Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #30 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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If I could, I'd send an open bar tab and a gift certificate to a nice restaurant to the court reporter guy. Can you IMAGINE having to transcribe that drivel for hours on end?? (He has nice shirts, I think!)

Shout out to the court reporter!! :yourock:

And there was that day he had a giant penis over his head.
This girl is a phsycopath. First of all, regardless of what he (allegedly) did or didn't do. Let's look at her for a minute. She lied about killing him, didn't come forward, was there a manhunt? she has had no emotion that I've seen up til now, went on some singing contest in prison awaiting trial, she now is saying he was a pedofile, and she stabbed him HOW MANY time, 27, in the BACK?? Plus slitting his throat from ear to ear?!What else? well I think I'd turn the guy in , not have sex with him right after I found out he was a pedofile as she admitted to, I think I would have gotten as far away from him as possible and no need to slit the guys throat from ear to ear or stab him 27 times because he nauseated her, that's anger, anger at him for something she felt he did to her, like ignoring her. She admitted she had sex with him after finding out about a "alleged picture of a boy in undies" he was alledgely admiring, that it was ok then because he was being nice to her (?!) So ok, she apparently will do anything as long as she's getting attention, but hey, watch out if she feels otherwise! It's a sad day in this world when people can get on the stand and lie and no one holds them accountable for their lies. We are no better than aruba if these murders like casey anthony, OJ simpson and many others who have concocted so many lies to make others look bad or themselves look better then walk the streets to do it again. What kind of justice is that for the deceased much less the families of the victims who have to watch them get away with killing their loved one! She's a psycho, you can tell by her face, no emotions.
Im scared im going to smash my tv and pc to pieces.. listening to this tripe coming out her mouth.

and just like that recess for the tv and pc are spared from destruction

:floorlaugh: lol Mr. Midnight....I just bought a new laptop, but there are times I want to spike it while watching this lying, liar, tell her lies :furious:
So let me get something straight. She didn't have enough "self esteem" to break up with Travis when she "saw" text messages proving he was cheating. Yet, when she found out her ex-boyfriend (Bobby, was it? I get confused, there are so many) is cheating, she gets in her car in the middle of the night to go confront the GIRL?!?? Anyone else see a huge discrepancy here? Juan is going to have a FIELD DAY with her!
And although I'm just catching up on today's testimony, I have to say I LOVED the first glimpse of Juan dealing with JA during his voir dire. He is going to be cool as a cucumber and she is going to try and pull this "I'm just a meek little girl" cr@p and Juan is going to OWN her. I can not wait.
Just now catching Dr. Drew's show. Hoping the men on the actual Jury are nothing like this guy sitting next to Katie on Drew's jury....Good lord man are you smoking crack ?! I am certainly not buying what he's selling...UGH.

Maybe his wife dragged him along and he was snoozing? What do u think?
As far as the incidents she described today -- there are some things that are just inconsistent or kind of incongruous and not believable. There were definitely parts of her testimony that seemed scripted and stiff; it did seem like she was making a real effort to get in the DV catch phrases, but they did not "feel" authentic to me.

There are other things that might have some truth to them but would look totally different if it were Travis describing the same incidents. Jodi may not actually be "lying" about some of these things, in the sense that she believes her distorted perceptions -- like when she said she was justified in stalking him because she thought he was being unfaithful.

I work with a lot of men in Travis' situation - in relationships with stalker-type women who exhibit a whole lot of Cluster B traits. When a guy is in a relationship like this for any length of time, he gets a little crazy too because he loses perspective about what's normal relationship behavior too. I have seen guys start to take on the same traits as the crazy girlfriend or spouse as a coping response, but those behaviors are reactive and not aggressive.

I can easily imagine a situation where Jodi got pissed at Travis after she snooped on his phone -- maybe Travis tried to leave the room or get some distance from her, but she followed him around, relentlessly challenging him, verbally accosting him, accusing him, belittling him, and threatening him because she was so angry and would not tolerate being ignored or dismissed by Travis. I've seen this kind of thing happen so many times. She may have even been trying to provoke an aggressive response from him. I can even imagine that she pushed Travis, or poked him, or got in his face while she challenged him, or maybe she positioned herself in the doorway to prevent him from leaving -- and unable to escape her tirade, I can easily imagine Travis pushing her away.

In Jodi's mind, this would be abuse because she would believe that Travis deserved to be challenged and pushed around and harassed because he hurt her feelings -- she would excuse her own provocations, and only regard Travis' response as abusive, and that is how she would describe it in her testimony.

Something else that really stands out to me - I've represented many, many domestic abuse victims (both men and women) and I have never seen a situation where the victim engages in the stalking and pursuing behaviors like Jodi has. This alone convinces me that she is not the victim, except in her own mind.
Can you give an example? I personally haven't found the overall picture inconsistent with abuse, necessarily. However, I think she was disordered person to begin with. So it's an interplay between her disorder and his behavior that is the picture the defense is trying to convey. Maybe you're not otherwise disordered but, nonetheless, found yourself in an abusive situation. I was probably disordered myself to a certain extent because I was sexually and physically abused as a child/teen, as well. My attitudes about relationships were extremely unhealthy to start with.

