JLM: Morgan Harrington/Fairfax Rape Victim - *Forensic Link* to MH #2

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In the MH case, LE knew they were looking for a 6ft 220lb black guy aged between 25-35. There was suspicion MH got into a cab. How did JM not get caught before now? How many 25-35 year old 6ft, 220 black guys were driving cabs in Charlottesville in 2009? I know this sounds very critical of LE, but I can't be the only person asking this question.

Good question! Given that most of the cases are off that Rte 29 road, cabbies would be an obvious place to start?!? Though all they could do was interview; they would need warrants and probable cause to go rooting through cabs and reviewing fare logs or histories. I would think.
Someone in this thread posted a link earlier that showed JLM's photos from a high school yearbook, where he was shown on the wrestling team as captain I believe and having won a championship as a wrestler. Granted he was younger then but he was *really* beefed up and strong looking, paired with the knowledge of many different wrestling moves intended to make someone submit. I hate to ponder such violence but I think it is entirely possible with the knowledge of how to keep someone submissive via his wrestling team days & he is just a huge guy who is probably still very strong that he could really, really, destroy someone. I know he is innocent until proven guilty, but I have a hard time not believing that several of these cases certainly involve him, especially with everything we know so far. I think his edge or motivation as a potential serial suspect is his strength & being able to overpower people.. and since he ruined his sports career perhaps this is his new "game". He plays it off like he might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but I think he is much more intelligent then most believe and that is why he's remained out in the open for so long like this with the image of being just another good ol' boy. Totally just my opinion.. But I fear there are more missing girls out there to be found by his hand besides Hannah. :(

LE presents him as being guilty. They bring the evidence to court to show his guilt. They do not go there with the presumption of innocence.

The court presumes innocence and takes the information to say guilty or innocent.
SolVol, can you tell me more about MH being partially buried. All I have read so far is they found her body, but I didn't realize it was buried. Do you, or anyone else, know what she was buried with? This is important, IMO. We would want to know if JM is a dumper or a burier. Would he take the time to bury, and how much time/effort? Or, does he dump the body in a panic and leave. Also, CM was partially buried.

This is the crime scene. I think she was found lying in the field. We can see that there is a grid search, but there doesn't appear to be any digging.


  • MorganCrimeScene - Copy.jpg
    MorganCrimeScene - Copy.jpg
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police have said, but a t-shirt, discovered in mid-November on a bush outside an apartment building at the corner of Grady Avenue and Fifteenth Street, would provide a bizarre twist in an already confusing case.
In April, five months after its discovery, police announced that forensic evidence revealed that the Pantera t-shirt–- which some believed was a lookalike shirt placed by someone unrelated to the case as a twisted joke–- did, in fact, belong to Morgan. That forensic evidence, says Barfield, was most likely DNA–- and, he says, a likely source for the match with the Fairfax case since extracting an assailant's DNA evidence from Morgan's decomposed remains, which were exposed to the elements for three months, would have been very difficult. (Like farm owner Bass, the UVA student who discovered the t-shirt had not yet been shown the composite sketch when a reporter showed it to him.)"


<snipped for space> This highlights one of the things I have trouble with in JM being a serial killer. Despite the clear similarities in MH and HG, there seems to be very little the same other than a vulnerable girl with similar general looks (both tall, slender blondes but look nothing alike). Not all serial killers leave signatures but I see that going on with MH but why not HG? Looking at MH:

Body left purposely in un mown hay field that can be accessed only on a 4x4. Did JM carry her in? Don't think his taxi would have made it in.

A distinct, expensive Svarofski crystal necklace was taken off of HM and has yet to be recovered. The perp did leave a distinctive gold bracelet found with her remains. So where is JM hiding said necklace?

