jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Oh gosh, the 8-8-11 hearing is not sealed!!

Lists Arias representing herself, her calling two witnesses by telephone (Matt???? and Ann????), and Deana Reid and Steve Roberts, and Christina Lopez are all listed as witnesses.
And Alan Kreitl

This is the hearing Juan is talking about happening on Aug 8

The audacity of JA to think she could represent herself in a DP case is mind boggling. She obviously has no clue what she was doing as all her motions were denied. From what you all have taught me about sociopaths, I guess this would be typical?
Please can someone tell me how Mr. Brewer is involved with this case? I noticed in the last few minutes of court that on her way down to Travis' she stayed overnight at Matt's then she went to see Mr. Brewer. According to Jodi, she left from Mr. Brewer's place to go to Salinas to get her nails done. JM questions her twice the name of the place (making me believe he knows the name of it), and if they did hair. Of course she cann't remember. Then JM goes into how she went back to Mr. Brewers to return something (which is about a 1/2 hour drive) of course again she cann't remember if she went back to return something. Is it possible that she did get her hair done in Salinas (not her nails) and oops Mr. Brewer noticed the changed hair color? Also is it possible that she mentioned the name of the place it was done, and the prosecution has gotten records from the place proving it was hair that was done, not nails?

I thought the exact same thing.

But I think maybe Darryl gave her a credit/debit card to use to pay for the nails and hair and afterwards she had to return the card to him. IDK

Maybe there are records of Darryl's card being used for payment? I just don't understand why she would need to go back to Darryl's house to return something.

Please have your daughters read GAvin DeBecker's book The Gift of Fear. Every person on the planet should read this book, especially women, the younger the better (although it is kind of graphic in places about dangerous situations that can happen, but it's real).

Thank you.

AMEN!!! Every single person read this book. If you have young daughters/granddaughters/nieces/etc especially!!!
According to her, the camera fell on the softer bathmat and rolled onto the tile (incurring no damage). I wonder if she is describing a real event here and Travis made a taunting remark to her but instead of picking up the camera she stood up and pulled out the concealed 25 caliber at this point.

The camera did fall to the ground after all and Jodi has tried to weave a story of self-defense around it.

One of the body language experts did say Jodi was being "real" when she looked upset recounting Travis's remark "a five year old can hold a camera better than you". She is still mad about it almost five years later.
Her apparent hold over her ex-boyfriends, prior to Travis' murder, isn't that surprising (I guess) in that she was still able to use sex (I am pretty certain) to manipulate them. What I don't understand is after she was arrested and charged with first degree murder how she was able to still manipulate them. I would be rethinking ANY involvement or continued loving feelings for her at this point.

But, especially years later, after she admits to slaughtering him! She has no hold, any longer, over them... I mean she certainly isn't having sex with them.

I understand being confused, for a time, or manipulated by someone before you have a chance to process things- but my gosh... this many years later?

Darryl is a grown man, decades over, with a child of his own- no less. He frightens me now.

And Matt McCartney is older now, apparently not wiser, but still- the guy has a wife and a family?

She made these stops... to these men... ex's... because she knew they would keep silent about anything that could incriminate her. Why is that?

Like I said... anyone can be duped for a time- loving feelings certainly cloud things, but decades later? I'm not buying it, and I want to know why!

She travels a LOT, and is still in touch with these guys as late as a few days before the murder, and in Matt's case, much later - while she's already in jail. Maybe right up until the murder, she was still "paying them" to tell her tales.
I have to disagree. I think Darryl would pick his son's benefit over Jodi in an effort to keep his son from having to testify. Second, Matt would not want to spend years in prison for her if he has moved on with his life. Those would be serious charges for Matt to have to face.

How would JM know Jodi brought something back to the house if Darryl did not tell the prosecution? Jodi asks JM, "Did Darryl tell you that.." and JM tells her he is asking her if she brought something back to the house. Darryl was the only one who would have told JM unless Darryl told someone else and they notified JM. And this is where it ended. Monday is bound to start off with a bang. I wish the judge had said to Nurmi, "No, let's continue on until 5:30 this evening because we missed court on Monday." Gives her too much time to figure out another story. jmo

Didn't darryl testify she brought back a remote she took by accident?

Unfortunately no one asked her what KIND of remote? garage?television?
r.c car?

It just doesn't make sense.
:what::what::what: OMG! What a creep!! I can't believe he actually thought you would give him directions to your family's new place. That just blows my mind! I really really hope he gets the picture and stays away from you!

One other creepy thing.

Last December when I wrote him "you will not contact me again" email what I got back was this:

Thank you very much. Understood and respected.

Thank you? Thanking me for being a cold beeyotch. Respected? He showed up at a concert he knew I'd be at a week later.

He was thanking me just for the response. This is how their mind works. They want ANY attention. Jodi was like this too w/ Travis. I'm sure she relished ALL the negative attention.

Ignoring is so hard when they are flying around you like a gnat. SHE was so much worse, breaking in to his house, following him, using sex, contacting his friends and girlfriends etc. etc. etc. He was inundated with this nonsense trying to be a good person. I'm sure ashamed of his weakness and she used that at every turn to manipulate him.

This kind of behavior just needs to be headed off at the pass IMMEDIATELY...and Debecker says that over and over again...listen to your gut feeling and ACT on it!
any studies on that finger won't resolve when it happened though. i'd just say there's far more evidence it happened on june 4----the bandaged fingers, her interview with flores, etc.----than that it happened much sooner and she suffered in silence with it to 'protect travis.'

she could've sought treatment for that finger and just lied about how it happened (we know she's good at lying), and she WOULD have done that if it hadn't happened on the day she murdered him. but since it DID happen that day, she knew it was a red flag and she didn't seek treatment. that's logical. the jury will get that---i hope.

