JLM: 2002 Rape Allegations at Liberty University

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I think I recall hearing that she went to a hospital. They have to report it by law. The charges were filed and when the police called her, she never returned the call, so they dropped the charges. Saw or heard it recently.

He was a suspect but never charged.


Also, the thing about her going to the hospital originated, as best I can tell, from a Daily Mail article and this quote:

Another former teammate, Milton Johnson, claimed: 'LJ was accused of sexual assaulting a girl when he was at Liberty. She was a student at Liberty. He got kicked off the football team and kicked out of the university. He was real rough with her and she ended up in hospital.'

When I saw that it struck me as odd and perhaps embellished by the reporter or site. We don't talk that way.

He was a suspect but never charged.


Also, the thing about her going to the hospital originated, as best I can tell, from a Daily Mail article and this quote:

Another former teammate, Milton Johnson, claimed: 'LJ was accused of sexual assaulting a girl when he was at Liberty. She was a student at Liberty. He got kicked off the football team and kicked out of the university. He was real rough with her and she ended up in hospital.'

When I saw that it struck me as odd and perhaps embellished by the reporter or site. We don't talk that way.


Emaa, we don't talk that way? Semantics? With the recent backlash of the NFL's handling, or lack of handling of domestic violence issues. Imo, it would be reasonable to conclude that Liberty University officials, who carry a lot of political influence in the Lynchburg, VA community and beyond, would not want the negative publicity and other ramifications that a rape prosecution and ensuing trial of a star football player would provide, imo..
It seems logical that if the victim that alleged that she was raped by JM was hospitalized, that she had suffered injuries, either physical, emotional, or a combination of both..
If JM felt that the charges were unfair or unprovable, imo, he would have appealed the decision... This was a major life altering incident for both JM, and the alleged rape victim...JMO
He was a suspect but never charged.


Also, the thing about her going to the hospital originated, as best I can tell, from a Daily Mail article and this quote:

Another former teammate, Milton Johnson, claimed: 'LJ was accused of sexual assaulting a girl when he was at Liberty. She was a student at Liberty. He got kicked off the football team and kicked out of the university. He was real rough with her and she ended up in hospital.'

When I saw that it struck me as odd and perhaps embellished by the reporter or site. We don't talk that way.


A British person omits the word 'the' in reference to hospital. But that doesn't change the statement of Matthew's football team mate. I've read comments from others who were there at Liberty during that time say it in 'American' - that the victim was hospitalized.

We still do not know how the incident transpired. We can only surmise that anger over being resisted at some point during the encounter turned to violence.
We don't know if there was any 'come on' or interest on the part of the female or anything that could remotely be construed as consent.
We don't know if the attack was indoors or outdoors. If they were isolated, away from the party, or if others at the party were engaged in similar activities at the same time.
We haven't heard from the female friends of the victim.

BUT - I'll bet police have a great deal of information about the incident by now.
A British person omits the word 'the' in reference to hospital. But that doesn't change the statement of Matthew's football team mate. I've read comments from others who were there at Liberty during that time say it in 'American' - that the victim was hospitalized.


That was my point in questioning if the quote had been embellished by the reporter.

I haven't seen any reports that she was hospitalized. And this is why I doubt that account:

“It appears [Matthew] was cooperative with police and gave police a full-detailed statement,” Felmlee said. “Both parties appeared to give the same statement of what happened.”

During their investigation, Felmlee said, police did not find any forensic evidence or eyewitness accounts to support the alleged victim’s claims.

“There did not appear to be sufficient evidence to pursue charges,” Felmlee said Thursday. “The complaining party also did not want to pursue any charges.”


Being 'roughed up' enough to end up hospitalized would be forensic evidence and support her claim, IMO.
More on the 2002 Liberty U rape incident:
In 2002, a Liberty University student informed school officials of an alleged rape that occurred during the early morning hours of Oct. 17, according to Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Chuck Felmlee.

Lt. Dave Gearhart, of the Lynchburg Police Department, confirmed Thursday afternoon that police had investigated an alleged rape at the college from that date but declined to provide any further details.

The alleged victim in this case pointed to Matthew, saying they “were hanging out for that day,” Felmlee said.

“This was not an abduction case or anything like that,” the prosecutor said."