Police brush off the Pantera tee shirt. I think it was a signature or F you to a lot of people. It is brazenly displayed and not far from where a witness (again discounted by LE) swears she saw HM at 3:45 am after she supposedly disappeared at around 9:30 near the arena. Her cell phone and purse found in overflow lot near arena. Whoever did this to HM knows the area super well. He started on campus, knows back roads, and ended it on campus again with the tee shirt. Is he mocking LE by leaving a big clue within a block of where he may have been with HG hours after police insist she was last seen alive on Copeley Road at 9:30 pm? Remember, no one saw her get into a car on that road. Why are witnesses in one area validated and the one on campus hours later dismissed despite multiple attempts on her part to share what she saw with police?

Interestingly HG's last text message is sent near where the shirt was found and there were at least two sexual assaults a block or so from same area while JM was in Texas or on way back to VA. Police say unrelated but they also said that shirt was of no significance. JM does know the area well and fits the profile for location and victim selection, but in my opinion it ends there for me.

I don't see JM as someone saving a necklace as a trophy, or brazenly displaying his victim's shirt for all the world to see. I am shocked LE does not see that as significant; even if it is not any sort of message it is teeming with DNA or other trace evidence. HM hurt herself that night and her chin was bleeding. That shirt is clearly important. He is batting us over the head with it. It did not just slip off of her or get dropped like a cell phone. It had to be taken off her body. The killer takes souvenirs.

Did LE search for any thing else MH may have been wearing in JM's home? Does JM have any mementio hidden in his closet? I highly doubt it. IMO, JM does not come close to fitting that profile. He just seems like he would be happy to get laid even if he had to find a girl who might pass out under him or need a little nudge or extra tight grip to be convinced. I see it ending there. He is certainly no angel, but there are lots of frat boys who act like JM according to Coy Barefoot, but happen to do it every weekend in groups.Oh, and they too are not immune to sexual assault charges. They just don't get hauled in by the police and tagged as a suspect because they were seen on video with a missing girl. I just do not person who killed MH as dense enough to pluck his next victim off a popular, nightspot on a weekend, at closing time no less, in view of surveillance cameras and numerous witnesses. Not to mention leaving a paper trail for LE in purchasing a drink for an already well inebriated girl? Helllooo! This just ensures even more people can place them together.

It is documented that HG was at a party with a young man who offered to walk her home. Did he instead just follow her? What is his alibi? Witnesses saw them together. What is his story? How do we know she was not slipped some sort of drug at a party? She was unsteady and disoriented before she met up with JM on the mall.

Yes, Hannah's cell phone is missing but given the magnitude of the search if it were dumped someone would have spotted it. There is also some mystery surrounding her last text. She was not physically in the location she texted to her friends when the message is sent. Who sent that message? Again, it doesn't fit JM in my opinion. He is all about getting laid, the person abducting and/or raping then murdering young women, collecting trophies, and displaying them is someone else entirely, I think. JM was singled out because he was caught on video trying to hook up with a drunk girl who went missing, jump to HM, skip over to the Fairfax rapist DNA connection to HM who happens to be that of a black person, and voila! have JM. This is all LE has to go on it appears to me. Kinda explains why they can find no trace of Hannah after nearly a month of intensive searching. They are barking up the wrong tree.

Message to Mods: I was replying to post in Searching for Hannah but feel they will not find her without comparing more than obvious in both cases. I am saying that the perp is not so easily figured out - he is at home in the hills, valleys, and on campus. In my mind they go hand in hand. I can see that this belongs more here but thought it would confuse since replying to post in other thread. Sorry!
The two other rapes in Cville happened a few days after HG was last seen. Five days before JM did the great Teaxas flee. But from my own research, I don't think they are related.

