Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #30 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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From my viewpoint it appears that the defense is trying to keep her on the stand as long as possible in hopes that a few jurors develop some kind of understanding of her....almost like at the end of it they will know who she is...its harder to convict someone knowing that they are going to be executed if you feel like you know the person....just my opinion. At the same time they need to make the victim appear as bad as possible so it appears more like a crime of passion.

That said the prosecution kinda has to let it go as fast as possible. the more objection they make the longer it goes on and the more likely it being a capital punishment trial there would be more wiggle room for appeals and what not. You can bet the state wants no part in having this thing get bogged down in appeals or overturned at some point.

I fully anticipate the cross to be very interesting. JM is going to have to bring this shuttle back down to earth and remind the jury of the premeditation factors, the heinousness of the crime, the pattern of lying by the defendant...i think he can do that.

I don't see the jury biting on the tales being spun right now.
While I agree I think the defense might be running the risk of the jury hurling inanimate objects at the defendant.

The longer she's on the witness stand the less likable or personable she is. (Or, the fact that I really, really hate her is precluding me from seeing otherwise.)
Nurmi questioning Jodi - Part 2.

Did Travis always pay you for cleaning his house? Yes, in one form or another; sometimes he paid cash, sometimes he paid my expenses when we traveled together; he kept very careful track of what he owed.
Where did you have sex with TA? Sometimes in my car, in parking lots; sometimes when we traveled; sometimes at my house in Mesa, in my bedroom. Anywhere else? Yes on the front porch [of my house]. That was something he wanted to try, he had a list of fantasies. He wanted to drive up to my house, I would come outside, porch in Mesa was private, light from streetlight, it was late at night, he wanted oral sex and to ejaculate on my face, then he would leave without saying a word. We did this twice. The first time we talked the next day. The second time he dropped a Toblerone [candy bar] and I called him later that night. So he ejaculated on your faced, threw some candy at you and left? Yes; I’m embarrassed talking about this in front of my mom and dad.
Describe his other fantasies? He wanted to do “mile high” which we never did; wanted to pull off highway and have sex on hood of car, but we never did; we did have vaginal sex while driving down the highway. He wanted me to wear boy’s underwear and have anal sex. He had a lot of nice suits and shirts and wanted me to perform oral sex in his office while wearing his suits; we did this many times. He had lots of anal sex fantasies.

How did it make you feel [wearing boy’s underwear & having anal sex]? It didn’t bother me, I enjoyed it because I wanted to be with him, I wanted him to be happy, and he paid attention to me. Did he treat you differently during these encounters? When he was in the mood he was very nice and pad attention to me, sometimes he was loving and romantic, but when he was done, he was done, he wasn’t mean but he was done being nice. He became nice whenever he wanted sex.

Why was it okay to have a clandestine relationship? I was in love with him, I am a monogamous person, I had no room in my heart for anyone else. Did you think it was not, I need to end it? Sometimes. Did you Travis [that]? Eventually, yes.

After August of ’07 where did you travel with TA? Las Vegas for Executive Directors’ convention [of PPL]; then to Havasupai; in October of ’07 to Albuquerque, then Santa Fe, we saw Rte. 66; all places from the 1000 Places book. Nurmi enters two exhibits, 1) picture of Jodi & Travis at Executive Directors’ banquet, 2) at balloon fiesta in Albuquerque in October ’07. Jodi says it is hard to look at these pictures [crying], we had a bad fight at the balloon fiesta but things got better and the trip turned out good. We were acting as a couple there, but things changed when we returned to Mesa, unless we were in his room, he was affectionate only when we were in his room. [Sex] on the porch, he was not affectionate, I felt like a prostitute, but I put that thought out of my mind, chalked it up to one of his little antics. Did you ever feel you were done with his antics? Down the line, but the antics increased

Was he physically abusive up to this point, October 2007? He grabbed my wrist in Oklahoma in March 2007 [at convention]. I was heading for the restroom when I saw Abe, a guy I had dated. We talked briefly, he said “you deserve better,” I said thank you, it’s okay. When I returned to Travis I tried to take his hand but he grabbed my wrist, but not painfully. When he began to talk, I realized he was angry, I could tell by his demeanor and words, he spoke sternly. Was he angry about you speaking to Abe? Yes, he wanted to know what we were talking about, he became more angry.

