Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #26 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Just realized I've taken to "liking" your posts before I've even read them. Either I'm stalking you or you've arrived. Lol

I think some are giving Jodi too much credit. She hardly comes across as personable, likable, or charming on the stand. If she did I'd be far more concerned her testimony would be capable of swaying the jury.

Yesterday I was quite literally floored at what seemed to be her interpretation of an abusive relationship. Now, we all know abuse comes in all shapes and colors but her account of events lacked even the most basic of telltale 'markers'. I was stunned and stated so at the time. She could have studied abusive relationships or even spoken to other inmates about their experiences to gain a better insight as to how to portray her story. In my opinion it is pretty apparent she hasn't.

I believe instead, like most psychopaths, she believes she is superior to those around her. How could anyone question the account of a seemingly reasonable, highly articulate, mild-mannered woman? And that will ultimately be her own downfall - her own arrogance. JMO
This definition also applies to the defendant, 10 fold. :twocents:

This is what I find ironic about the defense strategy of painting Travis in this manner. It applies much more to Jodi, and that's evident from her very own testimony.
I don't know if anyone can quantify a difference between snuffing out a life never having lived or snuffing out a life in its prime as better or worse.

For me Casey committed the ultimate sin. Her crime is aberrant of human nature itself. Yet, I've studied filicides for a quarter of a century and have read of crimes much 'worse' than hers in that the victim was fully cognizant they were being murdered and often in a much more painful manner. Some crimes against children I've read of have literally been psyche-altering. (Especially historical filicides before firearms were so common.)

On a basic human level Jodi scares me more. I believe Casey's crime was mainly borne of inconvenience and selfishness where Jodi's was transpired by spite and sadism. There is a level of brutality in Jodi's crime I've very rarely seen. I do not believe Casey will kill again. Jodi, I believe, easily could.

I agree. She crossed that line from stalker to murderer. Once that door was opened, it will be much easier next time, the making of a serial killer. jmo
That's what I thought too. The gun was discovered in the engine compartment of the rental care while being serviced in San Francisco area.
Some months after her arrest. IIRC

I have been trying to watch what I can of the trial and also read what I can from this board, but I work and have missed things. This is the first I heard of the gun being found, could someone point me to an article or info about the gun and the forensics that connect it to Travis and anything about Jodi other than she apparently hid it in the engine of the rental car? Thank you.

Also I don't know if someone has already talked about this, but I've been thinking that the look on Travis face while in the shower may say" alright already, what is with the pictures."

Maybe she took the pictures to distract him and so he started ignoring her and did not see the slash coming to his heart. I wonder if they had already talked about his intentions to go to Cancun with the other woman and finally just done with talking about it, he was going and he told her "I'm going to take a shower and I want you to be gone when I get out. At that point she started to carry out her plan to kill him since she brought the weapons with her.

Another comment I have, I just doubt the story that he threw her face down on the bed and just jammed it in, dry? I'm thinking that would have hurt him as much as it would her, well unless she really is the grand canyon, but I think he would be smart enough to use the big old bottle of k-y first, so I just doubt that story.

If I was one of the jurors, I would have negated all her testimony considering even I have caught some of her lies.
That guy that was on Dr. Drew last night by phone, the one who lent the $$ for Arias to go and slaughter TA, he said she was desparate which was why he lent her the money. Did he testify for the State?

His name is Paul Stern.

He was not on the defense witness list I saw on January 25.

I don't believe that he has provided any courtroom testimony during the trial.

Doesn't mean that he hasn't been deposed, however.
yes, she is standing over him. the upper right dark, you see the bottom of the back of his head to the neck and shoulder where you see blood streaking down. He is sitting slumped over. As if we are standing above him behind him. (that is the side of her blue pant and cuff) she is standing on the brown tile floor which is the very bottom of the photo. She may have even been a few feet from him at that point due to perspective.. her blue pant leg large he is smaller

Thanks so much Finally I see
I see. Well. Perhaps I used the wrong word, and I am deeply sorry for that.

IMO Travis Alexander was a young man in his prime with all the normal conflicts young people go through but he was not a hypocrite in my eyes. And neither were you when you were 'grappling'. :) Just human and trying to and do the best ya can and be a better person.
How many bald-headed dudes did she go out with a couple of times... but kept in contact with?

I may be wrong... but he sure talked and looked the same.

I believe it was Janes' show.

She didn't date this guy, they were only friends and he stated she had flirted with him but he had a long term gf or something to that effect. He was talking via telephone. This is Dr Drew and I forget his name but it was mentioned in the original post.
HUGE sigh here! Thanks for your post :) Now I think I'll go bake somethig!

Grammie ~ I'm crashing up here at the office and need a snick-snack! Are you still baking? More importantly, will you share??
Oh ok pop... I was talking about the bald guy. Sorry.
Trying to keep up but I've missed a lot this week.

Re Travis's virginity, has JA testified that TA acknowledged to her he was a virgin? Also, has there been any discussion (from JA or any other witnesses) as to whether TA had experienced oral and/or anal with anyone else?
The woman working with Arias' attorney handed a composition notebook to Arias' mom yesterday as everyone was leaving for a court break.


That makes sense ... Arias is telling her story like she's writing a script with her I said, he said, I said, blah blah blah. The movie deal is probably already in the works.
I have been trying to watch what I can of the trial and also read what I can from this board, but I work and have missed things. This is the first I heard of the gun being found, could someone point me to an article or info about the gun and the forensics that connect it to Travis and anything about Jodi other than she apparently hid it in the engine of the rental car? Thank you.

