jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #58 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

#JodiArias is here now, she has a green shirt on. I think I have seen this shirt before. We await the judge and jury.
This was way upstream - somewhere near the 2 sunscreens, 2 meals at in and out burger - there was more, but i forgot.

p.s. Lissa - you were the one who first mentioned her handwriting on Jan 24 wouldn't be perfect with a broken finger......good one!

Oh, Thanks!! :blushing: She testified that she's ambidextrous when it comes to writing, so there goes my theory. :silenced:
I keep going back to January 21 and January 22, IMO the two most important days in this case other than June 4.

JA gave us January 21 as the day she discovered Travis was a pedophile. Throughout every bit of JM exposing her as a sexual aggressor she has attempted to slide that big lie back in any way she can.

No mystery there. The lie portrays him as the ultimate sexual deviant, the breaker of an absolute moral taboo by anyone's standards, as someone who the jury could thus see not as a victim but as a dangerous predator capable of any sort of behavior.

JA then hands us January 22, the day the pedophile she portrays reveals himself capable of murderous physical abuse, that he attacks her because of the alleged events of January 21.

The DT's assertion of physical abuse is wrapped absolutely around the lie that Travis was a pedophile. Destroy the lie that Travis was a pedophile and a great deal of their defense crumbles.

So, focus on January 21 and 22. I've read and reread the chronology of those days as laid out in text msgs and phone calls. I have to believe that JM is reserving the testimony he elicited from her coupled with the evidence to slam her in his closing argument, when there is no possibility of having JA dilute its impact with her cra-p on the stand, or of the defense interrupting his narrative.

When pieced together, it is a fact that what she said happened on that day was simply impossible. It can't be disproved altogether that she saw him once that day, during the afternoon, though she might not have been there at all. What can be demonstrated was that she did not and could not have returned that same afternoon, and so could not possibly have seen him in his bedroom doing whatever.

It has already been proved that he did not desperately attempt to call her afterwards- he made no calls to her at all in the time period she alleges. He didn't ask her to come over that night- he was in fact being a good Mormon by going to a church gathering,and then socializing with friends until at least close to midnight. She badgered HIM about when she could talk to him that night, and he was not forthcoming about when that might be.

I'm less clear about the hour to hour chronology on Jan. 22. It might be that isn't possible to definitively refute with her own words what happened that day. What IS possible, and I think JM will get there, is to obliterate the pedophilia lie and if nothing else, decouple it from the physical abuse lie which he has also effectively attacked.

You are a real sleuther.....thank you for figuring this out!
Let's go. Yay. Shut up nurmi ...and a full cousin it hair curtain......sheeeeesh what a start
Re: the "bored" jury

Just because someone may 'appear' bored, it doesn't mean they aren't listening.

I was on a murder trial (obviously it didn't last nearly as long as this one is) and it does get very tedious and boring. It's hard to sit up straight and stare at the defendant and/or attorneys the entire time.

My body may have appeared checked out at times but my mind certainly wasn't. I took the duty very seriously and there was no way I was going to "tune out" information in a murder trial of which I was helping to decide the verdict.

I have faith in these jurors. They know their responsibility is great and I believe they are paying attention.
Morning gang!

How do you think Juan will approach the questioning regarding the murder? JA has said she doesn't remember, so is he gonna try to jog her memory with photos, or will they just keep going back and forth about her faulty memory? This will be quite interesting i suspect.

I think he should be using all the interragation video-the show videos. I personally think he is doing a great job. I think she did not like the fact he was bringing up all those video segments.....that is why she got her migraine.:waitasec:
oh carp - what's wrong with her. Hair curtain and all. Atty's at side bar.
Good morning everyone! :seeya:

Vinnie P. is crackin' me up this morning.

bexlex, love your Grumpy Cat avatar!

We're just minutes away... get ready to rrrrumble!
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