I can continue if you all want the info. Or is it too much detail?
Yep, she had to throw a bit of the OJ Simpson trial in there. He kinked up his fingers so that they would not fit in the glove. Her entire testimony has been a smorgasbord of different trials and movies combined. This morning it was "Pretty Woman" then the finger had to come in.............:banghead:
I'm betting that the prosecution has a large group of employees going through all of Jodi's numerous interviews. They are screen-shotting all the many times that Jodi's ring finger was perfectly straight.
She's story-telling. She talks like a script from a crappy book. When she talks this way it becomes even more obvious that her testimony isn't coming from experiential memory. Truthful recounts are spoken about as they happened, "he dropped the papers," or "the papers fell." If she was truthful she wouldn't feel the need to embellish like this.

I wholeheartedly agree.
This Jury has to be sick of her by now. I think JM is going to just zero in on the murder and not put the Jury through all this BS. DH thinks that as well and he believes if JM were to cross her on all the lies the Jury may get lost on the true reason that she is on trial, for Cold Blooded Murder.
Forget about the jury seeing her and believing. All this jury has to do is follow the instructions they are given. She already confessed to the killing. This case is NOT the C.A. case. No matter how many parallels people try to draw, it simply isn't the same.

Look, some of us went through the debacle that was O.J. in 1995. It was an epic disappointment on so many levels. Two innocent people slaughtered. But I've never worried that what happened in the OJ case would happen again. Why? Because no other case is *exactly* like that case! That was jury nullification in the Simpson case, plain and simple. They simply would not convict a famous black athlete in 1995.

People were absolutely frantic during the Drew Peterson case, convinced he was going to walk. I saw so many dire predictions made. And what happened? He was convicted!

Every case is different. While there are no guarantees, some cases are stronger than others. This is one of them.

My dad subjected us to every day of that OJ debacle. I blame him for sparking a true crime interest in me lol.

I too thought DP was going to walk...far less evidence than Scott P, or Casey, or Jason Young. Shoot, it was mostly built on hearsay that was allowed in....and I hope some day he can be tried for Stacy's disappearance. It is true that strange things can happen-OJ and CA getting surprising acquittals, DP getting a surprising (to me anyway, and I am GLAD he is in jail!) conviction. But there is just too much evidence all over the place with this one...strong strong evidence.
Agreed! I'd be on the phone to 911 too so they could track down the boys in photos.

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I was back looking at the diagram of TA 's bedroom. There is a fair distance from the entry door to the bed. How the hell did she get all the way over to the bed to see a photo that was laying flat without intervention from TA? Not buying it at all. From the way Travis's friends have spoken of him, I haven't heard anything that would support pedophilia in his character structure. And I could be way off base...Not.
And for what it's worth, the OJ jury in their book said they did NOT believe the glove didn't fit OJ's hand--they thought it would have fit but he made it so it didn't. They saw the antics same as everyone else. They didn't convict him, but it had nothing to do with the glove OR the rhyming Johnny Cochran (which they said they didn't appreciate). They were stupid on many, many levels, but at least on that one level, they saw the farce for what it was.
Nurmi questioning Jodi - Part 2.

