jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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The defense filed a brief with the AZ Supreme Court and asked that the trial be put on hold until the Supreme Court could decide the issue in the brief; the issue in the brief is whether the trial judge messed up by not dismissing either the whole case or the capital murder charge (because the State allegedly can't prove the aggravating factor of "especially heinous, cruel ...etc."). The trial will not be put on hold and will go forward. I assume this will be an issue for appeal if she is found guilty of capital murder.

i've never understood this. he was mutilated. that's not heinous? he had defensive wounds. that's not cruel? HOW can that even be questioned?

even if she shot him first, he wasn't dead and obviously suffered because he tried to fend off that knife as she stabbed him. honestly, how can they argue that?????
I was going to rewatch the testimony but I lasted about 30 seconds, I just can't handle her voice another day .
i loved that Juan opened up with the "dumb sister double standard" - he brought up the one thing, other than herself, that j.a. will openly emote for.. her family.

if she was sticking to the 'easily hurt-never angry' j.a. persona, she would have dropped her head and feigned a tear, apologized, and brought up why she said what she said.. if only she had known..

but instead, she strengthened her resolve to conflict with JM... how dare he insult her family.. as if she didn't.

she's a total hypocrite. JM got her to expose that all on her own.
HLN has a body language expert on who says Jodi's standing up to the prosecutor can be read in mixed ways by the jury. Also that not everyone even understands the body language display of Jodi. Frankly I think even a five year old could read her attitude so don't agree.
When Jodi tells Ann/Matt? (can't remember who she was sending the mag to) that they "****ed up, you directly contradicted what i've been saying for a year" What exactly she was talking about?

My guess is whoever it was testified that Jodi saw Travis looking at images of children on a COMPUTER.

Jodi may have told them this previously but then realized there would be no images on his computer and had to change it to "a photograph". :waitasec:

Not sure...are transcripts of that Aug. 8, 2011 hearing available?
I was just reading the minutes in the 'denial of the stay' and at the end Juan made this statement

MR. MARTINEZ: Judge, there was some coverage, including some printed coverage of this case over the weekend, and so I would ask that you inquire of the jurors whether or not they saw anything and then of course to continue to advise them of the admonition.

I have to wonder how the jurors are able to stay away from all of the news of this trial there in Arizona?
IMO, re-watching yesterday's testimony, unlike any day of the "Vagina Monologues" (JVM quip), was actually well worth while. More details sunk in, and at the same time, its easier to see the bigger picture.

Both sides are simultaneously litigating both the a core case AND the death penalty. The defense built its sand castle case of sex sex sex destroy Travis sex sex sex showcasing a meek sad defendant who said sorry a whole lot and who could, with luck, be recognizable as a fellow human being who made big mistakes yes, but someone who one could sympathize with and thus, a person who should not be put to death.

Juan is not looking simply to have the sociopath found guilty-- he would have accepted her 2nd degree plea way back when if that is all he wanted. He is determined to have her found guilty of premeditated 1st degree murder and put to death.

Juan has an embarrassment of riches --mountains of lies-when it comes to impeaching the defendant. Given that he does, he can pick and choose which ones work best to obliterate her credibility and which ones are "throw-aways," (such as the pop rocks and tootsie pops thing) used not so much to impeach her- no worries there- but to destroy any vestige of sympathy the jury might feel for her so that they will opt for the DP when it gets that far.

Yesterday focused largely on those strategic throw-aways. Example: IMO, he was perfectly in control while appearing to be out of control on the tootsie pop and when do you choose to remember things line of questioning. He knew that the defendant would delight in her belief that she was not only in control but that she had the power to make HIM lose control.

He was 100% correct. Witness her smirks and smiles and cockiness and put downs, etc. Lost in the illusion that she was in control, she revealed her real self all by herself, in a way that no line of questioning could possibly have achieved, given her ready lies. Herself was not only unsympathetic and unlikable, it was also direct testimony about the big lie that she would EVER allow herself to be a victim of any kind. Two birds in one. A liar and a person who richly deserves the DP. In the last hour or so, IMO, he began to lay foundations for at least one line of knock-out impeachment.

