jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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And I'd like to add that Arias told Detective Flores that she had never shot a gun before ... wonder if investigators have visited the Yreka gun ranges ?

She sure got over her fear, immediately after murdering Travis one of her goals was to become a responsible gun owner! So she bought a 9mm and planned a little vaca with men she feared she may need it for....

4 years and that's what she comes up with?

That was a masterful line of questioning by Juan.

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What would be in Memoirs of a Geisha? I saw the movie, most excellent. Though I am puzzled how it would applied Jodi... Twisted stalker?

The main character was raped in a fashion that is reminiscent of what Jodi claims.
Thanks, but how do you explain the "dragging" pic with the white stripe pants and shoes ?

I don't think that anyone can explain this one for certain. I personally believe that the camera was on the floor, upside down, and behind her. She somehow bumped it or put some weight on it, causing it to take a photo. The buttons on this type of camera were on the top and don't take a lot to push to take a photo. This is my explanation.
but didn't she see darryl when she was at his house? why did she need his remote?

I think it's possible that he only found out she "borrowed" his gas cans after the fact. I think he could think he's testifying correctly when he said she borrowed them but to my recollection he didn't describe her asking and him handing them to her.

In effect she kind of stole those gas cans because she never returned them. I wonder if he knew she ever took them at the time.
Took Juan a very little bit to get into a rhythm to break Jodi down. He quickly found coming on like the gang buster with "dumb sister" didn't work, so he tried a different tactic. Juan had to learn on the fly since his only personal contact with Jodi has been the cross.

In my nonprofessional opinion, Juan is doing a great job. By the end of the first day, Jodi was saying the rehearsed script, but not looking like it. You can see her whole face and eyes have changed. Jodi's trying to use on Juan the one on one 'charm' that's worked so well for her in the past, but on the big stage it's looking manipulative, and criminally conniving.

The Jodi we saw in direct took years of rehearsal and planning. The cross is basically a cold reading for both Jodi and Juan. He knows what's in the script. She doesn't.

BBM and Great post!!

Juan knows the likes of Jodi. It angers Jodi because Juan knows her 'a little too well' He knows how to push her buttons (ie her reference of him to Travis) Unlike with Nurmi where she felt she was in control. She was allowed to say whatever she wanted for as long as she wanted, regardless of how degrading it might be toward Travis AND his family. With Juan she has no control. She attempts to 'side step' his questions and not give "Yes or No" answers to feel like she is in control. Control is a major issue with Jodi. Without control, her insecurities might be seen, and she won't have that!

The opening reference to Jodi's sister was brilliant. It caught her off guard, and set the stage to let her know that Juan is NOT her friend and NOT on her side and IS the mortal enemy... unlike Travis, Juan wont fall victim to Jodi, NOR be manipulated by her. This infuriates Jodi. Below the surface she is seething. Jodi sees herself as a 'nurturer' and 'protector' of those she loves or holds dear. The reference to her sister being "dumb" and even tho it was Jodi's words, she views it as an attack on her family, whom she holds most dear. (ie the bricks begin to tumble from the wall she has so carefully and meticulously built) Jodi is very possessive, not just with material possessions but with people as well.

The look on her face when Juan was in possession of her journal was priceless. I wished I could read her thoughts. Her eyes never left her journal. She's highly offended, thinking "how dare he" even touch it! (ie no control over what is dearest to her) She had the same look with the magazines even tho she knew what was in them. Jodi is unpredictable and temperamental and needs constant support and encouragement. Something she wont find in cross, or from Juan Martinez. Jodi doesn't like causes her major distress. She's said it over and over again. (That may be the only TRUTH she's told so far.)

I'm glad that Juan addressed the pedophilia accusation FIRST! While there are those who don't like his 'style' He is THE voice for Travis Alexander! Regardless of what anyone thinks of Travis, he didn't deserve to be slaughtered.

I'm fascinated by Juan's approach and feel it's only going to get better! I believe for anyone to form an opinion of how he is doing, based on only ONE day with this sociopath, is unfair. Mark my words... Juan knows Jodi. She may have had years to rehearse and prepare for this trial... but she obviously wasn't ready to face Juan Martinez! I have no doubts about that. Jodi knows it too. I have a feeling there will be many jaw dropping moments in the coming week!
Maybe she returned to Darryl's to color it herself.

She was sure cagey about that return trip.

What I don't understand is why Juan didn't get to the bottom of that during his cross of Darryl I mean. Maybe he was just hearing about that return trip then so did some investigating since. That would be awesome. One of her expected supporters double crossing her accidentally.

I also noticed this morning how she seemed to kind of distance herself from Matt--like they rarely speak or something. She knows what's coming there related to the magazine coded messages.

I envision Flores off spending evenings during her 8 days on the stand investigating evidence that helps Juan disprove all her BS lies.
Ya, but why go to a salon when she could have easily done it herself? And for a fraction of the cost. We are missing something.........
IMO, she wanted to get her "waxing" and nails painted before she went to visit her potential boyfriend/victim/parasitic host (Ryan Burns). Her appearance was all she had to offer men, so she had to look as good as possible.

Was it ever proven that the "Koolaid" stains in the back seat of the rental car were actually Koolaid? (Golden brown hair coloring will stain towels a reddish-brown color.)
I get the impression JA has a very complicated relationship with her mom, to put it kindly. Really, I think she hates her mother. And that's probably because her mother kind of hates her.

I sense that mom is doing what she is "supposed" to do: sitting in court every day at her daughter's murder trial. And I'm sure on some level, she would like her daughter not to be put to death.

