JLM: What Do We Know About Him? - #2

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When I first saw the video of him in the Mall, I thought he looked sort of silly and playful, gregarious, happy. I guess part of it was the way he high-fived the woman in the first frame. Is that how he struck you, in general? Right after I saw it and posted that I thought he had gone after HG and that I could see him in the second video, next to her, I said something like, "FWIW, he doesn't look at all threatening."

Agree- I thought he looked outgoing and laid back in the Sal's video. I think the high-fiving contributed to my impression. And he and Hannah seemed normal together in the Tuel's video IMO. She did not jump out to me as stressed by his presence. They seemed friendly. I even thought it was a woman friend until it was released it was JM. Bizarrely, from what I see on the videos, good ol' WG stands out as having much more bizarre and noteworthy behavior! (No, I do not think WG is guilty ;))
Agree- I thought he looked outgoing and laid back in the Sal's video. I think the high-fiving contributed to my impression. And he and Hannah seemed normal together in the Tuel's video IMO. She did not jump out to me as stressed by his presence. They seemed friendly. I even thought it was a woman friend until it was released it was JM. Bizarrely, from what I see on the videos, good ol' WG stands out as having much more bizarre and noteworthy behavior! (No, I do not think WG is guilty ;))

That makes it a particular challenge to prove the "intent to defile" charge, IMO. Especially with lack of toxicology report.
That makes it a particular challenge to prove the "intent to defile" charge, IMO. Especially with lack of toxicology report.

Who knows what they found at the house or in his car.
There are all kinds of frustrations and setbacks and disadvantages in life that could, in theory, contribute to a propensity toward violent crimes. I would have to really to stretch to give dyslexia special status.

That cooling off period that occurs, after an SK has struck, could that be considered a defense mechanism of sorts until their brain chemistry goes back to a safe level of judgement toward risk?

And to follow up, if an SK doesn't adhere to a cooling off period, could that increase risk factors?

Could it explain this suspects taking the risk of being seen with Hannah Graham? If you look at the time line, if there is any reason, though none that I know of, to assume this suspect was involved with any of these events below, beside Hannah Graham, could it be possible that the string of events made him apt to lack of judgement, the way he acted in public and being seen with her?

Could you check my thinking on this, let me know what you think, please. Sorry for asking in such a clunky manner. And thank you.

06/06/14 Zulma Pabon-Midlothian, VA - 26 – missing http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sho...ld-6-June-2014
8/14 Begins as part time volunteer coach at Covenant Christian School
~~9/13/14 UVA Sexual Assault
~~9/13/14 Hannah Graham Missing - Charlottesville, VA
~~9/14/14 UVA Sexual Assault - early morning
~~9/15/14 Sexual Assault - early morning

post #10 here:
At this point in time we don't want to label anyone as stupid, retarded, slow, dumb, dull or simpleminded.
However, not everyone can be a misunderstood genius suffering with dyslexia or autism.
IQ as illustrated by a bell curve shows that about 68% of us have average intelligence, about 16% have above average, and about 16% have below average intelligence.

At this point in time we don't want to label anyone as stupid, retarded, slow, dumb, dull or simpleminded.
However, not everyone can be a misunderstood genius suffering with dyslexia or autism.
IQ as illustrated by a bell curve shows that about 68% of us have average intelligence, about 16% have above average, and about 16% have below average intelligence.


Technically, both of those generally impact IQ (as distinguished from "intelligence"). And "average" is a single point. Sixty-eight percent of people are within a standard deviation of average.
Agree- I thought he looked outgoing and laid back in the Sal's video. I think the high-fiving contributed to my impression. And he and Hannah seemed normal together in the Tuel's video IMO. She did not jump out to me as stressed by his presence. They seemed friendly. I even thought it was a woman friend until it was released it was JM. Bizarrely, from what I see on the videos, good ol' WG stands out as having much more bizarre and noteworthy behavior! (No, I do not think WG is guilty ;))

When I watched JM in the video I thought how quick he locked in on the target, how intently, but smoothly, he crossed over, had to overtake the group behind her, then WG, to get to Hannah and be convincing, charming enough to lure her. The video could be a training tool for predatory behavior. He seemed to go into a fixated predator zone and forgot about cameras, witnesses.
Does anyone know of any connections between Fairfax and JLM aside from the 2005 rape?
When I watched JM in the video I thought how quick he locked in on the target, how intently, but smoothly, he crossed over, had to overtake the group behind her, then WG, to get to Hannah and be convincing, charming enough to lure her. The video could be a training tool for predatory behavior. He seemed to go into a fixated predator zone and forgot about cameras, witnesses.

