Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #90

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Bringing my post from the last thread over here:

Does anyone have any ideas/speculation about what Jodi did in the 1 minute 16 seconds between the foot picture and the dragging picture? Theory-wise this is one big fog for me (harhar). I need your thoughts to fill in this blank because I can't figure it out. the best I can come up with is that this is where she dropped the knife and screamed. Yes, I think she did this, but I don't think it was a "oh my god what did I just do" scream. I think it was a stress release/adrenaline-fueled scream.

Maybe she took this time to catch her breath and figure out what to do next. I dunno.

Isn't the foot photo the same as the dragging photo?

As far as the 'dragging' photo; people assume he's dead in it. Perhaps he's dying and it's after she drags this listless dying man back into the shower she THEN...cuts his throat?

I can't believe our court system even entertains cases like this! How is this remotely a defense case? Especially after she; lied. Then confessed and lied together. And now......confess, lies and perjures?

Basically the message this gives is, if you can come up with a BETTER story after your SWORN confession (especially if you're female and can cry rape/abuse) the State will pay upwards of a half a million dollars to hear your new and improved tale!

If the court wants to hear a third version of an event then perhaps the suspect/liar should foot the bill!? Maybe that will give people a little less incentive to kill then lie about it--- over and over again.

PS. I am a 54 year old female.
I would think being connected through credit card trans. time would be set or corrected automatically.
Agreed ...

IMO ... Arias did the following ...

1) Left the CVS at ~8:32 driving the one-two minutes to the Starbucks;
2) Arrived inside Starbucks at ~8:35, uses bathroom and gets food & drink;
3) Paid at Starbucks at 8:41 and left;
4) Pulled out of parking lot by Whole Foods onto E.Foothill, made u-turn at Rosemeade and entered ARCO;
5) Initiated 1st gas purchase at 8:42 and filled car;
6) Went inside @ 8:46 with $40 to prepay for (2) gas cans (1 of DB's and new can);
7) Went inside again @ 8:50 with $20 to fill 3rd can (probably DB's with some gas already inside);
8) On road to Mesa by 9 PM

With that timeline, the imaginary skateboarders would have had ~5 minutes to unscrew the front license plate and place it up against the curb stop. Possible ? Sure ... but not likely. Arias could have dreamed up a better lie than that.
Wait! What new photos? Where can I see these? I had to not watch Friday or do much reading here this weekend because of school. Dang!

There were about 30 new photos released, not sure why. I haven't seen all of them but the ones I have seen were mostly shots of the kitchen, computer area, and bathroom vanity.
Agreed ...

IMO ... Arias did the following ...

1) Left the CVS at ~8:32 driving the one-two minutes to the Starbucks;
2) Arrived inside Starbucks at ~8:35, uses bathroom and gets food & drink;
3) Paid at Starbucks at 8:41 and left;
4) Pulled out of parking lot by Whole Foods onto E.Foothill, made u-turn at Rosemeade and entered ARCO;
5) Initiated 1st gas purchase at 8:42 and filled car;
6) Went inside @ 8:46 with $40 to prepay for (2) gas cans (1 of DB's and new can);
7) Went inside again @ 8:50 with $20 to fill 3rd can (probably DB's with some gas already inside);
8) On road to Mesa by 9 PM

With that timeline, the imaginary skateboarders would have had ~5 minutes to unscrew the front license plate and place it up against the curb stop. Possible ? Sure ... but not likely. Arias could have dreamed up a better lie than that.

especially now we have seen the car park and where should would have been parked per her own description
What I meant was is it possible one of these clocks was not set correctly so more time actually elapsed. It does seem impossible that she would be able to finish her starbucks transaction AND the gas transaction in under 2 minutes. No time at all for license plate Shenanigans.

Agree. While the receipts indicate the transaction at ARCO initiated at 8:42pm, it would still take longer than one minute to get there from the Starbucks parking lot, get out of the car, and begin pumping gas.

Colt46 said:
Mimi's Cafe is a chain in SoCal. I remember reading that they were all at the Riverside, CA location. Riverside also happens to be where Travis grew up. Don't remember Jodi ever working in Riverside. I believe she worked at PJ Chaings, another chain, but I think it was in Palm Desert or Mesa.

Why would they all be at the Riverside location? That doesn't make sense to me. Didn't the Medfords say they were in a group of about 20? There is a Mimi's Cafe in Mesa, Arizona. According to trial testimony, Jodi worked at Mimi's Cafe on January 20, 2008 before going to TA's house.

