Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #38 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I understand that we all have been bitten since the CA case but Im not going to judge this jury to be the same. I am confident they will 'get it.'

I think the minute Juan stands up to cross examine he needs to ask Arias "Ms Arias is there anything else you would like to accuse Travis Alexander of before I start my cross?" Of course it would be objected to and sustained but the message would be out there that this woman has thought of anything and everything she can think of to accuse the victim without one shred of evidence to support it.



Oceanblueeyes, I love it!! I would love to see the expression on her face if he asked this. I think the entire court would erupt in laughter. Clear the court!!
I defer to you on airway issues. I looked at the autopsy report and could not tell if he had a pneumo/hemo thorax from the stab wounds. It would make sense that he did. I agree that the blood was coughed up. Could it be possible that the blood running down the back of his throat from the GSW, could have caused him to cough out blood?

And the obvious, with all that blood splatter at the sink he certainly paused long enough to put it there. Isn't this enough of a reason to believe if it were self defense she could have easily made a run for it at that time. jmo
This is the part of his interview I could not reconcile? Is he saying or claiming that she called him that night and what... he assumed since she knew, she had been informed by LE.. so why call around.. And in the close group he was in with PPL and as renowned in PPL as Travis was, this man called nobody and the body was there yet to be discovered?

What did he do for 5 days. I don't get this??
Right! And what? Went to Cancun with other people at PPL and never even mentioned "bummer about TA. hey do you know how he died?" not even once? And got a collective WTF?! from others who worked at the company followed by all kinds of phone calls back to AZ... um no. Either he's lying or he knew she killed him right off the bat. But he says the call can be verified by phone records...
When I'm baffled at how a person could have "done" something like get up or walk a few feet or stay alive a few minutes, I think to the times when someone is pinned under a car and your average person or two, with adrenaline flowing, life up a car and get the person out.

Some times if adrenaline kicks in, it ads a layer to a situation that can't really be answered. What does not seem possible actually happened.

(i would love to call on some adrenaline to work out daily, it just does not seem to happen that way)
Under the speed of sound, but they all differ a bit and they are calculated in fps (feet per second) For example a bullet that travels about 1000fps might equal about 680 mph.

Our airbags in our cars are set off by gun powder. Air bags deploy at 200mph. (and wow, you can really get an injury from that, my friend was belted in, and her air bag caused her to have multiple ribs smashed, punctured lung) ouch. However, had she not been belted and no airbag.. who knows.

I tend to agree the sound is so hard to explain, and loud, its almost simultaneous, but some gun shots are not really felt right away (shot gun yes, your head basically explodes and there is nothing for an M.E. to even look at)

smaller caliber gun such as a 25. Its a little pretty clean looking hole, and I venture to guess you are stunned at first, that delay when you are stunned into silence, or might put your hand to your head, you feel pressure first, then a burn. Often times since your nerves are all damaged at the wound side and below, its just dead nerves, 100% numb. The pain will start once the surrounding tissue and nerves start to light up like they are on fire. (the gun powder example) one of the biggest memories of the typical gun shot victim is ears ringing because it was loud, they are disoriented at first, especially shot to the head (anything in and about the base of skull, back of head, mid brain to brain stem i am not certain they would remember much? Usually they are out and down pretty instantly) The temple area, especially if it exits forward, at some angle exiting the face, just anything excellent straight into the brain, you are screaming after a few seconds or just dazed and holding your head tight. One is often left with rupture ear drums (although if shot in the head that's the least of your problems)

so it burns! and you just hold it tight and pray it was the front of your head/forehead/face, so you might survive it and make a near full recovery. There is a kind of cancer tumor that grows on the front lobe area.. commonly removed is nearly the whole front lobe and you heal and you go about your business.. (back of the brain, not so much...)

Interesting that Jodi reported hearing a very loud ringing noise when Travis was shot.
So we are going to refute the claims of JA slashing tires, and accept the opening statement (which is not part of sworn testimony) of a liar's representative, but throw aside the evidence from an independant Medical Examiner who has performed over 6000 autopsies?

We're talking about the source of the knife, not the ME findings. As far as buying into the tire-slashing allegation and accepting the opening statement, that is totally up to the jury.

I am pointing out what has been presented to the jury, and they have been told the knife was in the bedroom. No one has testified that JA slashed tires. His friends' assumptions slipped in, but not hard evidence. The jury could conclude "well if she did, they would have had LE testify to that" OR they could infer "oh of course she slashed the tires." Or they could be totally mixed up and confused by all of this.

You and I can make assumptions all day long (and do). The jury has a different responsibility.
Hmmm so this isn't accurate?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: "All right. Let`s run through the calendar. Jodi kills Travis on June 4 at about 5:30 in the evening. Gus, you say Jodi called you, hysterical, at about 3:30 in the morning on June 5, about ten hours after she killed him. His body is discovered a few days later, on June 4, but Jodi is not arrested until July 15, OK?