It was weird wasn't it? The speed at which he noticed her and made a decision to do an about-face. I've watched the video countless times as I'm sure we all have. Trying to figure out a bunch of things, but the other day specifically trying to figure out when he first noticed her and how far away she was. There are trees in the way, cafe tables, umbrellas- and yet he still spots her from relatively far away IMO. I thought maybe he noticed her before. Like before he pops into the screen frame. But I don't think so. It's just so bizarre. How a brain can identify, size-up, make a plan, and take action in what appears to be 11 seconds. (29 to 41 on timer)


I don't understand how it's possible. :confused:
There are all kinds of frustrations and setbacks and disadvantages in life that could, in theory, contribute to a propensity toward violent crimes. I would have to really to stretch to give dyslexia special status.

Maybe I should have been more clear.

I'm not giving dyslexia special status either. However, I would not be shocked to learn that a disproportionate amount of violent offenders suffer from dyslexia or any learning disability. It would be disingenuous to not recognize that learning difficulties can lead to more traumatic incidences of humiliation, shame and ostracization. In some members of the population, who lack appropriate coping skills, these internal feelings can be exhibited as inappropriate behavior. Some of this subset will act out self destructively via drug addiction, eating disorders, self mutilation, etc. There is a very small subset who instead will act out against society. IF one of the members of this group has also learned that violence equals power and control. . .well then we wind up here.
Maybe I should have been more clear.

I'm not giving dyslexia special status either. However, I would not be shocked to learn that a disproportionate amount of violent offenders suffer from dyslexia or any learning disability. It would be disingenuous to not recognize that learning difficulties can lead to more traumatic incidences of humiliation, shame and ostracization. In some members of the population, who lack appropriate coping skills, these internal feelings can be exhibited as inappropriate behavior. Some of this subset will act out self destructively via drug addiction, eating disorders, self mutilation, etc. There is a very small subset who instead will act out against society. IF one of the members of this group has also learned that violence equals power and control. . .well then we wind up here.


I'd need to see research on this if I were to be on board in theory....

There would be a host of other "conditions" that I would suspect as disproportionate over a learning disability.

I'd need to see research on this if I were to be on board in theory....

There would be a host of other "conditions" that I would suspect as disproportionate over a learning disability.

Absolutely! I don't disagree at all.

All I'm saying is that it would be un-truthful to not admit that having a learning disability can be traumatic for a child. The social learning theory that I think is most accurate about trying to explain serial killers is like a big flow chart. At the top of that chart is childhood trauma. That trauma can come from many different experiences. But what I am saying is that having a learning disabilty and going to school and experiencing that, can be traumatic for a child. Of course there are many other steps on the flow chart before we reach undesirable behaviors and many more after that before we reach serial killer status. But let's please not try to pretend that being the "dumb" kid isn't ostrasizing. . .that there are no consequences at all for children who internalize the negative feelings about not being able to learn like the majority of their peers.
It was weird wasn't it? The speed at which he noticed her and made a decision to do an about-face. I've watched the video countless times as I'm sure we all have. Trying to figure out a bunch of things, but the other day specifically trying to figure out when he first noticed her and how far away she was. There are trees in the way, cafe tables, umbrellas- and yet he still spots her from relatively far away IMO. I thought maybe he noticed her before. Like before he pops into the screen frame. But I don't think so. It's just so bizarre. How a brain can identify, size-up, make a plan, and take action in what appears to be 11 seconds. (29 to 41 on timer)


I don't understand how it's possible. :confused:

As a sports pro, JM would be accustomed to keeping an eye on the ball and the other players' movements.
Night time looking for vulnerable girls, he is perhaps less sporting, and more like a hunter at a zoo, a fisherman at an aquarium, and a man who takes candy from a baby. imo.
At this point in time we don't want to label anyone as stupid, retarded, slow, dumb, dull or simpleminded.
However, not everyone can be a misunderstood genius suffering with dyslexia or autism.
IQ as illustrated by a bell curve shows that about 68% of us have average intelligence, about 16% have above average, and about 16% have below average intelligence.


The average IQ of a serial killer, IIRC, is 84. Unlike how they are portrayed in movies and tv, most have slightly below average intelligence,

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