JLM: Other Possible Victims - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Please consider adding 1998 17 year old Jaisle Elizabeth Thomas - Henrico County/Richmond VA. She disappeared after church on Easter Sunday afternoon, 4/12/98 on her way to the Richmond University library to study. She was due to work at her grocery store job that evening. Her car was found on a bridge in the western part of Henrico county and her purse, Bible, books, store uniform were still in the car. Her body was never found. She was the same age as JLM, could have met him at a regional sport or youth group event and kept in touch by phone. This was before email and DNA testing, so any connection to JLM would have to be proved by phone records.

Thank you for this I had been looking for Her case for about 2 years ! I think this is the case that fits the rt 29 stalker pattern in Alice Showalters case.
I have a new theory...it came to me when I was posting on RT/JM board, but I think it belongs her too so I'm gonna throw it out there:

Maybe this has been discussed at length...but you know how drug dealers...its like a pyramid, you might know the one up from you, meaning who you get it from, but you don't know who they get it from....and you know who you give it to...but may not know who they then sell it to if they don't intend to smoke it themselves.

Well from observation it seems the guys that sell to the end point...usually have better "curb appeal"....and the ones who tend to take more risks, meaning be willing to have larger supply and more money in there possession at one time tend to be a little rougher around the edges, and have "less to loose" like your middle men I guess....then the further up you go they don't just have curb appeal, but there clean cut and likely business men. ... Well do you suppose JM and RT where connection points on one of these type of webs?

OMG I just had a totally ah ha moment! That's it! Its drugs! All these cases! Hear me out: it might not be what you think I'm thinking..

.I think he has a connection point to the higher ups of this web. Im not saying its because he's necessarily related to them, of course thats possible, but it could also be because he has known them for a while and gained there trust. (there is an interesting case that you can feel free to sleuth regarding the owner of a certain company we are all well aware he worked for, its history may or may not be applicable).

I think its possible early on when he was part of this "web" he was just a street dealer....could HS athlete of the year also been the school dealer?...hmmmm....i've known a few of those types....or did he become involved with them later, After getting kicked out of college? Did dealing help him develop his smooth approach, the ability to act like he knew a total stranger? ....

I think its possible the taxi company could have been a way to launder money and "legally" keep JM on the pay roll. I think, all just theory of course, that as JM gained their trust he moved up in ranks, and I think about the time he applied for his taxi license is likely when he got promoted to some type of transporter. I think he would have been the one RT would have gotten his supply from. I think if RAT to rat out JM he knows its not just JM he has to worry about. He's choosing his words very very carefully.

Here's the thing, I do not think the murders, meaning the reasons for them, have anything to do with the actual drugs themselves. But if they start piecing together JM's activities, there's the potential to get a whole lot more people in trouble for other reasons.

I have been going through the missing list with a fine tooth comb, there are some that aren't him for sure, but there is a pattern. Left all personal belonging behind, missing with little info, often from grocery or convenience stores, women who were alone walking....some of them known addicts and prostitutes down on their luck. I don't think he tried to sell to all these women, but in some cases I suspect that's how he was given opportunity to murder them, others I think just crossed his unfortunate path, perhaps even when he was in places for "business". Its interesting that there happens to be a major port in an area highly suspect of repeat offenses.

Having access to this web would have also given him access to drugs, and I can see JM using that to "make friends" with "pretty girls" even when he was not really a " street dealer" anymore. Maybe he gave them free "goodies" because it was the only way he could get girls to "flirt" with him.

It could explain how he could strike up a conversation with a stranger, and have them casually walk away with him, unnoticed.

I'm not suggesting HG bought drugs from JM, though we don't know for sure she didn't , and it certainly wouldn't make her the first college girl to do that.

I think the rapes/ murders are on JM alone though. I don't think they are part of the web, I think he's a serial killer, who happens to be a drug dealer....who's drug connection was often a contributing factor in selection of victim...location, approach...etc. I think it gave him access points to victims he wouldn't otherwise have without this connection. But I think he murdered because he is very very ill!

