Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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we need to make "websleuths" underwear and wear them in the penalty phase

(slightly kidding... I am SURE we will get to the penalty phase however)

Mine are already printed for the penalty phase.

On front = "You cant touch this!!!"

On back = "Property of Websleuths"
I thought one of the most interesting things she said (other than the suicide remark) was how she claimed Bobby threatened to kill her family.This seems to be a theme she enjoys working with.

This is another thing that bothered me - did she in fact really threaten Travis and tell him how she would kill everyone in his family that night and decided to embellish her story on the Bobby dude with this? Again, maybe showing us just how evil to the core she is?????
One tidbit I forgot to mention about Library Software, or Teachers versions, you often see if you are a Teacher or a public institution (Library) they get special deals, but the software is also a tad different.

They often come with security settings that understand many different users will be on them so they must work toward keeping your identity safe.

If public Library computers risked a stranger sitting down after I leave and just click, and they are in my bank account, they are risking huge liability issues, you could sue them, I would imagine.

I think the only way you'd see my raw email account would be I checked mail, and had some brain coma problem, stood up and walked away and left and left all of it wide open for anyone to sit down and continue.. Also not very likely as they are set to shut that off if you don't type for about 1 or 2 minutes.. It's for our safety.

She should not be ashamed to say she had all her boys passwords.. Women have been experts at that for centuries :)

ok, when I hear something that is so far fetched and rolled off the tongue (but did not for a minute get by me as truth) I can stay up days proving what the facts were :)

Respectfully snipped for space...

Of course you are correct, I even knew that much from only using a library computer once or twice in my lifetime, I was sitting there going "huh? No way did she just say that". LOL

I hope Juan is taking really good notes cos i want to hear him call BS on everything she says! (Which will be: everything she says)
This is another thing that bothered me - did she in fact really threaten Travis and tell him how she would kill everyone in his family that night and decided to embellish her story on the Bobby dude with this? Again, maybe showing us just how evil to the core she is?????

There is a grain of truth to every liar's story.

She refers to TV quite a bit. Sociopaths are all about mimicing so I think she's just mimicing something she's seen on TV.

My sister's killers literally used the words "Miami Vice" when trying to toss blame in another direction.
Can the pros question her about her 3 different stories?
Play the tape of her saying it was ninjas or whatever. Compare the story she gave for that and her testimony today?
Play the tape of her saying she's never shot a gun.
Can the pros play the tape of her saying she had an ideal childhood?

Which time was she lying, then or now?

Why should we believe THIS story when she's repeatedly lied?

Just wonderin'

ok, when I hear something that is so far fetched and rolled off the tongue (but did not for a minute get by me as truth) I can stay up days proving what the facts were :)

The Library story about her driving her boyfriend to the library and he was checking and writing email. And she was innocently suspecting "something" but of course, had no evidence (of possible cheating)

Off they went, she drove him to work and dropped him off, doubled back and she proceeded to go into the Library and to the computer he was using and "I'm not sure how they are set up now (i.e. security that won't allow you to just pull up an e-mail account without re-logging in) but back then, in 1920, I just sat at the computer he used and hit the back button (OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I FELL OFF MY CHAIR) and then his e-mail came up because back then you could do that.


What I know are computers, software, taking them apart and putting them back together, fixing a computer, long distance and in person, since 1995. And I am sorry, you could not walk back into a public Library and just back button "click" and OMG my boyfriends e-mail comes back up where I could see and PRINT out all the salacious e-mail he wrote to other girlfriends, which I then took to him and put in front of him and boy was he shocked. (because I like to do that, peruse around til I find dirt, text, e-mail of your bad deeds then surprise you in the shower with a gun and knife)

That Library computer back then and now would never "store" his password OR really, not his username either. They are not set up to hit "save my password" a feature that came along many years later. In a public setting installed software has more and less features because it is Public.

SHE HAD HIS PASSWORD. Plain and simple. She had his and the next guys, and the next guys and Travis' ...Her Attorney no doubt said to her "OMG ok, back up, lets ixnay the password comment and um, go for, well let's see, how can we do this, i want to bring in evidence you saw his email that he cheated, but how? Ok i know, you hit the back button!

Oh god man, bad idea.. but no disrespect to him, that's all he could come up with...(and he would not ask her to lie, not what I am implying, he might have or someone might have brought up to her it won't serve her to be hacking all her victims accounts)

She had passwords, keys to homes & cars...
Because that's how she rolls...

ok. I feel better.

OMG I love this post! :goodpost: It was a "wtf" moment for me too. I've worked with computers since 1989. No way, no how is she hitting the "back" button and getting into his e-mail account. I'm betting there will be someone on the jury with computer experience who will reign it in if anyone goes down that road.