And who knows if JM is a psychopath, but with my encounter with one, they lay out all the charm in the world. Sometimes too much so that it creeps a person out, but others are more suave about it. The bit about putting his arms around Hannah on the downtown mall was frankly a bit odd to me. I'd be curious to talk to his ex girlfriend. As a true psychopath is like a boomerang. They will return after weeks of no contact. Stalking, cyber stalking. Curious how and what he did as far as contact and communication after it ended.
I think there are plenty of predators, more than people like to think. Often, dozens of crimes pop up when someone is arrested, that people try to link to the guy who is caught. But less often does this pan out. Jmo
In the MH case, LE knew they were looking for a 6ft 220lb black guy aged between 25-35. There was suspicion MH got into a cab. How did JM not get caught before now? How many 25-35 year old 6ft, 220 black guys were driving cabs in Charlottesville in 2009? I know this sounds very critical of LE, but I can't be the only person asking this question.
This is a little far fetched, but the only plausible reason I can think of is that because JM was an independent contractor (he owned that van), he didn't come up on a list of employees, so he got missed? I can't think of any other reason he would skipped when he matched the description.
Ya know at the time when the mention of her bones being "shattered" I among some others could not help but think it was caused by a vehicle. Not farming equipment, but perhaps MH tried to escape and her capture decided to just run her down and over. Would explain "Bones being shattered". I find it hard to figure how someone could physically "shatter bones" --there would be many breaks but not "shattered, don't you think?? Sorry, it is really horrible to even think about, but that also could be what the Harringtons meant by "Hunted"

I watched a First 48 or something the other night. They described the victim in that episode the same way, with shattered bones. He was found inside an ice skating rink. I paid attention because of the shattered by what conversations we have had here. Come to find out, the murderer shattered his bones (skull) with a sledgehammer and crowbar. I know this is graphic, but it is hard for non-violent people to come up with all of the possibilities of horrific acts upon a human. I think it is more of a possibility of something like this rather than a vehicle.
This is the crime scene. I think she was found lying in the field. We can see that there is a grid search, but there doesn't appear to be any digging.

Thanks Otto! Out of curiosity, what does the grid search accomplish?
<snipped for space> This highlights one of the things I have trouble with in JM being a serial killer. Despite the clear similarities in MH and HG, there seems to be very little the same other than a vulnerable girl with similar general looks (both tall, slender blondes but look nothing alike)......

Kinda explains why they can find no trace of Hannah after nearly a month of intensive searching. They are barking up the wrong tree.

Message to Mods: I was replying to post in Searching for Hannah but feel they will not find her without comparing more than obvious in both cases. I am saying that the perp is not so easily figured out - he is at home in the hills, valleys, and on campus. In my mind they go hand in hand. I can see that this belongs more here but thought it would confuse since replying to post in other thread. Sorry!

Snipped for space.

Well. I certainly respect your defense-attorney approach (respectfully said). Sure, there is always going to be a legal way to try and argue right now that JM is a scapegoat or that LE could have the wrong man. BUT. I think people on this forum are all presumed to be interested in helping to find Hannah Graham at this juncture. Which means, by necessity, we are trying to sleuth and brainstorm based on LE having named JM a suspect and charged him with abduction with intent to defile. And LE has forensically linked JM to MH (please all- not interested in resurrecting if it's DNA or not here.)

So we as a WS community generally- to my understanding- operate under the assumption that yes JM is innocent until proven guilty, but for our purposes of finding HG we will temporarily at least assume he is guilty and then brainstorm off of that.

Am I right? Wrong? I don't know- I mean, that is certainly what I thought was assumed here. We aren't legally convicting JM here. We're not a court of law. We shouldn't slander him and there's checks and balances for that. But to spend a ton of time rehashing and rehashing that LE may just not have the right guy kind of defeats the purpose of the threads IMO.

And the BBM part is to say- what makes you think they have found no trace of her?
Quote Originally Posted by R.U.Kidding! View Post
Ya know at the time when the mention of her bones being "shattered" I among some others could not help but think it was caused by a vehicle. Not farming equipment, but perhaps MH tried to escape and her capture decided to just run her down and over. Would explain "Bones being shattered". I find it hard to figure how someone could physically "shatter bones" --there would be many breaks but not "shattered, don't you think?? Sorry, it is really horrible to even think about, but that also could be what the Harringtons meant by "Hunted".

