Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #26 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I think I can see it now. Is that his ear? Top right where the large black circle cuts through?

No, that is his shoulder, he's laying on his right side, the perspective is strange because of the way she is dragging him, his head, either way back or way forward can be seen only a little bit.
Gitana, thanks for stepping in. I am still confused. I pulled the wrong document earlier. I have the correct
one linked below.
It appears to me that Nurmi tried every way he could to withdraw from this case. Quoting from the proper set of minutes:

The Court declines to allow Mr. Nurmi to withdraw
from his representation of the Defendant in this matter, or to allow Mr. Peterson
to substitute as counsel. Once counsel is appointed to a case, he “shall
continue to represent [his client] in all further proceedings in the trial court,
. . . unless the court permits him . . . to withdraw.” Rule 6.3(b), Ariz.R.Crim.P.

Defendant strenuously objects to Mr. Nurmi withdrawing from the case.

JA is a trip. jmo
That'd be me. I think Travis was a jerk to her(not that she ISN'T crazy and comes off creepy). He sounds awfully familiar, lol, except for texting women that he wants to get them pregnant (NOT a funny joke, IMO.) and sharing his manscaping with platonic women friends. That's just ewwww. :eek:

I keep thinking of jerks I dated who didn't treat me respectfully. I might give them the benefit of the doubt ONCE, (maybe), but the second time? Buh bye. That's what normal people do......

Except once.....(harp music, fade in).....I dated a guy who was Mr. In Love Guy (shoulda been a red flag) and I fell for him pretty hard. Then one day, about 4 months into it, out of the blue, I get a call from a girl who lived out at the beach (he was a surfer and spent lots of time at the beach) who told me she had been seeing him for TWO YEARS and they had a BABY! :thud:

He showed up a little while later at my house, totally clueless. I slapped the taste outta his mouth and told him to go back home to his family. Jerk. :(

I'm not proud of hitting him, but I honestly can say I saw black spots in front of my eyes and lost total control of my cool. And after that I never spoke to him again.

But I'm not emotionally damaged or suffering from a personality disorder like JA. There is obviously something super wrong with the way JA is wired. I'm not perfect, but my response to people who make me feel bad is to shut them out entirely. I do think that is the more normal response.

And yet, even though I am probably the least violent person I know, I felt that rage take me over. It scared me to feel that hurt and angry! Of course, I stopped with a walloping face slap.

Would my being able to sympathize with her hurt and humiliation affect my decision as a juror? Probably not. But if another juror had also had similar experiences and was of a slightly different temperament than me, then THEY might feel differently.

All this just to say that depending upon a juror's personal experiences, much of what JA says about Travis really DOES ring true. I even think many of his own words and captions he put on his MS pics give me a sense that he had some narcissistic traits of his own and he would definitely be a guy whose car I'd lay down in front of before I'd let him drive off on a date with MY daughter, lol.

Does it make it okay that some loon murdered him so brutally? NO! I hate violence and I don't even support the DP.

But I really do believe there is a chance some jurors may be swayed. I think it is important for JM to keep showing those awful pics to remind them the extent of her depravity.

I know it's hard for TA's family to see those but I really believe it is a necessary evil in this trial.


AWESOME post! I have also felt a horrible, frightening rage during an argument with my bf... kind of an "I will not be ignored" moment... I simply had a flashing desire to hit him or throw something at him (which I did not surrender to). I totally saw those black spots, too!

Murder didn't occur to me.

IMO, JA cannot fathom what a normal person might think of as a justification/mitigating circumstance for murder which is why her testimony sucks so hard.
I understand all this BS about JA being abused by everyone (according to JA) including Travis (according to JA) but were is the proof Travis abused JA on the day she murdered him?????????

Arias seems to have a very strange concept of abuse. Her parents provided her with art lessons for years, yet she stated that they did not support her interest in art. Apparently, art lessons was some form of abuse, according to Arias. As a rebellious teenager, her father shoved her into the piano ... and note that the family had a piano so she could take piano lessons. Why did he shove her into the piano? It sounds like there was a pushing shoving situation between her and her father where he was upset because she was flunking high school and had skipped an exam that day. As a result her parents grounded her. In retaliation, she moved in with a boyfriend and his elderly caregivers, and quit school. She was out of control and her parents could not do anything to get her on track ... that much is clear.

There was no abuse except in Jodi's imagination. It sounds like she was spoiled rotten and nothing her parents did was good enough for her ... she did not appreciate anything.
Yeah otto, it is abuse to her... because it was not what SHE wanted.
So I do see all the foot/shoulder/pants/arm components of the picture but I don't get two things. The first is how the foot is so huge compared to his head and shoulder. I get foreground and all that but if she's dragging him, wouldn't his head be really close to her foot and thus appear large? Next, how is the camera dropped and taking a picture of the ceiling 45 seconds after the seated picture, then it's still right by them to snap this picture with the foot? How???

Excellent questions. With regards to the perspective of her foot, this is a 115 lb girl dragging a dead body weight of upwards of 200 lbs, I'm sure it wasn't graceful and I'm sure he was quite contorted. GRAPHIC - Remember, he was nearly decapitated, his head may not be in the same position as it was in life.