I dunno, all just a theory of course, maybe its bordering on too far fetched....but wow...if I hadn't studied the victim lists today...
Thank you for this I had been looking for Her case for about 2 years ! I think this is the case that fits the rt 29 stalker pattern in Alice Showalters case.

Can you explain what you mean? Henrico wouldn't have been That close to 29, what connections are making? I'm intrigued. I read up on her case today.
I think it depends on many things, your chemistry included.
Briefed, respectfully

Hey, thank you for your kind and open consideration. Would onset of your running around, clothed of course, be upon smoking or later?
Wow, so it was the landlady.. That makes sense. Thanks!

And the rumored story of the girl who accepted a ride and ended up in Walnut Creek Park was definitely on my mind as well.... The way he stuck around hunting her for two hours after she bolted from his car and hid in the woods.... I'm sitting here shivering again at the thought of that.

Is residency a public record? When exactly did he move in? Is that known?
Absolutely. I wonder, too, if it would encourage them to look at cases like Jamisha,'s again, more closely. It would be next to impossible at this point to connect JM to Jamisha, I think. But who knows...

Maybe somebody's memory of him hanging out in Lynchburg, or phone records, receipts, etc... now that he's a known entity that may be linked in some way?
I dunno, all just a theory of course, maybe its bordering on too far fetched....but wow...if I hadn't studied the victim lists today...
clipped, respectfully

Maybe they already had tested all the DNA and there was no hit, considering LE had performed it for Morgan Harrington already and it hit for this predator. A no hit result with the new test would make the perp, already convicted for consecutive life terms for Alexis Murphy, that much more culpable too. Either way, I think you're instincts are right about going through the whole list and keeping the threads separate to help.
I have a new theory...it came to me when I was posting on RT/JM board, but I think it belongs her too so I'm gonna throw it out there: <snip>
I think its possible the taxi company could have been a way to launder money and "legally" keep JM on the pay roll. I think, all just theory of course, that as JM gained their trust he moved up in ranks, and I think about the time he applied for his taxi license is likely when he got promoted to some type of transporter. I think he would have been the one RT would have gotten his supply from. <snip>.

The taxi business in Charlottesville has had a history criminal activities and arrests for drugs as well as suspicious fires/arsons involving taxi vehicles. The arrests included some college athletes and students as well as taxi drivers and management of Access cab, the company for which JLM worked. I have the links on my other computer... but there was one man arrested named Hicks, which stuck out to me because of JLM.
The taxi business in Charlottesville has had a history criminal activities and arrests for drugs as well as suspicious fires/arsons involving taxi vehicles. The arrests included some college athletes and students as well as taxi drivers and management of Access cab, the company for which JLM worked. I have the links on my other computer... but there was one man arrested named Hicks, which stuck out to me because of JLM.

Interesting, thanks. Why did he stick out? That whole taxi deal seemed like it may have been a kind of an enabling source of sorts, not necessarily culpable for nor implicated in the rapes and murders this perp may have committed. The taxi boss guy was said to be off the radar still. One of this perp's colleagues, from his taxi days, has been public about his impressions of the perp from when the Morgan Harrington case was being investigated.
The Mom wrote: "It reminds me of the (rumored, as per WS rules) story someone posted that a friend of theirs experienced with a cab driver in cville, who drove them to a spot on OLRoad, she hopped out, and the black driver looked for her for about 2 hours before he gave up and left (victim did go to LE with this story during the HG search)."

The 2013 (?) cab driver attack was reported in the news and the Harringtons made a public plea for the victim to go to the police.
Interesting, thanks. Why did he stick out? That whole taxi deal seemed like it may have been a kind of an enabling source of sorts, not necessarily culpable the rapes and murders this perp may have committed. Not the taxi boss guy was said to be of the radar still. One of this perp's colleagues, from his taxi days, has been public about his impressions of the perp from when the Morgan Harrington case was being investigated.

Hicks is a family name. The taxi boss is now out of prison.