Now, you waited until July 15, more than a month, to contact police or try to call prosecutors? Why not dial 911 immediately after you hang up with Jodi? "

He keeps tweaking his story. On that same JVM show he said "when I called her..." Related to the same 3:30am call...Without batting an eye. He's making this up as he goes along. He is not credible.

In other words he's a pathetic liar trying to get noticed by supporting a vicious murderer. Oh and by the way if he'd been called by the State and they'd found his "information" relevant, he'd be on the same shows slamming Jodi and praising Travis.

To bring up the pedophilia accusation again. This morning I googled "pedophilia pamphlets, and guess what? There is one, and it is printed by an organization that's trying to change the "image" of pedophilia. Yes, that's right, it's a pro-pedophilia group.

No one is going to print a pamphlet about treatment or "help" for pedophilia, because there is no treatment. It's a biological drive, not a "choice". No one decides to be a pedophile. There is no group that is going to print a pamphlet "helping" pedophiles, because it can be misinterpreted too easily.

There are almost no options for people who are pedophiles but do not want to act on it. I recently heard an interview with a person who has these drives, but a strong desire not to act on it. He considers suicide an option because there is no treatment. After doing his own research he discovered taking anti-androgens seriously depress the sex drive, and that is how he deals with the biological urge. He was calling in to the show to let others with the pedo urge know that taking these pills may help them from acting out their urges.

He also said his brother was also a pedo., acted on it, and killed himself.

Anyway, all that to say that Jodi has no idea what she is talking about, there are no pamphlets.

Before anyone accuses me of being pro-pedo, I'm not. I heard a radio program about it and am just relating what I heard. Pedo's need to be removed from any society where kids are present. I WISH there were a treatment for it.
You bring up an excellent point that I had never thought of before. I had thought he had told her to leave and proceeded to take a shower. I can imagine her thinking it would be cute to take shower pics considering their earlier foray. Or were they to blackmail him with? He certainly looked peeved in the last photo. :(

I think he knew she was taking pictures. I think this part of Jodi's story was probably true - she convinced him to let her take shower pics because of a cool Calvin Klein ad she had seen.

However, I think the shower pics were pretty obviously a pretext from the very beginning. They are not good shots, not well framed, out of focus and without a flash ...and Jodi is a photographer by trade. She would not have taken such sloppy pictures if they were anything other than a pretext for her impending murderous attack.
Dr. Horn's determination is not merely based on an educated "guess".

Geez, thanks for that ... but medical examiners have been wrong before and I'll bet Dr. Horn would admit that he has erred in the past. If we assume premeditation on JA's part, I would think the gunshot would have come first for the simple reason that had she missed with the initial stab wound, TA could have easily disarmed her and had his way with her. I'm sure JA thought one shot would do it ... why would she take the chance of missing with the knife ?
I don't think the email showed any indication that it had actually been sent to Abe, as Jodi claimed. You have to wonder why the defense wouldn't produce the actual email to Abe, if it was in fact sent to him.
He (Abe) said on FB that he had never seen that email.
To bring up the pedophilia accusation again. This morning I googled "pedophilia pamphlets, and guess what? There is one, and it is printed by an organization that's trying to change the "image" of pedophilia. Yes, that's right, it's a pro-pedophilia group.

No one is going to print a pamphlet about treatment or "help" for pedophilia, because there is no treatment. It's a biological drive, not a "choice". No one decides to be a pedophile. There is no group that is going to print a pamphlet "helping" pedophiles, because it can be misinterpreted too easily.

There are almost no options for people who are pedophiles but do not want to act on it. I recently heard an interview with a person who has these drives, but a strong desire not to act on it. He considers suicide an option because there is no treatment. After doing his own research he discovered taking anti-androgens seriously depress the sex drive, and that is how he deals with the biological urge. He was calling in to the show to let others with the pedo urge know that taking these pills may help them from acting out their urges.

He also said his brother was also a pedo., acted on it, and killed himself.

Anyway, all that to say that Jodi has no idea what she is talking about, there are no pamphlets.

Before anyone accuses me of being pro-pedo, I'm not. I heard a radio program about it and am just relating what I heard. Pedo's need to be removed from any society where kids are present. I WISH there were a treatment for it.

I hope JM busts her on tons of small lies like this. "You expect this jury to believe you picked up pamphlets on pedophilia at the Mall?" Or whatever bs she spews. Just over and over show the jury how she's trying to con them.
In transcribing, this is what troubles me, as much as I love the guy.