Did Travis always pay you for cleaning his house? Yes, in one form or another; sometimes he paid cash, sometimes he paid my expenses when we traveled together; he kept very careful track of what he owed.
Where did you have sex with TA? Sometimes in my car, in parking lots; sometimes when we traveled; sometimes at my house in Mesa, in my bedroom. Anywhere else? Yes on the front porch [of my house]. That was something he wanted to try, he had a list of fantasies. He wanted to drive up to my house, I would come outside, porch in Mesa was private, light from streetlight, it was late at night, he wanted oral sex and to ejaculate on my face, then he would leave without saying a word. We did this twice. The first time we talked the next day. The second time he dropped a Toblerone [candy bar] and I called him later that night. So he ejaculated on your faced, threw some candy at you and left? Yes; I’m embarrassed talking about this in front of my mom and dad.
Describe his other fantasies? He wanted to do “mile high” which we never did; wanted to pull off highway and have sex on hood of car, but we never did; we did have vaginal sex while driving down the highway. He wanted me to wear boy’s underwear and have anal sex. He had a lot of nice suits and shirts and wanted me to perform oral sex in his office while wearing his suits; we did this many times. He had lots of anal sex fantasies.

How did it make you feel [wearing boy’s underwear & having anal sex]? It didn’t bother me, I enjoyed it because I wanted to be with him, I wanted him to be happy, and he paid attention to me. Did he treat you differently during these encounters? When he was in the mood he was very nice and pad attention to me, sometimes he was loving and romantic, but when he was done, he was done, he wasn’t mean but he was done being nice. He became nice whenever he wanted sex.

Why was it okay to have a clandestine relationship? I was in love with him, I am a monogamous person, I had no room in my heart for anyone else. Did you think it was not, I need to end it? Sometimes. Did you Travis [that]? Eventually, yes.

After August of ’07 where did you travel with TA? Las Vegas for Executive Directors’ convention [of PPL]; then to Havasupai; in October of ’07 to Albuquerque, then Santa Fe, we saw Rte. 66; all places from the 1000 Places book. Nurmi enters two exhibits, 1) picture of Jodi & Travis at Executive Directors’ banquet, 2) at balloon fiesta in Albuquerque in October ’07. Jodi says it is hard to look at these pictures [crying], we had a bad fight at the balloon fiesta but things got better and the trip turned out good. We were acting as a couple there, but things changed when we returned to Mesa, unless we were in his room, he was affectionate only when we were in his room. [Sex] on the porch, he was not affectionate, I felt like a prostitute, but I put that thought out of my mind, chalked it up to one of his little antics. Did you ever feel you were done with his antics? Down the line, but the antics increased

Was he physically abusive up to this point, October 2007? He grabbed my wrist in Oklahoma in March 2007 [at convention]. I was heading for the restroom when I saw Abe, a guy I had dated. We talked briefly, he said “you deserve better,” I said thank you, it’s okay. When I returned to Travis I tried to take his hand but he grabbed my wrist, but not painfully. When he began to talk, I realized he was angry, I could tell by his demeanor and words, he spoke sternly. Was he angry about you speaking to Abe? Yes, he wanted to know what we were talking about, he became more angry.

I can continue if you all want the info. Or is it too much detail?

Thank you!

how does vaginal sex work while driving down the highway????

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I didn't see anything today after "blue balls" giggle giggle.

Underwear or not, if they were photos and some man I walked in on was yanking it... I'd call 911 after I ran the heck outta there!

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Jodi said the boys wearing underwear to protect herself. She wants everyone to believe that Travis pulled the photos from catalogue pages or some public magazine and therefore, she didn't need to report child *advertiser censored*. (It has been years, maybe a decade, since little boys were pictured in underwear in catalogues.)
so today jodi said JA found her diary about her date w/ john dixon months after they broke up that she went on a date w/ john and flew in to a rage and attacked her but on 2/6 this was her testimony
"Ah, it was Abe! She also went on a ‘platonic’ date with a John Dixon. Travis called and she didn’t answer his call.

She claims Travis wasn’t happy about the dates…his attitude changed, but he was upset. Travis reprimanded her because they weren’t Church of Mormon.

