jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #52 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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She sent Travis grandma twenty Irises and a note with her prayers.....
How absolutely awful and twisted...poor grandma....

The only thing less tactful would have been to send 27 irises.
Nurmi says "lunch, finally, Now I don't have to hear my client go on and on like a blabbering idiot".

That's his REAL reason for lunch.

Free Jodi so she can slaughter again? You are on wrong site.
Very interesting that she called Matt M right after the murder. I hope we get back to the magazines sometime today - Matt is in DEEP
Okay I don't normally post much and haven't posted at all during this trial but.........this woman is the epitomy of evil!!! :furious:

This may have been answered already and if it has I apologize in advance. Can someone tell me why she looks away every time she answers Juan? It's extremely irritating! jmo

Looking down or to her right? When she answers questions she looks to the jury, almost every time. Both on direct and cross-examination. Trying to "connect with the jury".
February 25, 2013

Defence CIC

Jodi Arias cross examination by Juan Martinez--Day 2

Morning testimony

--Nurmi wants to make a record, Dave Hall is in the courtroom. He provided HLN with a copy of a video of Travis shooting a gun. Hall is asked to provide the court with the video. Martinez asks that Hall will be asked to testify as a rebuttal witness because he will testify that Travis did not own a gun and had to borrow his when they went shooting.
--Nurmi says that Hall is not a viable and reliable witness because he has watched the trial. Judge tells Nurmi he can discuss this with Hall when he is on the stand. Because Hall will be called as a rebuttal witness he is asked to leave the court room and not watch anything.
--Dave Hall leaves the court room.
<live feed is cutting out>
--Jodi takes the stand and the jury is brought in.
--JM starts by saying "Ma'am, you have trouble telling the truth don't you?". Murmi objects, arguementative, overruled.
--JM asks Jodi about Exhibit 378, information she told Det. Flores during interview before she was arrested.
--In the interview Flores is asking JA about information about the murder that has not been released to the public. JA tells Flores that she would help them in any way that they can.
--JM asks if Jodi was there to help and she says "I guess it depends what help means".
--JA confirms that what she told Flores was not the truth.
--JA says that she was talking to Flores against her will.
--JM asks her if she could have chosen not to talk to him.
--JM says that she had the opportunity not to talk to him and she chose to talk to him.
--One of the things she told Flores was that she was never at the crime scene.
--She says she lied because she was ashamed. JM: just because you were ashamed justifies that you lied?
--JA says again that she was ashamed when she was arrested.
--JM asks if she has problems with her memory from what she said a couple of minutes ago.
--Biggest part of the shame was killing Travis? JA says that was one of them. JM says There were other things other than killing TA that you felt shame?
--JM says that there is nothing Flores ever did to get her to say what she said.
--JM asking if she has memory problems again about what she said back on July 15, 2008.
--Nurmi objects, argumentative. Sustained.
--JM asks again if the detective did anything during the interview to get her to lie. JA says: no
--JA had said the reason she lied was that she was thinking of her family. JA says that was one of the reasons. JM asks if that was a good reason to lie.
--The way it was conveyed is that it was a good excuse to lie. JA says she didn't mean it that way.
--JM asks JA about her family and how she was worried what they would think. JM asks her if she was worried more about herself than anything.
--JM says that she lied to benefit her...JA says it was not to benefit her. Says it hurt her to lie.
--JM says she took a chance by lying. JM says she was hoping that Flores would believe what she was saying so that she could walk out of jail.
--JA assumed that the video would become public one day and didn't want her family to see it.
--JM says well we are seeing it now and there are television cameras there.
--JA says that time has changed, that there has been an internal change.
--JM says that back on July 15, 2008 she lied and the internal change allowed her to lie back then.
--This internal issue that you had, that made it in your mind, okay to lie back on July 15, 2008. JM asks her if she considered it bad. JA says she did.
--JA says she talked to herself that it was bad and JM says that when she talks to herself nobody can hear her.
--In the interview she talks about whether or not she had been in Arizona and she lied. She didn't want to admit she was in Arizona was because she knew she had killed TA. She gave excuse after excuse.
--JA says she lied about being there and JM says she lied because it was to her benefit.
--JA denies the reason that it was to her benefit.
--JM asks her about in the moment at that time it didn't change anything. JA says it did change something. JM again asks her what changed on that day.
--JA says it probably changed her whole future. JM says he is not asking about her future, he is asking about that day.
--JM reminds JA that the next day she had another chance to talk to Flores, voluntarily.
--JM reminds JA about Flores showing her photographs, Flores provided her with more information about the murder.
--JA has said that she is not sophisticated with dealing with law enforcement and JM asks her if that gives her an excuse to lie.
--JA says it is not an excuse and JM reminds her that she brought it up under direct examination.
--JM reminds her that on July 16, 2008 Flores asked her questions and she was answering. JM asks her if she understood what Flores was asking. JA says "mostly, yes". She says that she understood the words but not the meaning of the questions.
--JM asks her if she changed her story to benefit her. She was still in jail and nothing had changed. JA says she doesn't remember.
--JM asks her again if she has a memory problem. JM asks her how is that since she talked for days on end on direct exam about the sex stuff and didn't have any memory problems then.
--JM asks her if she had a great memory on direct exam when asked about TA's sexual situations.