He truly is a master at this. Go, Juan go.
Jodi not only committed this horrible and heinous slaughter but she made these jurors sit through a tortuous sex tape, accusations against Travis of pedophilia, and bragging about all her "romances", throwing everyone under the bus, and then conveniently losing her memory. She has wasted the days and hours that these jurors could have spent with their loved ones enjoying life. I am pretty sure I know what they will give Jodi in return.
I was just reading the minutes in the 'denial of the stay' and at the end Juan made this statement

MR. MARTINEZ: Judge, there was some coverage, including some printed coverage of this case over the weekend, and so I would ask that you inquire of the jurors whether or not they saw anything and then of course to continue to advise them of the admonition.

I have to wonder how the jurors are able to stay away from all of the news of this trial there in Arizona?

Highly unlikely. JMO
I think this is an EXCEPTIONAL point. And I hope Juan intends to challenge the expert witness with her own words. She doesnt fit the mold of battered woman because by her own testimony she new she could leave at ANY TIME.

That means at the time of Travis's death too - she is saying she knew she could have walked away then too - but doing so would have prevented her from carrying out her premeditated murder.

Aaah, but the domestic violence expert is going to say, yes she said she could walk away -- but she couldn't! She thought she was doing things voluntarily -- but whe wasn't! She's a textbook case! Classic!

That's always assuming the DT is dumb enough to continue with the "battered woman" defense at this point. Not sure what else they have. Pretty sure it's too late for an insanity defense.
the 2 thoughts i had about that was either he said her hair was blonde when he saw her, or she told him she was going to AZ. she claims she didn't know at that time, right?

anyway, just thoughts.

I'm afraid we will never know, because what Matt said was said to her attorneys - who obviously aren't going to let him walk in and incrimate her. So likely they put the kabash on him before he ever made it to court.
Ok do I have this right..

EF told JA on phone/interview that shot 1st then told Media Interview & testifying that the shot 1st..

BUT.. JA has BUILT/CREATED her version of the act around the shot being 1st from what EF (JMO) told her.. Now ME says.. NOPE it was stab to the heart .. thus her BS story looks like what it is.. BS!

I have always believed she caught Travis off guard in the shower, who knows maybe he had soap in his hair or face and eyes closed and when he turned she stabbed him in the heart.
IMO, re-watching yesterday's testimony, unlike any day of the "Vagina Monologues" (JVM quip), was actually well worth while. More details sunk in, and at the same time, its easier to see the bigger picture.

Both sides are simultaneously litigating both the a core case AND the death penalty. The defense built its sand castle case of sex sex sex destroy Travis sex sex sex showcasing a meek sad defendant who said sorry a whole lot and who could, with luck, be recognizable as a fellow human being who made big mistakes yes, but someone who one could sympathize with and thus, a person who should not be put to death.

Juan is not looking simply to have the sociopath found guilty-- he would have accepted her 2nd degree plea way back when if that is all he wanted. He is determined to have her found guilty of premeditated 1st degree murder and put to death.

Juan has an embarrassment of riches --mountains of lies-when it comes to impeaching the defendant. Given that he does, he can pick and choose which ones work best to obliterate her credibility and which ones are "throw-aways," (such as the pop rocks and tootsie pops thing) used not so much to impeach her- no worries there- but to destroy any vestige of sympathy the jury might feel for her so that they will opt for the DP when it gets that far.

Yesterday focused largely on those strategic throw-aways. Example: IMO, he was perfectly in control while appearing to be out of control on the tootsie pop and when do you choose to remember things line of questioning. He knew that the defendant would delight in her belief that she was not only in control but that she had the power to make HIM lose control.

He was 100% correct. Witness her smirks and smiles and cockiness and put downs, etc. Lost in the illusion that she was in control, she revealed her real self all by herself, in a way that no line of questioning could possibly have achieved, given her ready lies. Herself was not only unsympathetic and unlikable, it was also direct testimony about the big lie that she would EVER allow herself to be a victim of any kind. Two birds in one. A liar and a person who richly deserves the DP. In the last hour or so, IMO, he began to lay foundations for at least one line of knock-out impeachment.

