jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I said this at the end of the other thread, but I want to repeat it. The TH's on JVM seem to have missed the importance of JM making her admit she showered after killing TA.
I have a sneaking suspicion they didn't miss it, but are being paid to pretend they did so they have something to talk about and get people watching. I think those shows are silly, but none of those talking heads actually present to me as stupid - only thing left is their opinions are fake and crafted to what drives ratings. They're just playing their roles, IMO.
JA was stunned into silence after that question. She just didn't know what to say. That means she did. ugh.

How many showers did they take that day?
There are like 5 stories now.
WE took a shower (together or separately)
Travis took a shower before oatmeal
JA took a shower before banana
JA washed off after being spun around.
Travis took a shower before she killed him

Then she had to take another shower before she left! :waitasec:
I'm so glad that you brought this up. I've thought all along that it was Travis tied up and it was Travis who was most likely raped. I wonder if he showed signs of KY on his bottom.

There's no evidence of a rope being used. Jodi's rope story is refuted by her claim that she threw it away in a dumpster. That's utterly ridiculous and she obviously made that up to explain why no rope was found anywhere in the bathroom or in the bedroom. And the reason no rope was found is because her story is a lie.
I found the money questions interesting.
Before getting to Travis' she would have had $15

$15 and 12gallons of gas would not get her to UTAH.

AGAIN IMO she had to have had some help along the way.

I guess this is where the deposits came into play.

Still who travels that far for sex?
Juan made his point that she had other reasons.

Who cuts sex rope with a kitchen knife?
Scissors or a pocket knife maybe...

I 100% believe there was a rope involved but Travis was tied
up with it. IMO.

She had to put a sex rope into the mix because she knew
that rope fibres might be found and in her mind
saying it was used in sex play would point investigators away
from the fact that at some point Travis was tied up.


ITA that there was rope involved and probably the same kind JA describes. She wad concerned that the fiber evidence would be found and had to come up with a story that wouldn't incriminate her.

As for having help, I sorta think that, too.

No flames, please, but I still call BS on the roomates statements to Flores.

"I saw TA Thursday". oops. I mean "I saw him the previous Sunday",

"I did laundry on Wed." Oops. I Mean "I did laundry the previous Saturday.":waitasec:

Plus, nobody smelled anything and they were both conveniently staying elsewhere JUST AFTER TA's murder, and only stopping home briefly? But stiil, nobody smelled anything?

I'm sorry. May not be related, but the milk ain't clean, there.

And again, PLEASE, no flames. It's MOO.
Of the 2 YouTube up loaders I know of they both have their uploads ending with the recess break after JM is questioning about the flat license plate etc, I missed the very last 40 minutes... Anyone know where that footage may be? TIA!! :)

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I sent you a pm as I don't know if I can post it here. HTH
I found the money talk interesting, too, and I'd like to read everyone's thoughts on it more. I don't know much about the background details so I'm constantly asking questions as they come up. Was there evidence of her bank account totals, how much cash did she have on her, did she steal money from Travis' house, what was the whole deal on the checks so prominantely placed in his office, how much did she charge and how did she eat, and blah blah, all that. I guess if I had the time or inclination, I'd go digging. These are just the questions I'm asking myself today. Tomorrow will be a whole new set of questions. Where's Diane Fanning when I need her???
What was the date of the car payment check to Travis?
Maybe she went ahead and spent that money knowing Travis would be unable to cash it?
You know, I am thinking about how stupid she really is....she has now been confronted with the fact that the story of the rope does not make sense and there is no evidence of the rope aside from a few pieces of pillow tassel found......and she built up this ginormous huge story to explain a knife in the vicinity. Why did she not just say they were playing around with duct tape and he had the knife in there to cut the duct tape? I mean, you can tear duct tape with your hands, scissors don't work as well cause the tape sticks to them......but in my opinion, a knife to cut the duct tape would not even be questioned. And the duct tape was found there, and seen in the photos. I'm not buying the body bug story.
Dr Drew's show should be interesting tonight:

Tonight: Travis tells us how he died, through autopsy pictures. We'll examine some we haven't been able to show you until now.