A woman in Charlottesville said her daughter and a female friend were approached by Jesse Matthew (a stranger to them) a week before Hannah Graham disappeared as they were entering a convenience store. He struck up a conversation and then asked them if they wanted to 'hang out.' They declined, but felt it was strange enough to report to their mother who reported it to the police. That family participated in the search.
Emaa, we don't talk that way? Semantics? With the recent backlash of the NFL's handling, or lack of handling of domestic violence issues. Imo, it would be reasonable to conclude that Liberty University officials, who carry a lot of political influence in the Lynchburg, VA community and beyond, would not want the negative publicity and other ramifications that a rape prosecution and ensuing trial of a star football player would provide, imo..
It seems logical that if the victim that alleged that she was raped by JM was hospitalized, that she had suffered injuries, either physical, emotional, or a combination of both..
If JM felt that the charges were unfair or unprovable, imo, he would have appealed the decision... This was a major life altering incident for both JM, and the alleged rape victim...JMO

Eventually this charge was taken out of LU's jurisdiction and given to the Lynchburg Police Department. Regardless of when the decision was made to not prosecute (by the victim or LPD), LU did eventually expel JM. The reasons for that could be many (they believed the victim's account - both the victim and JM agreed to the sexual encounter with the difference being consent; JM may have had other reps during his time at LU beside the alleged sexual assault, etc.).
Emaa, we don't talk that way? Semantics? With the recent backlash of the NFL's handling, or lack of handling of domestic violence issues. Imo, it would be reasonable to conclude that Liberty University officials, who carry a lot of political influence in the Lynchburg, VA community and beyond, would not want the negative publicity and other ramifications that a rape prosecution and ensuing trial of a star football player would provide, imo..
It seems logical that if the victim that alleged that she was raped by JM was hospitalized, that she had suffered injuries, either physical, emotional, or a combination of both..
If JM felt that the charges were unfair or unprovable, imo, he would have appealed the decision... This was a major life altering incident for both JM, and the alleged rape victim...JMO

The *advertiser censored*'t CA said they basically had the same account of what happened, it was a matter of she said she didn't consent and he said she did. In LU's code of conduct, non-marital sexual contact isn't allowed. I think he was expelled for that reason; the university IMO couldn't expel him for something he was never charged, but did for what he admitted to.
The *advertiser censored*'t CA said they basically had the same account of what happened, it was a matter of she said she didn't consent and he said she did. In LU's code of conduct, non-marital sexual contact isn't allowed. I think he was expelled for that reason; the university IMO couldn't expel him for something he was never charged, but did for what he admitted to.

It being against the rules of conduct is enough of a reason to suspect she may have claimed rape after the fact. If she admitted to it being consensual she would have been expelled. By it being a rape accusation she was allowed to stay at the school and probably graduate.
It being against the rules of conduct is enough of a reason to suspect she may have claimed rape after the fact. If she admitted to it being consensual she would have been expelled. By it being a rape accusation she was allowed to stay at the school and probably graduate.

Or, conversely, if no one knew (though perhaps a roommate walked in), why would she risk expulsion and a trial for something she couldn't prove? If they both would be expelled, they'd both keep their mouths shut. Just thoughts to ponder. No one knows but the two of them.
Or, conversely, if no one knew (though perhaps a roommate walked in), why would she risk expulsion and a trial for something she couldn't prove? If they both would be expelled, they'd both keep their mouths shut. Just thoughts to ponder. No one knows but the two of them.

Do you know where the incident took place? I heard it was an off-campus party.

It is doubtful that Liberty allowed opposite-sex visitation in dormitories.
Do you know where the incident took place? I heard it was an off-campus party.

It is doubtful that Liberty allowed opposite-sex visitation in dormitories.

They don't. So it would have had to be off campus but that doesn't mean someone couldn't have walked in and she panicked. I am just looking at it from all possible angles since we know so little about the incident.
Does anyone know if this girl had lightish hair and fair skin? Do we know if the Fairfax girl had lightish hair and skin?
The girl went to the hospital. Why? I know we don't know, but doesn't that seem a little strange if there was nothing?

Isn't that standard procedure in an alleged rape? The ER documents any bruises and does a swab for semen.

If I was accused of rape after having consensual sex, and lost my scholarship, got kicked out of college, and had this on my record then years later was accused of abducting, and looked at as a murderer, I think I would avoid the police and run too.
More on the 2002 Liberty U rape incident:
In 2002, a Liberty University student informed school officials of an alleged rape that occurred during the early morning hours of Oct. 17, according to Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Chuck Felmlee.

Lt. Dave Gearhart, of the Lynchburg Police Department, confirmed Thursday afternoon that police had investigated an alleged rape at the college from that date but declined to provide any further details.

The alleged victim in this case pointed to Matthew, saying they “were hanging out for that day,” Felmlee said.

“This was not an abduction case or anything like that,” the prosecutor said."


