jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #51 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Its funny how we always digress back to the "stab first/shot first" debate whenever there is a break in the trial. :floorlaugh:
Since an internet search engine brought me to these Arias threads & a posting about the accused's planets, I assume an astrological comment is acceptable. Of course I charted the event of the murder since we had the rare benefit of a time stamp for that. A powerful malefic Fixed Star was rising, Serpentis, known as a "pest & terror to society". That certainly resembles the opinion of defendant Arias among the victim's
friends, relatives and associates. This rising degree is ruled by both Mars and Pluto.

Mars was in the House of Travel and the progressed Sun of Arias was with it, both at
14° Leo.
Deny it she may but we already know that Travis Alexander's trip to Cancun was an
inflammatory issue between them. You will not be at all surprised to know that the event chart tells us that Arias deliberately chose the moment her victim was nude, wet and indisposed, to strike, Venus combust the Sun ruling him in opportunity sextile to her, Mars 14° Leo. (Sun 14:44 II, Venus 13:37 II). When we are combust, we are unable to act as we would choose to, incapacitated. Mercury, the intent in this event, is on the House of Homicide. The Moon in Cancer is far inside that Homicide House and opposite the other Arias ruler, Pluto. The Moon at 2° 01' Cancer is again in opportunity sextile with Saturn at 2° 37' Virgo in the House of Execution. Uranus sits in the House of Endings, at the same degree as the lunar nodes, denoting fatality.
The chart decidedly does NOT show that the camera was dropped, another fabrication. The Cancer Moon (Sun Sign of Arias) was Out of Bounds that day and Mars and Pluto were contra-parallel: a single minded, focused premeditation to kill.

:seeya::seeya::seeya: Was always a fan of the Astrology thread and a few others - good to see you here! Very interesting post as usual!
Me, I would have been a naked fighting MF, no way would I be compliant to sit down (That's almost like getting in the car), yeah he made mistakes that cost him his life if Jodi was the one and only person there.

He was a motivational speaker, he could have talked his way to a vantage point.

Before everyone gets mad at me, I do think she had help and a partner in crime, otherwise it makes Travis out to be wimpy and not able to handle himself which I do not think was the case.

Wow....just wow....

I'll hope for your sake, you never find out.

Had help???? Ok. Jodi is gonna take responsibility for the whole thing because that's just what psychopaths do.



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Did she only have one bullet? Did the gun jam? Why wouldn't she just shoot him some more? When did she have time to go get the knife once the gun didn't work? How does this happen in the small space of time the attack took place? How do you explain the lack of blood/swelling, etc, of the brain that the ME testifies to? I am always open to differing opinions, but I am confused by why you think she would turn to knives once the gun didn't work, instead of continuing with the gun. :waitasec:

I think she might have had more bullets with her but took them when she left. According to this transcript:

Police executed a search warrant on her mothers home after the arrest. they found a box of .25 bullets. If you read the transcript, police are watching her grandparents house. They think she might flee. They observe Jodi come outside and talk to a female in a car. They believe the female to be her Mom. I bet she passed them to her Mom or told her where to find them. But since there is no gun, they can't link those bullets to the gun.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet buy WOW her eyes are just like Richard Ramirez! Actually they resemble one another in more ways then one.
He liked candy too! I was just reading about him on crime punishment.
Because she stupid! Have you been listening to her lie? She's not exactly the brightest bulb in the box.

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ITA and I think she watches a lot of movies and gets her ideas from there.. I forget the last movie I saw with a stabbing scene but they usually get stabbing in the midsection and quickly keel over or at least don't do much struggling. I think JA had no idea how difficult it was going to be and how much of a fight TA would put up..
MOO :)
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Oh who? LOL I can't imagine who you are talking about? They guy sitting in prison in Nevada for stealing, Kidnapping? hahahhaha sheeeeesh..
I understand.. what you mean.. unfortunately there were STILL drops of blood that busted him.. Well busted him for that moment.. not at the trial unfortunately.

According to Beth Karas, there was no, absolutely no blood, drops, smears, etc, in the rest of the house. That is why I summarize that she took a shower in the master bathroom. Just going with the evidence as it has been presented. :)


BBM- I believe it was testified that there was a small amount of blood in another bathroom downstairs on the sink area. But very little like a drop or so.
Since an internet search engine brought me to these Arias threads & a posting about the accused's planets, I assume an astrological comment is acceptable. Of course I charted the event of the murder since we had the rare benefit of a time stamp for that. A powerful malefic Fixed Star was rising, Serpentis, known as a "pest & terror to society". That certainly resembles the opinion of defendant Arias among the victim's
friends, relatives and associates. This rising degree is ruled by both Mars and Pluto.