R.U.Kidding, I see JM as an escalated sadistic sexual psychopath... jmo

Psychopathic Sexual Sadists
The Psychology and Psychodynamics of Serial Killers

By Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S.
Former Commander, Bronx Homicide, NYPD

Among the number of paraphilias discussed in De River's (1958) often cited work "Crime and the Sexual Psychopath," is sexual sadism. De River speaks of sadism as a compelling element in some lust murders; in others, arousal is not derived from the infliction of pain and suffering of the victim but rather from the act of killing itself. In this latter case, however, as with necrophiles, De River recognizes that even though the offender may not witness any prolonged degree of suffering on the part of the victim, he is likely to "[call] upon his imagination and fancy to supply him with the necessary engrams to satisfy his craving for his depravity." (p.41) This is not unlike lust murderers who torture victims before killing them, and then recall "an after-image (engram) of the sensation produced by the physical torture and mutilation, extending beyond time and space." (p.276) In each instance, lust murders are viewed as behaviors of sadistic sexual psychopaths.

Cartel (1985) outlines the crime patterns, biographies, detection, and case processing of 21 serial killings. He notes that in addition to the apparent lack of guilt or compassion for their victim, serial murderers claim to experience euphoria during their murders. These observations are consistent with the aforementioned aspects of antisocial personality disorder. The intense arousal derives from the torture and/or killing of victims which Lunde (1976) identifies as sexual sadism, "a deviation characterized by torture and/or killing and mutilation of other persons in order to achieve sexual gratification" ( p.48). A reading of Brittain's (1970) work on the sadistic murderer reveals that such individuals are unconcerned with the moral implications of their brutality. They are excited by the sight of suffering and helplessness of their victims, whom they experience as objects. They usually kill by strangulation, apparently because of the total control over the victim that this method offers them.
<sniped - read more>
Snipped for space.

Well. I certainly respect your defense-attorney approach (respectfully said). Sure, there is always going to be a legal way to try and argue right now that JM is a scapegoat or that LE could have the wrong man. BUT. I think people on this forum are all presumed to be interested in helping to find Hannah Graham at this juncture. Which means, by necessity, we are trying to sleuth and brainstorm based on LE having named JM a suspect and charged him with abduction with intent to defile. And LE has forensically linked JM to MH (please all- not interested in resurrecting if it's DNA or not here.)

So we as a WS community generally- to my understanding- operate under the assumption that yes JM is innocent until proven guilty, but for our purposes of finding HG we will temporarily at least assume he is guilty and then brainstorm off of that.

Am I right? Wrong? I don't know- I mean, that is certainly what I thought was assumed here. We aren't legally convicting JM here. We're not a court of law. We shouldn't slander him and there's checks and balances for that. But to spend a ton of time rehashing and rehashing that LE may just not have the right guy kind of defeats the purpose of the threads IMO.

THIS...And to tag on, to say that LE is wrong and that they are lacking evidence, when we haven't even seen the evidence yet, would not be helpful in regards to sleuthing this case. LE had enough evidence to arrest him. We don't know what that evidence is yet, but we know it exists because he is behind bars. Now, fast forward ahead in time and when we see the evidence, if we think "WTH was LE thinking?", I think at that point it would be appropriate to sleuth other people. At this point though, nothing points to anyone else, and with what we know about JM's history, and what we saw on surveillance tape, it makes sense to draw an assumption that he had responsibility for this one. Anyone is entitled to disagree of course, and to share their own theories of what may have happened that night.
I'm not surprised that LE wants to talk to him (although, when asked LE would not comment), but what is disturbing is this: "Authorities that month charged Poole in an assault case, and he was convicted the following year, according to court records."

Who did he assault and how/why?

Yes, this is disturbing. It's the first I've heard of this connection to JM so I'm trying quickly to research anything I can find about those charges but I'm finding nothing so far.

Can we get the August 2, 2010 date added to the timeline Shutterbug made please?
"Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles records show that Matthew held a taxi permit from 2007 until Aug. 2, 2010, when he asked that it be deactivated, an agency spokeswoman said Friday. Matthew&#8217;s taxi permit was filed under his own name, rather than a company name, and because the DMV does not have Matthew&#8217;s permit application, the length of his time with the company is unclear, an agency spokeswoman said."
I for one don't operate on innocent until proven guilty.

