Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #22 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Just got on and haven't read anything except a post about a photo of JA and her boyfriends on her myspace. I went to look at her myspace is gone. Anybody know when this happened?
i'm thinking juan got writers cramp from writing out subpoenas all night.
TwitterChris Williams @chriswnews
#JodiArias judge just called another AM docket case. Unsure how long before #Arias trial will begin but we won't be as scheduled @ 10:30
This thread moves too fast, so forgive me if I skip posts.
I wonder if her attorney telling her to speak up isn't because she's all that hard to hear but as a message to the jury " see? She meek, weak and helpless. Poor little kitten."
:blushing:I want Joey Jackson (from InSession) to be my next door neighbor. He's very handsome, funny and clever. If this ever happens, you guys can camp out with me at his house.
:floorlaugh: Last night I fell asleep at 9pm during her testimony! Can't tell you the last time I went to bed that early. (And I know I am not alone!)

As a psychopathic murderess she's rather anti-climactic. I cannot wait for the cross though - no way I'll fall asleep then.

Does anyone else think it was stupid of her to say she knows karate?

lol did she? Why didn't she kick some ninja as* then? must have fallen to sleep by that point.
It is not difficult to believe JA was beaten as a child, but to truly know if she in fact was abused and to what extent, I think one would have to hear from her mother, father, siblings, teachers, friends, ex boyfriends, etc and/or any legitimate source that would give credence to her claim/stories in order for anyone to have an ounce of empathy on her behalf.

Anything JA says cannot be believed even if it is the truth, because she is a pathological liar, hence there may be bits of truths in her stories, which I believe she twists and spins with ease for her convenience imo, so how do we know which ones are true or are not unless they are corroborated.

PS. I don’t want to hear what experts have to say either, unless the abuse has been established and corroborated. :moo:
I've been missing everything about this trial. How's it going? Is it as interesting as Scott Peterson? How about Casey Anthony? Do you think all three should share the same cell block? I bet Jodi gets to go home too. You know darn well she's too pretty to go to prison. Pretty women should never do time for any crime. Suck it up and deal with it.
Wonder why Jodi's Mom isn't there? Interesting :waitasec: It would be a huge message to the Jurors "if" she never returned :please:

Jodi's lawyers probably told her to stay away now (as if she were if the testimony were true). Games. :twocents:
Simple fact: We have incontrovertible proof that Jodi is a liar. We don't have any proof Travis ever was and never will as a result of Jodi's actions. Psychopaths thrive because people believe, trust, and unknowingly empower them.

To even compare Jodi's childhood to Travis' is as much a disrespect and disservice to victims of horrendous abuse and neglect as children as Jodi's battered person's claim is to true victims of domestic abuse.

And there is no one who can ever force me to believe something as truth until it is reasonably proven to my own personal burden. Works much the same as respect with me. I am not a juror...and even they have the ability to completely disregard her mitigating testimony for the pack of lies I believe it to be.


ETA: Welcome to Websleuths...lots of passionate posters around here. ;)

Bravo! Excellent post. Jodi's flat effect, odd phrasing and selective memory further give her away to those who know what to look for.
She is a consummate liar when it comes to those who don't.

She's a skilled and documented liar. The jury knows that. We certainly know that here. Actually when lots of details are given it can be an indicator that the truth is nowhere in sight. I believe that's exactly how JA operates. Maybe 5% truth, the rest lies. She talks and lies to distract and elicit sympathy--- and it's apparently worked for her at times.

Apparently it's still working. This is how sociopaths get away with murder. Well meaning people do not see the signs. Until it is too late.
They are tweeting now that JA's mom is in the hallway, but not in the courtroom.
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