But I would think these two people "wore each other out" many years ago. We know how sick Jodi is -- according to her, sometimes getting up to four whippings per week via The Wooden Spoon. Later, she says she was knocked into furniture by dad, "finger-nailed" by mom, and beyond.

If a child/teen constantly brought out these violent tendencies in me, it would be logical to assume I don't like them. Maybe I'm supposed to "love" them so I'd try to act big, but I couldn't say I "liked" them.

Yet, the unknown quantity is this: What if JA's mom was the role model for her unhealthy expressions. It's plain to see that JA mimics people i.e., her female attorney, Travis's blogging content, Gus Searcy's style on the witness stand, etc. Well, guess who else she may have mimicked first and forever: mom.

IMO, there's a story behind Jodi's mom giggling & "Mona Lisa smiling" in the court gallery. It is evidence of something. I'm afraid to say what I think is going through this woman's mind... Here's a clue: What do you think was going through Jodi's head when she sat at Travis's memorial service?

The apple probably doesn't fall far from the tree.
i'll say it, i've wondered if her mother is kind of delighted at the trouble she has gotten herself in. i wonder if the mother is also passive-aggressive.
I don't know. They DID find cord fibers at the crime scene, with blood on them, IIRC. So maybe there was "rope" and a knife and she set this up in order to get the knife in the bathroom without causing suspicion. We're never gonna know for sure since she lies.

Anyone have any other ideas about what the cord/rope fibers were from?

Decorative pillow tassel
Treat her with the same respect as his other friends. Come on, think about it, this girl was used and sodomized like a wild animal.

Really? Jodi testified she engaged in anal sex with her live-in-lover Darral (sp?) and he confired this in his testimony.
IIRC Jodi described/testified her sexual encounters with Travis as: Involving oral and anal sex on a regular basis - and only rarely involving vaginal intercourse. AND she testified that she enjoyed her sexual relationship with Travis.
I certainly didn't hear any testimony from Jodi Arias that gave me the impression she was "being sodomized like a wild animal" by Travis Alexander.

It's becoming clear to me - Jodi Aria lied about being raped by Travis on the day of her Baptism; but that's just my opinion from the testimony, so far. MOO
I think it's possible that he only found out she "borrowed" his gas cans after the fact. I think he could think he's testifying correctly when he said she borrowed them but to my recollection he didn't describe her asking and him handing them to her.

In effect she kind of stole those gas cans because she never returned them. I wonder if he knew she ever took them at the time.
Good point. He certainly seemed reluctant to help the prosecution. (His voice became almost inaudible on the witness stand.)
I've had my nails done for years. I've had everything done from simple mani to full set to the new acrylics. Five years ago they didn't have the new acrylics and even now they don't take that long. She had something else done in that salon that day.

Jodi has really nice manicured nails on the stand, so I doubt if acrylics.
Speaking of which, why does she always feel her face, cheeks and forhead as if she is feeling to see if she has a fever or flushed.

<very respectfully snipped>

This is her sweet little cover persona; a pampered beauty, who yearns for more out of life, and who secretly sneaks out of her father's house at night:


And as a ninja warrior/sneaky thief:


FWIW, the same actress wore pigtails in her breakout role in another movie, The Road Home; her lover was a teacher with young boys as students:


Based on this and sooooooooooo many other examples that have been cited (Psycho comparison comes to mind!) -- Jodi may go down as the Plagiarism Psycho Killer.

wowsa!!! what an incredibly thought provoking post! love it ANJ and secret sleuther!!

here is a j.a. self portrait... interestingly she looks rather Asian.

i took the screen capture from the video in this link: "An exclusive look at Jodi Arias' life behind bars"
All I can say is things are much different in person with many people. In the small insignificant encounters I've had in passing with JA's mother, I see her more, and this sounds very judgmental but it was the word that sprung in my mind that day as a simpleton. Not a sophisticated worldly person but a small town woman.

I stand by that I think JA dropped on to this Earth from some place having nothing to do with her immediate surroundings. She's far more sophisticated and intelligent and evil than how I perceive her family. I think her mother kind of can't win for losing here. I suspect she has many of her own stories to tell raising this freak of nature. I personally don't blame her or Jodi's father.

I also think Nurmi drops his persona when he's not in "defending" mode. I've had moments of compassion for him too as much as I hate to admit that. Because I despise this defense strategy. Utterly despise it.

I feel for her parents. They probably did the best they could at the time with wild child - like we all do as parents. I am sure they are sinking into the abyss with those XX-rated nude pictures being broadcast all over the world along with the sex audio.

My compassion is different than for Alexander family. They did not ask for this anymore than Travis' family ask for him to be killed at such a young age and brutal manner.

Good point. He certainly seemed reluctant to help the prosecution. (His voice became almost inaudible on the witness stand.)

But remember, Juan got Darryl to admit that Jodi had called him on more than one occasion (well before the trip)- desperate to borrow the gas cans, so he DID know. That is a lot towards premeditation.
I don't think that anyone can explain this one for certain. I personally believe that the camera was on the floor, upside down, and behind her. She somehow bumped it or put some weight on it, causing it to take a photo. The buttons on this type of camera were on the top and don't take a lot to push to take a photo. This is my explanation.

I thought she may have had the camera on a strap around her neck (in line with what the camera expert said about being 2-3 ft off the ground for the ceiling photo) and that she may have taken it off and thrown it onto the ground behind her as it was getting in the way? and then the 5:33 photo is her having kicked it as she is moving back?
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