I think this crime took place in multiple places. We know he was in the shower, we know there was movement throughout because of the blood stains, and he ended up back in the shower and from the photo I saw a few minutes ago, he was literally stuffed into that shower. I think she may have kicked into the camera while dragging his body and it snapped the picture. Of course, I don't know that for sure but it's just what I think.

Thank you so much for this - it helped me finally see it! Makes you wonder how in the world this picture was taken when she was dragging him....:waitasec:

Some believe that rather than dragging him in this photo, this is the very moment she slit his throat.
No disdain whatsoever! If you knew me you'd know how funny that is. Omg, I am VERY, VERY, VERY conservative by most people's standards lol. I don't watch tv, but I just figured the "non-conservative" media has already been well represented here in terms of the commentary from the local/national msm present in the courtroom and broadcasting about it every day.

My bad :blushing:

Are you in Arizona?
Vinnie talking about Spidey underwear and saying he thinks it is related to Carmen Diaz in Charlie's Angels doing her little underwear dance
Trying to keep up but I've missed a lot this week.

Re Travis's virginity, has JA testified that TA acknowledged to her he was a virgin? Also, has there been any discussion (from JA or any other witnesses) as to whether TA had experienced oral and/or anal with anyone else?

I don't think this has come out in testimony finine and I agree IMO it is important because I don't think Travis initiated any sexual contact. I think Arias was the aggressor 100%. One thing I believe has some truth is that he didn't want to kiss Arias after she performed oral sex on him.

I also think that Travis moving the mirrored visor away wasn't so that he could see himself (like the mirrored bedroom ceilings) but because he didn't want to see himself. JMO
Jumping off your post:

Some people are very passive in their efforts to extract themselves from a relationship. Don't know it this fits DB but:

Perhaps DB intentionally made himself unattractive (no job, struggling financially) to JA to help her out of his life???

Whatever the case, DB is fortunate that JA didn't obsess/stalk/murder him.
I don't necessarily think so. From his testimony and demeanor, it seems like DB was leaving a door open for her to walk through again, should Miss Arias go free. :moo: And, imo, she was letting him know she'd be coming through that door when she testified that she "could see herself spending the rest of her life with him".

Huh? Really? I didn't get that sense at all. I sensed a sensitive man who was pained to testify against a woman he once loved and still cared for and a man who may have been influenced by the fact that this is a DP case for which he probably would not have wanted to serve as another nail in her coffin. JMVHO
Thank you so much for this - it helped me finally see it! Makes you wonder how in the world this picture was taken when she was dragging him....:waitasec:

Thanks so much to everyone I finally see it sorry for being such a pain but it had been driving me nuts so thanks for jumping in and pointing it out you all are great and have really enjoyed reading all your opinions and thanks to some who have kept me laughing at times I think my cats think I am crazy when I bust out laughing at times in the middle of the night reading some of your post it is nice to lighten the mood a bit with such a horrific crime. @ Our Katie (as I have seen several say) love all your insight of being in the courtroom and my thoughts are with you I read about your sister last night so I keep you and your family in my prayers also.
Excellent questions. With regards to the perspective of her foot, this is a 115 lb girl dragging a dead body weight of upwards of 200 lbs, I'm sure it wasn't graceful and I'm sure he was quite contorted. GRAPHIC - Remember, he was nearly decapitated, his head may not be in the same position as it was in life.

I think this crime took place in multiple places. We know he was in the shower, we know there was movement throughout because of the blood stains, and he ended up back in the shower and from the photo I saw a few minutes ago, he was literally stuffed into that shower. I think she may have kicked into the camera while dragging his body and it snapped the picture. Of course, I don't know that for sure but it's just what I think.


She looks to be about 5'7" or 5'8" and at the time was probably closer to 130 lbs. She is probably a bit thinner today from living in jail. Daniel said that she was a bit taller than Travis.
Some believe that rather than dragging him in this photo, this is the very moment she slit his throat.

Thank you. Then it even more makes me wonder how that picture was taken. I know the camera was dropped before that and a picture taken of the ceiling. But how did this picture happen?
My statement I am afraid is what starts this (the one about pollyanna and means I can go kill someone). I was being very sarcastic, and in no ways was intended to be a statement of fact. I did not realize it would start anything. If it such an offensive comment to you I apologize. I will refrain from making any more comments.

Troubled, I recognized you were being sarcastic with your "Polyanna comment." Please continue posting and commenting. I enjoy your posts.

My personal opinion about Jodi Arias' "Polyanna comment:" I think it was her attempt to make listeners (The Jury) believe Travis veiwed her as some type of "goodie two shoes" and not "a *advertiser censored*"... since she had been referred to as A *advertiser censored* by Travis' friends.

This "Polyanna Comment" by JA is very conflicting - in my opinion, because: JA wants the Jury to believe Travis didn't refer to her as A *advertiser censored*....YET, she wants the Jury to believe Travis deserved to be killed/murdered by her.

Vinnie talking about Spidey underwear and saying he thinks it is related to Carmen Diaz in Charlie's Angels doing her little underwear dance

I never laughed so hard when I think it was you minor4th that posted Cam dancing in the undies :floorlaugh:
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