A woman in Charlottesville said her daughter and a female friend were approached by Jesse Matthew (a stranger to them) a week before Hannah Graham disappeared as they were entering a convenience store. He struck up a conversation and then asked them if they wanted to 'hang out.' They declined, but felt it was strange enough to report to their mother who reported it to the police. That family participated in the search.
I really wish we could hear from this woman.
Eventually this charge was taken out of LU's jurisdiction and given to the Lynchburg Police Department. Regardless of when the decision was made to not prosecute (by the victim or LPD), LU did eventually expel JM. The reasons for that could be many (they believed the victim's account - both the victim and JM agreed to the sexual encounter with the difference being consent; JM may have had other reps during his time at LU beside the alleged sexual assault, etc.).

Date rape is very hard to prove. It is often a case of an intimidated, intoxicated young woman who is scared to fight back when her date forces himself upon her.

I can easily see a "compromise" being, "Look, I won;t press charges as long as he's expelled." Based on JM's behavior when he assaulted a motorist, I can see him agreeing readily to such a "compromise".

The *advertiser censored*'t CA said they basically had the same account of what happened, it was a matter of she said she didn't consent and he said she did. In LU's code of conduct, non-marital sexual contact isn't allowed. I think he was expelled for that reason; the university IMO couldn't expel him for something he was never charged, but did for what he admitted to.

Well, since JM has been charged with abduction with intent to defile, I kind of don't think it had to do with a mutual arrangement that the girl had second thoughts about. Seems to me it is much more likely he actually raped the girl.

Poor JM. All these unfortunate "incidents" that keep happening to him that must be explained away.

Im not defending JLM by any means but I just wanted to point out that indecent exposure could be as simple as urinating in public.Given the public drunkeness charge that seems the most likely explanation IMO.

It's his dad, apparently and not him. But if it was, given the abduction with attempt to defile charges, I;m not sure I would agree with you.

Can anyone shed light on JM's recent dating history. A decent looking, athletic, employed man aged 32 years old must have some history. Engament, marriage, divorce, live-in girlfriend, steady girlfriend? Has JM been perpetually single throughout his twenties and thirties? Has he been recently dumped by someone he loved? It seems odd that a man of faith, who appears to have a respectable job, and volunteers as a football coach by day would then spend his nights prowling bars for teens and younger women.

Great question. I think a lot of rapists/sexually motivated murderers are maladjusted when it comes to relationships.
I think I recall hearing that she went to a hospital. They have to report it by law. The charges were filed and when the police called her, she never returned the call, so they dropped the charges. Saw or heard it recently.

Imagine the very young woman from a Christian home, perhaps a Baptist pastor's daughter, was still stunned and in shock from the assault. Unless she had strong, loving, understanding parental support, she would not be comfortable talking about the attack with a male police officer. When if ever did she tell her parents? Were they strict, rigid, judgmental about her being with a male out late until the early hours of the morning? Did they blame her for allowing occasion for the attack?

Preacher's kid are can run the gamut - be healthy and well-adjusted, fearfully compliant and submissive or rebellious risk-takers. The young woman could have been sexually-active, into drinking and drugs or pure as the driven snow.

Why were JLM and the young woman out so late behind the Vines building?
Perhaps she was trying to be nice to JLM, hanging out with him, helping him with school work, being friends with a person of another race, showing Christian love...but he mistook her attention, smiles and kindness for a come-on.
Or perhaps she was rebelling against both her parents and the school and did invite the carnal attentions of JLM, then resisted and things got violent, then she turned against him and called it rape when she had to explain why she was injured after staying out all night.

Because of his family background (drunk father, etc.) reared by grandmother, no or poor male role models, JLM was probably insecure, emotionally immature, ego-centric, needy, despite his athletic achievements and possibly out of his league academically. One type of serial rapist needs to, wants to believe their attentions and assault is consensual.
[4 types of rapists - http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Four-types-of-serial-rapists-what-makes-them-3159973.php]

We may never know what happened that night and why.

If it was rape, we can assume JLM lacked self-control and/or the ability and willingness to read social signals - the signal to stop.
If she was indeed injured, it would seem that the girl resisted strenuously...whether before or after the first kiss.
Unless, JLM was violent because that's the way he 'liked it' or had seen or heard it modeled growing up (through parents, relatives, peers or media).
If he had been exposed to violent s ex ual acts in real life or media (books, magazines, film, etc) it would have infected his mind. P* rn is a toxic substance that disables the ability to relate in a respectful and healthy way. Most rapists use p* rn like a drug.
'Behind Vines Center' was where the incident occurred.

Here are two images of the area:

The two would have had to be outdoors or sitting in a car. Did he or she have a car on campus? Was that allowed for Freshmen and Sophomores?
Was she walking home from a group activity and jumped? Or were they walking together with him 'escorting' her back to her dorm?

Did JLM behave like he did in the bar with the other women in a sudden, unexpected, no-boundaries, aggressive, anti-social way?

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