ME: I think I've said it here in court that I don't think it would immediately incapacitate him or kill him. But it would be a serious injury, but I don't recall telling Detective Flores that, no.

Defense: Ok, so, let me back up for a second, so you are saying the gunshot wound is not immediately incapacitating?

ME: I would say not immediately fatal

Defense: I'm not talking about fatal, I'm just talking about incapacitating

ME: I think...yes, it would be incapacitating, passing through his brain, so yes
This is a puzzle. I don't think there's any way Travis was unaware of her throughout the photo shoot. I do wonder why some shots were taken without a flash. A couple of the first pics were with a flash, then subsequent pics appear to have been taken without flash. The last photos, with Travis looking at the camera, and then the seated pics, the flash is on again.

I wish Melendez had given more testimony about the metadata on these photos. I believe all of the flash and exposure and settings info would have been available from his forensic tools.

To my recollection, there were maybe two photos, definitely without the flash (orangey colored), that are blurry and he looks surprised. I have done photography many moons ago, and more recently with digital cameras. I have one with a flip out screen (I do not believe his was that type though), because if I see a bird in our backyard, I will stand behind the door and can see the picture on the lens - the bird doesn't see me and get spooked and leave. If she held the camera out and snapped the pictures......who knows.

I mean, we can say why did she take the pictures and what for, but then we should also ask why in the world would someone DO this to another human!???! I truly believe someone with a soul or ounce of morality, would not be able to live long with what they've done. Taking a life would be draining on a person.
Hmmm so this isn't accurate?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: "All right. Let`s run through the calendar. Jodi kills Travis on June 4 at about 5:30 in the evening. Gus, you say Jodi called you, hysterical, at about 3:30 in the morning on June 5, about ten hours after she killed him. His body is discovered a few days later, on June 4, but Jodi is not arrested until July 15, OK?

Now, you waited until July 15, more than a month, to contact police or try to call prosecutors? Why not dial 911 immediately after you hang up with Jodi? "


FYI: I checked the transcript excerpt with the actual interview to see if June 4 was a typo or JVM actually said that. Per interview she did say June 4th but clearly meant the 9th.

IMHO, just Gus looking for more airtime and JVM hyping for viewers. Did Gus ever say JA called him on the 5th? The Cancun trip was the day after Travis was discovered.

SEARCY: Well, first off, you have to understand what was happening. If you recall, Travis was leaving the next day to go on a trip to Cancun. So was I. I actually left on that trip to go to Cancun. I was in Cancun for about a week.
In transcribing, this is what troubles me, as much as I love the guy.


ME: I think I've said it here in court that I don't think it would immediately incapacitate him or kill him. But it would be a serious injury, but I don't recall telling Detective Flores that, no.

Defense: Ok, so, let me back up for a second, so you are saying the gunshot wound is not immediately incapacitating?

ME: I would say not immediately fatal

Defense: I'm not talking about fatal, I'm just talking about incapacitating

ME: I think...yes, it would be incapacitating, passing through his brain, so yes

Me too! I knoe JM needs to stay focused so he doesn't dilute his case by going off on every wild goose chase Nurmi and JA sends him on, but this one is important to refute absolutely, so poor Travis' imaged is not tarnished any more and JA is shown to be a ruthless liar.
He keeps tweaking his story. On that same JVM show he said "when I called her..." Related to the same 3:30am call...Without batting an eye. He's making this up as he goes along. He is not credible.
In other words he's a pathetic liar trying to get noticed by supporting a vicious murderer. Oh and by the way if he'd been called by the State and they'd found his "information" relevant, he'd be on the same shows slamming Jodi and praising Travis.



Thanks, yes I noticed the "when I called her" too while comparing the CNN transcript with the HLN video due to JVM's error on the date Travis's body was discovered. It's all so despictable - devious even - I can't imagine seeing this PL in person I'm sure I'd gag.
Nurmi does not have to convince the jury she is innocent of murder. It's the DEGREE that's at stake. JA already admitted it.
My only issue with the knife is that I am not convinced she brought it with her. I don't think it's been brought in front of the jury that she carried a knife around all the time. I know there isn't evidence of a knife missing from TA's house, but if a knife went missing at my house, I would probably be the only one to notice. I have a block of knives on the counter that a missing knife would probably be noticed, but I also have a drawer with some assorted larger knives. If one went missing, I think I am the only one who would know. My husband would have no clue. I'm just thinking out loud here... :waitasec:

Hi shantastic

Jodi brought a knife with her when she was slashing T's (and his nice lady friends) tires. I hope her little remark about T threatening to tell about the "psycho" things she had been doing (she in turn said she would reveal he was a 'pedophile with a past.') opens the door to her tire slashing being allowed into evidence. Jodi was very familiar with knives it seems.

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