JLM: What Do We Know About Him?

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Your point about his hiding bodies--I've been thinking that after MH was found in someone's field and they got DNA from her body, he may have gotten scared and in reaction to that fear of being caught, he might have perfected a more foolproof method of body disposal--possibly even something connected to his work at the hospital. Some method of destroying bodies, like acid or dismemberment followed by disposal or burial at multiple sites. How does that hospital he worked at dispose of human tissue and body parts removed during surgery? Where do they keep corpses awaiting autopsy? I wonder if that might figure in.
Your point about his hiding bodies--I've been thinking that after MH was found in someone's field and they got DNA from her body, he may have gotten scared and in reaction to that fear of being caught, he might have perfected a more foolproof method of body disposal--possibly even something connected to his work at the hospital. Some method of destroying bodies, like acid or dismemberment followed by disposal or burial at multiple sites. How does that hospital he worked at dispose of human tissue and body parts removed during surgery? Where do they keep corpses awaiting autopsy? I wonder if that might figure in.

Perhaps you could call/email that in. Please.
The manic behavior could also account for the over-the-top behavior with others in the hours leading up to the encounter with Hannah: injuring a guy, pestering the women, and so forth.

I agree and I think he went to that mall looking for a victim and the crazy thing is they say he frequents the mall. Wonder what he's doing there all those other times?
I couldn't watch that whole video. First the woman says MH was a UVA student, then the guy calls JM "Jeffrey" and then he pronounces Hannah as Honnah. No wonder the public gets confused.

I recently read a very long article about Ted Bundy, he said he was always fine before and during a murder. It was afterward that he would panic and toss evidence from his car as he drove around. But not all serial killers are the same.

I thought JM appeared slow and cautious on the video, but I watched his hand when he signed his name and it appeared that he only signed "Jesse." Looking at the picture of one of the forms he signed it appears to be his signature. It may be a legal signature, but it's not on the level of most people's signatures. It struck me as illiteracy, learning disabled, mentally challenged or some combo. That does not mean he doesn't know right from wrong though.

He definitely didn't like the cuffs. My impression is he pretended he couldn't write with cuffs on. He was hoping they'd be taken off.
Telling Police he wasn't going to answer their questions and asking for a lawyer shows a certain level of knowledge, if not a level of sophistication.

Agree. There are many kinds of intelligence, Street smarts is one kind if you want to call it intelligence. Some book smart people have the real world street smarts of an ant.
Your point about his hiding bodies--I've been thinking that after MH was found in someone's field and they got DNA from her body, he may have gotten scared and in reaction to that fear of being caught, he might have perfected a more foolproof method of body disposal--possibly even something connected to his work at the hospital. Some method of destroying bodies, like acid or dismemberment followed by disposal or burial at multiple sites. How does that hospital he worked at dispose of human tissue and body parts removed during surgery? Where do they keep corpses awaiting autopsy? I wonder if that might figure in.

I recall son after he became a suspect it was reported there were police parked outside the hospital and searching inside and that they may have collected evidence from the look of things.
As a people transporter for patients having surgery, no way JM had access to disposing of a body on the hospital grounds. Way too many cameras there as well. If he was shown with anything coming into work or on hospital grounds, they would be searching there. JMO!

Either cell phone pings, cameras showing his vehicle, or perhaps a combination of both is directing their search, IMO!
I recall son after he became a suspect it was reported there were police parked outside the hospital and searching inside and that they may have collected evidence from the look of things.

I had discounted the hospital possibility but getting rid of the body entirely this time sounds right. I myself would never put it so close to my job. Would take a great deal of nerve to do that.
I had discounted the hospital possibility but getting rid of the body entirely this time sounds right. I myself would never put it so close to my job. Would take a great deal of nerve to do that.