Mars was in the House of Travel and the progressed Sun of Arias was with it, both at
14° Leo.
Deny it she may but we already know that Travis Alexander's trip to Cancun was an
inflammatory issue between them. You will not be at all surprised to know that the event chart tells us that Arias deliberately chose the moment her victim was nude, wet and indisposed, to strike, Venus combust the Sun ruling him in opportunity sextile to her, Mars 14° Leo. (Sun 14:44 II, Venus 13:37 II). When we are combust, we are unable to act as we would choose to, incapacitated. Mercury, the intent in this event, is on the House of Homicide. The Moon in Cancer is far inside that Homicide House and opposite the other Arias ruler, Pluto. The Moon at 2° 01' Cancer is again in opportunity sextile with Saturn at 2° 37' Virgo in the House of Execution. Uranus sits in the House of Endings, at the same degree as the lunar nodes, denoting fatality.
The chart decidedly does NOT show that the camera was dropped, another fabrication. The Cancer Moon (Sun Sign of Arias) was Out of Bounds that day and Mars and Pluto were contra-parallel: a single minded, focused premeditation to kill.

Wow this is good stuff. Had no idea astrology could tell you these things. Don't know if I believe in all that and sure it is not admissible in a court proceeding but very interesting nonetheless. Thank you.
As for hand defensive wounds, how do you explain no DNA in any of his fingernails?
Have you seen the autopsy photos of the hand wounds? They ARE definitely defensive wounds, blocking a knife attack.
I'm a "disbeliever" in the "he was shot first" theory.

Before slitting Travis' right jugular vein and right carotid artery, Travis only had one potentially lethal stab wound. This was the deeper stab to his right chest causing a hemothorax (created a hole in his lung which begin to fill with blood). Once Jodi penetrated his right lung, Travis began to experience an extreme shortage of air and he began coughing profusely. He was no longer able to successfully defend himself.

As Travis was gasping for breath and coughing up blood everywhere, Jodi stabbed him repeatedly, but she only penetrated muscle (the autopsy stated the wounds were not greater than 1.5 inches depth).

As Travis crawled down the hall, Jodi mounted him and slit his throat. This would not have immediately killed Travis though. He would have continued to gurgle and sputter for air until his circulatory system failed. This could have taken a few minutes. Jodi pulled Travis back into the shower where Travis gurgled and gasped until Jodi shot him in the head. :(

(The blood all over the walls is from Travis' hemothorax and the coughing.)

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

I totally agree with you, I'm a stabbed first person, but the ME report that someone (minor4th?) posted earlier shows no wounds to his lungs. Which I find rather strange, unless there's another way for the blood to fill his lungs, or the blood was spurting out from his chest. (gross)
I think she might have had more bullets with her but took them when she left. According to this transcript:

Police executed a search warrant on her mothers home after the arrest. they found a box of .25 bullets. If you read the transcript, police are watching her grandparents house. They think she might flee. They observe Jodi come outside and talk to a female in a car. They believe the female to be her Mom. I bet she passed them to her Mom or told her where to find them. But since there is no gun, they can't link those bullets to the gun.

The .25 bullets were found at the grandparents. Her parents had the ammo for the 9mm pistol she bought.
One of Jodi's stab wounds was not superficial and made it through his pectoral muscle and ribs. This stab punctured his right lung. Once this happened, Travis was unable to fight a knife-wielding woman. He was too busy coughing up blood, gasping for air, and experiencing excruciating pain.

I understand that, follow along for a second. We know that from the pics and time stamps that there was at least a couple of minutes from when she started taking pics to when he was actually sitting in shower alive. Highly doubtful she is holding a knife on him, so she has the gun trained on him...gunshot would come first...but there are at least two minutes to talk his way out...For God's sake, even if he had to lie and tell Jodi everything she wanted to hear, being compliant verbally, I can not see how he could not talk his way out.
Its funny how we always digress back to the "stab first/shot first" debate whenever there is a break in the trial. :floorlaugh:

It is...
I can also tell Its going to be an early night;) for me.
It's extremely difficult to have the exact same conversation a thousand times.

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Beautifully said! Unfortunately there is no sense in the throws of an insane situation. I do believe this max. insanity. Jodi's best weapon against a big man was the element of surprise and her premeditation to carry her "Plan" to kill him. Travis was clueless.

One can not apply rationality to total irrationality. One will drive one crazy.


It makes sense to me that she would stab him in the heart first. The Knife is a much more intimate weapon than the gun,the heart is where she wanted him to feel pain.
There was also a Defense Motion to Allow the Jury to Consider Polygraph Results during Sentancing Phase. What is that all about? For real?

IIRC, it was denied. Polygraphs are normally not permitted as evidence in a court of law.
Being a psychopath, it wouldn't surprise me if she passed one.
The .25 bullets were found t the grandparents. Her parents had the ammo for the 9mm pistol she bought.
Taken from that transcript:

Another thing, Jean Casarez. Did cops, as they were secretly watching the grandparents` home -- did they see her having a conversation with her mother out in the car?