Pink Panther said:
The bathtub in all of the photos looks incredibly clean...Why does everyone assume the shower and not the bathtub???

Because I trust Detective Flores' skill and expertise.

ETA: They can tell where JA likely slashed his throat due too all the blood pooled in that location. IMO in the 76 seconds between the naked dragging pic and the final dragging pic she had to have gotten a sheet to wrap his body in so she could drag him more easily. He's clearly in a sheet in that last photo. And no, I doubt she ever screamed or anything of the kind. She was devilishly cool, calm and collected the entire time. MOO
I don't know if the time on CC receipts is set by the merchant's computer or the processing company but either way there could be discrepancies. There are tons of processing firms out there that merchant's contract with to handle their CC transactions.
This does not sound plausible to me, especially considering how Jodi insists that they exchanged passwords as a show of trust. Flores remarks that after 20 years of marriage, he does not have his wife's email password.

I do wish there would have been forensic work done for the complete duration of their relationship, what a counts were accessed from each computer. This would have been laborious but would have shown if Travis ever did access her personal accounts, and how often they were each doing this. I think this would be telling information.

I imagine that once they found her blood, paw print, and photos on the scene they assumed this kind of i formation wouldn't be necessary for a conviction.

I do think it likely that JA had his password(s) or that, as with Bobby Juarez, when she wanted access she simply made opportunities to access his accounts/profiles before he was logged off due to timeout. She admitted this type of stalking activity -- recall her admission regarding his phone texts -- and discussed same with multiple parties. And she certainly had motive and opportunity while living in Mesa and 'cleaning' his place. As far as Internet-based activity and access, that can be done from anywhere in the world.

I think TA was less likely to have had her passwords and/or have accessed her accounts, unless she scrubbed the content and controlled that access. She likely had/has multiple 'throwaway' accounts/profiles and managed them tightly. While I don't discount the possibility that he did have access to what she wanted him to see from time to time, I think she controlled it and allowed it only if it suited her purposes.
I know one of you will gently correct me if I'm nutz so here goes my thoughts on them haveing sex that day because of nasty pictures on Travis' new camera. What if she had some pics from another time they had been together on one of the disks or hard drive she had with her. She uploads them on his computer, full screan and snaps a picture on his camera.
Could that work and would they have checked for such a thing ?

Chakti, if you're nutz, I'll be nutz right with you :) I believe this could be what happened! I will never believe he had sex with her that day. 8 days after telling her she was the worst thing that has ever happened to him, she is a sociopath..etc..

Someone posted another good point awhile back about his camera bag being found in the large media room outside of his bedroom - kinda hidden behind one of the Luv Sacs. What the heck is it doing way out there? Is that where she hid while waiting for him to get home..

JM didn't talk much about the naked photos. Other than pointing out there was no rope in any of them, he questioned the camera expert about the color of the KY gel cap being blue. He pointed that out in two different pics.

She must feel he's on to something because now all of the sudden, she pulls another camera out of her purse! kinda like the holster.

I'm looking at the pics again, the one with her on the bed and the one with him on the bed. Those look like two different KY bottles to me on two different days!

When is REBUTTAL!?!? :banghead:

Do these KY bottles look the same?

photos 3 & 5
It does show his face. The photo of him looking directly into the camera and the photo of him sitting are one and the same. I'm not sure why they were cropped into two files, I think just to have a head shot.

They are two sperate photos.
Head Shot taken @ 5:29:20
Body Shot taken @ 5:30:30
In that order.
1 minute 10 seconds apart
I do think it likely that JA had his password(s) or that, as with Bobby Juarez, when she wanted access she simply made opportunities to access his accounts/profiles before he was logged off due to timeout. She admitted this type of stalking activity -- recall her admission regarding his phone texts -- and discussed same with multiple parties. And she certainly had motive and opportunity while living in Mesa and 'cleaning' his place. As far as Internet-based activity and access, that can be done from anywhere in the world.

I think TA was less likely to have had her passwords and/or have accessed her accounts, unless she the scrubbed content and controlled that access. She likely had/has multiple 'throwaway' accounts/profiles and managed them tightly. But I don't discount the possibility that he did have access to what she wanted him to see from time to time, but only if it suited her purposes.

