jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I am having problems with the whole picture thing. When the man ? testifies to the camera he said that the pictures had been deleted but he was able to retrieve them. Now with that said, why would she take pictures to begin with knowing you are going to deny being there. This bothers me, I can't believe she was/is that stupid to believe that the pictures were really gone. idk jmo
Because if Travis had agreed to take her to Cancun after she blackmailed him with the pics she would not have killed him THAT DAY anyway ...
Because she had something *else* done that she didn't want found out...something that might make her look oh I dunno...guilty of pre-planning her actions. She is trying to build a fictitious timeline of her actual roadtrip and account for things the prosecution might have as evidence or know. Who knows what she did, where, at what time, for what purpose. Nothing she says makes any sense. She lies about everything.

I think she had the works done!
Eyebrows too.

IMO that was a VERY recent wax job.
No way to really deny it...

Even if she had it done a week before it still points to pre meditation.

*I just had a thought.. I think she took the pics on the fly.
Had she PLANNED to take them she would have worn more make-up.
JUST like she said she would on the sex tape. (when discussing the photo shoot in the woods.

I think the CAMERA was on a timer when she took the pic of her face and body. looks to me like it snapped as she was laying down.... before she got into a "pose"
I don't feel like JA and Betty Broderick are comparable.
Apples and oranges.
My brother and I have talked a lot about this. The neck strap was in the camera bag though. I think a wrist strap is more likely and would fit the 2-3 feet from the ground distance. It would make sense for the others too, IMO. She has it on her wrist but it falls off and hits the ground when she slits his throat at the end of the hall. Then she puts it back on her wrist and it hits the wall when she makes the palm print (maybe steadying herself against the wall while dragging him) in what looks like a sheet. It would also make sense that it slipped off her wrist into the washer while stuffing the towels, etc in. I hope that makes sense, but that's what I think happened with the camera.

This large format of a camera will not fit on the wrist. It weighs several pounds and would be far too bulky. It's not just a point and shoot camera.
Darryl testified that after Jodi left and went to the salon she came back to return his remote. So I'm thinking he is sending a message to Jodi that Juan knows she got her hair dyed at the salon and he has proof. Something for her to ponder over this weekend. jmo

I'm not sure if you were one that brought it up, but about DB - he DID say he went with Jodi to a dinner for the 48 hours interview. This had to be before her arrest, right? But she wouldn't have gotten the interview until she had been arrested.
Something's WRONG here, or can someone explain it to me???
I think this woman is so evil, I can't believe some people thiink she was abused, she kept running back for more, Travis never followed her, she is disgusting, I have followed the story since it became public, I think it is horrible what Travis's family has had to listen to. I just love all the hard work that is put into this site, my final thought, Arias seems to complain lots about not getting vaginal sex, my thought's on that, probably Travis was terrified she would get pregnant, what a thought. I also think her mother's behaviour in court is so rude.
Funny, I always assumed that she was referring to gimp. It's often used as tiebacks for curtains as well as other fabric decoration. If you want to know what it is, google "gimp trim" (incude the word "trim" or you will get a million references to a computer program called gimp). I can see having yards and yards of this available in your house. There are thousands of types of gimp.

IMO...there was no tie me up games that day...and yes..she brought the high jumps in his closet.
I'll be there too! I'm so excited! I hope we all get in!

KBisME! Yeah, I am so thrilled to get this opportunity. I actually considered coming next week since so many of us will be there, but then thought better- what would be the fun of that- I'd miss meeting a whole bunch of my WS friends!
I am new to site, this being my first post. I have watched every day of the trial, if not live streaming, I will watch it on you-tube when I get home from work.
So getting to my point, yesterday I was watching JM's creation of the decoded message, and at one point, I went directly to JM's final creation (the complete message in correct order). I stopped the recording so I could read the message, and as I was reading, I realized that unless you knew what the message said, you would have stumbled as you were reading it because the message is broken up. I then turned on voice and heard JA read the message and she seemed to breeze through it.

So why don't all of you WSs try it. Turn off the sound and read it and if it was your first time. And then listen to Jodi read it. She was in her confident mode, but she well knew what that message said. I wonder if JM will be able to bring on a handwriting analysis on rebuttal.
Would you get your nails nicely done if stabbing were on the agenda? I wouldn't.

