Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #29 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I agree... but that is because my armchair diagnosis :twocents: is she is a psychopath... we have a thread going for this in the forum too but wanted to share during the lunch break a list of characteristics (see any that match? I sure do :eek:)

I think JM will make her cry and I do believe it will be the first time we see REAL tears from her, but not tears of sadness, or happiness, but true tears of ANGER. Have you ever been so angry that the words don't come quickly because you cry as you are sooooo mad. I know I will be able to see the difference!
I hope that the jury sees Jodi's claim of Travis' pedophilia as a desperate attempt to keep the needle out of her arm.
It cannot be repeated enough that Travis had no - zero, zip, nada - *advertiser censored* - of any kind - on his computer.

Vinny was just reading from the transcript. LaVette? says Jodi told her Travis kicked her - here comes the physical abuse. (This was because she saw him with the pix.)
Torismom, no you didn't miss anything... they had sex here, there, everywhere. She altered underwear (that looked like boy brief's in the victoria secret catalog that she got and oh Travis got that magazine too because he said she looked 'hot' in them) and they broke up because she hacked his phone but she still went on trips with him because she had low self esteem but she really did love him sort of but she was confused about that and then they were not official but she never really got over him lunch break.

Did I miss anything?

Oh, and they went to Disneyland, but it just didn't have that same magic, now that she locked herself into the bathroom with his phone, and decided he was cheating on her.
Did everyone notice how quickly Jodi alluded to Travis' receiving Victoria's Secret catalogues right after she mentioned that this is where she saw the boy-style panties?

This is the exact kind of thing that makes it even more unbelievable she is in line to spew BS about TA masturbating to pictures of young boys.. I just find the 2 fantasies in conflict with one another.. He was apparently enjoying that drunk woman's chest (as JA alluded to in testimony), he appears to have been into to some degree the busty chick with braids look, and he likes Victoria's Secret models... and he masturbates to little boys?? It just makes even less sense the more and more she says..
Place where the defendant DID NOT get engaged


Sorry - couldn't resist.
I've never posted before but I have a question - and forgive me if it has been asked and answered.

When did this supposed abuse take place? So far, all I have heard from Jodi is that every time she is upset about any of Travis' action, such as flirting, he seems contrite and apologizes. I never thought abusers apologized for their actions. And, up until this point, I have not heard of any egregious actions on Travis' part that warrant killing him, particularly in the fashion in which Jodi did.

IMO there was no abuse China....there has been not one shred of evidence to support this claim.
What we do have is premeditation, overkill, and plenty of evidence that links her to the crime scene :rocker:

It cannot be repeated enough that Travis had no - zero, zip, nada - *advertiser censored* - of any kind - on his computer.


Not only that but where are the occasions that Travis lured little boys to his place?

All we have heard is Travis had many friends over at his home and all of them were adults.

She didn't allude to it....she stated it as plain fact! I definitely did not miss that.

Yes, I heard her say it, too, but the remark was more of an aside and thrown in for shock effect - to show that Travis is a sexual pervert because he likes to look at gorgeous women in underwear.
I was watching on TV and fell asleep at NY Time 1:30.

BUT, let me tell ya she again is annoying the he!! out of me.

What she relayed about waking up to sex, no PDA's and him yelling at her/getting mad at her/jealous coz she took a shower at another guy's house is... guess what???? Normal every day crap that goes on between couples.

He had a temper?? Don't we ALL at times? (some more than others) For cryin out loud!

I am sick of listening to this drivel about someone's "relationship" woes. Someone's "waaa, he's using me for sex and he's chating on me..." Gimme a break. This is all a bunch of crap. I cannot wati for Martinez to tear her apart.
AMEN!!! But I guess then she couldn't be a victim if she was doing what she liked. Poor thing, having to have sex with all those men when she didn't like it at all. :what:

Maybe she likes little girls....:moo:
Oh, gawd. JVM is putting Jodi's new mentally ill and manic admirer on her show tonight.
Yes, I heard her say it, too, but the remark was more of an aside and thrown in for shock effect - to show that Travis is a sexual pervert because he likes to look at gorgeous women in underwear.

Oh I am in total agreement with you! She definitely worked it in there! Sorry if it came across differently. :seeya:
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