JLM: What Do We Know About Him?

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I find it so strange that he would "hunt" where he lives and maintains his "good Jesse" persona. By all accounts he was living a double life. I suggest he didn't intend to do it that night, but that the opportunity was so great he couldn't possibly resist. Moo.

He was a jovial, simple person most of the time. But when the opportunity arose, he would strike, if he is the perp in these cases. All kinds of criminals are perfectly nice people most of the time. It's that they will cross certain lines most of us will not when the opportunity arises.
JM didn't drive his orange car to Texas when he escaped Va.. IIRC
Sex offenders never change. No matter how much their behavior negatively affects their lives. Their urge is all they think of and all they care about. And no matter what treatment or penalties they get, they always go back to it. Just one reason any sex offense should hold an even higher penalty than it does.

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100% right. Untreatable, uncurable, can be unstopable until incarcerated or death.
Depending what time his court hearing was on Wednesday, he wasn't at work when the LE showed up for his car on Thursday, was definitely not at work Friday. My impression was that it wasn't one day he was eating lunch alone so he was at work either Monday or Tuesday or both. We'll know at trial.

Except he may work odd shifts. Remember the neighbor who said he didn't work? That tells me he probably left for work later in the day. Perhaps a 3-11 or 7p to 7a shift?
Is it possible that JM has someone he confides in, or who occasionally " hunts " with him for victims, if in fact he does that?
Could there be a female in perp's life, that knows/shares his secrets?

New article, concerning fresh plea from Hannah's Mum and Dad..


"Sue and John Graham, whose 18-year-old daughter disappeared on Sept. 13, issued a statement on Saturday in which they describe the case as a nightmare. They note that despite thousands of tips from the public, the college sophomore has not been found, adding, "Somebody listening to me today either knows where Hannah is, or knows someone who has that information."

100% right. Untreatable, uncurable, can be unstopable until incarcerated or death.

That's not entirely true- when it's cultural; when people are raised with the belief that some things are okay- people can change, though it's rare.
hey. The bit of timeline you posted has some errors...it was late when I made it up. I've since corrected them, here's the most recent one posted

(10 am Tiger Truck Stop in Baton Rouge, La (borrowed phone he called his fathers home put gas, and then sped off http://www.cbsnews.com/news/restaurant-staff-missing-u-va-student-could-barely-walk/)[/COLOR]

True labor of love. Thank you!

The Baton Rouge call was placed on his way to TX, sometime between the Sunday/Monday.
I did a little research on other missing cases the other night and one that stood out to me was La-teasha Lamone Brooks, who went missing in Farmville on 8/29/02. http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/b/brooks_la-teasha.html

That was less than a month before his LU rape allegation. Farmville is approximately 50 miles from Lynchburg, just a straight shot down US 460. And along the way is a state forest.


It does make sense to me that he could have driven Hannah's body several hours away in the early hours of the morning. If he did, I don't think he'd go north towards DC or east toward Richmond -- too populated. So that would leave west or south, which would fit if he was seen in a Nelson Co grocery store.

A lot of forested and wild areas in and around Nelson County.
I believe JM would have felt "safe" hiding HG's body in a similar spot to where Morgan's body was found. Since MH wasn't found for months, and JM was never arrested for that murder, maybe he figured there was no need to change anything about where to leave a body. He had been successful at least once... maybe even felt cocky about not getting caught.

I think he would have avoided land where people lived or worked.

Does anyone remember reading an article where a friend said it was after Morgan's abduction that JLM started to grow his dreds?
When people first started saying JM was a "gentle giant" and "slow" my mind immediately went to "Of Mice and Men". When it was reported that that he was called "Lenny" by some in high school [the link is here on webslueths somewhere! Sorry!] it sent chills down my spine.

It's so weird that they called him the name of a guy that was run out of town for suspected rape and then later accidentally killed a woman.

I don't think he's at all like the character in Of Mice and Men knowing what we know now- I just think it's so bizarre that in his youth he was called that by his peers.
Except he may work odd shifts. Remember the neighbor who said he didn't work? That tells me he probably left for work later in the day. Perhaps a 3-11 or 7p to 7a shift?

You're right. The co-worker mentioned his sulking by himself at lunch. So going on his lunch-break wouldn't necessarily be mid-day. The LE may have more precise info.
I searched this thread and did not see any real discussion of the clothes JM was wearing the night HG went missing. Have we talked about this in another thread?

In the camera clips from the Downtown Mall shopkeepers, JM was clearly wearing big baggy shorts and a flowing top--both appear to be pure white in color. But earlier in the evening at a bar, a friend of JM's took a photo of him with a different girl (whose face was blacked out in the photo). In that photo JM was clearly not wearing a white outfit. He had on a blue & white checkered shirt with a burgundy/purple T-shirt underneath it.

So when did JM change his clothes that evening? And why did he change into a white outfit after he pestered those two women in a bar, but before he stalked HG?