NOTE - the taxi drug arrests took place in 1986 - and was reported in the Richmond Times Dispatch 24 July 1986 - Jesse Matthew was born in 1981, so it was well before his time, but he would have known about it.
If Thinkhard is right about Jaisle Elizabeth Thomas this makes 3 possible victims that were acquired either en route to a grocery store or coming back from one.

Jaisle Elisabeth Thomas

The Fairfax rape victim

and Autumn Wind Day

Also, not sure if this has been posted here already or not


Good to see that LE is apparently communicating with each other and looking into other possible victims as well.
If Thinkhard is right about Jaisle Elizabeth Thomas this makes 3 possible victims that were acquired either en route to a grocery store or coming back from one.

Jaisle Elisabeth Thomas

The Fairfax rape victim

and Autumn Wind Day

Also, not sure if this has been posted here already or not


Good to see that LE is apparently communicating with each other and looking into other possible victims as well.

There are a number of victims with connections to grocery or convenience stores.

12/26/96 - Linda Lunsford, 38 &#8211; Chesterfield County, VA - car found in Food Lion parking lot.
4/12/98 - Jaisle Elizabeth Thomas age 17 - missing no body found, car found bridge Henrico county near Richmond &#8211; worked at a grocery store.
7/24/03 &#8211; Autumn Wind Day &#8211; last seen Food Lion Grocery store &#8211; car found next day at Food Lion.
1/24/05 - Crystal Soles, 28 - missing no body found, last seen walking from Shaw&#8217;s Country Store in Andrews, S.C
9/24/2005 Fairfax rape victim &#8211; assaulted on the way home from a grocery store.
12/2006 &#8211; Shonda Stansbury &#8211; last seen running behind Information grocery store being chased by two men - http://www.nampn.org/cases/stansbury_shonda.html ; http://projectjason.org/forums/topic/366-missing-woman-shonda-stansbury-nc-12092006/
8/3/13 - Alexis Murphy, 17 black, last seen at Liberty gas station convenience store, Lovingston near Lynchburg - Randy Allen Taylor indicted
The Mom wrote: "It reminds me of the (rumored, as per WS rules) story someone posted that a friend of theirs experienced with a cab driver in cville, who drove them to a spot on OLRoad, she hopped out, and the black driver looked for her for about 2 hours before he gave up and left (victim did go to LE with this story during the HG search)."

The 2013 (?) cab driver attack was reported in the news and the Harringtons made a public plea for the victim to go to the police.

Can someone provide a confirmation of this?
The idea that JLM might have had potential to exceed in football makes even more tragic that he took the serial rapist/killer trajectory. :(

What he failed to realize is he could have gotten away with a lot more crimes as a big time football god.
I thought I had read that the cab driver in the case of the attempted assault had been described as having an Eastern Indian accent and appearance. Does anyone else remember that as well? This was linked in one of the earlier threads but I cannot find the link now and my Google searches are coming up empty handed.

TIA to anyone who has a link.
Found it:

February 21, 2013


The University of Virginia Police Department is seeking assistance from the public with information that might help police identify who was responsible for the incident where a University of Virginia Student was abducted and assaulted on February 17, 2013 at approximately 2:30 a.m.

The victim met with police investigators and was able to provide additional information related to the suspect and the vehicle that he was driving. She stated that after she got into a vehicle near 513 Rugby Road that she initially believed was a taxi cab, the vehicle continued past her Alderman Road residence to an area near Kellogg House. She described the suspect as a middle aged male of Indian descent. She stated that he was tall and chubby with short black hair. He spoke in broken English.

The suspect vehicle is described as a dark in color, four door sedan. The survivor does not believe that the vehicle had any markings or decals to indicate that it was a taxi.

If you have information related to this incident, please contact the University of Virginia Police Department by phone at 434-924-7166 by email at police@virginia.edu, or Crimestoppers at 434-977-4000.

BBM - quote from this site: http://www.virginia.edu/uvapolice/safety.html
Is residency a public record? When exactly did he move in? Is that known?

It is when you own property or a home, but he rented and I don't know of public record for that. The only thing I can think of is census records for that address.

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