jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #58 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I have the opposite response. She IS a worm under a magnifying glass, and that is exactly where she belongs. So for me, this treatment gives me no small amount of pleasure.

Ditto. She put herself in this position. She didn't have to kill Travis. She could have walked away.
I'm wondering at her motive for changing her testimony from direct?
She's got a reason - and she thinks it will benefit her.
What could it be?
I do NOT believe she is giving in - not at all.

It's simple, IMO. She can't keep her lies straight. She said as much a couple of times today.
That's not true. I asked my insurance agent and my BIL who's a state trooper.

Now when you say state trooper do you mean police or law enforcement?

I've only been watching the trial since last week and I didn't really know too much prior to that. Exactly WHY is there a sex tape? Did she record it?
My personality disordered ex who is in my estimation also psychopathic lived a torturous existence as a child. He was beaten until bones were broken, had urinated sheets hung to dry without being cleaned to show his friends how childish he was, had Christmas gifts kept on a shelf where he could see them until the following August with promises he could have them if he behaved but he never did well enough. In August they were donated to the Salvation Army. He was forced to eat what was on his plate and once vomited IN his food. He was forced to eat that as well. He was removed from the home at age 13 but by that point the damage was done. It was 1976.

I have empathy for my ex...which admittedly is difficult to maintain at times. It's more consistent to say I have empathy for the little boy he was. The grown man who could not or would not heal from such horrendous treatment CHOSE to abuse others. He CHOSE to rape his teenage niece. He CHOSE to call his own children bastards when he was angry and state they too should be beaten from the moment they were toddlers. He CHOSE to pull a gun on me twice. He CHOSE to lie, steal, manipulate, abuse and actively seek the ruination of anyone who loved him.

He, for the most part, was successful. But he chose every single decision he made to hurt another human being in any capacity. As such my empathy, for my own sanity, must also end at the point it became his CHOICE to do those things.

Obviously wholeheartedly my so not nearly impartial opinion.

Sorry to hear about all that pain. My Dad was brutally abused as well--his mother abandoned him to his alcoholic father when he was 2, he endured beatings, he never got new clothes, he was generally told how much he was hated on a daily basis, etc. But then HE CHOSE to brutalize my little brother, become an alcoholic, etc. etc. My mom is also personality disordered--and she made selfish choices as well.

Like you, compassion for the pain is there, but I don't have any compassion for people who live through tremendous agony and then inflict it blindly on others, esp. innocent children. I don't abuse my children, I didn't marry an abuser--so it's possible to make smart choices even when your childhood has been less than perfect. MOO
I'm wondering at her motive for changing her testimony from direct?
She's got a reason - and she thinks it will benefit her.
What could it be?
I do NOT believe she is giving in - not at all.

Her continued verbal sparring and smiling says she is not giving in. She's having a blast thinking she's running the show. I do not agree that she's getting anything over on Juan-he's handling her. She will think she is going to walk away until the guilty verdict is read. moo
Can you imagine the letters she will be writing him from jail? Now JM will be the one that got away.....:what:

Only if she starts saying "can you repeat the question, hottie biscotti"....
I really believe that if she's convicted her appeal will be based on mental illness. It might be the only thing that can be seen as truthful because she has to be crazy to play around like this in court.

Even people with mental illness know right from wrong. I doubt she can go back in an appeal and change her story. The appeal would be based on errors during the trial, not because they made a mistake claiming it was self defense.:seeya:
Think she'll stick with this method?

What might she try next?
If she thinks its working in her favor, yes. One thing that struck me her 1st day on the stand was how defiant and arrogant she came across. I said at the time how surprised I was because as a psychopath she should be able to manipulate better. She can and has since shown that defiant arrogance to simply be a strategy. I think she uses that to attempt to show the State's case is meaningless and so not worth her bothering her pesky little emotions worrying about. ;)

As for what's next. She's a psychopath. If she thinks stripping naked and dancing on the judge's bench is likely to win over the jury we're going to see it. (In other words, with her kind truly anything is possible.)

I predict uncontrollably 'emotional' Jodi will be present at the murder testimony but I was really expecting that persona the first day too and was wrong.
I've only been watching the trial since last week and I didn't really know too much prior to that. Exactly WHY is there a sex tape? Did she record it?

Yes, she recorded it on May 10, 2008
Observation: During Jodi's direct examination, we generally saw the same Jodi daily. Under cross, we see the many faces of Jodi Arias.

I absolutely agree! I don't think we've seen so many Jodis in one day, as we have today, though! We've had "defiant Jodi", "*advertiser censored* star lingo Jodi", "Sweet, helpful Jodi" "Wannabe Defense Atty Jodi". ALL before lunchtime!

Same ole JA today I see.


"Not the Police department because I would be on the highway"

JM needs to take a long mental health vacation after this trial.

I would likely have lunged at this recalcitrant :censored: right there in court by now!
CHP IS the police- they carry guns, and have full authority to arrest people:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Hi everyone.... newbie here.... when Juan asked the reptilian to give an example of a speeding ticket she'd received, I was waiting for him to pull out a copy of her driving record to verify or contradict her story.
I'd also like to add that most survivors of abuse do NOT go on to abuse others (some do, but it's estimated that the vast majority do NOT). So while I feel sympathy for the pain, too (being a survivor of abuse myself), I personally have ZERO sympathy for a survivor who goes on to harm another. Survivors have as much free will as anyone does.
He's a NYS Trooper. What is the difference? I thought they are the same.

LOL, did you miss the testimony from the defendant how police are different then law enforcement?
That's not true. I asked my insurance agent and my BIL who's a state trooper.

I worked for an insurance company and the joke years ago was do not buy a red car because they seemed to have more accidents. Is it true, don't know. Fact is if you are driving a red car you are more likely to get noticed. If she had a red mustang convertible it's a guarantee someone would remember seeing you. Plain colors, not so much. jmo
Can the family of TA file a civil suit against JA, so that she NOR her family can benefit financially from his murder? At the very second this trial is over?
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