jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm curious, does anyone have a theory as to why Jodi moved back home from Mesa? I know what Jodi says, but I'm interested in what others think.
No money - Travis cut off her lifeline as she probably never paid him back.
Yes you are. My husband has to get gas that way for his lawn mower. But he is only driving a short distance with it. More importantly, you don't fill up three cans of gas, put them in your trunk, and take a long trip. You are courting disaster. Someone hits you from the back in an accident in a small car like that and you are toast. Apparently, no one hit Jodi, as she is still here. If they had, Travis would still be alive.

I was thinking how everything would smell like gas
135 Minutes

I have to leave for my daughters now. I will have to find what channel IS is on as she has a different cable carrier. Unfortunately I will not have the laptop with me so I will not be able to keep up with you sleuthers. Very frustrating. Catch you all later. Hope Juan makes her squirm today.
I was hoping JM would bring up the phone charger thing.... what woman driving all those miles by herself wouldn't pick up a new $10 phone charger? They sell them at most corner stores. But she had money for Fraps and an extra gas can. :rolleyes:
I am confused about what is unusual about having insurance on your phone? I assumed she was referring to some sort of replacement coverage. Most electronic devices you purchase nowadays have a warranty you can pay extra for which basically replaces the product if something happens to it during the proscribed time period.

Don't most phone provider/retailers offer such packages when you are purchasing a new phone or a new plan?

I guess I just figured she had something like that.
Interesting that the car rental guy made no note of a strong gasoline smell. Only smoke. She's totally lying about the gas cans.

That's an interesting point.

A couple of weeks ago, I managed to drive on a yellow line that had just been painted. Driving my SO's new Chrysler 300. Brown color. You don't get lots of tickets in brown..

Anyway, when I got home, that dang car looked like a yellow school bus. My nephew pressure washed it immediately, but it still took gasoline to get all the yellow off that brown paint.

For 2 weeks, the smell of gas inside that car was nauseating. I would have sworn my nephew had spilled gasoline inside the car, but there was no way, and he didn't carry the can in the car.

Gas fumes are strong and they don't leave a car that quickly! That's why my SO doesn't let me carry the gas can in the Chrysler when I need gas for the lawnmower!
I don't particularly like talking down on someone's looks, even her, however I have noticed both her teeth and her eye have gotten worse since being locked up. jmo

:floorlaugh: Sorry, just laughing cause you laughed. I also put mine on the floor behind my seat and don't exactly drive like I have precious cargo. I do turn the spigot facing up and have never had a spill.

See!!! And we both lived to talk about it! :great: I wish I could say the same about all the eggs that have died on the way home from the super market (four blocks away). The casualties... a moment of silence for all the popped cans of coke in the trunk.
The Judge decides after the Aggravation / Mitigation Hearing

Didnt the USSC rule that only a jury of 12 can recommend death?

I dont think an indiviual Judge can impose death if the jury in the sentencing phase voted for LWOP. But the Judge can reduce it from Death to LWOP which rarely ever happens. They usually rule the way the jury decided.

Checking in with my lovelies! Good morning, y'all! :seeya:

Did I see somewhere that court was starting earlier than usual this morning??
This is an excellent rendition of the debate we have been having on here about the order of the wounds.

I don't know who Dr. Terry is--another medical examiner? But, he disagrees with the ME in this case, and says the gunshot wound was first.

Dr. Horn believes it was last because lack of evidence of bleeding, but decomposition hindered efforts to determine the nature of that wound. Also, Dr. Terry says that if the jugular wound or the vena cava wound came shortly afterwards [which we know it did] there would be little time to bleed into the head, etc.

The big problem for me with the head shot first is that I would expect him to lose consciousness. But, given the small caliber of the bullet and the fact that it was on the periphery of the brain, maybe he could recover enough to make the effort to protect himself with the defensive wounds.

The biggest hurdle for me is how she managed to disarm his abilities to protect himself from her so quickly. The only other wound, other than the gunshot wound, that would so thoroughly accomplish this is the wound to the neck but we know that didn't come first. Otherwise, I think he could have stopped her had he sustained any of the other wounds first.

So, that's it. I'm going with gunshot first and then the toy gun jammed so she switched weapons. And, that, my friends is all you need for premeditation.


I have to admit I also feel the gun came first. From TA's shower poses, positions of his fists on his chest and the look on his face, I believe he was being threatened with the gun. The first bullet hit him in the head (Perfect position sitting on floor in shower). One bullet may not have fit properly in the chamber and misfired, allowing Travis time to get to the sink, then she started stabbing him in the back. He turned to fight her off, then she stabbed him in the heart, he fell to the floor and started crawling down the hall, when she climbed on his back and slit his throat.

I feel her accounting of the ninjas to Det. Flores, was a close accounting of what Jodi actually did, hearling a gunshot first, including mentioning a misfire and Travis crawling on all 4's, therefore, I believe the gunshot came first. By switching weapons, it is premeditation.
Was she living with Travis then? I was under the impression she lived somewhere else in Mesa. That part of the story is unclear to me, I guess I haven't seen/read anything definitive on that.

If memory serves she was looking for rooms on a LDS website and I think she rented a room from a girl named Rachel (?). That lasted a couple of weeks.
Good morning everyone!
Please do not post about the appearance of players in the case...
Checking in with my lovelies! Good morning, y'all! :seeya:

Did I see somewhere that court was starting earlier than usual this morning??

Yes, 10:15 mountain, 11:15 central--supposedly lol.

And, don't forget, right after the jury was excused Juan told the judge that he'd be showing something from 48 Hours right of the bat this morning. So, I'm pretty sure we get an exhibit first thing.
Random thought of mine this morning before I even got out of bed....<how pathetic am I?>

I want hear where she says she parked her rental car on June 4th.
I know we won't get a straight answer but I am curious.

Driveway? Nobody saw it.

Garage? Roommates did not report seeing it there.

Down the street? Most likely. Gives more support to her washing up and doing a wardrobe change after the murder. Then walking down the street with her backpack and whistling like it's a normal day in the neighborhood.

Yes, 10:15 mountain, 11:15 central--supposedly lol.

And, don't forget, right after the jury was excused Juan told the judge that he'd be showing something from 48 Hours right of the bat this morning. So, I'm pretty sure we get an exhibit first thing.

Thanks, Shelby! :rocker:
I'm rewatching yesterday's trial on IS, I would love to see a photo of this Starbucks.
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