JLM's car

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Oh, boy....

And this is where "D" might come in.
IMO I don't believe there is a D. I'm sure they want to talk to him about the cab and hours he worked, that would only make sense if they are looking into other missing person cases...JMO

This is interesting! However, in one video, it was stated by the taxi company itself, that JM was indeed driving a cab the night MH disappeared, but in this article it says that that info was unclear. I feel they have been on to him for some time and I also feel that the sketch of the fairfax rapist is JM and they have known that too, until now they just didn't have anything to compare the DNA to and now they do. JMO but I feel it's all spelled out in everything that we know, you just have to read between the lines.

Yellow Cab eventually merged with Access-turned-Anytime. IIRC it was the Yellow Cab owner who said JLM was driving the night Morgan disappeared. He would certainly have the records to make that statement, and it's one I doubt he'd make off the cuff.
Yellow Cab eventually merged with Access-turned-Anytime. IIRC it was the Yellow Cab owner who said JLM was driving the night Morgan disappeared. He would certainly have the records to make that statement, and it's one I doubt he'd make off the cuff.
Agreed. I was basically just trying to point out how misleading some of these articles are...lol
What do you mean "d"?

Sorry, earlier reference. That just because there is a forensic link between JM and MH doesn't mean there is a DNA match between JM and Fairfax. Unknown party D could be involved. :(
IMO I don't believe there is a D. I'm sure they want to talk to him about the cab and hours he worked, that would only make sense if they are looking into other missing person cases...JMO

I sure hope not. And it's certainly not looking like there is so far. But the article is disconcerting to say the least, in that the two probably knew each other well (not sure how much I can say here about a party not involved but mentioned in the article).
Good point! And if so I have a feeling it was too tainted not to at that point.

And then less than a year later he requests his cab license be deactivated.

From the links I posted above, there are state and local fees, state and local taxes and just a lot of general upkeep expected in order to keep the license/taxi. A good chunk of change for someone who by all accounts has struggling financially. It would be a struggle to be a sole cabbie regardless, given the competition.

Morgan disappeared in Oct '09, was found in Jan '10. I think the DNA link to the Fairfax victim was announced in Oct or Nov '10.
Was anything going on in the investigation in the summer of 2010 that would have spooked him into deactivating his taxi license and hiding the van/cab? And when did he obtain and start driving the orange car? The van surely was in better shape and more reliable than the car, so why chose the car over the van? Did he simply hide it away? I really hope he didn't trade or sell it off.

I want to go back and look again at his traffic violations from that time; there was one where he had a stolen inspection sticker. Wonder if that came from the van and he placed it onto the orange car?
I sure hope not. And it's certainly not looking like there is so far. But the article is disconcerting to say the least, in that the two probably knew each other well (not sure how much I can say here about a party not involved but mentioned in the article).

I think I know which party you mean. I personally feel he was into other things if you know what I mean. Everyone has a vice, I just don't think everyones vice is rape, at least let's hope not. I guess we shall see how this all unfolds.

Do you remember if the cab was fairly new? I assume they did not allow junkers

From what I can recall, it wasn't very new but not what I would qualify as a junker either. It was just your average maybe early 2000's model minivan. To be completely honest, having used that cab company so many times, I don't know for sure that the minivan was what JM picked me up in. At the time, such details were not significant, and we only used a cab to go out for drinks without drinking and driving. Though, we did always call Access before going out for drinks, we didn't ever call them for a ride home, since taxicabs frequent the downtown mall and it was easy to hail a cab upon leaving whatever bar we were at. None of the minivans we were ever picked up in were junkers, not at all. But they weren't brand new vehicles either, if that makes sense. They were just average. If a beaten down busted old minivan came to take us downtown, we would've been weirded out. But that was not the case. The drivers all had different vehicles, which were always decent, and the drivers were always very laid back. To be honest, some of the cabbies even allowed cigarette smoking in their vehicles. It was a pretty unique cab company compared to others I was used to. Never the same vehicles or drivers unless you called the driver's personal #. Hope that makes sense.
The inspection sticker and registration charges were from 2012.
Now what I'd like to know (and we'll probably never know until there's a trial) is where did they find the van? Was it just sitting on a property in plain view? Or was it obvious someone had tried to hide it?
I do wonder if the van was repoed by the Access guy who ended up in jail.

I doubt if JLM was making payments. I wonder if that is what the garnishment was about?

Since the Access guy went to jail, maybe he repoed the van and left it while he was in jail?

Cars, if not run, do quit working. The belts and hoses deteriorate. Maybe mice built nests in it and wrecked it.

I wonder if media will tell where it was cuz you know they are checking it out!
Maybe mice built nests in it and wrecked it.
Oh, I hope the mice didn't eat evidence... :(

According to the timeline, the warrants in debt seem to be for hospital bills (from UVA and Martha Jefferson - Hospital, not House). Hm. It'd be nice to know what he was seen for and when. Football injuries, probably.
Would it be legal to drive a cab as your personal vehicle and take fares in the process?

Somehow, given his driving without a license and other infractions, I doubt that complying with the law was a huge concern for JLM.
Somehow, given his driving without a license and other infractions, I doubt that complying with the law was a huge concern for JLM.

And how about rape and murder?
Oh, I hope the mice didn't eat evidence... :(

According to the timeline, the warrants in debt seem to be for hospital bills (from UVA and Martha Jefferson - Hospital, not House). Hm. It'd be nice to know what he was seen for and when. Football injuries, probably.

I so hope that it was immobilized. If mice ate the wiring, the car is dead.
Oh, I hope the mice didn't eat evidence... :(

According to the timeline, the warrants in debt seem to be for hospital bills (from UVA and Martha Jefferson - Hospital, not House). Hm. It'd be nice to know what he was seen for and when. Football injuries, probably.

I think rather that his paycheck was being garnished from those places . It is hard to imagine otherwise what the Jefferson house could be used for by him.

The only thing I can think of is if he had to get rehab and needed to stay in a nursing home.

That is what people do where I live.

I really think his paychecks were being garnished from those places as maybe he worked at MJ house

I remember some story of a reporter going to MJ house
I think rather that his paycheck was being garnished from those places . It is hard to imagine otherwise what the Jefferson house could be used for by him.

The only thing I can think of is if he had to get rehab and needed to stay in a nursing home.

That is what people do where I live.

I really think his paychecks were being garnished from those places as maybe he worked at MJ house

I remember some story of a reporter going to MJ house

Yes, he worked at Martha Jefferson House (a nursing-type facility), and his wages were being garnished from his paycheck from there as of 9/20/12, but the warrants in debt are from bills from two hospitals, dating back to 2008. Check the timeline in maps and links, but this portion of the discussion should go on the "what we know" thread, IMO.

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