty, the judge's decision to allow the statement into evidence would be grounds for appeal.

So it makes me wonder if the Judge granted the Crown's request, because he has already made up his mind Ghomeshi is not guilty and further testimony won't change his decision.

The Crown is certainly reaching when they state a phone call to a friend will counter all the conduct revealed in court. The statement has nothing to do with the collaboration and lies.
What has become very evident in this trial is the media bias shown by the outlets.

Some of the "liberal" news media are giving one version, and other "conservative" newspapers another version.

Sometimes I wonder if the reporters are all watching the same trial.
I’m glad Jian is finally facing allegations of sexual assault in a Court of Law and was ordered to stay at his mother’s house because it stops him from dating and violating more women.

In the report titled ‘5 WTF Things We Learned from Janice Rubin’s Ghomeshi Investigation’, the timeline shows that JG was still emotionally and physically assaulting the women he dated when he had the opportunity in 2012 and 2013.

The Toronto Star reported an anonymous woman in her mid-20s who says she met Ghomeshi at a book signing in a small city in Eastern Canada in 2012. He invited her to visit him in Toronto, where she says he threw her against the wall. She said sex with the host included belts, choking and hitting that left her bruised. Ghomeshi allegedly found the bruises “sexy”.

Another anonymous woman told The Star that she had gone out on a few dates with Ghomeshi in 2013 but they never had sex. Weeks later, Ghomeshi invited her over to his new house in Toronto, telling her he “didn’t buy this big house to throw parties but to raise a family.” He then kissed her and suddenly pulled her hair and went on to hit her, bit her and called her a degrading term.


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