Travis told her not to date outside the Church and it made sense to her.

You and Travis became a couple in February 2007? Yes."
Just wondering aloud here...

Does anyone think that JM might use a diff tactic in cross and NOT call JA out on all of her lies (thus not keeping her on the stand for days) because the jury is tired of her and only cross her on murder time line/scenario?

If he does that, he can ask the def experts on cross "Dr. so n so, if JA is lying in her story on the stand, would that be consistant with PTSD and BWS?" "NO?" "OK."

Then he can call a few key ppl on rebuttal to refute some of the carp she spewed in her direct exam and wrap it all up in closing.In other words, I wonder if he wouldn't lose the jury if he plays into the defense strategy of slogging thru the details (which I think the jury is sick of). I think "THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS" and the jury can see the devil is sitting at the defense table.

Did anyone take note of how she said the name of the book by its' full title and then dropped the "Before You Die" part of it after she caught herself saying it twice?
You have no idea how much more bearable you make this case with your presence. :hug:

Thank you so much for that BK! You are a star, a shining one.

And if I may.... as we follow this painful trial, these threads have brought out some really wonderful people, new members and old alike. It's a great community and it's a pleasant reminder that so many folks care, have compassion, make a difference, are strong, are survivors, and come together with intelligence, humor, and kindness.

Much love to this WS crew :grouphug:
Jodi said the boys wearing underwear to protect herself. She wants everyone to believe that Travis pulled the photos from catalogue pages or some public magazine and therefore, she didn't need to report child *advertiser censored*.

It's NOT child *advertiser censored*! Even if (and I say that with a big degree of skepticism) JA's 'story' were true, what TA was doing was NOT illegal! If he had a bunch of random kid pics, not nude kid pics, but just kid pics, those pics are not child *advertiser censored*. And TA wasn't doing anything illegal. You have to separate out the actions and consider the law. She was trying to insinuate TA was doing something illegal, but according to how she described what she saw.... he wasn't!

I don't know why this point keeps getting missed. It's not illegal to masturbate to pictures, even pictures of underage kids AS LONG AS those pictures are not pictures of children who are nude and/or are engaging in any sexual or sexually-suggestive behavior (which is illegal in every state). I'm not saying it's healthy or okay on any level, I'm merely pointing out that it's not illegal. Until or unless an adult obtains illegal pictures, photos or behaves in a way toward any person under 18 that would constitute sexual battery or abuse or solicitation, they are not committing a crime, according to the state laws.
Where was Jodi heading with the stupid story that she had just loaned Travis $700 (when she didn't have a full-time job)? Is she going to state that Travis was an addict, a gambler, or buying excessive child *advertiser censored*?
My Best Moment Of The Day.....the picture blew of the bed and fell in that chaotic way that paper does and landed right at my feet face up.....for real Jodi oh and you forgot the angel you sat down at your purse so you wouldnt forget it and you forgot it anyway...***** PLEASE
Ya know, the whole "I forgot my angel" story she gave...
IMO makes me believe she DID LEAVE AND RETURN
the day she killed Travis.

I am not sure why I feel like this, but I think
she caught him totally off guard.

ETA: I think she is going to claim that TA shot
himself trying to commit suicide... something about her statement
where he allegedly said he could not move his legs???

She may claim she had to finish him off or
some crazy stuff....

I am SO creeped out by her!!! :eek:
It's NOT child *advertiser censored*! Even if (and I say that with a big degree of skepticism) JA's 'story' were true, what TA was doing was NOT illegal! If he had a bunch of random kid pics, not nude kid pics, but just kid pics, those pics are not child *advertiser censored*. And TA wasn't doing anything illegal. You have to separate out the actions and consider the law. She was trying to insinuate TA was doing something illegal, but according to how she described what she saw.... he wasn't!
Jodi had to state the boys were wearing underwear or SHE would look poorly in front of the jury for not calling the police.
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