Stalker, obsessed narcissist, psychopath. I'm betting the jury is getting that message loud and clear.
YES, she was clearly cyberstalking this guy too. Martinez will be all over that.

She also stalked by proxy using Victor's family, and then the brother and sister were initially friends of Travis but she ends up staying at their house chatting up their mom. Believe me, I know that game they play using others manipulating everybody.
WARNING: lower your volume

After hearing about Bobby Victor Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Victor Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby

OT/.... but that poor kitty! :what: My Blondie cat (almost 3 yrs old) wakes up with nightmares and growling almost every day. She did it tonight while sleeping on her kitty castle and immediately jumped to get in my lap for comfort. I've had her since she was 5 months old and she has never been spanked or anything since I've had her. She has never been outside except in my arms on the front porch, her precious feet have never touched the ground or grass, but I have scars to prove she is afraid of dogs and cars. She does love the other 2 cats very much whether they are in the mood for her or not. :)

She is however in love with any man in uniform.. the UPS man, the FedEx man, the mailman... well you get the picture, she would allow anyone who comes to my door to pet her... IN the house. :) BUT, she no-likey the Vet!
I thought one of the most interesting things she said (other than the suicide remark) was how she claimed Bobby threatened to kill her family.This seems to be a theme she enjoys working with.

She certainly does like her running themes. Watching her today I felt like I was watching a slightly more rehearsed version of the interrogation tales.
The suicide "excuse" is so bizarre, did she come up with that one on her own or did she and the attorneys agree that she needed to address that elephant in the room, the "no jury will ever convict me". And that's what they came up with? Are you kidding? Juan is going to destroy her on that. She's so over the top, except her affect is flat as *someone* so keenly pointed out tonight. You can tell she's trying hard to make the pieces fit but I don't think she's capable of faking what's necessary to sell this story.
IMHO, this is a pros's dream!

A defendant who made multiple media appearances and then takes the stand and contradicts their prior statements made on tape!:great:

She thinks she's helping her case, but I disagree! She's making the pros job easier, IMHO.:twocents:

Jodi really surprised me when she took the stand today.

She bored me to tears with her 'it's all about me, it's all about me' testimony.

If the jury manage to stay awake and buy this, the wall wont be thick enough :banghead:
I'm back. Apparently my DVR prefers The Bachelor over Dr. Drew so I won't get it til the next taping. So....???? Did I look as nervous as I felt?

You looked great and sounded very articulate and well informed. But, you made me watch Dr. Drew... I cry abuse! No, it was well worth it to see you. Didn't you say that Katie wants to get into some sort of broadcasting? I could see her doing something like that.
we need to make "websleuths" underwear and wear them in the penalty phase

(slightly kidding... I am SURE we will get to the penalty phase however)

That would be just fine, nursebeeme, and I'd wear it with pride, but I don't want a shot in the back of mine, okay? :gasp:
Can someone explain how JA got guys to be interested in spending time with her? Sure, I know sex, but really, there are plenty of females out there that have more personality as well as provide sex.

And, it appears that these guys remain buddies with her.

I mentioned this to a friend, and she said that maybe they are crazy as well.
Absolutely no disrespect intended:


ETA: If I could be there, I know I would quietly start carrying a wooden spoon in my purse to court. I'd bring one for Juan Martinez, but he doesn't need it.

:laughcry: I reiterate. :laughcry:

I'm just about 3/4 of the way through today's testimony by Jodi and I have a question. Why did the abuse begin around age 7? Are there people who can testify that she was never abused before age 7?

What was the reason for the start of abuse at age 7? :waitasec:

Can the prosecution call the parents to the stand now?
Dont tempt the lady who came to court wearing a corset on the outside of her Danskin. At age 65

Was she tall and dark hair? I think I saw her last week with a neon green/black leopard skin type top thingy. Just curious if it was same gal. :)
Can the pros question her about her 3 different stories?
Play the tape of her saying it was ninjas or whatever. Compare the story she gave for that and her testimony today?
Play the tape of her saying she's never shot a gun.
Can the pros play the tape of her saying she had an ideal childhood?

Which time was she lying, then or now?

Why should we believe THIS story when she's repeatedly lied?

Just wonderin'

Can you imagine if she never spoke to investigators? If she hadn't called them on her own to pry for information on the murder investigation, didn't return their phone calls, didn't sit voluntarily with Det. Flores (twice) talking for hours and hours? And she NEVER LAWYERED UP!!!!!! I will never understand that.

If (when) she is convicted she will have noone to blame but herself, not only for her heineous actions but her babbling (lies). I can hear defense attorneys everywhere groaning and hoping all of their future clients are taking note: DO NOT speak with authorities. Ask for a lawyer. Period!
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