Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #30 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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it can happen...
ummm.... I should plead the 5th! ~it can be done...
Hubby and I were in my Buick Regal...24yrs old. under 100# and limber...
on UNTRAVELED back roads at night (stoopid I KNOW)

On the highway is probably easier! NO TURNS!!!

got some BAD bruises from the steering wheel...
Bad idea!

I still think she is full of it!
carry on!


I dont regret doing these things with my hubby one bit. Great memories. It was exciting. No bruises though........hubby pushed the seat way back as he drove.:floorlaugh:

Yep on a dark rural road out in the middle of no where.

Easy peasy.

Excellent Post!

As an abuse survivor I agree with everything you have said.

Jodi is a victimizer .............not a victim.

If anyone is a domestic violence victim it was Travis Alexander.

This was a domestic violence homicide, so he's definitely a domestic violence victim. Aside from the murder, I do believe that Travis was a a domestic violence victim. I think stalking, in and of itself, is abusive because it terrorizes the victim and instills perpetual fear and insecurity, much like physical abuse.
Hi, not sure what that means. But if it means I am on the prosecutor's side, I will nod my head yes. :)

Yes it is. I have this image in my head of restaurant bathroom doors with a Juanette and Juanabe on them.
Everyone that met Arias talked about her eyes and how vacant they were.

Is it wrong that the testimony today made me crave Toblerone? So much so I bought one on my way home from work and every time I take a bite I giggle at JA's outrageous oral sex, ejaculate on my face, threw a Toblerone at me story.

Mmmmmmmmmmm TOBLERONE :floorlaugh:

If it's wrong, I'm guilty as charged.

Seriously jonesin' for some Toblerone, here...

Looks like I'm gonna have to start a new thread again. It'll take a few minutes so be ready to jump over to thread #31 when I bring back a link!

JA claims she's a victim, but I think we can all see who the victims are....the JURORS (of course TA too). I'm wondering if the defense is trying to keep them hostage long enough with her on the stand that they develop Stockholm Syndrome!
It does not appear Jodi suffered abuse as a teen. I don't think what she described today justified her staying with him if he truly did these things. Darryl was good to her, Matt was good to her, Bobbi (except for one incident) was good to her. No reason to think she would have stayed around Travis much less move practically next door to him. Plus from testimonies already given Jodi had no problem just walking in on Travis at any time. If he were angry with her he would have a right. Jodi only sees her side of the coin never the other person. Jodi claims she's a one man woman yet she claims all Travis had to do was lick his lips and she went home, had a showdown with Darryl to breakup with him. Then (according to Jodi) she was in bed with Travis in few days later. He did not know her so why would Travis have treated Jodi differently than all the other women he dated? He didn't know her that well.

We all know how battered women suffer in relationships they cannot escape from because of children, fear, etc. Jodi had none of these reasons to hold her back if that was what was going on. I just think defense is going too far overboard and the jury will end up hating the fact that she is trying to kill Travis once again. jmo

She never wanted to be a Mormon. She wanted the good life and the friggn' MONEY!! What a hoe, and that hoe is putting TA's family and his good name trough he// and back. So hoping for the DP!!
It means you have to wear a leather jacket with Juan's picture on the back and learn a synchronized song and dance routine in his honor. We meet Wednesday nights. Are you in?

Dancing.... Not sure which is worse my dancing skills or JA's acting. :p
It's all good if they get this trial to last another 70 years, I'm fine with whatever the Jury decides.
This was a domestic violence homicide, so he's definitely a domestic violence victim. Aside from the murder, I do believe that Travis was a a domestic violence victim. I think stalking, in and of itself, is abusive because it terrorizes the victim and instills perpetual fear and insecurity, much like physical abuse.

Hi there Minor!:seeya:

Not only the stalking but the violent acts of slashing his tires and that of his new girlfriend. That really causes such emotional stress on the DV victim when life is so uncertain because of the abuser and wondering what is going to happen next.

This was a domestic violence homicide, so he's definitely a domestic violence victim. Aside from the murder, I do believe that Travis was a a domestic violence victim. I think stalking, in and of itself, is abusive because it terrorizes the victim and instills perpetual fear and insecurity, much like physical abuse.

It is and it does. The invisible scars don't heal. You can quote me on that.
Do I want to catch up on her testimony today? Ive seen bits and bobs posted on Facebook but not watched anything yet.

From what I've seen I think I'd just end up upset for some reason.

Someone posted that a juror fell asleep?? Surely that has to be wrong :laugh:

Also someone said something about DrD mock jury that they BELIEVED her? Can someone clarify this? No freaking way :banghead:

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Hi there Minor!:seeya:

Not only the stalking but the violent acts of slashing his tires and that of his new girlfriend. That really causes such emotional stress on the DV victim when life is so uncertain because of the abuser and wondering what is going to happen next.


Exactly -- I was kind of lumping the tire slashing in with the stalking. Stalking can destroy a victim's life just as much as physical violence, maybe even more.
Today, Nurmi kept trying to have a dramatic trial moment, like Baez did in his opening statement. But all of his attempts fell flat. As much as I dislike Jose B, he did a magnificent job shocking the jurors with that made up story about the incest and the pool.
He played it to the hilt and he had a very gruesome shocking story to tell.

But somehow, Nurmi's recitations of " he ejaculated on your face and threw candy at you" was just pathetic and comical, not dramatic or believable.

Nurmi has absolutely no charisma. As much as I dislike Jose B, at least he has that going for him.
has she forgotten pedophilia 101 men are not interested in boys and minor girls, and adult women, and animals, and angel statues.

Mark my word, day 1 of Juan rebutting this, she will arrive and do and Sharon Stone leg cross for him.
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