And before anyone goes postal on me, I haven't seen and don't expect to see, anything that justifies what Jodi did. HOWEVER, I do not think her testimony so far is incredible for the most part.

It does not appear Jodi suffered abuse as a teen. I don't think what she described today justified her staying with him if he truly did these things. Darryl was good to her, Matt was good to her, Bobbi (except for one incident) was good to her. No reason to think she would have stayed around Travis much less move practically next door to him. Plus from testimonies already given Jodi had no problem just walking in on Travis at any time. If he were angry with her he would have a right. Jodi only sees her side of the coin never the other person. Jodi claims she's a one man woman yet she claims all Travis had to do was lick his lips and she went home, had a showdown with Darryl to breakup with him. Then (according to Jodi) she was in bed with Travis in few days later. He did not know her so why would Travis have treated Jodi differently than all the other women he dated? He didn't know her that well.

We all know how battered women suffer in relationships they cannot escape from because of children, fear, etc. Jodi had none of these reasons to hold her back if that was what was going on. I just think defense is going too far overboard and the jury will end up hating the fact that she is trying to kill Travis once again. jmo
Ha! My laptop is old! Won't hold a charge... the power cord is wonky and the
touch pad died! I had to add a mouse!

It is soooo hard not to hurl it out the window!
Can you give an example? I personally haven't found the overall picture inconsistent with abuse, necessarily. However, I think she was disordered person to begin with. So it's an interplay between her disorder and his behavior that is the picture the defense is trying to convey. Maybe you're not otherwise disordered but, nonetheless, found yourself in an abusive situation. I was probably disordered myself to a certain extent because I was sexually and physically abused as a child/teen, as well. My attitudes about relationships were extremely unhealthy to start with.

And before anyone goes postal on me, I haven't seen and don't expect to see, anything that justifies what Jodi did. HOWEVER, I do not think her testimony so far is incredible for the most part.
I definitely don't believe you have to be disordered or even otherwise mentally unhealthy to find yourself in an abusive relationship, just vulnerable. I do totally believe she is disordered though, yep. Some abusers are psychopaths who will intentionally look for weaknesses in their victims and prey upon those. For some that 'weakness' is something so simple as compassion. They are predators in the truest sense of the word.

Anyway to reiterate why I consider her claims of abuse to be questionable (and many other DV survivors here have also said as much):

- There were no ties that bound Jodi and Travis. No children, no property, no business. There was no impetus to stay in a relationship that started off as abusive from practically day one according to her.

- She slashed his tires.

- She invaded his privacy, read through his emails, snooped through his social media.

- She apparently entered his home uninvited while he was sleeping.

- She warned the women he was dating against dating him.

- She moved the 1000+ miles months after they broke up to the city he was living in.

- There is no corroborating testimony available from anyone, even online, to depict Travis as being violent or even having much of a temper. (Justifiable anger in response to her actions is vastly different imo.)

- She knew his ATM pin # and garage code that she has openly admitted to. (To me this is even further evidence of her scary stalkerish behavior.)

- Unlike Travis, there has been testimony to show a history of disturbingly obsessive and invasive behaviors with previous boyfriends.

- The amount of sheer premeditation in this case rather flies in the face of a self-defense claim.

- No evidence of Travis ever forcing, compelling, threatening or stalking Jodi to change her mind once she decided to move back to California.

- Encouraging Jodi to date other people. (All except that one guy. ;))

- A lack of evidence or testimony to show controlling behaviors on Travis' part.

IMHO any couple of the above could be explained but not all of them. In fact that list paints her as an abusive personality herself, which I very firmly believe her to be. Pretty certain I missed plenty off my list too but it's 3am and I've already invested way too much of my sleeping time into Jodi. ;)
There's no way Jodi will be able remember every lie she has told on the stand. She has given too much detail. Juan will turn her into a pretzel.
I am sorry...that is just too much information.

Oh com'on!!:floorlaugh:That's purty funny! Let her share her memories...after all, if we can't share them here, where in the world else, or under what other imaginable circumstances would those memories possibly be stirred??!! Leave Ginger alooone!!!:floorlaugh:
What is up with the blue ball crap?
Like a grown man can't fix that?
~puh leeze!
Per her testimony he knew how!
I'm a stupid male newbie and even I don't buy JA's lies.

Then that makes you an intelligent male newbie in my book.

I dont believe the men on the jury are going to believe her either especially when Juan gets up and puts the case back on track. He will fire questions at her as fast as the bullet that hit Travis in the forehead.

All of this crap was self serving. If we believed little miss perfect not a thing in her life has ever been her fault.

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