--JM reminds her that she was able to remember the dates of the oral sex and that was before July 16, 2008. JM reminds her that was in 2006 and she has a good memory for events that occurred before July 17, 2008. JA says that is because she memorized them. JA says that she did this by using photographs. JA says that it was photographs from the Las Vegas convention that she used to remind herself of the dates and memorize them.
--JM asks her if she has a memory of the first time she had oral sex with TA and she says she does and remember where it was. That event was before July 16, 2008 and she didn't have too much of a memory problem with that.
--JM asks her about her memory of July 16, 2008 and JA says it is based on what she has reviewed. JM asks her if everything from July 16, 2008 is based on what she reviewed and JA says not everything.
--JM asks her if she remembers she lied and she says she did.
--JM says that Flores had already told her about the fingerprints and hair and DNA analysis and the photograph with her foot...JM asks her if she denys it is her foot in the photo and she says she does not deny it. JM asks her if that was when she changed her story and JA admits to conforming her story to the forensic evidence.
--JM asks her if it was a good excuse to lie because the detective is giving her forensic evidence. JA says no.
--JM asks if her goal was not to go to prison. JA says no. Not on earth. JM asks
--JA says "I was trying to kill myself, I think".
--JM says that she has talked about killing herself quite a few times.
--JA says she knicked herself with a razor but it stung. JM reminds her that is what she said on direct exam.
--JM says asks her if she can imagine how much it must have hurt Travis when she stuck that knife into his chest. Nurmi objects. Sustained. Lawyers approach.
--JM asks if she considered the consquences of her lie. JA says No and JM say that's because it was all about you.
--JM now asking her about the Ninja story, in it she never mentioned anything about taking a photo or running down the hallways. She said said she was down and somebody hit her on the head, she heard a pop. She heard TA moaning or uttering some words. She says screaming. JM reminds her that she said that TA was on all fours and not moving. JM says she was able to get out of is what she told Flores and the reason she told him was because she didn't want to be charged. JA says that's not the reason. JM asks her if she wanted to be charged. <JA is acting confused about the question>. JM asking JA if her feelings of embarassment were more important than telling the truth.
--JA says that she was thinking of shame, it was part of the reason. JA it was shame for herself. JA is ashamed she killed TA and was ashamed it would get out that she was the person who killed TA.
--JM says that her feeling were so strong back then that it was a good excuse for her lies.
--JM says that her feeling ashamed was more important then for telling the truth.
--JM Your feeling of being ashame was so strong back then it overrode telling the truth. JM says that it's no excuse but she still chose to to it becuase it benefitted her.
--JM is asking her about her testimony for nine days and JA says that somebody told her that somebody told her it was nine days, it's not what she knows. JM now asking her if she is telling us things because she knows them or because somebody told her. JA says that somebody told her she was on the stand for nine days and that's how she knows it.
--re: interview with Flores, JM says that the reason she lied back then was because she didn't want the stuff to come out about Travis, so JM asks her if that was a good excuse. JA says no.
--JM says that the detective isn't the only person she lied to and JA says she lied to everyone. JM asks her if she lied to Ryan and she says she did. JM says that in order to see if the spark was there she went all the way to Utah and JA says that was not the reason she went there. JA says that Ryan was an after thought. JM says well he was an alibi then. JA says he wasn't.
--JA says Ryan was an after thought after June 4th, prior to that Ryan was the reason for the trip. She says that going to see Ryan was the reason for the trip. JM confirms that she had not been on dates with Ryan. They had telephone calls, instant messaging and text messages.
--When she got to Utah she had to keep up the facade. JM asks her if the story about her getting lost was a lie. She says she did get lost. JM asks her where she got lost. JA says her understanding...JM doesn't want to know her understanding..he wants an answer. JM asks her when was the first time she realized she was lost. JA says it was when she tied to power on her phone. JM asks her if it was when she had pulled over on the side of the road. JA says she just drove.
--JM asks her if she called Ryan...
--JM asks her if the first person she called was Matt MCCartney. She says yes. JM asks her if Matt is an ally. JA told 48 hours that Matt would not betray her. JM asks her if Matt is somebody who would not betray her. JA believes he would not betray her. With respect to the call to MM he was a person who would not betray her about the call she made to him.
--JM asks her about getting out of the car and cleaning up. JM says she knew she had killed TA at that point and JA says she can't really say. JA says it's kind of not there. She wasn't there in her head. JM says she was there enought to call Matt and then Ryan. JM says she was there enough to make a call to Travis. She was there for those purposes but cannot say what she was thinking.
--JM aks about when she got out and washed her hands. JA says she had blood on her hands and her feet.
--JM says she had blood on her hands and was driving, she had been at TA's house, and there had been a fight, she did something to cause TA to bleed, wouldn't you think that the blood came from Travis? JA says she had cuts too. JA says she doesn't have an recall of stabbing TA.
--JA says she cut herself on June 4 before they went to bed, with a glass.
--JM asks JA if she is left handed. JA says she is both. JM reminds her that she told 48 hours she is left handed. JA says she is both depending on the activity.
--JM asks her about the phone some point she is able to make a call to Ryan and lies to him. She then drives to see him in Utah and gets there around 1100-1200 hours. JA thinks it was before noon.
--JM is asking JA that when she was in Utah she still doesn't know Travis is dead and JA says it's like she was not accepting it. JM says that accepting and knowing are two different things. JM says she knew but wasn't accepting. JA says it's not like that.
