Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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i know her testimony gave ME a headache.

Ok.. who else here would LOVE to see her and FCA put in a room together and see who can out lie the other...... One video camera pointed at one chair and they have to compete for it :floorlaugh:
I'm imagining alllll the things Juan could do.

He could:

- whip out each autopsy photo and ask her to explain how each wound was in "self-defense."

- whip out that photo in which she is dragging Travis down the hall and ask her what prevented her from running out of the house to "save her life."

- show her each photo in sequence and ask her to explain exactly when Travis had time to "attack her" in that 2 minute period in which she already had a gun and a knife.

- ask her where the gun and knife were and how she had time to go get them to "defend" herself from this sudden/unexpected attack.

Oh the mind just boggles with the possibilities that await....!!!

Ohhh I hope he does all of the above! I want Juan to keep her on for just as long -or longer- than the defense has her on the stand!!!

Make her explain everything!
Wonder if she will be on REAL suicide watch until the end of trial. (show up in suicide watch attire
during court ) if not even they know the story was just BS
Don't forget that she worked at the Purple Plum and her Grandmas dog was named Ringo.
I wish that Juan would try to get a hold of the supposed 911 call that Jodi made when whats-his-name was trying to break her arm.
Bet'cha there's no record of that call.

However, I have no idea how long records such as that are kept.

She said that he hung it up...conveniently.
Well, that is not very good. Poor guy. Did she give a reason? Maybe she told him she was moving back there. After 20 minutes of listening to her I can't imagine spending any length of time with her. jmo

Oh I thought that was Bobby who did that..

But I missed he was dead, I only caught he went to a psych hospital

Honestly, I don't know exactly what I heard .. it was such nonsense and I was busy posting pics.

Do you remember
BobbyVictorBobbyVictor BobbyVictorBobbyVictor BobbyVictorBobbyVictorBobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...
... BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...
BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...Matt...
BobbyVictorBobbyVictorBobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...
... BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...
BobbyVictorBobbyVictor ...Matt...

Pay Attention! :floorlaugh:
I would like crossX to begin with "At what age did you begin having sex & using the feminine wiles to manipulate guys? You must have been good at that until TA realized you were nothing but a floozie & not good enough to marry & then you killed the poor man."
I hate to say this, but from what I've seen so far she's very charismatic. I get why people would be attracted to her. She comes off telling obvious lies very well. If you don't know a lot about the case. Like a lot of the jurors don't, she may sway some sympathy. JMO


It starts out that way while you are listening to her but after 20 minutes I thought to myself how did Travis stand her. She gives way too much information, is way too controlled and pretty much sounds the same way she did when Flores first started to interview her on the tape. I know I will regret this but I'll have to listen to the whole tape when it's up. Pray for me. lol
I cannot remember the name of the female attorney on JVM. I blocked her name for my own sanity. We know her from FCA because she was working with Jose and was always praising him. :sick:

Anyhow, she thinks Jodi did an awesome job today. She said Jodi was very believable :liar:and put up a plausible defense today. :sigh::shutup:
I'm in shock! I was out all day and watched a bit this morning, but hubby and I had several things to do. JVM and Nancy Grace are not allowed in our house because hubby hates them, but he was trying to be nice and suggested we watch JVM. I turned it on and found out that she HAD TAKEN THE STAND!!! I'm freaking out right now. If anyone has a YouTube link to the testimony, please link it since I missed so much. :(
I'm in shock! I was out all day and watched a bit this morning, but hubby and I had several things to do. JVM and Nancy Grace are not allowed in our house because hubby hates them, but he was trying to be nice and suggested we watch JVM. I turned it on and found out that she HAD TAKEN THE STAND!!! I'm freaking out right now. If anyone has a YouTube link to the testimony, please link it since I missed so much. :(
To reply to your last post of previous thread -

The guy in Costa Rica was named Victor Arias which was also Travis middle name. Weird. I bet the guy never existed.

His parent's names were "Zanny" and "Nanny"?
The one thing that was glaringly obvious in all of her stories is her being the victim, always.

She even managed to turn some of her own ignorant statements around to her simply 'crying out', as the victim she is.

"no jury will convict me" - means "I planned on committing suicide" = she's even the victim of herself!

I believe the state should take this threat seriously and protect her from herself! Put her in a padded cell, naked, with no outside contact, and no ability to injure herself.

She's dangerous, even to herself! Yes Jodi, you will eat your words!
I cannot remember the name of the female attorney on JVM. I blocked her name for my own sanity. We know her from FCA because she was working with Jose and was always praising him. :sick:

Anyhow, she thinks Jodi did an awesome job today. She said Jodi was very believable :liar:and put up a plausible defense today. :sigh::shutup:

Janie Weintraub
She said that he hung it up...conveniently.

She also said 911 called back and he said his gf was trying to program 911into her phone and accidentally dialed it. Somehow I don't think they would believe that without talking to her .
I hope JM does not question JA on anything she has said today.
The one day she takes the stand and I miss it!! :banghead::banghead::banghead: I thought they didn't come back til Tuesday! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Is she done or is more coming? Does anyone have a link to her entire testimony?

:banghead::banghead: This is why the day after the SB needs to be a holiday!!

I got the link from the last thread, but I'm just asking again for those who may not have seen it.

LOL....feel better now?
I cannot remember the name of the female attorney on JVM. I blocked her name for my own sanity. We know her from FCA because she was working with Jose and was always praising him. :sick:

Anyhow, she thinks Jodi did an awesome job today. She said Jodi was very believable :liar:and put up a plausible defense today. :sigh::shutup:

Ohhh ughhh Jayne Weintraub

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