All information so far leads me to believe the dude is a serial rapist and murderer.

Glad they finally caught the SOB before he defiled another innocent victim.

Unfortunately, I fear the outcome is not good for HG.

A "taxi" also drove Randy Taylor home after he dropped off Alexis Murphy's car in Cville. Maybe there are records of this cab company. Maybe already posted here. I can't remember.

Someone recently posted that the taxi driver testified and it was not JM.
Snipped for space.

Well. I certainly respect your defense-attorney approach (respectfully said). Sure, there is always going to be a legal way to try and argue right now that JM is a scapegoat or that LE could have the wrong man. BUT. I think people on this forum are all presumed to be interested in helping to find Hannah Graham at this juncture. Which means, by necessity, we are trying to sleuth and brainstorm based on LE having named JM a suspect and charged him with abduction with intent to defile. And LE has forensically linked JM to MH (please all- not interested in resurrecting if it's DNA or not here.)

So we as a WS community generally- to my understanding- operate under the assumption that yes JM is innocent until proven guilty, but for our purposes of finding HG we will temporarily at least assume he is guilty and then brainstorm off of that.

Am I right? Wrong? I don't know- I mean, that is certainly what I thought was assumed here. We aren't legally convicting JM here. We're not a court of law. We shouldn't slander him and there's checks and balances for that. But to spend a ton of time rehashing and rehashing that LE may just not have the right guy kind of defeats the purpose of the threads IMO.

And the BBM part is to say- what makes you think they have found no trace of her?

I respect what you are saying, but from my perspective they have sent out a drone and scoured a lot of ground based on tips, and where is Hannah? What is the harm in suggesting they may want to revisit some of the similarities between cases. It is not mental masturbation on my part but a genuine concern for the truth; this might mean not the most obvious person but the right person (s).Last I checked LE were not infallible; and it is well known that any strong case is open to challenge or being tested. This only strengthens it in the long run.

The search for Hannah has clearly slowed down. In Chief Longo's words they have "no clue". I see maybe looking at things LE has ignored or dismissed, for valid reasons, when building a strong case potentially more useful than correcting people who persist in riffing on assumptions as fact. How many more times do we talk about HM not last being seen alive in a cab before JM's arraignment in December? I don't see going over every last bit of info the media erroneously reports or LE decides to release helps either. It might support a thread, but if it is not useful and redundant, skip it.

As for most people presuming JM is innocent!?! Are you kidding me. We know how he stalks victims, how he subdues them, how many victims there are, his thoughts, not to mention the value added judgments on his intelligence, physical appearance, occupation, choice in cars, football playing, his declared major, his grandmother, and so on. Tell me how any of these asides and musings help in finding Hannah, or in aiding the police in bringing whoever is responsible to justice. Last I checked both HG and MH were open cases, so in my mind until LE goes to trial and proves their case, everything else is still on the table and open for discussion.

On the one hand, JM is presumed innocent, but because LE is building a case we treat him as guilty to help LE secure his conviction to the exclusion of all else? I think that is what you are saying. I am not going to comment on that further, other than to say in a democracy there is room for healthy skepticism. LE is not unbiased; the very nature of targeting a suspect is exclusionary. I am not maligning them or questioning their professionalism or capability, but to ignore that by simple fact bias is inherent in excluding all else other than what supports your case and say that we should only pursue and support what LE is trying to prove is harmful? In a perfect world where a police state was desirable and there were no wrongful convictions ever I would wholeheartedly agree wh you. Given police work and forensics are hardly irrefutable hard sciences, there is margin for error and healthy, respectful skepticism. So long as mods agree I think there is room for us all out here. If mods feel otherwise, please clarify. That is why we have multiple threads and we have the option to "ignore".

Not sure what you mean by your comment on defense attorneys, so I am going with the positive and take it as a compliment.
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