--JA says her mind wasn't right during that whole period. JM says the issue her was whether or not she knew he was dead. JA believes she knew he was dead. When she went to see Ryan she was the same person she was before. JA says she was not but was trying to portray that. JM says she was putting up a facade for him pretending to be happy and the reason she wanted to see if there was any spark with Ryan. JA says that it was the furthest thing from her mind. JM says well then the closest thing in your mind was that you killed TA.
--JM asking about the meeting with Ryan at the restaurant and when she went back to Ryan's place. This is in the afternoon. JA kisses Ryan and it's because she wants to put up a facade. JA says that's part of the reason. JM reminds her that is what she said on direct. One of the reason was the facade and the other was to see if there was a spark. JA says that's not right. JM says that she kissed Ryan knowing TA was dead.
--JA says that it's difficult because she had never killed anyone before and that is the reason she is having a hard time.
--JM says that if she didn't know he was dead then she just left him to die. JA says she doesn't believe that. JM says it's one or the other. At the time you were kissing Ryan did you know that TA was dead? JA says 'I tihnk I did" and JM says so you continued kissing Ryan and JA says she doesn't know. JA says she doesn't remember making out before they went out.
--JA and Ryan went to the evening business briefing...JM asks if that was when she drove with Leslie. JA doesn't remember. JM says when they went to that meeting is when she met up with Leslie and after they went to a restaurant.
--JM asks JA if she talked to Leslie. JM says she talked to Leslie for about an hour. JM says that she looked forward to the future when her kids and TA's kids could play together at PPL meetings. JM says, that was a lie, wasn't it? Nurmi objects, says she was hoping, it's not a definitive fact. Overruled.
--JA says it was a hope of hers. JM says for her to have that hope she believed that TA was alive at that time. JM asks her how she can say it was her hope when she knew TA was dead.
--JA says it was a hope of hers and the fact that he had died didn't change the hope it was just unrealistic.
--JM asks her if it was a lie and JA says it was her wish.
--JA also told Leslie that her and TA were great friends and never told her about what happened at his house.
--JM asks JA if she knows Mark Udy (spelling?), asks her about the cuts on her hands. JA says she had cuts on her right hand. JM asks her about cuts on her left. JA says she never had band aids on her left hand. JM asks if Udy was sitting next to her and would have been able to see her hands. JA says she did not have bandaids on her left hand. She doesn't remember if she had cuts, it's possible she says. There is a possibility that there could be and since JA says there is a possibility there could have been cuts.
--JA keeps insisting that she didn't have bandaids on her left hand, bandaids were on her right hand.
--Now back at Ryans, JM says that they went to sleep and woke up because she had set her alarm because she had to get up to get to work.
--Now when they woke up they were watching a movie and JM asks if they passionately kissing. JA says not passionately, just kissing.
--JM asks her about helping Ryan adjust himself. JA denies grinding Ryan. Now she says that they did grind....JM is trying to clarify grinding. JA says she fell asleep on top of him.
--JM is asking if her gentalia was on top of his. JA says she was on top of his stomach. JM asks her if her legs were spead. JA doesn't recall as they were in the love sac. JM asks if she was straddling him. JA thinks so.
--During the time she was on top of Ryan, there was some kissing, JA says no....she was sleeping.
<this is difficult because Jodi is dancing around the questions>
--JM asking JA if Ryan placed his hands between her legs. JA says that Ryan is full of crap when he says he got near her vaginal area.
--JM is pointing out all the people JA lied to and she is saying that somebody else is full of crap.
--After Utah Jodi drives back to Yreka and doesn't tell anybody what had happened. JA says that is correct.
--JA got a call on June 10th from Daniel Freeman who told her about Travis' death. JM asks if she lied to him. JA says "I guess". JM says she doesn't want her to guess. JM asks her if she told Daniel she is the person who killed Travis. Even though Daniel called her to talk to her about TA she omitted the fact that she had killed him. She kept it to herself. Daniel was upset when he called, Nurmi objects, speculation, sustained. JM asking her if she could tell Daniel was upset. JM asking if she could tell from Daniel's tone of voice that he was upset.
--JA says Daniel's voice was gentle. JM says she could have told Daniel she had killed TA. Instead what she chose to do was perpetuate the lie.
--JA called Bishop Leyton and asked Bishop whether or not Travis was dead. JM says she is calling as the grieving ex-girlfriend, somebody who cares. JM asks her why is she calling when she knew Travis was dead?
--JA says she called Bishop to find out what he knew. Part of the reason was to see what people knew.
--JM asks JA what purpose would there be to find out what Bishop knew...and that it would be to benefit her.
--JA says that she had a memory block. JM says he is asking her about the information and the reason.
--JA agrees that she called Bishop around 0300. JM says that the reason she called was to get informatin about the investigation. The information was going to help her in case something came of it.
--JA says part of the reason she called was to find out what happened that day as she had a memory block.
--JM asks her why she is asking somebody for second hand information when she has first hand information as she was there. Numerous objections from Nurmi, argumentative, Nurmi asks to approach the bench.
--JM asks JA who she called after the Bishop. JA says she called Gus. JM asks her about calling Leslie Udy. JM says she never told Leslie that she was at TA's on June 4, 2008.
--JM asks her if she went out of her way to contact Travis' family.
--JM asks her if she knows who Mum Mums is. JA says she does. Mum Mums is TA's grandmother. She raised Travis.
--JM says that JA sent Mum Mum 20 irises. Also attached a note. In the note JA indicated Mum Mums was in her prayers. JM asks her if this was a lie.
--JA says it wasn't a lie that she felt sorry for the grandmother.
--Mum Mums received the flowers on June 13, 2008. JA wrote this in her journal.
--JM says that JA told the grandmother she was sorry even though she had done it, she was still sending this out, and it was for JA's own benefit.
--JM asks JA if she knew grandmother was an older woman and JA says yes.