Call 1-855-DRDREW5 now or email with your reactions to today's trial!
You know, I am thinking about how stupid she really is....she has now been confronted with the fact that the story of the rope does not make sense and there is no evidence of the rope aside from a few pieces of pillow tassel found......and she built up this ginormous huge story to explain a knife in the vicinity. Why did she not just say they were playing around with duct tape and he had the knife in there to cut the duct tape? I mean, you can tear duct tape with your hands, scissors don't work as well cause the tape sticks to them......but in my opinion, a knife to cut the duct tape would not even be questioned. And the duct tape was found there, and seen in the photos. I'm not buying the body bug story.

AND why doesn't she just say she has NO idea how a knife got up there. She said she doesn't recall stabbing him, so why would she try to explain a knife up there!
Really enjoyed Juan's smackdown of JA today but, boy howdy, have I built up a thirst! Join me, if you like...


2 glasses of wine already. I never drank except socially until now. :floorlaugh:

Are there videos from today yet? I missed after rhe afternoon break. :banghead:
How many showers did they take that day?
There are like 5 stories now.
WE took a shower (together or separately)
Travis took a shower before oatmeal
JA took a shower before banana
JA washed off after being spun around.
Travis took a shower before she killed him

Then she had to take another shower before she left! :waitasec:

When he asked if she took another shower, she looked like a deer in headlights. She didn't expect that question. Her reaction was as though she remembers exactly that she did, and where, and IMO, that it's a gruesome image.
Personally I don't believe there ever was a rope. Jodi had to use that as a ruse to explain why there was a knife in the bathroom... prop if you will.

Yep. The proof is in her own ridiculous explanation for why no rope was found in the bedroom -- she threw it in the dumpster. LOL Totally not necessary even in a clean-up as she could have discarded it in the washing machines along with the camera (destroying any minute DNA).
If Jodi's rope story were true, wouldn't the forensics team have found trace on the bed or floor? Not trying to be all CSI..ish, but it seems impossible to me that someone could cut a rope and there not be trace. Of course Juan easily destroyed her rope story anyway, but I'm curious if her defense team thought of the forensics before they decided the rope story was a go.
Did anyone else catch her admit to showering after she placed travis in the shower.? I hope juan brings this info out again tomorrow. i've always felt that she showered with his body in the shower. she testified on direct she left covered in blood and cleaned up with costo water. another lie caught
Personally I don't believe there ever was a rope. Jodi had to use that as a ruse to explain why there was a knife in the bathroom... prop if you will.

There was a bloody tassle/rope found at the scene though.
Decorative maybe from a pillow...
Had to take a phone call at the precise moment that Juan was discussing the sex and shower moment. Did Jodi really talk about dragging Travis to the shower. Is there anywhere I can see this testimony again, please?

YouTube should be up in a little while.

20 feet of rope. Hahahahaha. He nailed her on that one. A queen sized mattress is only 5 foot across plus the loops another 3 or 4 foot, at the most, and you have about say 10 foot left over. JM asked where Travis cut the rope and she said in the bathroom and Jodi was standing by the bed. Why would he bother to cut a rope that was too long after he cut it. Also where was the other part of the cut rope? Jodi did not know. Why didn't they find the other part of the rope? If she has no memory how does she know whether or not she found the other rope. Even if she says she threw away two pieces it's no guarantee there wasn't more rope, she would not know what she grabbed. jmo
Some thoughts about "the rope": We heard Travis mention tying Jodi to a tree and, well, you know what follows. Yes, this appeared to be Travis' "fantasy", but I'm not certain that he ever really intended to do this. Something in my gut tells me that this type of sexual activity might have been beyond Travis' moral compass.

If - and that's a huge IF - there was a rope, I think that Jodi brought the rope and expected Travis to fulfill his fantasy because she wanted him to "debase" her in this manner. What better way to recapture their "romance" than to let Travis fulfill his ultimate sexual fantasy with Jodi. When she showed up with the rope, Travis was not amused and expressed his displeasure about engaging in this type of sexual activity. Jodi still wanted to "enjoy" this awesome fantasy that Travis had suggested and made up the tale about them engaging in this role-playing even though it didn't really happen.

When asked what happened to the rope, Jodi says something about "Travis having tossed it somewhere". It's possible that, if there were really a rope, Travis did toss it but did so before they engaged in sexual activity. Even though Jodi enjoyed their "romp", it was not what she imagined because she wanted Travis to fulfill the "f#$%ing fantasy". Jodi would have been pizzed off and feeling rejected when Travis would not comply. :moo:
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