Also I don't know if someone has already talked about this, but I've been thinking that the look on Travis face while in the shower may say" alright already, what is with the pictures."

Maybe she took the pictures to distract him and so he started ignoring her and did not see the slash coming to his heart. I wonder if they had already talked about his intentions to go to Cancun with the other woman and finally just done with talking about it, he was going and he told her "I'm going to take a shower and I want you to be gone when I get out. At that point she started to carry out her plan to kill him since she brought the weapons with her.

Another comment I have, I just doubt the story that he threw her face down on the bed and just jammed it in, dry? I'm thinking that would have hurt him as much as it would her, well unless she really is the grand canyon, but I think he would be smart enough to use the big old bottle of k-y first, so I just doubt that story.

If I was one of the jurors, I would have negated all her testimony considering even I have caught some of her lies.

It wasn't the gun that killed Travis, the killer bought a new gun!
This is what I find ironic about the defense strategy of painting Travis in this manner. It applies much more to Jodi, and that's evident from her very own testimony.

I think it's going to totally backfire on them.
That'd be me. I think Travis was a jerk to her(not that she ISN'T crazy and comes off creepy). He sounds awfully familiar, lol, except for texting women that he wants to get them pregnant (NOT a funny joke, IMO.) and sharing his manscaping with platonic women friends. That's just ewwww. :eek:

I keep thinking of jerks I dated who didn't treat me respectfully. I might give them the benefit of the doubt ONCE, (maybe), but the second time? Buh bye. That's what normal people do......

Except once.....(harp music, fade in).....I dated a guy who was Mr. In Love Guy (shoulda been a red flag) and I fell for him pretty hard. Then one day, about 4 months into it, out of the blue, I get a call from a girl who lived out at the beach (he was a surfer and spent lots of time at the beach) who told me she had been seeing him for TWO YEARS and they had a BABY! :thud:

He showed up a little while later at my house, totally clueless. I slapped the taste outta his mouth and told him to go back home to his family. Jerk. :(

I'm not proud of hitting him, but I honestly can say I saw black spots in front of my eyes and lost total control of my cool. And after that I never spoke to him again.

But I'm not emotionally damaged or suffering from a personality disorder like JA. There is obviously something super wrong with the way JA is wired. I'm not perfect, but my response to people who make me feel bad is to shut them out entirely. I do think that is the more normal response.

And yet, even though I am probably the least violent person I know, I felt that rage take me over. It scared me to feel that hurt and angry! Of course, I stopped with a walloping face slap.

Would my being able to sympathize with her hurt and humiliation affect my decision as a juror? Probably not. But if another juror had also had similar experiences and was of a slightly different temperament than me, then THEY might feel differently.

All this just to say that depending upon a juror's personal experiences, much of what JA says about Travis really DOES ring true. I even think many of his own words and captions he put on his MS pics give me a sense that he had some narcissistic traits of his own and he would definitely be a guy whose car I'd lay down in front of before I'd let him drive off on a date with MY daughter, lol.

Does it make it okay that some loon murdered him so brutally? NO! I hate violence and I don't even support the DP.

But I really do believe there is a chance some jurors may be swayed. I think it is important for JM to keep showing those awful pics to remind them the extent of her depravity.

I know it's hard for TA's family to see those but I really believe it is a necessary evil in this trial.


Knotty, thank you for sharing that! :hug: I agree with you 100% that JM HAS to keep showing those pictures.
Ok, so I'm going to post two images, one from the trial and one marked-up by me to try to show her foot:

From the trial:


Large black circle - entire foot
Small tall black circle - the white stripe on her pants
the red circle - the hem of the athletic pants
blue circle - her foot (in a shoe) from about mid-foot to her toes.

Hope this helps. If not, try to enlarge the top photo so you can back away a bit to see if you can see it. :)

So I do see all the foot/shoulder/pants/arm components of the picture but I don't get two things. The first is how the foot is so huge compared to his head and shoulder. I get foreground and all that but if she's dragging him, wouldn't his head be really close to her foot and thus appear large? Next, how is the camera dropped and taking a picture of the ceiling 45 seconds after the seated picture, then it's still right by them to snap this picture with the foot? How???
Trying to keep up but I've missed a lot this week.

Re Travis's virginity, has JA testified that TA acknowledged to her he was a virgin? Also, has there been any discussion (from JA or any other witnesses) as to whether TA had experienced oral and/or anal with anyone else?

she said during testimony ..the first time he performed oral sex on her it didn't seem like he didn't know what he was doing.
I agree with that, but don't you also think she continually misinterpreted other people's intentions and such? By that I mean, she had her own Jodi-centric way of viewing the world, wherein everything aligned according to her beliefs, preferences and feelings of entitlement.
Yes. And I think that's a big part of why she killed Travis, because he wasn't conforming to her fantasy. In her psycho mind, she was going to be Mrs Alexander.

I detected a hint of disdain from that poster towards the "conservative" viewpoint, which is why I wondered if there was something to compare it to.

The words "conservative media" just do not usually go together, but Arizona's a bit different ;)

No disdain whatsoever! If you knew me you'd know how funny that is. Omg, I am VERY, VERY, VERY conservative by most people's standards lol. I don't watch tv, but I just figured the "non-conservative" media has already been well represented here in terms of the commentary from the local/national msm present in the courtroom and broadcasting about it every day.
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