Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #36 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Ugh!! I wouldn't step inside his motor home for all the 'director rings' in China. He makes my hair stand on end.

Looks like he's extending his 15 min as he will be on In Session today. Good thing I DVR it and can fast forward.
We will sit through:

-how/why she rented the car
-why she turned the plate stickers upside down (makes no sense to me, sure way to have an officer stop you)
-why she asked for a car that would not be noticed (white not fire red)
-why she borrowed two gas cans from one of a dozen ex-boyfriends and brought all the gasoline with her
-where did you get gun & knife, why bring them, where were they when Travis was in the shower

Some possible answers now that we know her elaborate story:

-rented because she had to, white so it won't get dirty as fast & I never asked for a car that was not as noticed, rental guy is lying
-upside down stickers, I did not do that, it came that way, again rental guy is writing a book probably. "Premeditated Rental"
-I apologize to my grandfather to stealing the gun, I was in fear for my life from Travis, 1028 miles away. He kept begging me to go to his house and I took the gun in anticipation I would need it, I hid it in the bushes out front until I drove to Mesa. Where is it? I left it right there in the bathroom, if they didn't see it, how is this my fault? I don't know anything about a knife. I left the camera also, see, I don't hide things, they found that just fine.
-I did not surprise Travis, he was in constant contact with me on the way, I called, he picked up and was so excited to see me, he stayed up.
-Travis always helped me, it was his idea I carry a gun for protection since I drive long distances, like from Yreka to Mesa, Mesa to Utah to see my new husband someone picked out for me.
-Contrary to what everyone thinks, I shot once and ran, Travis was standing, then slumped down but was fine, I had blood on me, but he was not fatally injured as you have heard from the medical examiner, I am not responsible if after I left Ninja's came in and caused the fatal injuries by stabbing him 29 times.
-And no, the gas cans were not to set his house on fire to cover up a crime scene, they were in case I ran out of gas from Mesa to Utah, a long dangerous drive, similar to when the Donner Party crossed, again, Travis' idea, he always had good ideas.


I think you should email this to DA Nurmi -- he needs all the help he can get, and this prolly would be better than anything the DTeam and/or JA could create...

Be a pal, Steph, help the helpless!
Oh... also....

I am pretty sure that she lost all credit with the jury when she described the " you sound like a 12 yr old girl" comment as him "wanting to sodomize little girls" I cannot believe she said that! THEY HAD JUST HEARD IT FROM HIS OWN VOICE! Clearly not what he meant. What is she thinking!!!!
He's smarmy and slimy. I changed the channel when I saw he would be on Dr. Drew. I refuse to feed that man's ego.

He is also not credible, to me. I think he's making this crap up as he goes along. To stay relevant.
anyone else kinda skeeved out that Arias could be testilying about the murder on Valentines day???????


Even more skeeved out that it might be by design and she might love the irony of it. Kinda like her own SadoMaso bi$chslap to everyone. Yes, I think she is THAT EVIL.
He is a despicable attention seeking slimeball who lures women to his small creepy trailer.

In my opinion.

Is it just me, or does this Gus guy remind everyone of the actor, Wallace Shawn? I can't stop thinking about it!
Didn't one of Travis' friends say that at the conventions she used to attach herself to the more successful men of ppl? And she would just walk right up to them, and have her pic taken and be all flirty?

Seems like it was Abe but I cant remember.
Looks like he's extending his 15 min as he will be on In Session today. Good thing I DVR it and can fast forward.

Only question I want answered by Gus is who was in the dang car with him!

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The upside-down plates: She did that so if her innocous car was captured by a traffic cam the plates wouldn't be read by the scanner.
When she was being interviewed by the detective and was denying she was in Mesa, she told him to check the red-light camera, because if she had been there the camera would show her car. But then the detective says "But Jodi, it would only take a picture if you ran a red light."

She was thinking that the absence of evidence would prove she wasn't there. If they checked the camera and ran the plates they would have gotten nowhere with a plate that couldn't be read.

At first I thought maybe it was to get pulled over and establish an alibi but she could have been pulled over in Mesa and blown any alibi. Because she brought up the "check the traffic cams" that makes me thinks she thought she was beating the system w/ the upside down plates and they were upside down while she was in Mesa, not switched after the murder so she could be pulled over in Utah. I think after the violent murder she wasn't thinking about the plates. If I'm right, it goes to pre-meditation.

(sorry, not very articulate this morning, hope that makes sense and it is just my best guess)

You know, out of this entire sordid sorry mess, above BBM is the one proof she planned out what she was going to do. Period. WHO WOULD EVER THINK TO DO THAT????? I would suck at being a murderer.
Is it just me, or does this Gus guy remind everyone of the actor, Wallace Shawn? I can't stop thinking about it!

Maybe in that sleazy role on Sex and the City where he hit on Carrie over some shoes or something. Yeah, that.
I'm thinking we might hear in JMs closing something like "Jodi killed Travis 3 different times that day as he stood helpless in his shower. Now she decided to add a 4th for you as she killed his memory in this courtroom or at least tried to. How many times do we let this murderer keep killing?".

Something like that.

Yes, I agree. I hope he uses more graphic words, though, like "murdered" and "slaughtered" and "butchered" - so the jury keeps in mind the matter at heart.
I don't think it would have been an appeal issue even without the "door opening" testimony; it's relevant to her motive (jilted ex). In an abundance of caution, I could see why he wouldn't want to get into it--but I wish he hadn't explained the reason out loud, because now if he does follow up on her "opening the door," Nurmi will cry mistrial again.

thanks AZlawyer :)
Now that I'm thinking about it, it makes sense that Juan didn't want to be the one to call Lisa and open that door. But now that the defense opened the door by calling her themselves, the defense wouldn't be able to appeal on that issue, since they opened the door.

Personally, I don't think the prosecution needs to address the stalking issue now, it's already out there, let the jurors come to a conclusion.
Oh... also....

I am pretty sure that she lost all credit with the jury when she described the " you sound like a 12 yr old girl" comment as him "wanting to sodomize little girls" I cannot believe she said that! THEY HAD JUST HEARD IT FROM HIS OWN VOICE! Clearly not what he meant. What is she thinking!!!!

I think that idea came from smary Nurmi.
I believe it was May 10th, I'm assuming early morning of.


Ok, then this still makes sense.

May 10th she stages a recorded phone sex call - presumably she's been hacking his email and knows about the other women and wants to get sabotage material for defamation.

May 26th he figures out she's been hacking him again and he busts her. Friends of his say he bans her out of his life

May 28th she steals the gun - I think between the 26th and 28th we see the evidence of transition where she begins her premeditation for murder.
With infrequently washed sheets.


Ugh...thanks for that mental visual I am now stuck with!!! Shudder.

As if my impression of Gus couldn't go lower after his initial court appearances...they did, after his TV time last night. He really should have quit while he was "ahead." He just confirmed what probably many of us were already thinking.
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