You might not, because you're a sleuth and you know better. Jodi had magical-thinking that the murder was going to go down like a movie, IMO.
I am new to site, this being my first post. I have watched every day of the trial, if not live streaming, I will watch it on you-tube when I get home from work.
So getting to my point, yesterday I was watching JM's creation of the decoded message, and at one point, I went directly to JM's final creation (the complete message in correct order). I stopped the recording so I could read the message, and as I was reading, I realized that unless you knew what the message said, you would have stumbled as you were reading it because the message is broken up. I then turned on voice and heard JA read the message and she seemed to breeze through it.

So why don't all of you WSs try it. Turn off the sound and read it and if it was your first time. And then listen to Jodi read it. She was in her confident mode, but she well knew what that message said. I wonder if JM will be able to bring on a handwriting analysis on rebuttal.

she read it like she wrote it... 'cause she did :) (imo!)

welcome to WS!! :greetings:
I believe JA getting her nails done was just a front/ruse to getting the Brazilian wax and maybe the hair color also.

Of the three services (nails, waxing, hair color), the waxings seems to be the only thing one couldn't do for oneself [just guessing here!]. JMO w/no Brazilian waxing experience - ouchy at the thought!
I think Jodi Arias used a timer to take the nude photos of herself but either way she is not an attractive nude and in fact looked downright skanky.
Hair color would be pretty expensive at a shop , when you can stop at Walmart for hair color. There is a receipt from Walmart with two $9.92 unidentified charges. She may need 2 packages of hair colors for all of her hair.
Anyone from Walmart here that can identify the item NEUUS85BNS from the receipt?
Also on the receipt 3 facial cleansers. I wonder why 3.
She also purchased another gas can.


The NEUUS85BNS purchases are Neutrogena Ultra Sheer 85 SPF sunscreen.

There are 2 facial cleaners, not 3; the picture you posted has a little bit of the receipt copied twice.
Some have speculated she may have OCD.

Psychopathy has a controlling component to it. That's just what they do.

If he wants up piss her off beyond measure Juan could just move the stuff around in front of her to show her evidence ( diary)

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I am new to site, this being my first post. I have watched every day of the trial, if not live streaming, I will watch it on you-tube when I get home from work.
So getting to my point, yesterday I was watching JM's creation of the decoded message, and at one point, I went directly to JM's final creation (the complete message in correct order). I stopped the recording so I could read the message, and as I was reading, I realized that unless you knew what the message said, you would have stumbled as you were reading it because the message is broken up. I then turned on voice and heard JA read the message and she seemed to breeze through it.

So why don't all of you WSs try it. Turn off the sound and read it and if it was your first time. And then listen to Jodi read it. She was in her confident mode, but she well knew what that message said. I wonder if JM will be able to bring on a handwriting analysis on rebuttal.

:seeya: Welcome Rosebud She tried to make it sound like she was reading it for the first time.. like a grocery list or something, I cant explain it. KWIM?
She sure got over her fear, immediately after murdering Travis one of her goals was to become a responsible gun owner! So she bought a 9mm and planned a little vaca with men she feared she may need it for....

4 years and that's what she comes up with?

That was a masterful line of questioning by Juan.

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I've heard the talking heads complain about JM's line of questioning, but I absolutely love it. He jumps from topic to topic, and it's clearly rattling JA. She does quite well (if you can call it that) with Nurmi's methodical line of questioning from point A to Z. Juan doesn't operate that way and she's slipping up and can't seem to remember a darn thing anymore.

Like me, I hope the jury is taking notice of her amazing frappie memories to not knowing the name of the salon, or even how long she was there (besides hours and hours).

Brilliant I tell ya, just brilliant.

JMHO of course.

I am on my way to Arizona, leaving Southern California in about an hour! I am staying with my friends in Chandler and will get to the courthouse bright and early Monday morning. Will see you soon Katie and Pasa, and hopefully other fellow Websleuthers~ Frigga :)

ETA will Anita Richman be there too?

If I make it for the afternoon session, will there be a secret handshake or something? Or how will I know the WS people? :)
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