A simple x-ray could definitively rule out her story if it shows her finger had never been broken. It wouldn't prove the prosecution theory of a torn tendon ON June 4th but it could definitively prove she is a liar about January 22. It's highly likely that because the defense has produced no x-ray that an x-ray would help the prosecution by proving her deformity is not from a broken bone (and is very likely boutonniere's deformity resulting from a cut tendon).
also, she kept every receipt possible to show her whereabouts the entire trip (save arizona) ..if she did get her nails done, where is the receipt?

I'm almost certain it was her hair that was done.

That is such a great catch and I feel certain we will hear more about this.

But what about the two boxes of hair dye?
Darryl Brewer is the man that Jodi bought a house with. They had a 4 yr relationship, he has a son and when he was on the stand we couldn't see his face.....only his hands (at his request).

Thank you. Now I remember who he is. Since we haven't seen his deposition (if he gave one) we don't know what else he has said other than what he was questioned on in court. I wonder if he didn't know at the time of his deposition that when Jodi's haircoloring was done is very important in the case, and spewed it without thinking during a deposition. Maybe JM will recall him to the stand to verify this. I just think there is something up with Jodi's trip to the nail/hair salon and Mr. Brewer that has not come out yet. The best part is if Jodi tries to say she didn't go to that particular place in Salinas JM can come back with "How do you know you didn't. You have said twice in court that you don't remember the name of it. Her not remembering things is going to come back and haunt her, when the proof of them is put out in front of her. LOL
I love how when Arias gives vague answers like "I think so" or "It seems like it" Juan will make her re-listen to a tape or show her whatever paper it is again so she can give a definitive answer. That corners her into giving a proper answer because she doesn't want the evidence shoved in her face, so to speak, again and again...HA HA. What fun to see her squirm in her seat. She's being humiliated for everyone to see.

I do wonder what she really thinks when she gets off the stand. She certainly seemed very proud of herself while she was sparring with that mean ol' Juan Martinez, didn't she?! And that little smile she had and then lowered her head so that it would not be seen, when she was on the stand, is so sociopathic/psychopathic, it's textbook. "Yes, folks, I'm winning -- I knew it would be easy, easy, easy."

What does she think when she is lying in her cot at night in the jailhouse? I wonder the same about each defendant when I watch trials. What are they really thinking? Are they worrying or smirking?

Did she think she had a good day against JM, getting the best of him at each & every turn, or does she think he scored a couple of points? Does she really think that she is that superior to him in the court room, or is she shaking in her boots and dreading the next day's grilling. <smh>
It took me a few seconds to realize I did not know who mister B is. What is the first name? my mind is getting so confused! And no 1 is yelling at me. Lol

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Called her out for exactly who she is maybe.

It's the TRUTH that scrambles that <¢hi¢k$> brain .

She has no idea what the TRUTH is.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone ever gone to a mall and ever seen phamplets about pedophilia? I'm supposing she got several since she said (I gave him another phamplet). I mean was there some sort of pedophlia kiosk?

The closest thing I've come to is fingerprinting your child and the risks of being kidnapped. But I've never seen a help-line for pedophilia.

Did she really say she got these at a shopping mall?



Which Mall? Her story is she caught him on Jan 21? Yet she sent the pamphlets to him IN THE MAIL on what date?? I got the impression she had already moved by the time she says she sent them, or did she send him TWO?
The audacity of JA to think she could represent herself in a DP case is mind boggling. She obviously has no clue what she was doing as all her motions were denied. From what you all have taught me about sociopaths, I guess this would be typical?

I've come to believe that anybody that represents themselves for any case more serious than a traffic ticket is guilty as h*ll. The law is plenty confusing, what's allowed and what's not, I get lost it in immediately (which is why I appreciate so much the lawyers who post here).

But a DP case? Where you could lose your life? There's somebody who thinks they can snow everybody with their wordswordswords and get away with anything.
THAT'S one I DID figure out!!
When your post shows, you can see who you're quoting, and there is a little arrow after their name. Click on that button, and it will go back to the post that quote came from.

I'm SO proud of myself - I got at least THAT button figured out!

OH Tap talk - disregard - sorry.

That's a great thing to know! and still looking for the tap a talk question and answer. it makes me not want to reply to anybody because then I lose my place in cannot find where I was.

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Good grief, one guy had:
Three grilled pork chops with gravy, a quarter pound of bacon, six fried breaded shrimp, beef Rice-a-Roni, two to three slices of French bread with butter, applesauce, two cans of Canada Dry Ginger Ale with ice, one slice of coconut cream pie, one pint orange juice, one can of chicken noodle soup with crackers, one can of pear halves with syrup and Maxwell House coffee with cream and sugar.

Read more:

Texas did away with "last meals". The man convicted of dragging James Byrd to death in 1998 ordered this before his well deserved execution in 2011:

Lawrence Russell Brewer, one of the men who chained James Byrd Jr. to a pick-up truck and dragged him to his death in 1998. But the state first reportedly granted Brewer the following request: two chicken-fried steaks, one pound of barbecued meat, a triple-patty bacon cheeseburger, a meat-lover's pizza, three fajitas, an omelet, a bowl of okra, one pint of Blue Bell Ice Cream, some peanut-butter fudge with crushed peanuts and three root beers
.According to various reports, Brewer did not eat any of it.

No more last meals. They eat whatever is available at the Huntsville Prison
That is such a great catch and I feel certain we will hear more about this.

But what about the two boxes of hair dye?

Someone researched it and it turned out to be Suntan lotion. I guess she was hoping, because she was already packed for a vacation, that Travis would change his mind and take her to Cancun with him. I wish he had and left her there. jmo
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