Possibly 2 levels of experience as far as perps go, but ftr, Arron Lewis, Beverly Carter's killer, buried her behind a place he used to work.
That's interesting--I hadn't heard that. So maybe they had the same idea about body parts and corpses in a hospital setting...though how he would get anything into that setting is beyond my mental powers.
The hearing for it was 9/18/14, the one he missed and is now in December (!), but I don't see on the timeline when the ticket was written.

Where and when specifically he got that ticket for no plates, the '07 and '10 would be interesting to know. The LE has all that though. They probably already thought of that. It'd be interesting to triangulate his impulsive driving during key times.
Wrestling is an individual sport. The wrestler is always thinking of his next move, accessing what his opponent may do, by years of set pattern thinking, so it flows like instinct. It's why kids with a family tradition of wrestling are usually the ones who make it to states and beyond. I don't know if JM had that, but to be good enough to make it to AA, that's pretty successful fast set pattern thinking. He had those set patterns for avoiding detection down pat until the night he walked off with Hannah Graham. A good wrestler has a set counter moves for whatever is coming his way. JM may have thought the LE would have nothing on him until they took his car or he blacked out his face book page.
Your point about his hiding bodies--I've been thinking that after MH was found in someone's field and they got DNA from her body, he may have gotten scared and in reaction to that fear of being caught, he might have perfected a more foolproof method of body disposal--possibly even something connected to his work at the hospital. Some method of destroying bodies, like acid or dismemberment followed by disposal or burial at multiple sites. How does that hospital he worked at dispose of human tissue and body parts removed during surgery? Where do they keep corpses awaiting autopsy? I wonder if that might figure in.

I think he's learned and honed his technique with each rape and murder/attempted murder (he was choking the Fairfax victim, she's damn lucky to be alive). He learned from the 2 reported rapes at LU and CNU that he can't allow his victims to live. With the Fairfax rape, he learned he couldn't take a chance that there would be any witnesses. With Morgan, he learned that there is a risk even on remote private property. JMO, I don't think Hannah will be found on anyone's property, at least not one where people are living or working on it. It's possible the best chance of someone finding her lies with the hunters.
His car is a mess but with it being so old, I wonder if he was diligent about keeping oil changed, etc. When I get an oil change, they place a clear plastic sticker on the inside of the windshield in the upper left corner. It states the odometer reading at the time of the change and the mileage when next change is due. Also, inspection papers list the car's mileage at the time of inspection.

IF (and I admit it's a big *if*) either of those were done soon before Hannah went missing, and police can track his movements between the inspection or oil change and when they took his car, that could give them a general idea of how far he may have driven to dispose of her body.
I'm starting to think that JLM went far away from Charlottesville this time and heres why.

He didnt show up to Saturday morning football practice after being seen with HG at Tempo the night before.

Im sure some people are attributing that to him having a hangover/being exhausted from disposing of a body but as big as he was he might not have had a hangover at all. Some people dont even get them regardless of size.

If he showed the same "care' in hiding HGs body as he did in MHs he wouldnt have been that exhausted either IMO.

What if he hadnt even made it back to Charlottesville by the time practice started?

Someone said he was seen in an IGA grocery store in Nelson County Saturday morning IIRC ......although Im not sure on the time or if one was even stated.

Assuming he abducted and then killed HG sometme between 2-3am, that would give him 7 hours before the store opened at 10am.As manic as he was earlier in the night and as "pumped" as he may have been after his evil and careless act of destruction, theres a good chance he didnt sleep at all that night.

That means he could have driven 3 hours away from C-ville to dispose of the body, spent another hour getting to the site and disguising the area and then driving back to C-Ville, stopping at the IGA on the way back in....and thats provided he showed up when the store opened....it could have been much later than that.

I hope that isnt the case, but if JLM is learning from each kill then it would make sense for him to take the body as far away as possible....especially with MH being found so close to him.

I would be interested to know if LE thinks JLMs car is capable of making a 7hr or more round trip in the middle of the night down sparsely populated back country roads.
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