I agree with l of this completely. I wish that they had requested records documenting what IP addresses accessed each account when. That would show at least how many times Jodi accessed Travis' a counts from her computer, and if he ever did hers. (Though she likely accessed her own accounts from his computer).
To help with the question as to what is shown in the "foot picture" and the "dragging picture" respectively and how I think the camera changed position in between, I decided to go a little creative with the picture of the floorplan.

For reference, by foot picture I mean this one with JA's foot in it:

And the second dragging picture is the one where people upthread were wondering what is shown in there, whether the white line is the baseboard or the threshold between the carpet and the tile and so on:

I took the picture of the floorplan to show how I think the camera was positioned in each of those pictures. Mind you, I make no guarantees on scale, or where exactly along the hallway this is taking place. This is just a rough illustration on where I think the camera, JA and TA were in relation to each other. The yellow-ish area is everything that would be in the frame of the picture, everything that is not yellow would be out of the frame.

Basically, I think the camera got spun around in between the pictures, maybe from Jodi hitting it with her foot as she was dragging Travis along the hall.
In the first picture, the foot picture, the camera is pointing down the hallway towards the bedroom.


Then it got spun around almost ninety degrees and the next picture is actually taken with the camera almost facing the wall. It was taken at a point when Jodi had already moved past the camera, so she would be to the right of the frame and was in the process of dragging Travis through the frame, so to speak. The horizontal white stripe is the baseboard (is that what you call the line where wall and floor meet?), and the blood-covered object to the left would be Travis' shoulder or part of his upper body.


Again, I make no guarantees on angles or the accuracy of the positioning. I actually think now that in the second picture, the camera was not angled directly at the wall like I illustrated above, but still a little towards the bedroom area, but I hope this is able to convey roughly what I think happened in between the two pictures.
Entirely possible but I doubt it. There's a lot of up and down with these two. For example: Texts 5/10/08 -starts with angry TA texts followed by phone sex tape followed by sweet texts between two. In approx. 24 hour period IIRC.

IIRC, the phone sex on 5/10 came before the angry TA texts.

If it matters.
Agree. While the receipts indicate the transaction at ARCO initiated at 8:42pm, it would still take longer than one minute to get there from the Starbucks parking lot, get out of the car, and begin pumping gas.


I believe a similar event occurred on 6/6 at In N Out Burger in Sparks, NV. Two meals were purchased 5 minutes apart with the Mastercard.
I don't think she got to his house at 4 in the morning. I think she got there that afternoon and interrupted him cleaning his house. The bed was made and the chairs on the furniture I think she just showed up with the excuse of the check and the cd junk. Of course she initiated sex because that is the only way to entice him. After sex I think she left knowing he would be getting in the shower and watched in his windows until he went upstairs. When she was there the 1st time she hid the knife in the pocket of the bathrobe and maybe the gun too. It was 5 in the evening she knew he wouldn't put his robe on.

I also think she planned the shower photos but not the sex photos. They weren't in her plan and she even said they were stupid of her but when TA wanted to try out the camera she couldn't think of a fast excuse as to not take them. Blew her plan for a little so that is why she sort of bumbled the whole camera issue that day. She had not worked all of that in her original plan.
There really is no need for a courtroom re-enactment in this case, with the camera having captured the timeline of murder as well as a few inadvertent photos. The re-enactment of JA stepping out of the witness box to do the "linebacker lunge" was enough of a faux-pas already, although quite laughable.


I agree, though Prosecutor Kelly Seigler's re-enactment of Susan Wright murdering her husband was said to have had impacted the jury. Lot's of similarities, including use of the word 'fog' when she didn't remember important (incriminating) moments. Kelly brought actual murder bed to court, mounted a tied up male colleague, and reenacted all 193 stabs. It gets awkward at 40; I can't imagine 193..
Last I heard (so you should check!) is that court is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:15 AZ time. The first thing up is that hearing that was cancelled on Friday about the expert, Dr. Samuels. Then the jury comes in after lunch, I think.

I heard on another thread that the court is going to be "dark" on Thursday because "the last witness is not available." I don't know if that's accurate or not. I also don't know what it means for the rest of the week. Are we really going to spending Mon, Tues & Wed on this "expert" and questions from prosecution and jurors? Or is there another witness? This is assuming the last witness is the DV expert.

Thank you. Where do I find this out myself as I ask everyday lol?
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