jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #66 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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We only wish it was an hour! I am being very selfish right now, because I have to take my dad for chemo tomorrow and I'll be gone all day. I am hoping that he takes at least today and tomorrow, so I won't miss the the good stuff. Numi and JA both get on my last nerve. (and 1st nerve too)

Also I am changing the sunject for a min. to ask what BBM stands for?

Beth Karas looks beautiful today in red. Love, love, love me some Beth Karas

The other day, someone asked the same question. They said they googled it and found "Body by Mattell". :giggle:

It means "Bolded by Me".

I kind of like "Body by Mattell" :giggle:
Good morning everyone :) well I really can't think of any way Nurmi can undo what has been done by Juan Martinez. He destroyed every lie JA told. OH WOW I just had a thought, I really hope Nurmi does not keep her up there forever again! I wonder if they/JA and KN have only a certain amount of time, like maybe an hour ????

I think the defense will try again to convince everyone the finger injury was prior to murder day. For some reason they seem convinced the jury will buy that as "evidence" that TA was abusive at times. I really think they see it as a documented injury, just because Jodi claims it happened.

But ya know...these defense attorneys have a job to do, and very little to work with. I would feel more respect for them, however, had they chosen a different defense...maybe temporary insanity or some such claim, that would not have required maligning the victim.
I wonder what JA's explanation will be about why the bullet casing ended up in a pool of blood.
Under cross, she said something along the lines of "that is not how it ended up.." like she had another explanation for it that JM didn't even want to hear (because we know its garbage) I'm wondering why she will say was the reason... and if its a detailed reason considering the fact that she was in her fog and all...
We only wish it was an hour! I am being very selfish right now, because I have to take my dad for chemo tomorrow and I'll be gone all day. I am hoping that he takes at least today and tomorrow, so I won't miss the the good stuff. Numi and JA both get on my last nerve. (and 1st nerve too)

Also I am changing the subject for a min. to ask what BBM stands for?

Beth Karas looks beautiful today in red. Love, love, love me some Beth Karas

BBM : Bolded By Me
I agree 100%. I think this is why Travis' text messages to her in May show so much pain and hurt in them...because if you are wrongly accused of being a pedophile, by someone who's supposed to be your friend, nothing would be more hurtful or a bigger betrayal, IMO. I think Travis quickly saw he was going to have to go on the defense for what she was threatening him with, and his anger was likely over the top. I think that's why his messages are somewhat cryptic...he sure didn't want to write the words "you've accused me of being a pedophile" in his messages!

Well, I think the court of public opinion who has been following the trial has said not guilty!

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Yay! Pot roast is in the slow cooker! Today is the first day, well first weekday, since I started watching the trial that I have conquered dinner! :fence:
That argument doesn't always ring true, unfortunately. My ex was abusive towards me but he never exhibited any of the same tactics with his first wife (like stalking, threats of violence or death, suicide threats, etc.). However, an overwhelming majority of abusers have certain personality traits like an expectation of entitlement, a sense of superiority, rigid definitions of gender roles, a contempt for the opposite sex, passive aggressive anger, control issues, etc. No matter who they are engaged with it is very difficult for an abuser to hide these flaws even if they're not outwardly abusive to their current partner.

Travis could be cocky - which I personally find rather endearing. There is nothing I can find though in any of his writings, in any account of friends and family, or even in Jodi's testimony consistent with an abusive personality. Just the opposite, literally. No sense of possession or control of Jodi, no seeking to make the relationship permanent very quickly, no stalking behaviors when she moved back to Cali, no threats of suicide if she left him, no checking her phone and hacking her online accounts, no following her, no warning guys off, Jodi really does fit the bill! ;)

AARRGGHH, don't like to think about that! I just assumed that one would have to learn somewhat gradually what works best at controlling & manipulating other people. Like a teenage boy who does poorly at controlling a girlfriend in high school, but becomes a champ in his thirties. I'm glad to have someone like you here who can point at the reality of it, but wish you had not had to learn the hard way.

I agree totally about your assessment of Travis. I also think it's important that he was a motivational speaker. It fits with the idea that he was a positive-thinking person and was not on the look out for behavior like Jodi's.
What is the point of TruTV only showing TWO hours of In Session. They might as well not show anything at all.

I might be kind of grumpy this Monday morning lol.

Lemme start over.

Good morning, everyone!!! :hug:
Is anyone else besides me tired of gas cans being involved in these high profile murder trials??? Geeezzz.
Yep ... I'm just using the gas cans to try and figure out how Arias ran up an extra 300 miles on the rental car in addition to the specified route.
Can someone send a link to where we can watch today? I understand trutv has bombed out and not showing the trial anymore :)
Oo...where to go?? Thanks

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Ok i just dwñld tap talk so yippie i wont miss today

Sent from my LG-MS770 using Tapatalk 2

You will love it! It is unbelievable! and so many others can help you if you have questions. Either on the boards, as it helps everyone else with your questions.. or in a private message. I would have never known about this application and less someone had posted about it. Also, I do voice recognition text to talk on my smartphone so I don't even have to talk! Downside is, I make lots of typos that I never correct.:(

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I find it interesting that most of the time when JM refers to the gas cans, he will say "the gas cans that you CLAIM were in the trunk of the car." Wonder what he's going to bring out about that.

He also asked her at least 3-4 times if they were "in the back" when she said the trunk. I wonder what Juan has up his sleeve?
I totally agree with you. She lacks any emotion I would expect from one recounting their abuse. IME its something :twocents::rias-travis-alexander-murder-trial-jury-selected-sworn[/url]

Jumping off your post, as DV victim, for years I cried every time I thought or talked about it and I had nightmares all the time. Now I can talk about it easily enough but I now get angry when I do and it shows. JMO.:twocents:
i can not find trial on tv anywere! what is cnn thinking? cut us off and hln not on either. help anyone see it on tv . i am in fl
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