He truly is a master at this. Go, Juan go.

Great post and agree completely.
I may be in the minority here on this. I actually think the defense is doing everything they need to to keep their client from receiving the DP. I do not think Nurmi likes JA at all as she has also lied to him and made his job more difficult. I think Willmott may have more compassion for JA, however as I have watched Nurmi, I do not believe he does. I think he is just doing his job to the best of his ability. I know he has been subject of ridicule and I agree with some of what has been said here. He is dealing with a sociopathic client who has BS'd everybody and it can't be easy. I know we jokingly bash him for the types of clients he represents in his private practice. What I find horrific is that there is actually a NEED for legal representation for sex crimes that I would imagine the majority of which have been perpetrated on children. As I have posted here before, I had a need to consult with a defense attorney here where I live for my daughter. I wanted the best in town just in case...fortunately, she did not need his services. I am a victim's advocate at heart without question. I just think sometimes the defense lawyer "bashing" goes a bit far. I prefer to keep my "hatred" on the murderer, not on those who have been roped in to defend her. Respectfully, IMO.
HLN has a body language expert on who says Jodi's standing up to the prosecutor can be read in mixed ways by the jury. Also that not everyone even understands the body language display of Jodi. Frankly I think even a five year old could read her attitude so don't agree.

I really look forward to this being all done and hearing from the jury and what they were thinking.
HLN has a body language expert on who says Jodi's standing up to the prosecutor can be read in mixed ways by the jury. Also that not everyone even understands the body language display of Jodi. Frankly I think even a five year old could read her attitude so don't agree.

I hope the jury is smarter than the media gives them credit for. Jodi has been made to look mousy for weeks... She wasn't mousy or acting like a 'victim of domestic violence' while on the stand yesterday. She is making a mockery of anyone who has ever dealt with domestic violence. Anyone who's ever known anyone who's been in that type of situation/relationship they don't 'bow up' like Jodi did yesterday. They can't help but cower when someone raises their voice or seems to be 'confrontational' toward them. Jodi stood up to Mr Martinez. She cant help but show her true colors... MOO

You can fool some of the people some of the time... but you can't fool all of the people.. all of the time.
This is from last night's thread, which is already closed, so I can't quote it properly. Sorry I'm such a slowpoke—I've been trying to get time to look up the video and post this since I read Pink Panther's interesting comment.

Originally Posted by Pink Panther
Yes, maybe the only health care she got was the boob job. Two for the price of one though, so good deal.
If one goes back to listen, more likely 3300 each. Not so cheap and quite in keeping with the going rate. This type of mis-information drives me NUTS.


That $300 figure has never seemed right to me, so I went back and listened to croakerqueen123's DB's cross examination on YouTube. At about 1:07:45, Juan says JA's implants cost approximately $300 through a surgeon in La Jolla. That doesn't mean that's what they really cost, of course, but that's what I hear.

$3300 each really seems much more plausible to me, but that's how the misinformation (if it is) got launched.
I'm afraid we will never know, because what Matt said was said to her attorneys - who obviously aren't going to let him walk in and incrimate her. So likely they put the kabash on him before he ever made it to court.

Interesting she appears to have been able to wrap men around her crooked finger ...even AFTER the relationships ended. TA was, by all accounts, the one who "got away". Know what I mean?
I have to wonder how the jurors are able to stay away from all of the news of this trial there in Arizona?

Snipped By Me ::

I would love more info regarding the jury.
Since Sequestered are they looked in a hotel somewhere ?
Do they go home each night ?
Make sure not to talk to anyone and when you are getting gas and people next to are talking about the case do you cover your ears ?
And rather than flee down the hall and out the door to save her life, her instinct was to run into the closet to search for a lethal weapon the homeowner never owned. She had boo boo on her finger though. That counts right?

OF COURSE! Bring it up LOTS AND LOTS!! Whatever you do please DO NOT FORGET TO TALK ABOUT JODI AND HER FINGER!!!! She and her finger are the real victims here!! We wil discuss Jodi and her finger for hours and hours and hours!!
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