Before the feed cuts out I think I hear JM asking to approach. Feed comes back on and the lawyers are at the bench speaking with the judge.
I'm entertaining the idea that she had long pants and a long sleeve shirt on OVER shorts and a tank top, knowing the outer clothes would be bloody after butchering Travis. She could then whip off the bloody clothes for the drive to Utah. If she threw her bloody outer outfit on the floor of the rental car it would explain why she had to dispose of the floor mats.

I think her long sleeve shirt was why Travis had none of her DNA under his nails. :twocents:

This scene was so bloody that she would have been soaked through with blood. She could have been wearing 3 pairs of pants and 5 layers on top... and blood would have soaked through each layer. I think she just stripped them off in the bathroom washed up and put clean clothes on.
I can't imagine that she walked out of that house and got into a car with bloody clothes on.
I hope Juan hit home that she can't feel sympathy for Travis having died (ie sending flowers) and by the same token believe he deserved to die. She can't have both. If she felt he deserved to die (hence killing in self defense) then she can not exhibit sympathy in him having died. Completely contradicts itself.
in defense of prison, i think they are for the most part treated with dignty. the meals are budgeted but they do meet the states requirements and it's kept clean. in perryville she'll get better food $1.78/meal vs estrella jail at .$75/meal. they all work in perryville, idk about death row inmates. if i had a relative going to prison i would like to think they are not abused in there. juan is showing to the great lengths she went thru to cover it up. i think this is the first time in her life she has ever been called on her doublespeak. may she be put in perryville for the rest of her doublespeaking life.
Imagine what that lady felt like when she realized Jodi killed her grandson. What if the lady had a heart attack and died. She is the worst. She didn't send flowers because she cared. she wanted to blend in with everyone else grieving for Travis and keep the suspicion off of her. she was doing what she "had" to do. Imagine how it would look if the ex who was in love with him didn't show up? Thats why she sent the flowers.
Dang, Just tuning in. Did she take a Xanax? Her demeanor has done a 180!!

You missed one of the greatest courtroom cross examinations EVER!!

I don't care what's on TV tonight you've gotta watch it on Youtube. Hopefully someone will put it up!!

JM's foot on Jodi's head! :python:
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