CASAREZ: Yes, they did, a woman they believed was her mother. Another thing from these police incident reports, they later executed a search warrant on her mother`s home, her parents` home. They found a box of .25- millimeter bullets in that home.

GRACE: Man, was that brought into the jury in the state`s case in chief?

CASAREZ: Not that I know of, no.

GRACE: I`m just very surprised and concerned all of this has not gone in front of the jury. But again, maybe the state`s holding it back for rebuttal.

Here`s another twist on that, Jean Casarez. Can the mother be called to testify as to what her daughter told her in that car? Would she tell the truth, or would she lie to save her daughter`s skin, Jean Casarez?

CASAREZ: Well, an interesting point is, it was the mother that was inquiring, and the reports do not say who she was inquiring to, but she was asking about the gun her daughter had hidden in the car. So Jodi`s mother knows information.
No I think he should have knocked her the *uck out, maybe he was too nice. No way do I think Jodi could have the upper hand UNLESS he was sleeping, not with a knife at least.

She stabbed him when he had a towel over his face. Suprise attack/sucker punch. First wound to the chest would have killed him after a couple minutes. Not to mention shock while she continued stabbing.

No problem if you believe shot first, but lets not claim a woman can't drop a man with a well placed stab wound.
Jodi said she went over in the afternoon, after she got off work. She would not commit to what time she got off work, but like you said, if she went in at 10:30 and only worked 4 hours, then she gets off work at 2:30. It is a minimum 25 minute drive from Mimi's to Travis' house (see google maps link:, putting Jodi at Travis' house at 3:00 p.m. at the very earliest.

From 3:00 p.m, she had 53 minutes to arrive, go in and help him pack boxes in the attic - she said she was handing him boxes while he took them up to the attic; receive the porcelain angel from him (and didn't he sign it or something), "hang out" and put the angel down long enough to forget it when she left; leave and drive away, remember the angel and drive back to Travis' house, go inside, walk upstairs, and see Travis engaged in masturbatory conduct; freak out, cry, and get back in her car to leave.

Then she called him twice before he responds. And the content of the messages that evening indicate that Jodi was not there at all that afternoon. It looks to me like Jodi called Travis around 4, probably when she got off work, and she did not see him before FHE. I think she went back over there that night after Travis said he couldn't talk.

Here are the text messages and phone calls from Jan 21, with the time between the afternoon calls/texts inserted for reference :

1/21/08-3:53pm- Jodi calls Travis
(16 minutes)
1/21/08- 4:09pm- Jodi calls Travis
(20 minutes)
1/21/08-4:29pm- Travis returns Jodi’s call
(24 minutes)
1/21/08-4:53pm- Jodi calls Travis
(1 minute)
1/21/08-4:54pm -Travis returns Jodi’s call
(17 minutes)
1/21/08-5:11pm - Travis returns Jodi’s call
(9 minutes)
1/21/08-5:20pm- Travis calls Jodi
(18 minutes)
1/21/08-5:38pm- Jodi says: I can’t remember am I coming in for u on Wed at 10:30?
(10 minutes)
1/21/08 -5:48pm -Travis calls Jodi
(5 minutes)
1/21/08 -5:53pm -Jodi returns Travis’s call
(48 minutes)
1/21/08-6:41pm- Jodi says: Can we trade cars before FHE?

1/21/08-7:19pm- Jodi says: Never mind. One of the stores I need to go to closes at 8pm. I’ll just go tomorrow.

1/21/08-7:20pm- Jodi resends 7:19pm text message

1/21/08-7:24pm- Travis says: I got a ride from some peeps in the ward now you can just go get it. Let me know when you made the exchange.

1/21/08-7:25pm- Jodi says: I’m almost asleep. Well see Zzz…

1/21/08-7:27pm- Travis says: You obviously don’t need it that bad. I got a ride so you could go get the car. Now you’re going to sleep?

1/21/08-7:29pm- Jodi says: I fell asleep and a phone call woke me up. That’s when I sent u the text.

1/21/08-7:36pm- Jodi says: I have a really bad headache. I can barely move.

1/21/08-9:11pm- Travis says: Alright get it tomorrow then.

1/21/08-9:16pm- Jodi says: Can you talk right now?

1/21/08-9:17pm- Travis says: Not right now

She can "barely move" because her head hurts so bad, yet she wants to know if Travis can "TALK right now". I don't know about you, but if I have a headache so bad that I can barely move - I certainly DON'T want to carry on a conversation either!!!

Jodi is playing games here. She's used the car excuse so she could SEE Travis. When that didn't work out, she ditched the car idea and now wants to TALK.
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