The videos were in black and white. Everyone showed up in shades of white/black/gray. Now that I know he was wearing a blue and white shirt, I can see his shirt isn't white. There is a subtle difference.
That was less than a month before his LU rape allegation. Farmville is approximately 50 miles from Lynchburg, just a straight shot down US 460. And along the way is a state forest.


A lot of forested and wild areas in and around Nelson County.
He was probably in pre-season play/training by then. I doubt the coaches gave them very little free-time with the season about to begin. But by then he may have been living off campus. Anything is possible. 8/29/2002 was a Thursday and school was likely already in session.
Is it possible that JM has someone he confides in, or who occasionally " hunts " with him for victims, if in fact he does that?
Could there be a female in perp's life, that knows/shares his secrets?

New article, concerning fresh plea from Hannah's Mum and Dad..


"Sue and John Graham, whose 18-year-old daughter disappeared on Sept. 13, issued a statement on Saturday in which they describe the case as a nightmare. They note that despite thousands of tips from the public, the college sophomore has not been found, adding, "Somebody listening to me today either knows where Hannah is, or knows someone who has that information."


Is it possible that JM has someone he confides in, or who occasionally " hunts " with him for victims, if in fact he does that?
Could there be a female in perp's life, that knows/shares his secrets?

New article, concerning fresh plea from Hannah's Mum and Dad..


"Sue and John Graham, whose 18-year-old daughter disappeared on Sept. 13, issued a statement on Saturday in which they describe the case as a nightmare. They note that despite thousands of tips from the public, the college sophomore has not been found, adding, "Somebody listening to me today either knows where Hannah is, or knows someone who has that information."


My reaction too, when I saw the Graham's heart rending appeal. That took strength.

Morgan Harrington's shirt was found about three weeks after she vanished. Is there the slightest chance it may have been motivated by JM's reaction to the Harrington's appeal and the efforts to find her? What are the chances that he wasn't aware that epithelials could link him to anything like the Fairfax '05 rape, which was announced "4/5/10 - Morgan Harrington- info RE: Shirt found released to public"? That information came out three months after her remains were found 1/26/10.

I would think if anyone were JM's accomplice/s or has any knowledge that would help find Hannah Graham, now would be a good time to throw him under the bus. I don't see how they get to live it down later?
Someone posted a day or so ago about his having liked a comment on the page of State Park (Spottsylvania?). Did that information get relayed to LE, or can anyone find it? I've looked and am not seeing it.
I think he would have avoided land where people lived or worked.

Does anyone remember reading an article where a friend said it was after Morgan's abduction that JLM started to grow his dreds?

No idea where anymore, sorry, but yes, I do recall his childhood friend from grade school, stated that he and his other friends wondered at the likeness. When he asked JM if he didn't think so too, JM responded "No." and stayed quiet or blank or something afterwards, but no affect. It was after the Fairfax 05 rape case sketch came out. The kid also made a point of stating and the reporter quoting it that JM would pull his dreads back most of the time (not like in his lic. pic).
Just Some Random Thoughts on the possibility that, at least sometimes, JLM Jr worked in conjunction with another or others:
When MH's remains were discovered, State Police began to converge on Anchorage Farm. As the discovery was about to unfold, a fire in a North Garden/Red Hill farmhouse, rented by Piedmont Virginia Community College students (iirc it was one female and at least two males), went up in flames. One of the housemates left the country on a boat trip and IIRC had a dog that managed to escape the fire. All of the residents managed to escape the fire before the house practically burnt to the ground. There was talk that there was no one at the home because they had been in the process of moving out...in late January.... hummmmmmmmm

Also, the fire department was called two times within several hours to the same address. It was determined to be a "suspicious fire."

In addition, (this is all from memory) at least one of the occupants had taken an overnight round-trip drive to the Philadelphia area either the night after Morgan disappeared or on the day of the fire, I can't remember which...If memory serves me there were three people in the sedan and they returned to Virginia either in a different car or without the car they left in. The fire was investigated because of the timing and the proximity of where MH was found.

Now, we know JLM Jr went to PVCC, he had a girlfriend after MH went missing, he was very familiar with Red Hill/North Garden and we know he had a dog. We are also hearing that he hung out at the Lovingston Liberty/McDonald and may have been spotted in the Amherst IGA after Hannah Graham went missing.

The morning after another high profile victim disappeared, there were reports that she was seen in Amherst the evening she disappeared. She was said to have been in a car with one or two blonde females. Her convicted killer was also seen in and around the Amherst area the morning after her disappearance. His detailed SUV was said to have been "covered in mud." He also stole an ATV the day before the victim (we can't discuss here) went missing. He has said there was another AA male in his residence with the victim the night she disappeared. There was also a "suspicious fire" in IIRC, an abandoned building off of Rt 29 near Lovingston within hours of the first searches for the victim.

If anyone has the time, perhaps someone can research those two fires and see if there were any, in the general vicinity, on the night of or the day after Hannah Graham disappear.

I never followed the Morgan Harrington case, so this is really interesting information to me. When you do a query to find info on this incident, so much comes up relating to different fires, sex offenders, etc., etc. Honestly, that whole area just sounds really creepy...

Some info on the fire at the house, and some odd coincidences:

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